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Look at this list of possible additions for the future of World of Warcraft. On this list is Pandaria. From 2004 mind you. Blizzard has said repeatedly that Pandas have been the most requested race to be added to WoW. Well now we will finally get them and I am very happy!
My eyes hurt!!
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
They're not new, and pandas are badass anyway.
Hint: People don't hate pandas, they hate blizzard. Any excuse is good enough!
At the end of the day, this backslash / whining you see now, has little to do with the Pandas.
It has something to do with taking a stab at the game at every chance. People have been begging for a WoW killer for over a decade, yet almost 8 years after, WoW still dwarfs everything, and it has only had it's four expansion announced.
I'm sure many WoW players will love it. The silent majority is not outspoken on forums, so nobody really know how the masses feel about it.
From a MMORPG gamer perspective, Pandas as a playable race is pretty refreshing compared to a lot of the standard fair you see in other MMOs.
epic fail on wows part guess tehre going in the flyff and perfect world direction now. all you wow kiddies will LOVE the new expansion now!
Heck, I "hate" WoW as much as the average sandbox guy and even I think the amount of whining going on about this expansion is annoying. Frankly, I think the "haters" are behaving worse than the "fans". Shame, shame on you people...
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
I need a translator, STAT!
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
I think its more that they loved Warcraft and are disgusted in the direction Blizzard have taken Warcraft .
Remember blizzard the kiddies that Requested this game back in 2004 are now 18+ and have matured... Panda's Isnt my main issue with this anyways, the fact that they are tearing down the foundation that we grew to love and knwo it was ticks me off. Might as well create a new game that will fail in a year like the other eastern companies. IMO
I feel pretty much the same..what shocks me is that I am defending Blizzard on this one. In a game like WoW with all sorts of talking animals is a Panda really that much of a stretch here? Im suprised it hasnt been done before now.
Its the same thing. You can word it however you want, but the only reason theres so much whining is because of wow/blizzard hate. It doesn't matter what this expansion was, there would still be whining and complaining about it.
Theres been cows since the game first released. So, why are pandas a bad idea or "direction"? Wow has never taken itself seriously, so how is this a change in direction? Pandaren have been one of the most requested races for years. And most of these people complaining are only doing exactly what one of the above posters said: taking a stab at wow while they can.
The same hate bandwagon rolls through everytime any wow news gets put out.
im with you here, and i dont understand why people are surprised with the panda thing. the game is already a dumbed down kids game having pandas is perfect for it.
It's scary how accurate that post is. The levels were adjusted very little but the zone names have been spot on so far. A lot of planning still goes on even if people might think they're kneejerk reactions.
Honestly I could care less about Panda's... What about the Huntards that will no longer be able to equip melee weapons, or the shamans that have no more buff totums.. and all the other classes that are getting nerfed to apease the children of 2004.. Mabie they should have responded with this crap in 2004 when we were kids and didnt know anybetter
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
His name is "Sypheroth" and you want it translated?
Then don't play. I got tired of the reptitive raid grinds years ago, so I played different games.
They're not trying to "appease" children, they are simply doing what they've always done: what the majorty of their playerbase wants. It's not just children that like this stuff, and if anyone think wow is composed of mainly children, they are naive. Not everyone takes there gaming seriously. And chances are if you play wow, you are probably just a casual gamer who is concerned with fun, not depth or maturity. And this has nothing to do with age.
If you want an ultra mature game, play mortal online. There's penis, horse piss, and everything inbetween!
LOL Trust me I wont,
We have a winner here folks somone who said Penis on a forum.. and this is your prize.. A NEW LIFE!
To be completly Honest I have been gaming for years, "casual or not" really doesnt matter in this instance, Ive seen this happen before when SOE did the same combat changes to "Appease" the kiddies.. What happend with that?? They ruined the game and people are still pissed off.. including me. That is what I see happening
So I agree I will stop playing so I can at least remember a good game.
I'm not really sure what your trying to imply, but the point remains. Mortal online has full nudity and full loot, come join me in killing people. Wow on the other hand has always been a cartoony, jokey, and reference filled game. This panda thing isn't anything new. Unless you were just meh on the cartoon walking cows that danced like this, and the pandas pushed you over the edge.
Well, I think it does have to do with pandas.
See, it's a bit like the Ewoks in Star Wars. To me, the little fluffy spacebears are awesome and fun, and do have a place in Star Wars... But for a lot of fans, they were a detriment to suspension of disbelief, as they represented the point people just could not take the fictional world seriously anymore. It just pushed the whole 30s sci-fi serial chic too far into plain Disney territory. Hence the hate for Ewoks.
And now Pandas seem to be "the Ewok point" to many WoW fans.
Hey, hopefully we see a spin-off single player game or something called "The Pandaren Adventure"!
No I'm fairly sure the first statement is accurate and you are just one of the people hes talkin about perhaps?
Taking WoW in what direction?
Pandaren are in Warcraft 3....
Are you nuts? This is about as CANON as the lore gets buddy!
Or do we all forget our favorite Hero from WC3
ctrl ald delete bye...
I just might take you up on that offer, you have a guild/clan? Hit me up with a message and let's discuss this in detail.
I don't play WoW, but I don't see the big deal...But I guess everyone pays their money, and it is a forum...Just don't see how it would cause someone to quit.
If anyone of you played the Warcraft 3 official 'prequel mission' to World of Warcraft, Chen Stromsnout, a Pandaren brewmaster helped Thrall get started on Kalimdor and build Orgrimmar.
Also, there was a quest in the Barrens called 'Chen's Empty Keg' which was about putting together one of his famous brews. The Pandaren have always been a part of WoW lore.