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As some of you may know, Valve sent out DotA 2 keys today and each one came with two buddy invites for the beta! I figured I would start a thread where we could share the extra keys we get and maybe get some team together to play some. If anyone has an extra key I would appreciate a PM with it!
If I end up getting keys from them I will be coming back here to give them out too!
I'd very much like a key shared with me, please.
hey im 1800 elo in solo que on league of legends, id like to play some dota, send me a beta key well play together ;D
If someone does have any keys to spare, I would really appreciate one.
I'd love a key if someone could help me out.
A key is welcomed!
Id blow a #$#@ for a key... Just sayin.
I'm going to cry I've been waiting for so long but it seems they didn't choose me.
Steam ID is RichRuzz if anyone wants to share the love. </3 ;(
I'd also like and do the same. If anyone gets any extras, I'd love one, otherwise if I get any, I'll share here.
Was really hoping to get one as a long time steam user and dota player but oh well such is life.
If someone has an extra and is feeling generous I'd love one. If not, I'll keep waiting for my turn in line.
Whew, I'd love a key to that, haha!
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If somoene could throw a key my way it would be warmly recived :P
I've played HON for ages, time to give DOTA2 a shot if anyone has a buddy key to pass along to me.
I'd love a key, anyone willing to give me one I can repay you by buddying any friends you might want or we can come to some arrangement. email me at
Key please !
(Since Valve obviously forgot about me )
pls someone send me a key, pretty pls.
and also where do I sign for beta?
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
Id love a key if anyone has a spare
Currently Playing Path of Exile
If anyone gets extras, please send one my way! Thanks
Rescue me from the griefz of HoN.
wouldnt say no to a key if anyone has a spare one
I would like a key. If I get an invite though I will refer to this thread for friend invites!
Key please !
Yeah i know first Post and stuff
But still if someone has a key left i would be really thankful and give mine back if i ever get one ^^
(not so lucky here on the betas )
Happy Gaming
If anyone has a buddy key left i would happly recieve one by pm:)
Key would be nice, thanks!
I could use a key.