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I for one don't like Origin I think its full of spyware and horrible stuff and EA have goofed me around enough in the past that Im very weary. The review on this site of BF3 is the most realistic one I have seen yet (as an example). However to play your head start do you have to intsall this, no one is going to get their discs early pre-launch really.
I dont want or need another platform to purchase games from especially one that comes from one single publisher especially one that I dont trust.
NVM Me apparently Swtor has a seperate loader.
Don't get the digital version then. *shrugs*
My brand new bloggity blog.
I wasn't aware you were forced to install Origin.
Don't like it, don't play it.
Not seeing the issue the OP is having.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
The issue is if you have pre-ordered and you want to play the head start you HAVE TO INSTALL ORIGIN or wait for launch day to get your discs. Unless I have missed the mark and you get a seperate downloader.
Not sure about that. If it's through Origin, and you dislike it so much, you can choose not to play the headstart and just get the boxed version.
That's what I am doing too. (I think).
My brand new bloggity blog.
If that true about origin needed for head start, then I am a saaaaad kung fu misty panda, I've been fighting heroically against the offers to join origin, (I do love Steam’s deals) as I dislike EA, (seeing as they are the purest known source of evilness in this part of the universe) but I really want in on head-start as I won’t be able to play SWeaTOR at launch, possibly not even till Jan, and those extra 5 days will really take the edge off the wait.
Once more a deep moral crisis is brought about by the scheming genius of corporate America, still, at least after the Zombie Apocalypse we can go back to a barter economy.
dude dont say that i had a really freeky dream about the Zombie Apocalypse last night.
How was the economics though? I like to haggle. I would imagine radiation detectors would be the new gold standard, with those caps capable of blocking the sweet, zombie attracting odour of your brain a close second.
Then wait for the official release date and get the boxed version?
It seems really dumb to not use something that is already there from EA/BW point of view. Why make something when you already have a platform? That doesn't make any commercial sense.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
The point being I think that EA shouldn’t have spawned Origin-al Sin in the first place, true, it makes economic sense for them to do so, but it’s an annoyance to everyone else.
This is not putting the consumer 1st, this is not supply and demand, this is just milking us, it’s so transparent that people object, even though it won’t make any difference. I don’t see anything other than a mass boycott changing EA's evil plans, and not enough consumers care for that to happen. Better the inconvenience of having yet another bloody thing running in the background, than the inconvenience of not playing those EA products you can’t live without.
From what i seen all EA accounts go in to origin acount now. they are one acount now so no matter were you get it from you will have to deal with origin any how.
Ehh... then don't buy it?
How is making a platform for customers to buy their products 'milking us'?
Are all platform makers like STEAM or ITUNES milking us now?
That doesn't make any logical sense.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
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they said before the sent out beta weekend invites that playing the game will require origin. your login on the stwor site is actually a login to irigin it's one and the same. pre orders WILL need to have their origin account set up...hence the password reset emails thye have sent out. get your facts straight
so say we all
You people really never visit the official forums eh...
{mod edit} because the devs already said you dont need origin to play the digital, retail, beta, or any version of swtor.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
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Origin is not the end of the world..
I already said, I love steam, I have a lot of games via it, and find that convenient, and it would be even more so if EA's games where allowed to run on it. The point is, both the deals you get and the fact that it's a lot of games through a single system is efficient. However, if every major publisher decided to pull their products off a common and popular system, so they could make a little bit extra by having their own, we'd all end up with dozens of steam-style systems forced on us, with often no more than 1 or 2 games on each one, and with all the ram and security issues that would cause.
That is a logical extrapolation.
No one asked for origin, EA didn't want Steam to get it's cut, and so we have an involuntary loyalty system that penalizes through its inconvenience, if this was about anti-piracy or curbing second hand games (another annoying issue) Steam would have been enough for that. This is about getting more money from us, ask anyone using Origin if they’d rather just have it all on Steam, which they would most likely have already anyway.
And the problem is.....??
Newsflash, STEAM is owned by VALVE. Which is NOT EA.
Origin is a way for a customer to buy directly from EA rather than a 3rd party, Gamestop/STEAM/WAL-MART etc.
No one is forcing anyone to use it, but if you do, you get a few perks which includes early access.
This is like as if people are getting mad if NIKE decided to open their own store rather than rely on a generic Sporting Goods store.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
I dont get it, why is EA seen as the fucking devil for wanting to make more money off THEIR IP?
EA is a bigger company with much more resources then steam, why the fuck do they need to keep any of their product on steam? They only reason steam exists is because no other company felt it was nesssary to make a program like steam on pc, now they do, lets pull all the major devolopers away from steam and see which will survive the fall out.
I highly doubt Steam(valve) would be able to survive with just their games and in the grand scheme of things, origin might be buggy as fuck now, but i highly doubt this time next year it will have any trouble snuffing out steam, if that was their goal.
Their goal is to simply say, hey, you like this ea game, check out all of these ea games. And origin doesnt only sell pc games, it sells and ships xbox, and ps3 games, it uses the cloud system, the program itself is still in beta, it says that clearly, but whatever you think about it, EA is entitled to make their own program, its not greed its business.
I dont know why people think EA should pay steam to host their game when they can do it themselves.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Steam is useful but it is esentially the same thing as Origin. It 'Spys', on you with user statistics and achivement tracking. That's fine with Steam, apparently it's spyware with Origin though.
Some people have very select memories and just love everything Valve does, much like Apple fanbois. I mean you do realise Half Life 2 was the first game ever on release you needed to have a Steam account and internet access just to play it's single player campaign? Back when everyone was on dialup that caused quite a stink, if you bought the game six months after release it was unplayable due to the amount of patches needed of Steam. Also Valve was one of the first to charge full price for a retail game without physical assest, now it's seen as the norm when it's a ridiculous double standard.
I'm no massive fan of EA but if they have the clout to compete with other downloadable services, fair enough. It might end up benefiting consumers, although being realistic it probably won't. Fact of the matter is Steam/Value is no shining knight of PC gaming that needs to be defended, there an excellent games developer who were smart enough to see the future and exploit it. EA are just trying to cut their own share of that pie.
This looks like a job for....The Riviera Kid!
No, you absolutely do not. The devs have stated flat out that this is false. YOU DO NOT NEED ORIGIN EVER.
i dont really have an issue with Origin. 2nd only to steam i think its a good games platform.
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
Origin is a digital distribution platform/store. I don't think it even patches applications for you. You may actually need Origin to download the software before installing it because Origin is their digital distribution platform. You should not need it to run the program though.
** edit **
It has a separate downloader. I will know soon enough since I'm in the beta this weekend. :-)
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Dont even need Origin for BF3 now you just log straight through battlelog.
EA listened to its community and Origin is simply that a digital distribution platform it wont be needed to run the games.
Yeah, let's not, OK? The last thing I want is two dozen portal programs on my computer with two dozen accounts and two dozen logins, just so I can play all my games. The beauty of Steam is that it caters to all games, not just Valve's. That's a positive, not a negative. Now, if I wanted to play EA games, I'll need another Steam-like service, but one that carries only EA's garbage. Luckily, I don't want any of their shoddy crap so it doesn't much affect me. It would though, if others decided to do the same thing.
The most important thing for me is to have all my games in one place so that I always know where they are and I can always revisit them in the future. I never need to worry about missing disks and CD keys and I never need to worry about making sure my games stay up-to-date, regardless of who made those games. That goes to hell if everyone tries to do their own inferior version of Steam. And that also means less money going to them because there are *many* titles out there that I would never have bought if they hadn't been advertised on Steam. That includes the last EA product I ever bought.