Originally posted by nephillim Erm.... they both kill people??? Well, actually the biggest difference I can think of, is that the USA has a shit load of nukes, and the muslim extremists have none! but still, America goes around pushing countries around telling them they can't have nukes, when the US themselves have thousands. there's the difference
Actually you again distort things. The USA along with the UN ask other countries to not have nukes. I also find it amazing you think a bunch of people that turn the Toran around thinking it is great to die as a suicide bomber and he will go to heaven if he does. No other Muslim thinks that excpet these extremests.
One other thing if the USA would get rid of all our nukes (which we don't use or test) what kind of deterrent would we have to stop other countries from making or keeping them. Sad world that we need to do it but we already see there a bunch of countires that just can't be trusted.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
"I also find it amazing you think a bunch of people that turn the Toran around thinking it is great to die as a suicide bomber and he will go to heaven if he does. No other Muslim thinks that excpet these extremests."
I don't understand what you mean there. I did actually say 'muslim extremists'. I say it so people know who I am talking about. If i was to be pedantic, I would argue that they aren't really muslims at all.
"One other thing if the USA would get rid of all our nukes (which we don't use or test) what kind of deterrent would we have to stop other countries from making or keeping them. Sad world that we need to do it but we already see there a bunch of countires that just can't be trusted."
I personally don't see how the US can be trusted with them. Why does the US always assume it has some magic right to police the world? And how is it right to tell someone they can't have nukes, by basically waving nukes in their face.
That's like saying to someone 'Don't fucking swear you bastard'.
[we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]
Originally posted by nephillim "I also find it amazing you think a bunch of people that turn the Toran around thinking it is great to die as a suicide bomber and he will go to heaven if he does. No other Muslim thinks that excpet these extremests." I don't understand what you mean there. I did actually say 'muslim extremists'. I say it so people know who I am talking about. If i was to be pedantic, I would argue that they aren't really muslims at all. "One other thing if the USA would get rid of all our nukes (which we don't use or test) what kind of deterrent would we have to stop other countries from making or keeping them. Sad world that we need to do it but we already see there a bunch of countires that just can't be trusted." I personally don't see how the US can be trusted with them. Why does the US always assume it has some magic right to police the world? And how is it right to tell someone they can't have nukes, by basically waving nukes in their face. That's like saying to someone 'Don't fucking swear you bastard'.
So you think the USA should get rid of all their nukes and allow these other countries to have them? I can't respond to someone like you that has no clue about warfare and how to control it.
I do agree the USA should stop helping other countries. I find it funny how the USA is bad mouthed left and right until that same country wants help with billions of dollars and military support then the USA is great. I say we turn our backs on everyone and let them defend them self.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
So you think the USA should get rid of all their nukes and allow these other countries to have them? I can't respond to someone like you that has no clue about warfare and how to control it.
I do agree the USA should stop helping other countries. I find it funny how the USA is bad mouthed left and right until that same country wants help with billions of dollars and military support then the USA is great. I say we turn our backs on everyone and let them defend them self.
I never said that other countries should be able to have them. But I think it's pure hypocrisy the way the US tells other countries to stop developing nuclear technology, when they themselves have 1000s of nukes.
If the US has nukes, what right do they have to tell other countries not to have them?
I'm not saying that anybody should have nukes. I'm just pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of the US policies on nuclear proliferation.
There are rougly 200 American nuclear warheads stationed in the UK! In my own country. I don't remember being asked permission for that.
[we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]
I can't believe after the horror you countrymen have gone through you can't even bond with your allies.
Hypocrisy? No, you are the hypocrite. We do not know you, nor does anyone who has responded thus far. We react to your comments, and you said we all should have died in a nuclear explosion, it would have done us right. That is a cruel, heartless statement.
The United States has to own nuclear weapons because we are the most powerful nation in the world. Knowing you, you are going to take that out of context. We do not use them unless provoked, and so far we have kept the world in peace. Diplomatic and trade sanctions only go so far.
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar." - Edward R. Murrow
The reason the U.S. doesnt want other coutries *cough* North Korea, India, Pakistan, etc. *cough* is because most of these countries could care less if they are used. Many of the countries of the world would love to get their hands on a nuke, and I wouldnt be suprised if they where not afraid to use it. We are scared of North Korea getting one because frankly their leader doesnt give a shit, even about his own people. We dont want India and Pakistan getting weapons becuase they dont give a shit about each other and would probably not be as hesitant to nuke each other as they should be. We, the U.S. and the rest of the western world, are scared shitless at the thought of a middle eastern government, or any other country for that matter, that hates the U.S. and other western cultures and would love to smuggle a nuke in on our own turf.
Ever seen the movie or read the book Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy? I dont know how much of that is 100% believable, but the scenario certiantly is. Think about a middle eastern country, or some extremist group, getting their hands on a nuke or chemical weapons that has been made illegally, or stolen/ "lost" from a country who is allowed to make them. Then think about this country/group who then ships it into the U.S. or another country and then detonates it. Who do you go after? How do you retaliate? How do you even recover from that?
So nephillim when you say that you dont really care anymore whether people are nuked I think you should think about that. You dont care if innocents die? You dont care that your mother, father, any brothers/sisters/relatives/friends you have are dead? Totally destroyed by a nuke or caught in the fallout to die a slow death by radiation sickness? Thats creepy if you ask me. Things arnt that bad that we have to stop caring if we get nuked or not.
Originally posted by nephillim I'm not an idiot. Of course I know that.But do you think Bush gave a damn about the 30,000 innocent people killed in Baghdad? Not even Bush.. most people I meet don't give a damn about them.I couldn't care less anymore. Even if I was killed in the explosion.But it would then be nice and even-stevens between the US and the Middle East eh? Most people will probably disagree with me, but I can think of several, extremly worse things than the human race being wiped out (or wiping itself out).
I didn't vote Bush into office and I sure as hell don't wanna die just because some idiot who thinks Bush reflects on all Americans wants the world to end (which actually, nephillim would probably be really scared if this happened. He's not as tough as he likes to think he is).
i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
Originally posted by Lanmoragon Originally posted by DarkHeart2 Why cant everyone be liberal?
What does that have to do with this topic? Do you mean that we would only get nuked because of people who vote republican and presidents like Bush....please explain.
Well, there was some part on this post that talked about liberals and conervitives. I was replying to that.
Kerry wasn't anything special in Nam and he went there with the idea to gain political clout. Read the interviews of the men that served with him. They all can't be liars.
I just thank god everyday Kerry never made it to be our prez.
Bush may have his faults but I sure am glad he was there instead of Gore. Gore would have sold our Country out.
If Clinton would have been more into protecting our country instead of sex Bin Laden would be dead now and Saddamn would have been out long ago.
With Russia selling nukes like M&M's it wouldn't shock me at all if a nuke hits USA. But whoa to the ones that do it. It would have the wrong effect on this country that the terror scum think it would.
When you say people that served with him. Do you mean people that were in the country at the same time or actually people who were on the SAME BOAT as he was. Because the people who actually served with Kerry on the boat were the people on stage with him during his compain. The people making those comercials, a majority had never even met kerry, only seen him on news clips protesting the war when he got home. And I'll point to one of the main men who said one of kerry's medels earned while pulling another PT crew member out of the water while under fire, never happend. That same man earned a bronze star for the mission he claimed never happend for moving his boat into position to supply covering fire. I dont give credit to people who bash another mans service so extremly but never actually servered with him, even more so when military documents refute their claims.
_______________________________ We have nothing to fear but our own goverment _______________________________
Kerry wasn't anything special in Nam and he went there with the idea to gain political clout. Read the interviews of the men that served with him. They all can't be liars.
I just thank god everyday Kerry never made it to be our prez.
Bush may have his faults but I sure am glad he was there instead of Gore. Gore would have sold our Country out.
If Clinton would have been more into protecting our country instead of sex Bin Laden would be dead now and Saddamn would have been out long ago.
With Russia selling nukes like M&M's it wouldn't shock me at all if a nuke hits USA. But whoa to the ones that do it. It would have the wrong effect on this country that the terror scum think it would.
When you say people that served with him. Do you mean people that were in the country at the same time or actually people who were on the SAME BOAT as he was. Because the people who actually served with Kerry on the boat were the people on stage with him during his compain. The people making those comercials, a majority had never even met kerry, only seen him on news clips protesting the war when he got home. And I'll point to one of the main men who said one of kerry's medels earned while pulling another PT crew member out of the water while under fire, never happend. That same man earned a bronze star for the mission he claimed never happend for moving his boat into position to supply covering fire. I dont give credit to people who bash another mans service so extremly but never actually servered with him, even more so when military documents refute their claims.
Men that served on same boat as him. In fact only 2 would backup what Kerry said. All the rest said Kerry made up most of it.
Also his commanding officer that was there at the time denied Kerry his metal. Kerry got his metal much later when a new commander came in.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Like many people said here, one of the primary issues with saying who can have nukes and such is the fact that there are so many people who would use them. It basically comes down to the value of life. Some people value life (living, breathing here on earth) highly while others don't hold it in such high regard. Look at the suicide bombers. They have other things they hold higher that life and that's why they don't seem to have a problem with blowing themselves up.
I can almost see nephillim's response forming:
"Bush doesn't hold all of those innocent people that were killed in Afghanistan/Iraq in such high regard."
Actually, he does. We didn't nuke either of those countries, did we? No, we sent in troops and attempted to strategically isolate targets and attack those. If a target was located in a highly populated place, with many innocent civilians, we didn't just carpet bomb the area. The target was watched and when they had a moment of opportunity, they would strike. These suicide bombers don't do that.
Also, the difference is that the US made demands to Bin Laden and company to surrender and then proceeded to strategically go after those people. These suicide bombers with their low regard for life, make demands to the US Government and then attack the innocent civilians living in the country. That's like if you murdered someone, they went and arrested your neighbor because they just live by you and they let you remain free.
Also, it is the United Nations who is the organization for placing restraints on who has nukes and who doesn't. There are 15 countries which comprise the security council, five of them are permanent members (China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) and the other 10 are elected in by the General Assembly (all 191 countries). In order to pass something on the Security Council, 9 votes are needed out of the 15. So to say that the United States is solely responsible for saying who can and can not have nukes is ridiculous. I suggest you do some reading on the topic before making such statements.
Now when I say this im not talking about the 'everyone deserves to die' part but I would like to say that a lot of the points, and the things nephillim has been saying are true, and I think that if most of you would step back and stop being self sided you would see that they are infact very true, or at least very good points. Even with living in America, I disagree with a lot of the stuff that they do. Its like, America is allowed to trash whoever, dis whoever and do what ever, but the second someone even mentions a attack, or someone like nephillim says Americans are hypocrits we all strike back like its personal. Maybe for once we should allow other people to have opinions, and if we didnt think we were always right, we would listen to these opinions and maybe we would find they are right.
BTW..... There has been an average of 160,000 troops in Iraq during the last 22 months, giving our armed forces there a firearms death rate of 60 per 100,000.
The rate in Washington DC is 80.6 per 100,000.
That means that you are more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington, D.C.
Originally posted by Sackynut Now when I say this im not talking about the 'everyone deserves to die' part but I would like to say that a lot of the points, and the things nephillim has been saying for true, and I think that if most of you would step back and stop being self sided you would see that they are infact very true,
Huh? You totally lost me with this statement. Either it's missing punctuation somewhere or you edited what you said so many times it doesn't make sense.
Originally posted by Sackynut Even with living in America, I disagree with a lot of the stuff that they do. Its like, America is allowed to trash whoever, dis whoever and do what ever, but the second someone even mentions a attack, or someone like nephillim says Americans are hypocrits we all strike back like its personal. Maybe for once we should allow other people to have opinions, and if we didnt think we were always right, we would listen to these opinions and maybe we would find they are right.
Actually, I think in reality, the majority of Americans agree with you on minding our own business.
Originally posted by Sackynut BTW..... There has been an average of 160,000 troops in Iraq during the last 22 months, giving our armed forces there a firearms death rate of 60 per 100,000.
The rate in Washington DC is 80.6 per 100,000.
That means that you are more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington, D.C.
Originally posted by nephillim I'm not an idiot. Of course I know that.But do you think Bush gave a damn about the 30,000 innocent people killed in Baghdad? Not even Bush.. most people I meet don't give a damn about them.I couldn't care less anymore. Even if I was killed in the explosion.But it would then be nice and even-stevens between the US and the Middle East eh? Most people will probably disagree with me, but I can think of several, extremly worse things than the human race being wiped out (or wiping itself out).
Do you honestly think that "if" their was a nuclear war between the US and the Middle East that those would be only two places affected?
Originally posted by D0ZeR Men that served on same boat as him. In fact only 2 would backup what Kerry said. All the rest said Kerry made up most of it.
Also his commanding officer that was there at the time denied Kerry his metal. Kerry got his metal much later when a new commander came in.
Really...even though military documents disagree with that group of PT boat crews for truth, which unsuprisingly was the same group of people who tore apart McCains military record with false claims during 2000 election.
_______________________________ We have nothing to fear but our own goverment _______________________________
Originally posted by dekron Do you honestly think that "if" their was a nuclear war between the US and the Middle East that those would be only two places affected?
When did I say that? I don't believe I did.
*sits back*
[we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]
I really dont think anything, good or bad, can be said about Kerry's record. The record and "evidence" that goes with it is so "FUBAR"-ed that who knows exactly what happened. Each politician can twist what it says to either support or go against whatever they want. I guess that goes for alot of things in the government, let alone Kerry's record.
Im just basing my opinion on the papaer records the military has. Did the same for bushs military past, in which he did actually serve. Im just arguing that the people making claims without any real support shouldnt be given the credit they have been.
_______________________________ We have nothing to fear but our own goverment _______________________________
Originally posted by D0ZeR Originally posted by Vald Originally posted by D0ZeR
Kerry wasn't anything special in Nam and he went there with the idea to gain political clout. Read the interviews of the men that served with him. They all can't be liars. I just thank god everyday Kerry never made it to be our prez. Bush may have his faults but I sure am glad he was there instead of Gore. Gore would have sold our Country out. If Clinton would have been more into protecting our country instead of sex Bin Laden would be dead now and Saddamn would have been out long ago. With Russia selling nukes like M&M's it wouldn't shock me at all if a nuke hits USA. But whoa to the ones that do it. It would have the wrong effect on this country that the terror scum think it would.
When you say people that served with him. Do you mean people that were in the country at the same time or actually people who were on the SAME BOAT as he was. Because the people who actually served with Kerry on the boat were the people on stage with him during his compain. The people making those comercials, a majority had never even met kerry, only seen him on news clips protesting the war when he got home. And I'll point to one of the main men who said one of kerry's medels earned while pulling another PT crew member out of the water while under fire, never happend. That same man earned a bronze star for the mission he claimed never happend for moving his boat into position to supply covering fire. I dont give credit to people who bash another mans service so extremly but never actually servered with him, even more so when military documents refute their claims.
Men that served on same boat as him. In fact only 2 would backup what Kerry said. All the rest said Kerry made up most of it. Also his commanding officer that was there at the time denied Kerry his metal. Kerry got his metal much later when a new commander came in.
Last time I checked, thats better than having no military service at all and getting out of vietnam tru family contections. Hmmm....A AWOL ChickenHawk(Bush) or a real veteran(Kerry, regardless of metals)???
Actually you again distort things. The USA along with the UN ask other countries to not have nukes. I also find it amazing you think a bunch of people that turn the Toran around thinking it is great to die as a suicide bomber and he will go to heaven if he does. No other Muslim thinks that excpet these extremests.
One other thing if the USA would get rid of all our nukes (which we don't use or test) what kind of deterrent would we have to stop other countries from making or keeping them. Sad world that we need to do it but we already see there a bunch of countires that just can't be trusted.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
"I also find it amazing you think a bunch of people that turn the Toran around thinking it is great to die as a suicide bomber and he will go to heaven if he does. No other Muslim thinks that excpet these extremests."
I don't understand what you mean there. I did actually say 'muslim extremists'. I say it so people know who I am talking about. If i was to be pedantic, I would argue that they aren't really muslims at all.
"One other thing if the USA would get rid of all our nukes (which we don't use or test) what kind of deterrent would we have to stop other countries from making or keeping them. Sad world that we need to do it but we already see there a bunch of countires that just can't be trusted."
I personally don't see how the US can be trusted with them. Why does the US always assume it has some magic right to police the world? And how is it right to tell someone they can't have nukes, by basically waving nukes in their face.
That's like saying to someone 'Don't fucking swear you bastard'.
[we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]
So you think the USA should get rid of all their nukes and allow these other countries to have them? I can't respond to someone like you that has no clue about warfare and how to control it.
I do agree the USA should stop helping other countries. I find it funny how the USA is bad mouthed left and right until that same country wants help with billions of dollars and military support then the USA is great. I say we turn our backs on everyone and let them defend them self.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
So you think the USA should get rid of all their nukes and allow these other countries to have them? I can't respond to someone like you that has no clue about warfare and how to control it.
I do agree the USA should stop helping other countries. I find it funny how the USA is bad mouthed left and right until that same country wants help with billions of dollars and military support then the USA is great. I say we turn our backs on everyone and let them defend them self.
I never said that other countries should be able to have them. But I think it's pure hypocrisy the way the US tells other countries to stop developing nuclear technology, when they themselves have 1000s of nukes.
If the US has nukes, what right do they have to tell other countries not to have them?
I'm not saying that anybody should have nukes. I'm just pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of the US policies on nuclear proliferation.
There are rougly 200 American nuclear warheads stationed in the UK! In my own country. I don't remember being asked permission for that.
[we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]
I can't believe after the horror you countrymen have gone through you can't even bond with your allies.
Hypocrisy? No, you are the hypocrite. We do not know you, nor does anyone who has responded thus far. We react to your comments, and you said we all should have died in a nuclear explosion, it would have done us right. That is a cruel, heartless statement.
The United States has to own nuclear weapons because we are the most powerful nation in the world. Knowing you, you are going to take that out of context. We do not use them unless provoked, and so far we have kept the world in peace. Diplomatic and trade sanctions only go so far.
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar."
- Edward R. Murrow
The reason the U.S. doesnt want other coutries *cough* North Korea, India, Pakistan, etc. *cough* is because most of these countries could care less if they are used. Many of the countries of the world would love to get their hands on a nuke, and I wouldnt be suprised if they where not afraid to use it. We are scared of North Korea getting one because frankly their leader doesnt give a shit, even about his own people. We dont want India and Pakistan getting weapons becuase they dont give a shit about each other and would probably not be as hesitant to nuke each other as they should be. We, the U.S. and the rest of the western world, are scared shitless at the thought of a middle eastern government, or any other country for that matter, that hates the U.S. and other western cultures and would love to smuggle a nuke in on our own turf.
Ever seen the movie or read the book Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy? I dont know how much of that is 100% believable, but the scenario certiantly is. Think about a middle eastern country, or some extremist group, getting their hands on a nuke or chemical weapons that has been made illegally, or stolen/ "lost" from a country who is allowed to make them. Then think about this country/group who then ships it into the U.S. or another country and then detonates it. Who do you go after? How do you retaliate? How do you even recover from that?
So nephillim when you say that you dont really care anymore whether people are nuked I think you should think about that. You dont care if innocents die? You dont care that your mother, father, any brothers/sisters/relatives/friends you have are dead? Totally destroyed by a nuke or caught in the fallout to die a slow death by radiation sickness? Thats creepy if you ask me. Things arnt that bad that we have to stop caring if we get nuked or not.
Crappy double post.
What does that have to do with this topic? Do you mean that we would only get nuked because of people who vote republican and presidents like Bush....please explain.
Well, there was some part on this post that talked about liberals and conervitives. I was replying to that.
RF Online|LostGrace-3x Cora Caster-Spirit Server-Active
Lineage 2|LostGrace-4x Elemental Summoner-Gustin Server-Deactivated, Kiltor-3x Elven Oracle-Gustin Server-Baned T_T
Kerry wasn't anything special in Nam and he went there with the idea to gain political clout. Read the interviews of the men that served with him. They all can't be liars.
I just thank god everyday Kerry never made it to be our prez.
Bush may have his faults but I sure am glad he was there instead of Gore. Gore would have sold our Country out.
If Clinton would have been more into protecting our country instead of sex Bin Laden would be dead now and Saddamn would have been out long ago.
With Russia selling nukes like M&M's it wouldn't shock me at all if a nuke hits USA. But whoa to the ones that do it. It would have the wrong effect on this country that the terror scum think it would.
When you say people that served with him. Do you mean people that were in the country at the same time or actually people who were on the SAME BOAT as he was. Because the people who actually served with Kerry on the boat were the people on stage with him during his compain. The people making those comercials, a majority had never even met kerry, only seen him on news clips protesting the war when he got home. And I'll point to one of the main men who said one of kerry's medels earned while pulling another PT crew member out of the water while under fire, never happend. That same man earned a bronze star for the mission he claimed never happend for moving his boat into position to supply covering fire. I dont give credit to people who bash another mans service so extremly but never actually servered with him, even more so when military documents refute their claims.
We have nothing to fear but our own
Kerry wasn't anything special in Nam and he went there with the idea to gain political clout. Read the interviews of the men that served with him. They all can't be liars.
I just thank god everyday Kerry never made it to be our prez.
Bush may have his faults but I sure am glad he was there instead of Gore. Gore would have sold our Country out.
If Clinton would have been more into protecting our country instead of sex Bin Laden would be dead now and Saddamn would have been out long ago.
With Russia selling nukes like M&M's it wouldn't shock me at all if a nuke hits USA. But whoa to the ones that do it. It would have the wrong effect on this country that the terror scum think it would.
When you say people that served with him. Do you mean people that were in the country at the same time or actually people who were on the SAME BOAT as he was. Because the people who actually served with Kerry on the boat were the people on stage with him during his compain. The people making those comercials, a majority had never even met kerry, only seen him on news clips protesting the war when he got home. And I'll point to one of the main men who said one of kerry's medels earned while pulling another PT crew member out of the water while under fire, never happend. That same man earned a bronze star for the mission he claimed never happend for moving his boat into position to supply covering fire. I dont give credit to people who bash another mans service so extremly but never actually servered with him, even more so when military documents refute their claims.
Men that served on same boat as him. In fact only 2 would backup what Kerry said. All the rest said Kerry made up most of it.
Also his commanding officer that was there at the time denied Kerry his metal. Kerry got his metal much later when a new commander came in.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Like many people said here, one of the primary issues with saying who can have nukes and such is the fact that there are so many people who would use them. It basically comes down to the value of life. Some people value life (living, breathing here on earth) highly while others don't hold it in such high regard. Look at the suicide bombers. They have other things they hold higher that life and that's why they don't seem to have a problem with blowing themselves up.
I can almost see nephillim's response forming:
"Bush doesn't hold all of those innocent people that were killed in Afghanistan/Iraq in such high regard."
Actually, he does. We didn't nuke either of those countries, did we? No, we sent in troops and attempted to strategically isolate targets and attack those. If a target was located in a highly populated place, with many innocent civilians, we didn't just carpet bomb the area. The target was watched and when they had a moment of opportunity, they would strike. These suicide bombers don't do that.
Also, the difference is that the US made demands to Bin Laden and company to surrender and then proceeded to strategically go after those people. These suicide bombers with their low regard for life, make demands to the US Government and then attack the innocent civilians living in the country. That's like if you murdered someone, they went and arrested your neighbor because they just live by you and they let you remain free.
Also, it is the United Nations who is the organization for placing restraints on who has nukes and who doesn't. There are 15 countries which comprise the security council, five of them are permanent members (China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) and the other 10 are elected in by the General Assembly (all 191 countries). In order to pass something on the Security Council, 9 votes are needed out of the 15. So to say that the United States is solely responsible for saying who can and can not have nukes is ridiculous. I suggest you do some reading on the topic before making such statements.
Now when I say this im not talking about the 'everyone deserves to die' part but I would like to say that a lot of the points, and the things nephillim has been saying are true, and I think that if most of you would step back and stop being self sided you would see that they are infact very true, or at least very good points. Even with living in America, I disagree with a lot of the stuff that they do. Its like, America is allowed to trash whoever, dis whoever and do what ever, but the second someone even mentions a attack, or someone like nephillim says Americans are hypocrits we all strike back like its personal. Maybe for once we should allow other people to have opinions, and if we didnt think we were always right, we would listen to these opinions and maybe we would find they are right.
There has been an average of 160,000 troops in Iraq during the last 22 months, giving our armed forces there a firearms death rate of 60 per 100,000.
The rate in Washington DC is 80.6 per 100,000.
That means that you are more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington, D.C.
Huh? You totally lost me with this statement. Either it's missing punctuation somewhere or you edited what you said so many times it doesn't make sense.
Actually, I think in reality, the majority of Americans agree with you on minding our own business.
Do you honestly think that "if" their was a nuclear war between the US and the Middle East that those would be only two places affected?
We have nothing to fear but our own
When did I say that? I don't believe I did.
*sits back*
[we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]
I really dont think anything, good or bad, can be said about Kerry's record. The record and "evidence" that goes with it is so "FUBAR"-ed that who knows exactly what happened. Each politician can twist what it says to either support or go against whatever they want. I guess that goes for alot of things in the government, let alone Kerry's record.
We have nothing to fear but our own
I just thank god everyday Kerry never made it to be our prez.
Bush may have his faults but I sure am glad he was there instead of Gore. Gore would have sold our Country out.
If Clinton would have been more into protecting our country instead of sex Bin Laden would be dead now and Saddamn would have been out long ago.
With Russia selling nukes like M&M's it wouldn't shock me at all if a nuke hits USA. But whoa to the ones that do it. It would have the wrong effect on this country that the terror scum think it would.
When you say people that served with him. Do you mean people that were in the country at the same time or actually people who were on the SAME BOAT as he was. Because the people who actually served with Kerry on the boat were the people on stage with him during his compain. The people making those comercials, a majority had never even met kerry, only seen him on news clips protesting the war when he got home. And I'll point to one of the main men who said one of kerry's medels earned while pulling another PT crew member out of the water while under fire, never happend. That same man earned a bronze star for the mission he claimed never happend for moving his boat into position to supply covering fire. I dont give credit to people who bash another mans service so extremly but never actually servered with him, even more so when military documents refute their claims.
Men that served on same boat as him. In fact only 2 would backup what Kerry said. All the rest said Kerry made up most of it.
Also his commanding officer that was there at the time denied Kerry his metal. Kerry got his metal much later when a new commander came in.
Last time I checked, thats better than having no military service at all and getting out of vietnam tru family contections. Hmmm....A AWOL ChickenHawk(Bush) or a real veteran(Kerry, regardless of metals)???