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Has anyone thought to copy every post that SV ends up deleting on their forums and putting it up on a website somewhere?
Ya know, so that the public can see what the real image of SV is?
It could be eduactional of what not to do for other indy MMOs.
There wouldnt be enough room on the internet. The sheer volume of deleted posts would take down the entire web and be considered an act of terrorism by Swedon.
almost all of deleted psots arent constructive critisism, i-e raging or are targeted directly towards devs,gms or mods in a hateful way. very few constructive posts have been deleted. Theres a difference between trolling abuse and posting critisim. some people dont realise this. There are many negative posts on the forum that havent been deleted becuase they follow the forum rules.
heres a few thrreads that havent been deleted. which are less than favorable.
an example of a deleted post in the quote...
i dont beleive that moforums are any more censored than most mmos forums, its jsut that mo has way more "issues" that cause palyers to break forum rules. posts certainly get deleted but i wouldnt beleive the regular hate mongers on this forum since almost all of them have a hidden agenda.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
%90??? Can you show me any kind of stat analysis on that number or is that bullshit pulled from somewhere?? I have seen many constructive posts deleted especially in the Patriarch forun. And many a post putting things to light gm counc corruption etc etc.
Since we are just making up numbers I will say %1000000000 percent are constructive.
I will agree on you that a lot of flaming posts are deleted and should be. but to say %90 percent is just pure bullshit ass hatery.
"i dont beleive that moforums are any more censored than most mmos forums, its jsut that mo has way more "issues" that cause palyers to break forum rules. posts certainly get deleted but i wouldnt beleive the regular hate mongers on this forum since 90% of them have a hidden agenda. "
Man you love the number 90 with no proof behind it.
its based on me being the most active forum member since i am likely the msot active member of the forums i get to read almost all of the posts deleted and based off that information i came up with 90% as a very rough aproximation its certainly closer than saying 5%
i do like the number 90 its a nice number, but just to please you ill reedit my psot.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
So basically you're just making these numbers up because you "like them", just like 90% of the things you post here.... wait I mean, "almost all" things... anyway, more 90% rather than 5% bla bla..
See, why do you even come up with percentages if you have no idea what they mean? Mathematics is a world of facts. That is something you will never understand.
this is the internet
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Yes it is- And I would really like to keep this lovely internet- If all the deleted posts are gathered up into one place, as I said, the internet will break and nobody will be able to use it...
Since we are making up % and statistics- I think at least 89.9325% of all deleted posts from MO are about Cats.
it would be a trash pile of worthless posts with a couple that shouldnt of been deleted hardly worth the effort.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Dude that bullshit. I too read those forums and watch posts disappear daily (which do not break any rules I am aware of)
Yesterday they pulled every post about copygate (at least 10) and 1 whole thread. Today they can discuss it (now that its public) and during the discussion a fanboy called someone a FAG and apparently this is fine. Fanboys can bully anyone opposing something SV has said or done and use any insult or launguage and this is okay- But serious questins/problems brought to light are deleted.
You know this as well.
Your first sentence is simply not even close to reality and you know that. My posts (Ioudas in MO forums) got removed in secs and i never went insulting against anyone, cause simply its not my type to bash people while i m sitting behind a monitor. Most recent posts that got removed was one including a link for an old Henriks post concerning SLI/ Crossfire support in MO that would improve fps drastically. No insults, no breaking forum rules only pointing out something that has being promissed long time ago never happened and asking a legitimate question: When?
Now about MO forums being cencored i have to explain that i m 31 years old and playing games since i remember my self. Always taking a look on the forums, when working or having some free time, never posting much unless have something to talk about and i can guarantee that MO foruns are way more cencored than most forums i was ever part of- and i was/ am part of a lot. Its true that each forums has its on policies, feels different and mods arent acting the same. On MO forums though i do have the feeling that all mods/ GM's/ devs are acting all the same: they deleting, removing, closing whatever they feel like or they dont like to hear, or make SV look bad regardless if its an undenieble fact or they dont feel like answering to. Several people that deserve to get banned are trolling in there forever, being insulting, ironic, childish and rude to others and they re getting away with such a behaviour since Beta.
Now about the hidden agenta i sure dont have one. Never got banned from the forums/IRC or the game itself, never had to do anything with develope of MO and i am here supporting the game by paying 2 accounts, even now thati m taking a break. I m not even a hater. I would love MO to be the game it was supposed to be with decent and steady developement, healthy population and professional employees doing their jobs. But since i d like to think that my feet are stepping on the ground and my mind does not travell over the clouds i m afraid that thats something similar to Shakespeare's "Α Midsummer Night's Dream". So before i give up on them i will do my attempts to change stuff or simply to get some answers that i do like and will stay arround or i will not and will take my leave and never turn back. In any case though i m antitled to get all the answers i want in all the legitimate questions i have and i do not deserve to be ignored. Its highly unrespectful.
Since you where talking about haters with secret agenda posting and getting their crap deleted i have to put a thought about your secret agenda. I have 2 thoughts for you: i ve read from you somewhere that you are the most active forum user and you read most posts from first hand even those that are getting deleted. I have a feeling that this fact and i totaly believe that your statement its true taking a look at the number of the posts you made -even though you are behind in the race with some others- but my friend its not smt to be proud of. Actualy its sad and its sad from many views. So to my eyes either you are very young (i would say 16 like one of your guildmates i know of) and you have no social life at all either you are exactly like one extremely light headed guildmate of mine that he was a councelor and was thinking that sticking his tonque in SV in places unreachable by the sun will get him GM into a game with bright future and i do clearly remember that he was thinking that a GM under SV is getting more than 900 Euros- LOL. Now dont take this as a personal attack to you or anything close to that cause i m telling you that it was not my intention to do something like that. I like you and usualy taking a look at your posts cause you are polite mostly. But and dont get me wrong sometimes i do get the feeling that you re landing depending on when does the wind blows. Sometimes when you probably feeling borred of the game you are gently bashing it and even its devs and anytime you see smt negative on MO or SV you re sprinting in to argue. In general you like to disagree unless someone from your side or someone you know comes in, so you will take his part even if you where stating something totaly different few posts before. Have seeing this occation happening with Psyckobilly in 2 threads at least.
My last 2 cents after this terrible wall of text is that: chill out a bit. Its not a race. If you miss a couple of threads in MO forums or even here in MMORPG forums its not a big deal... and especially when you dont have anything to say simply force your self to skip some. Having long number of posts repeating the same crap all over again or having the last sentence in a convo even if its pointless, will not add anything to your social status and will not make you a better man.
You should try and ask about when they are going to send out the actual working discs that were PROMISED at release but have yet to be sent out. Even though the game released just under 1.5 YEARS AGO! They will ignore your question, delete the post, and/or ban you for being a "persona non-grata". Cause... you know... asking for the discs that you bought and they promised is apparently not acceptable behavior over there...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018