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DC Universe Online went free to play just over a week ago. According to Lorin Jameson, over a million new players have signed on for the journey. According to Jameson, the split between PC and PS3 users is about 50-50.
Jameson added, Our business model philosophy of Free to Play Your Way makes DCUO accessible to every type of player so they can choose to play the game in a way that suits them best. We have a lot of exciting things coming up for players to enjoy in the game and are thrilled at the initial enthusiasm for the game's free-to-play transition.
Find out more about DC Universe Online.
Wow, just a couple of days ago they said 500K. Maybe some of these people will spend the 5$ required to get to premium membership so the devs can add some more content.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Lets not be too harsh on DcuUniverse or sony, the game has wonderful content and funny things to do and beside it is about standing for truth and fighting evil like brainiac and human master mind like the secret society of vilain like the funny man "thejoker" and boy genius "LexLuthor", am sure every time you say free to play it is like open season for people like we find gold or oil and we are sending pamphlet that we must rush in and take a piece of the cake before it runs out. So basically thats the effect free to play has on people for certain game which launched p2p at starts.
I did, so there is 1 anyway
Honestly, the most frequent and harshest criticism about DCUO was that the content did not justify a subscription (and still doesn't). One could even argue that F2P was a bit overkill and switching to a B2P model might have netted more revenue. Whatever the case, at least people get another option to play with.
I'm going to agree with you here. In my opinion, the game is definitely worth the box price. B2P should have been the way to go.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Once the ratio becomes 75% Console : 25% PC, you can go ahead and kill PC gaming goodbye. We're already hurting within the FPS genre. Once the MMORPG market is captured, PCs & high-end gaming hardware will be hurting.
IT makes sense from a business point of view. You go where the people are.
i spend 30 bucks in 2 kinda amazed that its actually nothing (cool imo) to buy in the store except the fight for the light expansion
hopefully they release more outfits and items...jesus u cant even wear a green lantern/sinestro corps emblem....thats a bummer
Nobody get serious money from beggars. And mainly, imo, f2p attracts cheap people, that does not care for quality or anything related to it, .... main criteria is being FREE. If free, then game is the best in the world.
I'm a little offended by that comment. I legitimately couldn't afford to play the game as a subscription based model and I held off on buying it because of lack of a free trial. Now that I've had the chance to actually play the game I am certain I enjoy it and am going to purchase things like extra character slots to enhance my enjoyment of the game. Saying I'm "cheap" is a little harsh when I would much rather consider myself "careful" with my money. I have more important things to spend it on that a game I don't know if I'll like.
And before anyone suggests the reviews, official or unofficial, they almost unanimously blasted the game as being terrible, but once I managed to PLAY I found that I enjoy it, even if others don't..
Beggars? Who are the beggars? You can't be serious. IMO you have a very ill-informed point of view. You have no idea what kind of people are attracted by FTP. You make some pretty ignorant assumptions though in your opinion.
As I am currently paying for 4 game subscriptions at once I am glad I can now continue to play dc universe now freely. I had purchased the ps3 and the pc version at launch and had active 6 month subs on both accounts.
We are not all beggars but with the current amount I spend per month I am happy to not pay a sub for this game anymore but without a doubt I'll still spend on the game later on.
Once the console players take a good hard look at how dated their graphics are, consoles will be hurting.
Hey, making up these non-sequitur doom scenarios is easysauce. No wonder you like doing it so much.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
I don't think there was a single official review of the game that blasted it as being terrible. DCUO got great reviews. It got blasted by people more for the fact it was an SoE game then anything.
The only legitimate problem the game ever had was that you could progress through the content so fast that it just didn't make sense to have a subscription.
I told my little brothers friend, over the weekend, that he could download it on his PS3 and play it for free. Guy isn't into comic books, and has never played an MMO in his life; he got excited when I told him he could download and play the game free now. He sent me a message over the PS3 the other day asking if it always took long to play the game. I thought he was talking about the download, he said he meant to actually get into the game. Every time he tries to play it it says that there's a long wait.
Sony could be losing a lot of money beause of the Q times, and I don't think it's a good business move for them to keep the servers at such a limitted capacity to encourage people to pay money to shorten the wait time. No one has to sit in a Q to play EQ2, or FreeRealms.
Needless to say, after having to wait more then an hour the few times he tried to play, he's stopped trying to play.
I dont know... I see everything kinda merging (unfortunatly)
I, and many others cannot continue to keep upgrading our PCs each year- In fact, I am sittng on a PC that hasnt been upgraded in almost 2 years and I think I am pretty much done at this point. Spending $1700 for a gming rig is great for the first year or so, but then alog come gmes you cannot play unless you upgrade again... And again...And again...
I cannot keep continuing this cycle merely for my gaming hobby. My datyed PC still surfs the web and runs pretty much every program I use perfectly (as will any off the shelf $800 PC from wal-mart or whatever) so anything extra is ONLY for gaming... Just cannot justify it anymore when I have a mortgage, a family, and the cost of upgrading just to game could be used for other things.
That being said, If a Playstation 4 comes along for ever $600 (or more) I know that I will have a system which will play new release games perfectly for YEARS to come. Economicly, this is the most viable option at this point rather than spending $200- $500 a year to keep my PC upgraded to gaming specs.
-That being said, I prefer PC gaming , think its far better and the graphics (obviously) blow the Console systems away... But all the damn money I have spent on computers for the sole purpose of gaming could probably send my son to college if I had invested it. =P
I broke down and bought a PS3 (mainly for a Blu Ray player) and picked up a bunch of $5- $10 games I have never played.I have not owned a console since the PS1- For far less than the cost of upgrading my video card, I got a blu ray platyer, game system and a bunch of fun games which I am enjoying immensly- I also know that next Christmas I will still be playing new release games on the PS3 while my PC will be pretty much obsolete for anything but surfing the web...
Its simple economics really- I am tired of paying hundreds every year to keep playing PC games (plus buying the games) just because they look and play better when I can spend a few hundred and play (for the most part) the same games, not have to upgrade for years- I just have to deal with less in the graphics dept.
TLDR- PC gaming has broke my bank account and even though its not as good, console gaming is far more economical and gives better bang for the buck...Sad but true.
I love PC elitists.
Funny how you have to keep upgrading a PC, and new graphics cards are released every other month it sees. And the reason for it, so they can kep up with console graphics. It's crazy how the PS3 and 360 can use graphics cards and CPU's that are 5 years old to render new games and have them look just as good as games rendered on GPU's and CPU's released in the year. Why is it that 5 year old technology can work as well as 1 year old technology, yet every time a new PC game releases people rush out to buy the latest GFX card?
When the PS3 and 360 hit the market, they were providing better graphics then most PC gamers were getting. Why? Because it would cost a PC gamer more to upgrae their PC, which they probably upgraded only a year or two ago, to match the PS3 and 360's graphics capability at that time.
I've watched a ton a Skyrim videos on youtube, it's better then buying a game guide, and man it's crazy how bad the game is running in most of those vidoes. It's also amazing how the game looks just as good on my PS3 as it does in just about every video I've seen from the PC. The only thing that isn't as good are the shadows, and most people can't run shadows on their PC anyways, because GPU and CPU developers still can't figure out how to make hardware that can handle dynamic shadows efficiently.
BTW, Microsoft already anounced a new xbox is the works, and will release in the next couple years.
Neither you, nor the guy you quoted are correct. PC gaming isn't going anywere, neither is console gaming. There's little to no diffirentiating between the two anymore. A console is nothing more then a personal computer in a prettier case and slimmed down so that you can put it in your living room. I use the same 50" tv to play games on my PS3, 360, and PC. I even use the exact same keyboard and mouse on all 3 systems, and have remotes that will operate all three of them as well as my TV and sound system, along with bluetooth headsets that are compatible between the 3. Not to mention that both my PS3 and 360 are synced to and, an stream content from my PC; yet my PC can't access and utilize any content stored on either of my consoles, funny that.
LOL@ PC elitists that think computers are any different from a console, let alone better.
Hopefully other developers will take not that they can expand their playerbase by actually crossdeveloping MMO's for the console and PC, like every single player or multiplayer game is.
And hopefully one day, some of you will learn that a mouse and keyboard isn't always the best way to play a game.
Sorry, stopped reading right there. You got the wrong guy, I don't do Apple vs PC arguments.
In case you didn't realize, the argument's run the course for 35 years. Console vs PC is just a new twist on the oldest (and most worn out) of all troll topics.
Neither you, nor the guy you quoted are correct.
There you go. After the reflexive Preparation for Forum Battle, you did discover the actual point.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Welcome to the wonderful world of symantics.
Guess what? An apple is a PC, it's a brand name one.
And I never said anything about an apple, wich requires an emulator to run a lot of games anyways. People don't by apple to play games on silly.
Funny comment is funny, because I know you read it.
PS: Nice ninja edit to try and interject a point.
Sorry you missed the point in the first place.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
What the.....? considering i end up spending more money on F2P games i find this comment to be in a very bad taste. Monthly subs costs what 15 bucks a month? i guess if you can afford that it makes you Donald Trump of MMO world?
Hey, I noticed you said you use a keyboard/mouse on your PS3- If true, thiswould solve my ONLY complaint about the system. I will google it, but just wanted to thank you for tellingme this... The controler thing...SUCKS. I am having trouble adjusting and getting my ass kicked in even easy FPS games based on having no skill with the console controls.
EDIT: is this how you do it or is there another way please? Thanks.
ON TOPIC: I agree with your post. Essentially given the choice I prefer gaming via a PC (for a million reasons) but factoring in the overall cost of upgrading- I am leaning towards console gaming in the future...