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One of the issues I saw people have in the beta (which has shown up in this forum) is that people are trying to play this game like WoW. Stuff like skipping lore, grinding on mobs, and in general not paying any attention.
But I have a clue for you: if you play SWTOR with the same style you play WoW, you will miss the point entirely, and miss a lot of the fun.
This is a Bioware game, at it plays very much like all the bioware games before it. The game *is* the lore, so settle in and enjoy it.
There are many aspects of the game that appear similar to WoW, like leveling and aquiring better gear. However, unlike WoW, these are side-effects, not goals! There is absolutely no reason to grind mobs or to "power level". Following the story keeps you exactly where you ought to be; trying to outlevel it is pointless. Battleground PvP is scaled, so being higher level doesn't buy you anything.
More money to get better equip for lower lvl pvp toon? Your pvp point aint really valid.
Actually I noticed that lower level toons where slighty more powerful than higher level toons, so it appears the proper gear level has been taken into account too...
Just another theme park that does nonthing for the genre. Still waiting for a Living Breathing World.
Which is why I dont really understand the "killing wow" or "steal wow subs" viewpoint.
Many of the features are already in WoW, and the ones that isn't (massive VO and story focus) seems to require a certain mindset that I doubt is very common in the WoW-crowd.
In other words: I doubt this game will steal a lot of the WoW-players for any longer timeperiod. Pulling in the Bioware/Kotor crowd, sure thing... WoW-players..? Not so sure.
Sounds like Second Life or Entropy Universe would be the games for you.
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
actually, you can trace every feature they ask for, to games older than WoW, and the newer added features to newer aged MMO as well.
what does WoW has to do with anything?
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
[quote]Originally posted by OsmanthusThere is absolutely no reason to grind mobs or to "power level".
Im curious .. what is the point of grinding or power leveling in other games that is so different from SWTOR? People grind and power level because they want to be first to endgame. You say BG PvP is scaled .. what does that have to do with anything? The first people will start grinding gear faster and will be in a better position than others. SWTOR changes none of this for a lot of people.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
The game plays just like wow with some voice acting and this extra story, and the story to me was nothing special.
Why do people still try to defend the game from being a "wow clone" when the dev's said that was the template they used to create the game. having played it, its very similar but what they take from wow, and other (older and newer) mmos they do extremely well. which is bioware set out to do
Can we please leave Wow , Wow and Swotor be Swotor reading this all the time is realy annoying tbh
Iam not in Beta but it looks fine to me , and its finaly something different then dwarfs and elfs wich getting kind of boring not to metntion Panda,s
It plays like your standard themepark game, but looks and feels nothing like WoW. Not in the slightest. And if you don't find the story to be anything special, than I'm going to go ahead and make a judgement call and say you don't care about story in MMOs, because frankly, there isn't any MMO out there with a better storyline that SWTOR. To say any different would be lying.
This attitude right here is what this post is warning about! You can play it like a wow clone with voice acting, but if you do, you will miss the whole point of the game.
People are so hell-bent on comparing SWTOR to WoW they are only seeing it through that distortion. Go play Dragon Age or Mass Effect, and forget about the flatness that is WoW. You'll appreciate this game a lot more.
Wow is not a bad game at all, but I have to agree with Osmanthus.
The reason I am excited about the game is because it will have the things I like that MMORPG's have (games such as WOW), but more importantly it will have the things I love about singleplayer games such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Story is NOT extra, Story is Main and priority! The game was designed from the ground up with many writers for years with voice actors to make sure it revolves around story and plays and feels as Epic as Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Whether they will succeed, we will just have to wait and see, but I really hope they do.
well I am sure the OP know there are other MMO that those same features came from... the OP is not that stupid
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
havent played WoW but sounds like the OP completely missed the point of WoW....there is loads of lore around the OP completely missed the point of WoW IS the lore...
I foresee a mass migration for bad or good too soon to tell but they are a comming.
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
"Little Real Content" ??? What???
The first 3-4 times I played through wow there was plenty of fresh new content each time through. I'd guess equally as much as there will be in TOR. Maybe you played Warcraft wrong .. idk .. there is plenty of story and lore in warcraft .. or was before Cata revamped Azeroth anyway. Warcraft was actually less of a themepark in vanilla than it is today. While it was largely fedex questing .. you had to travel all over and could stray well off the beaten path and find things to do. Now a days its a very different azeroth .. but idk .. i really dont understand this whole train of through. Really makes me think you started WoW during Cata or something.
I'd love to know how (other than voice acting) the content from 1 to ?? is any different. Especially in Vanilla, you almost couldn't rush to endgame. If you wanted to have fun, you almost had to immerse yourself in the story. 3 expansions later the focus of the game has changed ..
Maybe TOR will have a better story .. but that is subjective and claiming that as fact holds little bearing ..
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
It does not, thank goodness. Not even close. [mod edit]
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
People aren't used to having an actual RPG in their MMO. Can't wait for SW:ToR, I'm gonna read(edit: and listen) the shit out of everything.
I agree! they completely made this like WoW. You have different job classes that you have to pick from. You have to level your toon. Hell you even have to do missions to earn money and/or gear. If thats not just like WoW i dont knwo what is. I mean next thing you know they will even make it so you get mounts in the game, damn i wish every game didnt copy WoW.
That post just makes me laugh.