Folks who have grabbed a beta code for Star Wars: The Old Republic have until midnight Sunday, November 20th to redeem beta codes. If you've grabbed one from here or from any other site giving keys away, don't forget. Time is wasting! Redeem your code NOW!
Hope I'm not missing out on anything this weekend!
Surely people redeemed their codes right away?
Nothing has happened, though you might want to contact support just incase to see if one was registered, if what i remembered, is still true the weekend starts next weekend. This friday coming up i believe (if you live in the states) to that following Monday.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Got the same message, it's fine though. The Beta Weekend is planned for the 25th - 28th.
What i wish they would do is let us download the game already, cause lord knows its gonna take half a day or so to do it!
I hope the install issues are resolved. I missed out on the last weekend because I was the victim of one of two big installer issues. By time we got a manual workaround (Sunday afternoon) and I implemented it (due to a busy schedule) it was too late for me to play :-(
Took me from 9 PM one day until almost 5PM the next day to download.
Plan on a wait when you get access to the client.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
You guys must have slow download speeds. I download at 3m/s and im done within a couple hours
who can afford broadband ? i am using my 1 mile away wifi hotspot using the thing called CANTENNA . my internet speed is wifi N 200m , not 1 not 4 but 200
IM TORN!! I got a message stating that I had been selected.. But if that message was erroneous and I needed to enter the key, I have until tonight to do so.. BUT the letter urged me not to use any key from any other site to get into the beta or it may ruin "other" (how many more Beta's till launch?) chances to get into beta...
Dunno if I want to wait and chance finding error in that email or just using the key I got and jeopardizing any other chance to preview the game...
If I neglect the key, when am I to expect more information about the beta and where to download the client?
I don't need to redeem a code (since I signed up for beta long time ago), but I can't even log in right now. If I try, it just sends me back to the main screen (turn on) - no error. Grr.
RIP Orc Choppa
I could edit this sentence and take it into so many different places it wouldn't even be funny... But as I see this is just one of those "Big man" trolls, I will let you enjoy it..
You earned that pride, "hercules"..
My efforts to use the key were thwarted by their account sign-up captcha malfuntioning. It failed to show the image, it failed to do its voice based aspect and failed to refresh a new image. I should have been inbefore the lock only to find the door rusted shut.
WTF there's no pre-order available for Australia. /wrist
Oh well another $ 70 saved!
Its not being launched in Aus which is why you cannot find a pre-order you will have to use site in the launch territories.
nothing change for me...try it this morning but always "Message not found"
I've just recieved my invitation letter and I can't register cause now the is virtually down because of tremendous traffic. This is really funny cause they wanted to crash test their server capasity during this next test - and it seams their site can't take all the trafic from people wanting to register already... )))) what a joke of nature ))))
... the problem was with the site only though - no problem downloading the client - took me like 3 hours of background download while playing Skyrim )))