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im a druid!!

just wanted to ask a few questions. well im still new to the game. i have a 19 warrior and a 16 mage.i

wasnt having much fun with the warrior cause melee seemes boring :( but i kept him to go back later.

i stoped playin my mage cause i just couldnt handle all cloth armor lol. not even leather boots

druid seemed like the right choice. cause it can do melee when i want and can cast when i want,

people told me the druid can do everything however its not good in any particular area. but

nontheless i made far it seeems fun. i like bear form most. at level 13 im only doin 30 damage

image but thats ok. for some reason i can take damage like im superman lol,my question is if i use

points in magic will i be any good? and if i wanted to could i be a bear that has healing. what i mean is

points in bear mastery and healing tree. thanks for the replys. by the way i spaced this post out so its

easy to read. i sometimes go on on tangents. like this one time i saw thing dog....o wait ill stop there image


  • ultima_minerultima_miner Member Posts: 120
    im responding to my own cause ill be damned if these posts by whinny bitches are on top instead of mine. come on guys i have a real question. your only feeding the flamers by replying to there posts and making it fresh news.
  • FadinawayFadinaway Member Posts: 270

    You are kind of asking a question which can only be answered by you.

    You have mentioned two cases of what you didn't like about your previous characters.  If I were you, I would experiment.  You can respec later if you don't like which path you are following.

    I play a Shaman that was specd to Elemental, and I recently respecd to Enhancement because I preferred the buff abilities.

    Play with it! :)  You have a TON of character slots and you just need to find your space in the game.

    Playerbase Solutions

  • ultima_minerultima_miner Member Posts: 120
    this is sad :( in 10 minutes my post went down three places. and the bullshit pots like GW rulezzzz!!!!!! goes up because people who complain about flamers flame the flamers. dear god just let there fucking posts die.
  • FadinawayFadinaway Member Posts: 270

    Playerbase Solutions

  • ultima_minerultima_miner Member Posts: 120
    gues ill keep replying my my own topic and make it new news so someone might give me an answer
  • gammorazgammoraz Member Posts: 37

    Since you are new to the Druid, stay away from the Feral tree, its only really decent if you plan on

    a) tanking a lot in bearform

    b)duo/trioing pvp with rogues in cat form

    Note - Not spending in points in the feral tree will still leave you in excellent shape with your forms.

    A good mixture of Restoration/Balance is the way to go.

  • FadinawayFadinaway Member Posts: 270
    I gave you an answer.

    Playerbase Solutions

  • WWITWWIT Member Posts: 63

    Ill offer a tip ultima......



    uptight people get colon cancer!imageimage

  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    The best talent setup is considered the best for PvE and PvP for druids at the moment

    Character type: Level 60 Druid

    Balance Talents (9 points)

    Nature's Grasp - 1/1 points
    While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster, they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only usable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 seconds.

    Improved Nature's Grasp - 4/4 points
    Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%.

    Nature's Reach - 2/2 points
    Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire (caster form only), Moonfire, and Starfire spells by 20%.

    Swiftshifting - 2/3 points
    After leaving a shapeshift form, reduces the casting cost of the next shapeshift by 40% if used with 6 seconds.

    Feral Combat Talents (11 points)

    Ferocity - 5/5 points
    Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy.

    Improved Bash - 2/2 points
    Increases the stun duration of your Bash ability by 1 second.

    Sharpened Claws - 3/5 points
    Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat form by 3%.

    Feral Charge - 1/1 points
    Causes you to charge an enemy, stopping its movement and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 seconds.

    Restoration Talents (31 points)

    Improved Mark of the Wild - 5/5 points
    Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild spell by 35%.

    Nature's Focus - 5/5 points
    Gives you a 60% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch or Regrowth spells.

    Gift of Nature - 1/1 points
    Increases the effect of your Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, and Tranquility spells by 5%.

    Reflection - 5/5 points
    Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.

    Furor - 5/5 points
    Gives you a 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear form.

    Nature's Swiftness - 1/1 points
    When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell.

    Improved Rejuvenation - 3/5 points
    Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 9%.

    Improved Regrowth - 5/5 points
    Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%.

    Innervate - 1/1 points
    Increases the target's Mana regeneration by 400% and allows 100% of the target's Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Lasts 20 seconds.

    It gives you Feral Charge, Innervate, Natures Swiftness and a good Natures Grasp. Improved Bash also is very usefell to get a clean heal without any downtime from getting hit.

    This is the one I'm going to use unless Blizzard comes with some good changes to druid talent trees

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

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