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PvP is Horrible

KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
Wow.. is all i got to say... Wow.... Who in the world could have thought of CAPTURE THE FLAG!! OMG. This... my friends has to be one of the stupidest ideas iv ever seen for a game like this. Who wants to play capture the flag? Doesn't everyone want to destroy and capture keeps? Alterac Valley is ok... but you don't actualy get to stick your flag up on the keeps you destroy.. you "Destroy" it by taking down their flag... which isn't even really that great. There is no seige involved... I personally play MMORPG's strictly for PvP Which is why i thought WoW would be a good choice. Well once they added BG i changed my mind. there is no Siege involved which is what i was really looking foward to. Not to mention on Magtheridon a High populated PvP server, Alterac Valley 40v40 is hardly ever running if at all. I think blizzard could have put a bit more time into this. if theres no good PvP, there is nothing to do after 60, which is why i cancled my subscription.


  • TansTans Member Posts: 240

    That's nice.

    Now go rant at someone who cares.

    Why are you reading this? This is crap compared to what's above.

  • gammorazgammoraz Member Posts: 37

    Yep. WoW PvP is pretty carebear.


  • ShlubShlub Member Posts: 15

    Well if you don't like go play something else, I agree that it could be better but I still enjoy playing ctf::::39::

  • Shab_NiguratShab_Nigurat Member Posts: 64

    yeah WoW pvp really sux. But WoW is really good for newbs with its pvp system. Definetly WoW is the easiest mmorpg ever and the best mmorpg for players who have never played mmorpgs before.

  • Edward78Edward78 Member Posts: 245

    LoL the WoW PvP, very carebearish. It is nothing like the past warcraft games.

  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21

    I just think they need to add some things to make pvp interesting. Listen to this idea.. They should make it so that out of BG, you can raid towns and citys. Once you kill the guards ONCE, that means they don't respawn 93949934 times. After you kill the guards you should be able to Stick your flag up on the keep or city and then your guards spawn. Siege weapons to nock down walls. That would be awesome. Sure it might suck once in a while but imagine if you were Alliance taking down The UC, or if you were horde taking down IF.

    It would give people a reason to play WoW. And it would give a reason to PvP.

  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    Carebear - Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in player vs. player combat.


    I dont see anything about WoW pvp that is "Carebear". I like WoW PvP, it's fast, easy and every class has some weakness or strength. And the whole CTF thing might not be "WoWish" but it sure can be fun when you do it with a couple of friends. It's just Arcade gameplay, very simple. And if you DONT like it... so what? Then dont do it, you can just keep ganking people in Hillsbrad Fields if you like that more.

    And Kriptonik, your whole idea of taking over cities just wouldn't work in WoW. What if Alliance would take over lets say Crossroads at about 3 am. And I would be still playing with my lvl 12 alt and there would be no lvl 60 raid group to take it over again. There wouldn't be anything I could do about it but sit and wait. Yay great fun whohoo.
    And this would give a reason to play WoW and do PvP? Right... you can take over a city so now there's a reason? No, see; there's only one reason to play this game (any game for that matter) and that is for fun. If you're not having fun playing this game, then look for something better. Which in my opinion isn't out there (yet).

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
    Sorry to break it to yuh, but thats the way it should be on PvP servers, Theres no reason that a lvl 12 shouldn't have to deal with lvl 60's. There are PvP Zones anyways. For that reason. So my idea would work. If people dont' want to deal with lvl 60's at lvl 1-40 then they should join a PvE server. not PvP. i Know that when i started playing PvP i expected worse, as of now its pretty easy to avoid the other faction.  As for the time diff, So what if i want to take over Crossroads at 3 am? That just means the horde prob have a group out there taking stuff also, Notice i added that there woudl be guards guarding it. so its not like 10 people could go take a entire city. THat woudl be plain out stupid, im talking about 80 people going and taking down Stormwind, or Undercity, then sticking up there flag and having there guards spawn. Then the other side would have to counter attack instead of standing around the auction house. And i have found another game, I plan to play Asheron's call (Expansion). That game is great. I love the community, very nice people, i just hope most of my friends come back to the game. The PvP isn't so much massive but its decent, id rather play that than CtF.
  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
    Also it wouldn't be as easy as your prob thinking to take over a city or town... If there is the faction + guards guarding it... i don't really think itd be that simple. Would take much planning and SIEGE WEAPONS. to make the game more fun. Wouldnt' it be awesome to see the walls go down on stormwind? Or to see a tower fall at Undercity? i think it would be. would make the game interesting and about 100% more PvP fun. I don't take much interest in right clicking a flag then having the tower blow up like it is in Alterac Valley. Once again im not complaining, im just suggesting.
  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    Hey man, this isn't Lineage 2 ok :P

    Once you go into the contested zones you will be constantly in danger of higher lvls (if those higher lvls want to spent time on you for no apperent reason but griefing) and you will sometimes get ganked so you lose 10 minutes of your time. This is not gamebreaking and it will let you be able to continue playing once you get your corpse back and the higher lvls leave you alone or you try out a different zone for your lvl.

    BUT, not being able to get into cities to get quests, turn in quests, sell loot or buy food/drink IS gamebreaking. It would render you unable to play the game and force you to log out, since there just isnt anything you can do about it.

    And if you really want to play hardcore you can easely turn on your pvp flag all the time by typing /pvp

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
    Well i think that there would be alternitaves for Quest Recieving and turning in. Im just giving ideas like i said. But im thinking some where along the lines of DAoC. That games PvP was great, i loved it. Only thing i hated about was the mass poisins and mesmerizing, that was the only lame part. I absoluetly loved the idea of taking over keeps. Would you not agree this would make it more interesting, fun, exciting? I pretty much quit after my 2 chars hit 60, for lack of things to do. thats what i meant in my first post. If there were keeps to destroy and conquer there would always be something to do thats entertaining. for some simple people that just like the idea of PvP CTF might work. but i like more in depth PvP.
  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    I'm not saying that it's not a cool idea. Of course I would like to see Stormwind fall under the Horde’s sieges, but I'm thinking about the consequences.

    First they take over Stormwind (doesn’t matter how hard it will be, it will happen) then Goldshire will be an easy takeover and once they got that it will be already be unable for the lower lvls to quest in Goldshire. This will force the lower lvls to logout since they can’t do anything about it. Next they decide to take over Lakeshire in Redridge since it’s going so well. Once they got that taken there’s a whole group of Alliance not able to do ANYTHING. Cool… Next day a human paladin that logged out in Goldshire gets bumrushed by 4 horde guards since it got taken over the night before.

    Get my point? Maybe it could take 2 days for the alliance to get back Goldshire… 2 days of not being able to play when you just started. I just don’t think it would work.

    Second of all, there is no reason at all to make Goldshire a Horde town. Horde doesn’t has anything there, no quests at al or anything.

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    Well i think that there would be alternitaves for Quest Recieving and turning in

    Like where, in the Barrens you cant just make a second Crossroads to return your quests etc. Anyway that place would just get raided then too and taken over.

    If there were keeps to destroy and conquer there would always be something to do thats entertaining

    Yes, fun for the lvl 60s. But you also need to think about the lower lvls. If you would make the game like this you should be able to just MAKE a lvl 60 in 1 minute since lvling would be impossible with all the raiding and griefing 60s.

    And I see you mentioned DAoC. From my understanding the Battlegrounds in DAoC were completly separated from the lvl 1-50 questing/grinding areas. Since taking over a keep in DAoC has no gamebreaking effect on the lower lvls there're no problems there.

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

  • Edward78Edward78 Member Posts: 245

    Originally posted by SuperZwerver
    Carebear - Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in player vs. player combat.Source:
    I dont see anything about WoW pvp that is "Carebear". I like WoW PvP, it's fast, easy and every class has some weakness or strength. And the whole CTF thing might not be "WoWish" but it sure can be fun when you do it with a couple of friends. It's just Arcade gameplay, very simple. And if you DONT like it... so what? Then dont do it, you can just keep ganking people in Hillsbrad Fields if you like that more.

    And Kriptonik, your whole idea of taking over cities just wouldn't work in WoW. What if Alliance would take over lets say Crossroads at about 3 am. And I would be still playing with my lvl 12 alt and there would be no lvl 60 raid group to take it over again. There wouldn't be anything I could do about it but sit and wait. Yay great fun whohoo.
    And this would give a reason to play WoW and do PvP? Right... you can take over a city so now there's a reason? No, see; there's only one reason to play this game (any game for that matter) and that is for fun. If you're not having fun playing this game, then look for something better. Which in my opinion isn't out there (yet).

    WoW has a vary limited PvP system, BG has CTF OMG I mean where can you get that no FPS has that, I mean this is a warcraft game, where is the war? If you played any of the past warcraft games you could see what I mean. Anyway I think the idea of actually taking over towns is great. It would make PvP mean something,

  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
    Exactly my point, Pvp Would mean something then. You wouldn't just run out of CTF with a loss, you would have something to show for you victory if you won a battle. It wouldnt be as simple as darn we lost. People would be like OMG!! Go defend Stormwind!
  • Bama1267Bama1267 Member UncommonPosts: 1,822

    Originally posted by Kriptonik
    Wow.. is all i got to say... Wow.... Who in the world could have thought of CAPTURE THE FLAG!! OMG. This... my friends has to be one of the stupidest ideas iv ever seen for a game like this. Who wants to play capture the flag? Doesn't everyone want to destroy and capture keeps? Alterac Valley is ok... but you don't actualy get to stick your flag up on the keeps you destroy.. you "Destroy" it by taking down their flag... which isn't even really that great. There is no seige involved... I personally play MMORPG's strictly for PvP Which is why i thought WoW would be a good choice. Well once they added BG i changed my mind. there is no Siege involved which is what i was really looking foward to. Not to mention on Magtheridon a High populated PvP server, Alterac Valley 40v40 is hardly ever running if at all. I think blizzard could have put a bit more time into this. if theres no good PvP, there is nothing to do after 60, which is why i cancled my subscription.

     I just have one thing to say......what led you to believe there were going to be seiges? If you like seiges go play another game, There are a few that do this method of pvp.

               Based on what you said, you chose the wrong game for your playstyle long before BG came out.
  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
    Well thats just it pal, i wasn't expecting it to be CTF... anyone could think of that, which is why i will be playing another game. CTF has no affect on people outside of BG, if there were thigns mentioned before then people would care.
  • bballermc333bballermc333 Member Posts: 283
    krip if u dont play nemore and ur level 60 ill buy account or do something for it heh IM me Cretter123


  • paravionparavion Member Posts: 422
    I'll sell you my account too...
  • Exnor009Exnor009 Member Posts: 154
    I hate WoW it got so boring I dunno why all of you like playing it still but in my opinion it just gets to the same quests...and same equipment, everything is just easy and it gets boring untill the fith week i will say.
  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21
    I tottally agree with you there, Which is why i quit. Everwhere you walk you see lvl 60's with the same set of armor as you... pretty lame. They could have made some Unique items that you don't have to go to MC for.  Let me suggest the Asheron's call expansion to people. Fun community there, everyones nice, also there is a item generator, which means you will never find the same item 2 times unless its a quest item. Cool aye? i think thats a great idea. It also seems that in WoW Lvling is like a chore... if you don't do it you suffer lol.
  • bballermc333bballermc333 Member Posts: 283
    if your not gonna play anymore let me buy or have ur account or play on it or something


  • KriptonikKriptonik Member Posts: 21

    I am willing to sell the account, Email me at OR email me here, just put Kriptonik as the username.

  • toeblasttoeblast Member Posts: 11

    I agree 100%, WoW PvP is carebear deluxe. You kill somone and then if hes lucky hell pop up 1 sec later to kill you! And you can destroy a tower by pulling all the mobs out so the sneaky rogue can "tap" the flag. Poof 5 min its destroyed.

    And whats up with Warsong? Running back and forth to capture a flag? I used to play CTF in UT, but last i checked WoW was a MMORPG and not a FPS. I remember destroying citys and killing heroes and all sort of other stuff from WC 1, 2 and 3. I dont remember CTF was a part of the WARcraft world. But now you decide who is better race by capturing flags and not by conquest? Im glad i quit, and will never return! There are better games on the horizon :cough: AoC :cough:

    You are all noobs!

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