So... Bwt huh... SO i played today and it was cool, dialogs were cool but. First 15min "Oh wow! I'am talking to NPC's and they are talking back to me! Awesome!" after more or less than 30min "SKIP-SKIP-SKIP-STFU and give me the quest!"
That was my experiance
Playing: Rift Wating For: Guild Wars 2 Played: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Age of Conan.
I'm very disappointed in TOR. Some people want to know well WHY! are you disappointed?! Well, for me, here's why....
1. Character creation - (lack of options in key areas like body and face type)
This is personal preference and is not "standard" in most MMO's. What is there is fine for what you are doing. Once you get into later game the variation in "looks" become more apparent.
2. No completed quest log - (If we are playing many alts, would like to refresh on a toon's story by looking at recent completed quests.)
This is true but something a expect after launch. I don't see a huge need for this on launch day.
3. Social hubs / cities feel lifeless - (no npc interaction except with quest givers, very quiet, almost no ambient npc conversation or sound. Most npc's are just locked in one spot / position for infinity. Try walking through the Jedi Temple or Coruscant, feels like a graveyard or library)
At launch, no. Those areas are low level and early on there will be lots of life to them. There is "ambient npc conversation or sound" and not sure as to why you have not heard it. No perfect but they have been tweaking it.
4. World is lifeless - (no critters, birds, nothing. There are a few non aggro mobs or beasts, but they just stay locked in 1 spot pretty much)
Again, this is a matter of your personal perception. In beta due to the wipes and slower progression of testers, worlds became a little "lifeless" but again, this will change at launch.
5. No day / night cycle.
I agree to an extent with this. It really is only noticable (for me) on Tatooine where the sun shines so brightly.
6. No swimming
No biggie here but again is your personal gripe.
7. Space combat
No specifics here and the argument has been made repeatedly in and out of beta. Yes, I agree.
8. Races available to choose from - (all human races disappointing - was hoping to play a Rodian or Ithorian)
This may seem IMPORTANT but when you consider how the game was put together you understand why there just can not be tons of races to choose from.
9. Very slow travel speed.
Only up till level 14. After that, you get a SPRINT and travel picks up.
10. Racial abilities are not only worthless, but just plain dumb (most of them anyway)
Again, personal prefence by poster. In the past three builds of beta there were none. They are not meant to be there to balance or unbalance gameplay. They are just extras.
11. Graphics, especially in environments.
Not sure what this means. Graphics, while maybe not up to Skyrim stantards, are more then good for any MMO.
12. Cannot custom UI
Again, poster prefrence and not needed to play.
13. Extremely primitive guild features.
By who's standard? Most features are not even in game yet.
14. No chat bubbles (to help with cross-faction chat)
Thankfully! One thing I hate is cross-faction trash talking and the exploiting it can bring.
15. Water is terrible, pan the camera from underneath and you can see it's just a blue texture placed on top of an empty hole that you run through
Guess you don't play a lot of MMO's or this one. You do not do ANY underwater work in SWTOR.
That's what I can think of for right now. I will say I love the story and voice acting - but it seems they pumped 80% of their money into that and the GAME is somewhat of an afterthought. It's not bad, but for the money and hype put into it - for me it falls pretty flat.
If you don't like it you don't have to play. No one will force you. My comments are in YELLOW above.
I am very mixed as of late about SWTOR. From playing the beta I now believe that it convinced me that I am over Themepark MMOs. I really thought that the story would draw me in as I have read Fatal Alliance, Decieved, Reven and other novels set in TOR timeline. Yet I found myself wanting to hurry up and go through dialog.
Considering that I have had more fun playing Warhammer: Wrath of Heroes beta than I have SWTOR also goes to show me that when it comes to my MMOs I believe that I really don't care about the over all story I just want to do killing and action. I played WoW for almost 6 years and left it eariler this year. I had levelled all classes to 85 and yet from all that leveling I can't really say that any of the quest really stuck to me aside the ones that were immortilized like Mankirk's Wife.
I am not saying that SWTOR is a bad game. It isn't. I played each of the classes for a few hours aleast a piece and each had interesting skills. I liked that there was no auto-attack. I really like how they have simpified looting and have the mobs with loot tables glow after you kill them. But the over all if I want a SWTOR story I will just stick to the novels. I didn't find anything interesting enough that I think will keep me around for the long haul.
I will keep my preorder to hold me over until Warhammer: Wrath of Heroes comes out (enjoyed it's beta actually more than SWTOR beta) or maybe The Secret World or Guildwars 2. But honestly I am really starting to understand why there are a large group of people on that are looking for a good sandbox. I always thought I was a Theme Park player but I have started to learn that I am looking for making my own path. In my mmos I rather be killing than questing.
-------------------------------- Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
All I can say is I'm glad I decided to skip the beta invite they sent me awhile back and just not even try to test it because just from things they said without videos or screenshots made me vomit in my mouth. When the game goes F2P I will still not even give this hunk of trash a shot. A year ago I wanted this MMO but as more and more details came out I turned away and not disappointed.
Sadly this game will sell and I say sadly because I honestly want this game to fail so these damn devs stop shoveling this crap down out throats. I'm sorry but adding voiced storyline over the same dumbed down garbage is not new it just makes it voiced over trash...
All I can say is I'm glad I decided to skip the beta invite they sent me awhile back and just not even try to test it because just from things they said without videos or screenshots made me vomit in my mouth. When the game goes F2P I will still not even give this hunk of trash a shot. A year ago I wanted this MMO but as more and more details came out I turned away and not disappointed.
Sadly this game will sell and I say sadly because I honestly want this game to fail so these damn devs stop shoveling this crap down out throats. I'm sorry but adding voiced storyline over the same dumbed down garbage is not new it just makes it voiced over trash...
Yup after playing it myself I feel the same way
Bioware need to be slapped in the face for this trololo title
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
All I can say is I'm glad I decided to skip the beta invite they sent me awhile back and just not even try to test it because just from things they said without videos or screenshots made me vomit in my mouth. When the game goes F2P I will still not even give this hunk of trash a shot. A year ago I wanted this MMO but as more and more details came out I turned away and not disappointed.
Sadly this game will sell and I say sadly because I honestly want this game to fail so these damn devs stop shoveling this crap down out throats. I'm sorry but adding voiced storyline over the same dumbed down garbage is not new it just makes it voiced over trash...
same here mate.Dont worry someday we will all play a good mmo.Lets hope it will not take 5 years more
Up until now, I've given every MMORPG a fair chance and leveled a character to max in each one. My latest one was RIFT, where I quit because it was too much like Wow and the dungeons were becoming completely gear oriented. Here, I can't do. I just can't. I hit level 2 (yeah, only level 2), and I'm done. I'm so fed up with this cookie cutter combat system. It's not "Like wow", it's a carbon copy. Once again we have our 1, 2, 3 , 2, 2 turn based combat. Once again we are being sent out to kill 8 squishy space dudes while saving 3 npcs and 4 holograms. I was impressed by the voice acting and the CGI, but the core components of the game to me; Graphics, combat, and immersion in quests, were all terrible. The graphics look as bad as I feared they would. The combat is the same thing I've seen in every other game so far and the quests are just kill X and collect X again. Maybe it changes, but I'm sorry, I'm out of patience. If the very first thing I see in a game is the thing I quit a dozen other games over, you're striking a bad first impression.
Up until now, I've given every MMORPG a fair chance and leveled a character to max in each one. My latest one was RIFT, where I quit because it was too much like Wow and the dungeons were becoming completely gear oriented. Here, I can't do. I just can't. I hit level 2 (yeah, only level 2), and I'm done. I'm so fed up with this cookie cutter combat system. It's not "Like wow", it's a carbon copy. Once again we have our 1, 2, 3 , 2, 2 turn based combat. Once again we are being sent out to kill 8 squishy space dudes while saving 3 npcs and 4 holograms. I was impressed by the voice acting and the CGI, but the core components of the game to me; Graphics, combat, and immersion in quests, were all terrible. The graphics look as bad as I feared they would. The combat is the same thing I've seen in every other game so far and the quests are just kill X and collect X again. Maybe it changes, but I'm sorry, I'm out of patience. If the very first thing I see in a game is the thing I quit a dozen other games over, you're striking a bad first impression.
I am just glad people finally relizing I was right, I been saying on these forums for months how the game is bascally a carbon copy of world of warcraft in terms of combat, quest and even class wise, just with a starwars twist on the classes. I too am sick of the generic boring wow-like combat system, Once I seen a combat video for swtor I immedatly decided not to pre-order and might not even buy the game at all, IMO Bioware wasted 150 million dollars just to make a game that copies an dpastes from wow, IMO they should have used less budget for voice overs and more on trying to make the game not a carbon copy of world of warcraft in most of its major game systems (combat, questing and classes).
The game was never impressive to me at all, and the genericly boring looking combat really didn't draw me in either. I am a killer in these games I love to kill stuff, and if the combat looks boring like swtor and like wow's was I just cannot get into the game. If I want a story i'll play a single player game. IMHO this game should not be a subscription mmorpg, its bascally a single player game with a un-needed online mode tacked on just so they can suck 15/month out of fanboys. Their plan will probally work though because of the massive amount of SW/Bioware fanboys out there. I probally wouldn't be far off to say that 85% of the pre-orders are probally fanboys, ya know the type that blindy will buy anything if it has a certan brand involved etc?
People are dissapinted because the hype made them believe it was going to be some awesome uber game, and insted we bascally got world of warcrafts combat, quest progression, and classes, with a star wars skin, bioware didn;t even try to deviate from WoW's combat etc at all, it was a direct copy and paste. The raiding also will probally be just as pointless, though I think you can raid for the best gear then use it for pvp (which is as it SHOULD be) Tired of raiding in these games having no use for the raid gear (in terms of non-raid use). Best feature swtor has? probally the fact in a raid/big boss everyone gets their own loot chest so there is no fighting over stuff. But this is probally the only remarkable feature the entire game has that was not cloned from WoW.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Up until now, I've given every MMORPG a fair chance and leveled a character to max in each one. My latest one was RIFT, where I quit because it was too much like Wow and the dungeons were becoming completely gear oriented. Here, I can't do. I just can't. I hit level 2 (yeah, only level 2), and I'm done. I'm so fed up with this cookie cutter combat system. It's not "Like wow", it's a carbon copy. Once again we have our 1, 2, 3 , 2, 2 turn based combat. Once again we are being sent out to kill 8 squishy space dudes while saving 3 npcs and 4 holograms. I was impressed by the voice acting and the CGI, but the core components of the game to me; Graphics, combat, and immersion in quests, were all terrible. The graphics look as bad as I feared they would. The combat is the same thing I've seen in every other game so far and the quests are just kill X and collect X again. Maybe it changes, but I'm sorry, I'm out of patience. If the very first thing I see in a game is the thing I quit a dozen other games over, you're striking a bad first impression.
This is EXACTLY what happened to me too. Good writting!
Up until now, I've given every MMORPG a fair chance and leveled a character to max in each one. My latest one was RIFT, where I quit because it was too much like Wow and the dungeons were becoming completely gear oriented. Here, I can't do. I just can't. I hit level 2 (yeah, only level 2), and I'm done. I'm so fed up with this cookie cutter combat system. It's not "Like wow", it's a carbon copy. Once again we have our 1, 2, 3 , 2, 2 turn based combat. Once again we are being sent out to kill 8 squishy space dudes while saving 3 npcs and 4 holograms. I was impressed by the voice acting and the CGI, but the core components of the game to me; Graphics, combat, and immersion in quests, were all terrible. The graphics look as bad as I feared they would. The combat is the same thing I've seen in every other game so far and the quests are just kill X and collect X again. Maybe it changes, but I'm sorry, I'm out of patience. If the very first thing I see in a game is the thing I quit a dozen other games over, you're striking a bad first impression.
This is EXACTLY what happened to me too. Good writting!
I agree with both fo you, also this is what hype causes, they hyped up the game to much even though its just a wow-clone, and now there is a big backlash, this is kinda funny because I totally predicted whats happening now was going to happen 6 months ago.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
I`m in it right now, but meh... they show you all those cool cinematics, have you thinking wow it`s so cool, then load up the character creation screen/game that looks like crap in comparison.
I logged into SWTOR after playing Skyrim, and basically i don`t think i will even bother playing SWTOR much except to look arround a little. It looks like a damn cartoon, the combat is the same one i`ve seen 100 times untill now...
Hopefully the gameplay will save it but meh, my girlfriend is using my old pc, a dual core e6300 and a nvidia GT 9500 to play Skyrim, and on medium she has like 10x better graphics than me with my i5/6950 get in SWTOR.... a big turnoff for me, i`m a bit past cartoons.
Maybe it wouldn`t have been as bad if they didn`t show all those cinematics first, i mean come on...
I`ll post more when i play more... if i can get arround to play more so far i don`t like what i see.
Reminds me of every other bioware game to be honest. Very statis and lifeless. Never felt immersed into the world when I played any of their games. The story is ok yes but story means nothing to me If it doesn't have a world around it that can make me feel like a part of this story. It's just like reading an average book. So this SWTOR story might get like super epic by end game and you'll praticipate in some Empire/Republic battle. I imagine it being in some empty barren field with just a bunch of NPC's standing around waiting for you to attack them.
Lots of people might find this game fun and will blindly support it and neglect anything wrong with it. But you can't disagree that for a 2011 release with such a powerful IP and all the fan base behind the Star Wars franchise, as well as the millions of dollars in production value...we get what? the same generic hotkey mmo that we've all played in some form or the other. It doesn't even attempt to be different. Story driven doesn't mean much (Lotro is a story driven mmo,its not perfect or has the money spent into voice acting like swtor does but it's there, so you can't say that this is anything revolutionary)
I'm not disappointed with the game, because I already knew it was going to be like this. This is just my opinion on the game and I hope you can respect that. I am not trying to persuade anyone to think negatively about it, it's your money and your time so you do whatever you want with it.
I played with SW a lot and I am dissapointed with questing. The planets are so huge its a pain trying to cross them and quests seem as pointles as in WoW so I am thinking of just doing the main quest, see how that goes.
Grouping is nice but rare, I only grouped twice, once for Black Talon that crashed 4 times on me, that was some experience...Anyway, it looks like this games story is nice but thats it. Not buying it. Maybe I am just too lazy to play, mmos coud be not for me.
But to think that I joined this site mainly for this game hahahaha....
'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.
When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.
No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.
How to become a millionaire: Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.
When I found myself logging off to play minecraft or in the Wrath of Heroes Beta I knew that it was a bad sign. The more I think about it the closer I come to droping my pre order. Not because of bugs but of boredom. I had hoped for something new but was disappointed. I will give it a try again tonight but I sense a disturbance in the force with this one as if a million fans all perished.
-------------------------------- Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
I've been a beta tester since late July and TOR is the single worst MMO I've ever played/tested. I don't even understand how this game was in development for as long as it was considering they used an existing game engine and let Blizzard make all of their design decisions.
From the joke of a space combat system to the antiquated and coma-inducing combat engine the game just reeks of archaic regurgitation.
As a Star Wars fanatic the game is abysmal as well. TOR is beyond bad and I'm very glad I was allowed to beta test it so I could cancel my pre-order in good conscience.
Nice try, Bioware. Stick to the Dragon Ages and Mass Effects.
So... Bwt huh... SO i played today and it was cool, dialogs were cool but. First 15min "Oh wow! I'am talking to NPC's and they are talking back to me! Awesome!" after more or less than 30min "SKIP-SKIP-SKIP-STFU and give me the quest!"
That was my experiance
Playing: Rift
Wating For: Guild Wars 2
Played: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Age of Conan.
If you don't like it you don't have to play. No one will force you. My comments are in YELLOW above.
Let's party like it is 1863!
I think it was clear to everyone from the start that SWOTR wasn't supposed to be SWG 2/reloaded/whatever...
I guess I was wrong and there are still a few that don't get it.
I am very mixed as of late about SWTOR. From playing the beta I now believe that it convinced me that I am over Themepark MMOs. I really thought that the story would draw me in as I have read Fatal Alliance, Decieved, Reven and other novels set in TOR timeline. Yet I found myself wanting to hurry up and go through dialog.
Considering that I have had more fun playing Warhammer: Wrath of Heroes beta than I have SWTOR also goes to show me that when it comes to my MMOs I believe that I really don't care about the over all story I just want to do killing and action. I played WoW for almost 6 years and left it eariler this year. I had levelled all classes to 85 and yet from all that leveling I can't really say that any of the quest really stuck to me aside the ones that were immortilized like Mankirk's Wife.
I am not saying that SWTOR is a bad game. It isn't. I played each of the classes for a few hours aleast a piece and each had interesting skills. I liked that there was no auto-attack. I really like how they have simpified looting and have the mobs with loot tables glow after you kill them. But the over all if I want a SWTOR story I will just stick to the novels. I didn't find anything interesting enough that I think will keep me around for the long haul.
I will keep my preorder to hold me over until Warhammer: Wrath of Heroes comes out (enjoyed it's beta actually more than SWTOR beta) or maybe The Secret World or Guildwars 2. But honestly I am really starting to understand why there are a large group of people on that are looking for a good sandbox. I always thought I was a Theme Park player but I have started to learn that I am looking for making my own path. In my mmos I rather be killing than questing.
Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.
All I can say is I'm glad I decided to skip the beta invite they sent me awhile back and just not even try to test it because just from things they said without videos or screenshots made me vomit in my mouth. When the game goes F2P I will still not even give this hunk of trash a shot. A year ago I wanted this MMO but as more and more details came out I turned away and not disappointed.
Sadly this game will sell and I say sadly because I honestly want this game to fail so these damn devs stop shoveling this crap down out throats. I'm sorry but adding voiced storyline over the same dumbed down garbage is not new it just makes it voiced over trash...
Yup after playing it myself I feel the same way
Bioware need to be slapped in the face for this trololo title
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
same here mate.Dont worry someday we will all play a good mmo.Lets hope it will not take 5 years more
Up until now, I've given every MMORPG a fair chance and leveled a character to max in each one. My latest one was RIFT, where I quit because it was too much like Wow and the dungeons were becoming completely gear oriented. Here, I can't do. I just can't. I hit level 2 (yeah, only level 2), and I'm done. I'm so fed up with this cookie cutter combat system. It's not "Like wow", it's a carbon copy. Once again we have our 1, 2, 3 , 2, 2 turn based combat. Once again we are being sent out to kill 8 squishy space dudes while saving 3 npcs and 4 holograms. I was impressed by the voice acting and the CGI, but the core components of the game to me; Graphics, combat, and immersion in quests, were all terrible. The graphics look as bad as I feared they would. The combat is the same thing I've seen in every other game so far and the quests are just kill X and collect X again. Maybe it changes, but I'm sorry, I'm out of patience. If the very first thing I see in a game is the thing I quit a dozen other games over, you're striking a bad first impression.
I am just glad people finally relizing I was right, I been saying on these forums for months how the game is bascally a carbon copy of world of warcraft in terms of combat, quest and even class wise, just with a starwars twist on the classes. I too am sick of the generic boring wow-like combat system, Once I seen a combat video for swtor I immedatly decided not to pre-order and might not even buy the game at all, IMO Bioware wasted 150 million dollars just to make a game that copies an dpastes from wow, IMO they should have used less budget for voice overs and more on trying to make the game not a carbon copy of world of warcraft in most of its major game systems (combat, questing and classes).
The game was never impressive to me at all, and the genericly boring looking combat really didn't draw me in either. I am a killer in these games I love to kill stuff, and if the combat looks boring like swtor and like wow's was I just cannot get into the game. If I want a story i'll play a single player game. IMHO this game should not be a subscription mmorpg, its bascally a single player game with a un-needed online mode tacked on just so they can suck 15/month out of fanboys. Their plan will probally work though because of the massive amount of SW/Bioware fanboys out there. I probally wouldn't be far off to say that 85% of the pre-orders are probally fanboys, ya know the type that blindy will buy anything if it has a certan brand involved etc?
People are dissapinted because the hype made them believe it was going to be some awesome uber game, and insted we bascally got world of warcrafts combat, quest progression, and classes, with a star wars skin, bioware didn;t even try to deviate from WoW's combat etc at all, it was a direct copy and paste. The raiding also will probally be just as pointless, though I think you can raid for the best gear then use it for pvp (which is as it SHOULD be) Tired of raiding in these games having no use for the raid gear (in terms of non-raid use). Best feature swtor has? probally the fact in a raid/big boss everyone gets their own loot chest so there is no fighting over stuff. But this is probally the only remarkable feature the entire game has that was not cloned from WoW.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
This is EXACTLY what happened to me too. Good writting!
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
I agree with both fo you, also this is what hype causes, they hyped up the game to much even though its just a wow-clone, and now there is a big backlash, this is kinda funny because I totally predicted whats happening now was going to happen 6 months ago.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
I`m in it right now, but meh... they show you all those cool cinematics, have you thinking wow it`s so cool, then load up the character creation screen/game that looks like crap in comparison.
I logged into SWTOR after playing Skyrim, and basically i don`t think i will even bother playing SWTOR much except to look arround a little. It looks like a damn cartoon, the combat is the same one i`ve seen 100 times untill now...
Hopefully the gameplay will save it but meh, my girlfriend is using my old pc, a dual core e6300 and a nvidia GT 9500 to play Skyrim, and on medium she has like 10x better graphics than me with my i5/6950 get in SWTOR.... a big turnoff for me, i`m a bit past cartoons.
Maybe it wouldn`t have been as bad if they didn`t show all those cinematics first, i mean come on...
I`ll post more when i play more... if i can get arround to play more so far i don`t like what i see.
Reminds me of every other bioware game to be honest. Very statis and lifeless. Never felt immersed into the world when I played any of their games. The story is ok yes but story means nothing to me If it doesn't have a world around it that can make me feel like a part of this story. It's just like reading an average book. So this SWTOR story might get like super epic by end game and you'll praticipate in some Empire/Republic battle. I imagine it being in some empty barren field with just a bunch of NPC's standing around waiting for you to attack them.
Lots of people might find this game fun and will blindly support it and neglect anything wrong with it. But you can't disagree that for a 2011 release with such a powerful IP and all the fan base behind the Star Wars franchise, as well as the millions of dollars in production value...we get what? the same generic hotkey mmo that we've all played in some form or the other. It doesn't even attempt to be different. Story driven doesn't mean much (Lotro is a story driven mmo,its not perfect or has the money spent into voice acting like swtor does but it's there, so you can't say that this is anything revolutionary)
I'm not disappointed with the game, because I already knew it was going to be like this. This is just my opinion on the game and I hope you can respect that. I am not trying to persuade anyone to think negatively about it, it's your money and your time so you do whatever you want with it.
Uninstalled game. Enough said.
I played with SW a lot and I am dissapointed with questing. The planets are so huge its a pain trying to cross them and quests seem as pointles as in WoW so I am thinking of just doing the main quest, see how that goes.
Grouping is nice but rare, I only grouped twice, once for Black Talon that crashed 4 times on me, that was some experience...Anyway, it looks like this games story is nice but thats it. Not buying it. Maybe I am just too lazy to play, mmos coud be not for me.
But to think that I joined this site mainly for this game hahahaha....
"To be a rock and not to roll..."
And cancelled pre-order.
'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.
When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.
No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.
How to become a millionaire:
Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.
Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.
And put it simply that is why this game will fail because LA and thier new muppets BIOWARE still dont get it! This game is the NGE 2! = down hill
I think you hit the nail on the head!
It's not for everyone, especially those finding themselves jaded in the current stream of MMOs.
Hey, maybe GW2 will tickle your fancy. I hear it's free, too.
didnt u know the same guy posting a bad review 10 times outweights the 100s of positive reviews to there 2 negative any day.
Agree.........Bring back the mechanics of pre cu, or cu swg and fit it into any game and we wont be sick anymore = simple
I've been a beta tester since late July and TOR is the single worst MMO I've ever played/tested. I don't even understand how this game was in development for as long as it was considering they used an existing game engine and let Blizzard make all of their design decisions.
From the joke of a space combat system to the antiquated and coma-inducing combat engine the game just reeks of archaic regurgitation.
As a Star Wars fanatic the game is abysmal as well. TOR is beyond bad and I'm very glad I was allowed to beta test it so I could cancel my pre-order in good conscience.
Nice try, Bioware. Stick to the Dragon Ages and Mass Effects.