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In the end the game is bad

KampoKampo Member Posts: 1

Hi, just to say

i played more than 4000 matches in this game, got a lot of tanks but in the end i think the game is bad, HIGLY unbalanced, a lot of bugs unpatched since a long time, and next update still adding useless things like horns for your tanks ...  while there is only ONE game mod since more than a year

this not a free to play game, but more of a pay to win, you can't have tanks of high tier without paying a lot of money or playing a reeeaaaly long time to even drive with them since you'll lose a lot of  ingame credits playing with them. And i saw that the community is NEVER listened, and the game team can't take any critics or you'll win a ban, or they'll ban you for little crap if you speak too much.

so make better use of your time or try another game but i highly discourage you of going in world of tank


  • RavingRabbidRavingRabbid Member UncommonPosts: 1,168

    The game is what it is, but I wouldnt say its pay to win exactly. You can pay gold to have a premium account much like you would in many games. If you dont have a premium account you just have to grind it out xp-wise...  As far asA I have bought enough gold to have a premium account. You would only use gold ammo and tank ammineties in clan wars as using them in regular match games would get expensive! Some of the premium tanks such as the Churchill and matilda arent very good. As far as thier forums are concerned its thier rules. If you dont like it post on nonWOT forums. I agree that the matchmaking sux, especially during weekday mornings.

    ***The use of a plunger on a tank is currently under review by***

    All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
    Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes

  • udonudon Member UncommonPosts: 1,803


    While I would not call the game "play to win" it does come awful close with gold ammo and some of the gold amenities like the automatic fire extinguisher.  The problem I have with the game is that it WILL cost you more than $15.00 a month to play if you want to play the higher tiers.  I don't mind paying money to play a "Free 2 Play" game that is enjoyable but when it starts to cost more than a premium subscription game I start to question why.  It's almost $15.00 a month just for the premium subscription which is really required just to hold you head above water credits and XP wise once you pass about Tier 5 tanks or so.  On top of that there are the premium tanks, garage slots, gold ammo, gold consumables, the ability to buy credits with gold and probably their number one money maker the ability to convert excess experience from elite tanks to shared experience. 


    Unless you are happy playing T1 – T6 all the time expect to be paying at least $20 - $30 a month for this game, much more if you fall in love with gold ammo and consumables.  If that's a acceptable price for the game for you than more power to you.  For me it's hard to see how paying twice what I pay for my EQ2 sub is worth it.

  • brickleulbrickleul Member UncommonPosts: 28

    I agree this game is a waste of time, the only ppl here who can argue with me are for sure devs or WoT staff members , I don't think there is someone around who really think this game is good.

    This is a money sink , 1st there are some high tier premium tanks that are way to much overpowered ( Type 59)

     The russian tanks are unbalanced , there are tanks on their side like T-50-2 who is a 14-16 tones tank who have 70km/h speed and can turn at this speed also , making 180 degree turns and also keeping this speed. In fat the russian tanks are the more agile and fastest tanks in the game. I don't remeber exactly but I don't think the russias had the best engines in WWII.  I wonder if the game would have been developed by Americans would still have they the suckiest tanks ?

    Premium ammo this is a thing , recent tests made by me and my clan members and some other people observed that devs are using a strange algorithm for penetration  with normal ammo,  for example 1 of 8 shots with 220 penetration gun in a 90 degree angle in 200 armor will not penetrate, and this is happening in 5m where no penalty should be involved , also there are more teste where penetration don't occour with normal ammo so in high tier fights you really need penetration ammo and this would drain you out of money ( real money).

    There are a lot of more other things , plenty of noobs , there is the problem with low tier ramming high tiers in the same team and the high tier have to pay penaltyes because that one is being stupid .

    In medium tier fights you depend to much by first 2 tanks in team , if one of them is retard the game is lost , if 1 is afk the game is lost and so on.

    There are plenty of bugs also , hitting trough walls , sand dunes , aslo hitting a tank killing a crew member but the tank doesn't take dmg and much more 

  • DojenDojen Member UncommonPosts: 134

    I was very "up" for this game when it came out, but the developers are greedy beyond belief. This "is" a pay to win game. And you will be paying a lot to win; several hundred dollars a month at the least. And that's why they will fail.

  • Pale_FirePale_Fire Member UncommonPosts: 360

    I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    I like the game.  I buy just enough to go premium.  I don't buy ammo or special tanks, which I don't believe are worth it.  Premium cuts some of the grind.

    Yes, there is some balance issues and matchmaking is not good, and it probably never will be.  But those are my only 2 complaints and they don't break the game for me.

    I really have fun playing different tanks and working through their various styles and tactics.  They are a lot of maps and they are adding more as well as new tanks.

    It's unique.  I like it. 

  • Zlayer77Zlayer77 Member Posts: 826

    I have played this a few weeks now for fun, and yes Its a money game for sure.. How much money you spend is up 2 you though, But the feeling is to stay competative you probably have to dish out alot Of IRL cash..

    The game is kinda fun though, the MM is totaly fail though, but if you go into it with an open mind and know that yes Im gona have to spend some money here I think its okey..

    What I dont like though is that to many people ( devs in descise maybe lolz) talk against what the game is. I disslike Lying and The fact is this game is as close to pay to win as it gets..

    I will be playing a few weeks more but dont think I will stick around for more then a few months..

  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430

    I disagree on a number of points.


    I do not believe it is a pay to win since 99% of the tanks can be gotten for free.  It will take some time that way but it is perfectly possible.  It is absoutely a free to play game if you want it to be.  Having a better tank definitely doesn't mean you are destined to win.

    Bugs.  It has some, but nothing that is taking away from the enjoyment.

    4000 plus matches and you say its a bad game.  I'd hat to see how much you play a game you like.

    Balancing issues.  A tough question.  I hear the lament of teams being unbalanced, and sometimes you win em and some times you lose em, but I haven't seen a battle that can't be won.  Sometimes you are at a disadvantage, but unless you matched each tank to each tank with matching tech additions, you are never going to get it perfect.

    I find this game to be a great side game between more involved games such as MMOs.  I play most FPS type games that way.  I play my MMO for a while, then I take a break, play a few matches of WOT or whatever, and then go back to something that involves a little more brain power.


    I self identify as a monkey.

  • KelvrekKelvrek Member Posts: 86
    I don't believe this game is p2w. You do need either a prem acct or good prem tank to make credits to support high tier tanks, but that doesn't mean you will have an exceptional win %. The MM does make some lopsided matches, but over time a player will end up 50/50 on the advantaged/disadvantaged side. I have won matches on several teams where some players lamented our draw, and I have lost matches on good draws due to the foolish play of others. Prem ammo is for clan wars. It's foolish to use it in random battles. I have a one year prem acct. It cost about $8 per month. I have several high tier tanks that are for clan wars. I play tier seven or below in random battles to grind credits. This game isn't expensive if you do it right.

    As for hackers, I believe there are far fewer than people think. I have been accused of hacking in some of my better performances. Some people can't stand having a bad battle, so they think everyone else is a hacker.
  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648

    Play up to tier 6 and you can avoid most of the "pay to win traps" they set.  Only problem there is the fact that you still have those dreaded "Type 59" matches (a premuim tank available only to those spending real-money) that end in disaster for you.


    What gets me about the community is that if you make a comment or criticism about any of this, the same comments people in the game make often, you'll get crucified for it.  Seriously, voice your opinion about a "Premium tank" and you'll receive -10 rep overnight.


    It's like the Devs have brainwashed the community into thinking their way and weed out all of the opposing views by promoting forum-bashing them.


    A good company releases a good product and relies on people's appreciation of that product to pay their bills.  A poor company lures people in with what would seem to be a good product, but always looks for ways to milk their wallets dry.  Call it shrewd business tactics if you like, most people would call it unethical.

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