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I got this game really cheap so I thought I give it a second try (last time was in open beta) and the game is a pretty solid game but PvE games never manage to hold my interest for long, so I was wondering. What PvP options are there?
So far, at level 30, the only PvP I have seen is in Warfronts which are vastly inferior to WARs scenarios and gets boring quick. Is there open world PvP? I assume yes since there are PvP servers, and I am playing on one, but I have yet to see any.
Hit 50 and start doing the daily pvp quests. It is usually zerg vs zerg in the open zones. Fun sometimes and a hassle other times.
What is the incentive and rewards for that? (if any)
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Forum>Rift>General Discussions> PVP & Warfronts
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Another thing that defines Rift's PvP, apart from the tears, is the sheer dominance of FotM specs. After every patch, the level 50 WFs are always filled with the latest FotM specs. Last month was the worst I've exeprienced, with 51 Marksmens AOE debuffing everyone, now this month brings back the Pyromancer. Most noteably the Pyro/Dom.
1)Good PVE
2)Great Crafting
3)Outstanding realm vs realm conflict
This game has had fair PVE(#1) for a long time.Forget #2 and #3. That's why I'm not playing.And I wish it weren't so,but for is.
Yes the game has solid PvE and class system but the PvP seems to be lacking alot so hence why I un-subbed yesterday. Even SW:TOR seems to have richer PvP.
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LOL? Are you trying to shamelessly Plug TOR? Because one of the worst things about TOR is the PVP. Among the other bad things about TOR.