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So the game has been around for a pretty long time now so I kinda expect the game to have changed a lot too ! So anybody's caring to give me the most important changes since launch? I'll probably start a new character so anything is relevant, from new character content to end game.
Thanks in advance !
(Oh and if anybody was wondering why I left after a month it's because I felt the game was lacking compared to older P2Ps)
You may want to add a little detail as to why you left Rift. This way people will know what you are looking for and identify the changes which affect what you like/don't like. Just a suggestion. May help get you more useful responses.
I self identify as a monkey.
-Exact same situation. I played at launch and am really on the edge about giving this game another go around. I stopped playing before simply because I got bored.
How is the population? I was aware of a "mass exodus" at the time I left.
I played from launch and felt I was learning the game, but as with any game, I make many alts just to figure out what I want to play. At that time the only roles really playable were Saboteur and the "tank" spec. I never plays warrs so I really focused on mages and priests. Really liked priests.
BUT THEN they tried to do an event. This event basically stopped planar drops, and since I was still developing alts, gearing stopped. STOPPED. Thousands of of unsubbed. Thousands.
I came back a couple weeks ago. The world is empty, and buggy.
In order to gear while you level (so that you can rock in bgs) you must either...
1. Do random instances...which as a tank have at least 30 minute Qs
2. Do rifts for planars....which since the world is empty, forget it.
3. Do quests for "rep"...which by the time you get the rep for the gear you have greens that are better.
Crafting blows. hard.
Rift NA population trending chart
Mostly trending in low percentiles and dropping according to that data, at least over November.
1-49 is the EXACT same as it was. Every single thing Trion has done, despite the fact much of it could have been applied to lower levels, has been for level 50s.
They added a mediocre AA system (which is better than what most games have) and a couple 1 man instances. A big new zone as well, but its more of the same.
If you didnt like Rift before, its likely you still wont like it. If you like raiding though it might be worth a try.
I played at launch got bored after 3 months. Came back for 1.5 with the AA's and had fun until this last couple weeks, but its cause I dont have time to do everything I like. Find a good server, and good guild, world pvp is fun, ember isles is very competetive and difficult. SWtor will prolly take me away again, but I am subbed til march either way.
They have added a lot of RIFT content to all zones, now every zone can have any possible RIFT spawn anywhere. So for example at launch Silverwood was Fire and Life, it now has Water, Air, Death, Earth as well as every type randomized so you can get the level 50 death rift from Stillmoor, with a level 12 version