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Firstly, I wish the best for both MMORPG's that will "PvP" over the upcoming years. Competition can be of course harmful and beneficial to the playerbase involved with these games. We will see far more improvements, promotions and so on like what WOW been doing recently with the upcoming SWTOR launch.
Anyways, the fact is whats new its "interesting" and gains the momentum, attention and so on, but this definetely works more to the younger audence/market and we have growing and growing veteran MMORPG playerbase that follows my footsteps as they gain the gaming experience.
Expect the older, veteran, mature community to stick to WOW, while the younger to rush out with the SWTOR preorders and enjoy their Christmas holiday enjoying the new SWTOR experience. Statisticly speaking the fact is I did spend far far more and played more and more games as I was younger. Especially btw the age of 6-10 I played 95%+ of NES, SNES and PSX games.
I owned NES, SNES, PSX, Dreamcast and that's it. When I bought the PC I knew this is it. This was 10 years ago. I never bought PS2, PS3, xbox or xbox360. I remember buying from Walmart Everquest just so I end up having invalid code at home and that destiny threw me in the Ultima Online world insteed. So during 2001-2003 I only played less than dozen games, but those dozen games I did play were far far more advanced, deep, complex and mature than what I played before. Half Life, Counter Strike, Star Craft and as I mentioned Ultima Online were the major and (trying tons of other F2P ones in btw). SWG- PRE CU afterwards, but then there wasn't WOW and I'm glad there wasn't.
SW-Pre CU gave me something special, just like Ultima Online and WOW. These 3 MMORPG gave me a one of a kind experience that I deeply treasure in my heart. These 3 MMORPG's were deeply immersive, engaging. rich with lore, challenges and I just feel sad for the younger generation never had the chance to play UO or SW-Pre CU.
The thrill that SW-Pre-CU gave me was priceless. I know 100% SWTOR themepark design won't allow me to:
#1 Be engaged in its economy as I was in SWG. Searching for the best quality weaponsmith, armorsmith, druid engineer, chef, doctor and so on.
#2 The thrill to be a true jedi, searching for my force, hidding from visibility while leveling so bounty hunters and their covert and overt friends don't end up popping on my radar to give me huge xp loss while they gain that bounty reward. Going through the jedi knight trials was another experience. Hiring players to search for rare creatures across planets that only I was worthy enough to destroy force or leading a night raid on Naboo with the Alliance, it was truly an epic and engaging war that where the weaker had to ally with the stronger to prosper and dominate the outcome.
#3 Building your own faction hospitals, guilds, headquarters and turret defences, or hiring your own troopers, commandos, AT-AT's that I had to use wisely since they were expendable was a true sandbox feature. They die, they stay dead. I die, I lose doctor buffs, get some diseases and so forth. Build your own home on a land on a good location, for various features like for opening your own shop with vendors, decorating it both design and furniture inside or for my case, building a small house close to where I was leveling as a jedi, so once I noticed a swarm of red dots around me. I manage to hop on my swoop bike, get to it as fast as I can, lock inside and call 2-3 jedis with some extra friends to turn my house into a church with massive Empire graveyard.
#4 SWTOR players could literally turn their backs on each other and go good or evil. Like for example when I discovered a very rare and valuable holocrons spawning on some troops far from the closest Naboo city that if used could reveal your force path. So I call a friend to come and get some too since you could only use one. He comes and there weren't too many troopers there, the respawn timer wasn't too fast, so he decides to ask me on a duel (I forgot for what, I think to die so he can rez in city, not to run back all the way) as a Tera Kasi Master vs my Rifleman and he defeats me in melee range, slains me and tells me, sorry dude I need to get more holos so I can sell.
Back before swoop bikes or jedis existed, only slow camels another epic turning evil/good story where a friend bounty hunter from the Alliance (my side) decides to use the /findfriend command when I login next day at noon with sickness and no buffs, waiting in a hospital to heal myself. He comes there and decides to use detotantion druid on me, to slain me, give me mass exp lose, get a HUGE bounty reward and even post the screenshots and brag on the forums. Sure I was pissed and I said some bad things to him back and then SOE decides to perma ban me ingame for a "threat" that happened once on the forum... So the game sure had far more realistic and impacting good/evil system than what SWTOR will ever offer.
And I never mentioned the epic experience and priceless pleasure I had defeating the 2nd most powerful jedi on our side in a friendly duel in front of our friends, guildies watching in some theater.
So you obvioslly know by now that my experience will continue in WOW for the time being. Although I like the story and all that in SWTOR, I will wait and see how it goes. I do not find the combat so appleaing or the PvP as good as WOW's. WOW has great arena system, far more skill based combat, awesome user interface and the raiding been top since the game came out. The gold, progress and friends earned are another factor. In my case only time SWTOR would've bought me over WOW is if they made SWTOR be more than WOW. WOW did ruin balance a lot when Cataclysm launched, but they tried to fix mages for example in 4.3 by buffing melee classes a bit more.
I am clearly not biased toward WOW since I've had such awesome SWG time, but I won't be one of those players who will play "both" since I fully dedicate my time toward one adventure, one MMORPG and I excel at it.
What will be your choice?
I dont think that a game like SWG will come around any time soon. SWTOR is not the game we all hoped it would be. WoW is good, but I don't want to grind for pixel gear. It is unfortunate the position MMOs are in right now. Every game is the same. We either have to deal with it or just not play. I have enough of a RL to have the luxury of not playing, but I would love to waste my time in another FFA Sandbox Star Wars experience. I am really dissappointed with Bioware. Too bad they will never have a Mass Effect Sandbox MMO.
WoW - It is losing subs, in 3-5 years I cannot see it being #1, especially the 5 year number...Those that love blizzard can feel good that maybe they have their new mmo out and it is #1 instead?
SWTOR - I preordered it, but I don't see much special, besides the story which is something that doesn't have lasting power. I am less hyped about playing SWTOR than I think I have ever been for a mmo that I am going to pay a sub for...So I don't see SWTOR being king.
3-5 years is a long time, and this is essentially betting the field in an event, so I am going field, and I would feel pretty confident to do so, especially using the 5 year number.
thats a long time in future and we dont know what titan will be.
I fully expect wow to be a top 5 mmo in 5 yrs but not much more then that.
Id expect. at the time depending on any new mmos coming out we dont know about
Tor to be number 1 or 2
secret world to be 1 or 2
gw 2 to be a fad that gets flammed but has a solid player base maybe 3-4 on list of sorry to many players expect gw 2 to reinvent the mmo genre no game and i mean no game can live up to that.
This is how I see it going down.
TOR will die very fast like Aion and WAR. People will still play it, but will slowely die off and go to only a few servers.
I think a lot of the people that left WOW will go back to WOW.
I think companies are slowely starting to realize you cant just make a game that will please everyone and will need to go back to making games to cater to specific groups. Eve has showin that this works.
Some great single and multiplayer games out now on PC and consoles. A lot of the casual gamers have gone back to playing these.
I would also like to say that GW2 will be like guild wars with not a huge amount of players but enough to keep it going and have a good community.
3rd MMO not announced yet, but the project is referred to as Titan, and its Blizzards new MMO. I’m sure that will be launched within 3-5 year and it will smack any other mmo into oblivion.
So you are telling me that options is bad? there should be either sandbox or themepark and not good features of both in one? sorry but that is very backward thinking. If you look at the future MMO line ups all of them taking themepark elements and mixing them with sandbox elements to geta fresh prespective.
Now that is one of the most intelligent things i have heard in the forums in a long time.It is so obvious,yet devs are still so dam greedy they try to do everything and poorly.
I agree on Eve but at the same time you can't have too many devs on the same track or they kill each other or one gets them all and the others struggle.
I think we will see a return or i guess another Eve or FFXI that cater to one type of crowd.Al lthe other games are sort of lumped into the same trends as each other.
It has actually been comical watching the same couple million gamers hop to every new game that comes out over the last few is like they are all looking for that one game that has big numbers,so they can feel justified in calling it home.I mean geesh i hear the same thing every time a game comes out "this game is the best" then the subs drop off like flies very quickly.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
An unknown would be my guess, wow is slowly declining as newer games come along but it is still a very solid game, was my first mmo and played on and off for 6 years but cata was the end for me. Swtor will be huge at launch and then bleed subs once people finish their stories but i expect it to still be a massive sucess, played the beta and it is very solid 1 crash in over 40hours gameplay which i was very impresed with.
I think the first game to really combine the sandbox and themepark elements a sort of 2 games in 1 will be no1 if this can even be done well, Archeage is coming out next year or early 2013 so it will be very interesting to see how that goes as that is a blend of the 2 but coming from the eastern market may not appeal to the west as much as an ip developed in the west.
Regardless of what it is/does Titan will be huge just because of the amount of people who are fans of Blizzard. Whatever the case it is going to be a more exciting 5 years than the previous 5 with hopefully the companies of tomorrow learning from the games of the past, launch it when its ready guys not because your stock needs a q3 bump. (see gw2 for a game that will be launched when its ready really hope the b2p works for them)
Nice post op am truly sad i never got to see SWG as it sounded great, as a crafter explorer i guess its the one that got away for me.
Right off to stock up on cookies and coke as my swtor beta invite just arrived
I think between SWTOR, WoW, Rift, LOTRO and others the themepark fans will have plenty of quality games competing for their time and money.
Planetside 2 and Guild Wars 2 (as well as SWTOR & WoW arenas) the PvP fans are pretty well covered too.
I'm hoping that The Secret World, Archeage, or another game can fill the void that's left for the sandbox/hybrid crowd.
Have to go with Swtor here.
Blizzard is currently very busy dropping the ball, WOW will be even more "been there done that" and aging in a few years and the "unknown mmorpg" we know nothing about at this time. Might as well be aimed to facebook users or little girls with an obsession for the color pink, for all we know.
Bioware / EA have a rich IP, got the amount of launch content required, and their "evolution" (not revolution) of the popular themepark formula is pretty appealing to many people. Not to mention the money and resolve they have backing them.
My brand new bloggity blog.
The closest thing to something that challenges WoW is Swtor as the IP or Archeage has the Hybrid sandbox/theme park. If Arche Age fails (What I mean is its players leave because it's not WoW like they did Darkfall) sandboxes are doomed forever.
Guild Wars 2 may have impressive numbers but I don't consider it a rival to any subscription MMO. I could be wrong and people boycott subs after GW2 launches in which case... GW2 could then Rival WoW.
Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.