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The engine has been upgraded with heavy hands and while still heavily under development, the features make this game a competive already.
1. 10KM View Distance with high End Video Card
2. Real Bumpmaps with 2.0 pixel shader video cards
3. Dynamic Sky, not a sky dome... Clouds form realistic, no two cloads the same
4. Realistic Weather, clouds roll in when rain or snow starts
5. Real Time Shadows (with 2.0 pixel shader cards) Buildsing, items, equipments cast shadows on char real time
Under development:
-Facial Animation
-Lipsync Technology
-Inverse Kinematics
The main problems that the engine suffered from in the beginning of first open beta has been for most part fixed and every patch brings more and more improvements. Do not be cheated about the term Open beta...This game is still facing serious major developement, new large contents are being added every week and alot of them according to player feedback.
Just reminder of other features:
-Completely skill based, no Classes, levels or gain skill by f.ex. successfully striking enemy with your sword rather than by killing fifteen goblins.
-No grind, Because this game isn't level based, it allows you to group with anyone without penalties.
-Open factional pvp. PvP anywhere, only limits are non-pvp faction.
-Realistic loot, No chain coifs out of can get chain coifs out of humanoid npcs or...*ROLLS DRUM* OTHER PLAYERS.
-Realistic travel, travel by air, sea and instant travel to ruin immersion.
-world of 39 000 square KM with engine allowing expansion to whole 1 million square KM.
-Crafter friendly, in this game you can be pure crafter and craft hundreds of things with many different crafting skills.
-Player villages, villages settled and governed by players.
-Server types with all variety between hardcore pvp with possibility for perma death and hardcore RP with ongoing storylines.
I am not a dev, nor an employee of Magic Hat software, all new information is from chat with lead developer with his permission for publishing.
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Scar, lol, dude.... what is it with you bashing every MMO that is coming out? Irith looks like it could be a good MMO when it comes out. How close is Irith to release? I thought they were targetting Q1 or Q2 of 06?
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas
Yeah the last big patch eliminated me from the game i'll miss it but my video card just cant handle it any longer. I have an ati 9200.. i should really upgrade it but i'm poor lol.
Make a difference!
dont give up, it's all temporary
dont give up, it's all temporary
I'm not i still log in everyday just to see if they fixed it lol.. It sure is lookin good though
Make a difference!
Come on now, maybe just not at this point in development, which they aren't doing anyway. I actually haven't played Irth myself but I get a general "very very beta" feeling from it. Someday in the future perhaps I'll give it a shot.
The screenshots remind me of A Tale in the Desert.
Has the graphical upgrade increased the insane amount of lag and general unstableness of the game that was apparent before? (genuine question, not trying to bash the game as I realize its still in beta)
Currently Following: Roma Victor, Fallen Earth, Warhammer Online.
You know why theres soo much lag?
i downlaoded the beta and installed it! Theres sooo many bloody files it makes the game have bad performance!
The music sounds like it came off a mobile phone ring tone and the world looks empty!
In the end its a poorly made mmorpg
Btw you can tell if it'll be good from the beta! Games by SOE may not appeal to everyone but the betas were amazing quality!
Irith was just a mess
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That's because when games made by larger companies with more $$ get into beta, the game is all but done, and the beta is simply for stress testing and ironing out minor bugs.
The Irth devs are working on a MUCH tighter budget--you can't compare them to SOE. Get a clue, genius.
That's because when games made by larger companies with more $$ get into beta, the game is all but done, and the beta is simply for stress testing and ironing out minor bugs.
The Irth devs are working on a MUCH tighter budget--you can't compare them to SOE. Get a clue, genius.
Esactly low budget = crap
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Someone needs to be informed what Beta means, lol. Bashing this game in its this stage is completely idiotic.
I wish this forum had Irth Online Forum Section, so we can track the new developments in there, otherwise the game will be getting bashed by the people who have no idea what Beta means. I requested that forum section in another thread, however there is no response yet.
I have got some expectations from this game, as developer team is the one of the most enthusiastic team I've ever seen. And the game looks promising and it has potential - it's skill-based, which suits my taste more.
I finished the client, yet I don't understand why patching takes ages like this
Patching takes long because there is gazillion patches between the fileplanet and current versions :P
This game is improving in incredible speeds.
Am I the only one that has noticed the Armour the Nomad is wearing in the Screen shot is Chitin from Wish?
As anybody else noticed alot of the models in this game look like ones from Wish, and the whole Skill system that Wish was proposing seems very similar including their comabt system.
Hmmmmm I wonder....
I should hope so lol.. Magic Hat purchased the Wish artwork shortly after Wish went under. Irth is basically Wish with 1st person and wasd movement. Theres some other differences naturally but i really get that Wish feel when i'm in game. Skills are very similar as is crafting.
Make a difference!
I have one thing to say to that.
Finally Wish is back, well kind of, thank god for that, slavation at last!!!
Yeah i loved Wish and i was heartbroken when it was cancelled. When i logged into Irth the first time i had a warm fuzzy feeling come over me :P
Make a difference!
Irth Online has everything Wish had but with WASD movement and hardcore pvp.
this game wont be one world only tough, thats the main difference.
Hehehehe, I feel like giggling like a little Girly lol.
So who were you in Wish?
I was Thiasur Eagle Claw and the Leader of the Guard of Lokshire - that still makes me proud .
Me and my Guild stayed to fight off the attack on Lokshire whilst everyone else followed that Woman and killed her (silly people).
Sorry Scaramoosh, but games like EQ2 and WoW usually launch public beta at an advanced state of the game.
Irth Online is still in development, they call it Beta, but it ain't Beta at all.
The reason why they launched public beta so early is because they wanted the players feedbacks on the game, so they can implement new feature in the game before the code is completely written and cannot be changed anymore.
Their aim is to make an MMO made by players, at least they are trying a different approach rather than the usual pre-packed solution from all the big corporations.
Will they succed? Who knows.........
But it is too early to make any judgement
Guys get a clue
Beta is a TESTING phase where development is still occuring. EQ had 4 phases of beta. Phase 1 was a lot like what Irith is doing now except it was closed rather than, apparently, open in the case of Irith.
Phase 2 was still very closed and lots of changes were still going on.
Phase 3 was a nearly finished engine needing polish and people to find any holes in the world or broken areas.
Phase 4 was OPEN beta, which is a stress test with a fully finished game. Very little changed in phase 4.
Sounds to me like you folks are comparing Phase 4 Beta of EQ to Irith's beta which really equates to Phase 1 beta in EQ.
With EQ2 they didn't do as many phases because they already had the basic engine down and just needed to tune it a bit.
DAOC went through multiple phases of beta as well, by the time they were testing hibernia the game was pretty much done.
SWG had multiple beta phases, starting at phase 1 (which I was in). If you compared SWG's graphics in phase 1 to the graphics at launch they were worlds apart.
EVE's beta had like err... I lost count...think it was something like 10 stages. The first phase was awful If anyone had told me in phase 1 that EVE would be as good as it is now I'd have laughed at them. But by the time it released it was an extremely solid game.
From what I can tell from discussions (I haven't tried Irith because it's Fantasy, and as I've mentioned elsewhere I'm kinda burnt out on Fantasy right now) Irith is going through a very similar Beta process to what EVE is.
BETA means it's in testing and is not ready for release yet. Learn the definition before you say a game isn't in Beta yet. Alpha is internal testing.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
I love the fact that they are including people in such an early stage of develpment. They want our suggestions,ideas, and imputs on making this game. How exciting to be able to contribute to that. I have made tons of suggestions hehe and they have told me -good idea we will put that in- on a few of them. Also the other way, we can tell them if we don't like something or give alternative ideas to something.
I know beta testing and definitly testing an early version is frustrating to some. But I suggest if you don't have the patience, desire, or time to test at least check on Irth after some time. I truely believe Irth is going to be one of the best MMOs. They want to make a good game not just make a money producing product. The devs are gamers and they are very dedicated. I don't think they know what sleep is LOL
Ok I could go on but I gotta stop LOL
Irth Online is still in development, they call it beta just because there is not other definition, in fact technically should be in Alpha.
The reason why they made the game accessable to the people so early is because they want the players to give positive or negative feedback about the features of the game, so they will be able to correct the issue before the game is actually in advanced development stage.
I want to point out that we are talking about "features" not "bugs", you cannot modify features easily once the game is in advanced Beta, therefore if there is any major issue they prefer to know it in advance from the players so it can be corrected swiftly.
I took a look at the irth website, the game looks a little basic and to tell the truth, i dont think this game will cut it in an open market where you would have to pay monthly to play: by the time the game is ready for comercial release it will have some very tough competition, D&DO, Vanguard, middle earth online and so many others.
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
How do you figure it should be in alpha
The code base is playable
WHEN you start beta is totally subjective. It's entirely up to the developer. I gave you a long list of numerous titles that had multiple phases of Beta. Obviously you never played EQ in Beta1 or UO in Beta1 or EVE In phases 1 or 2 either. Or DAOC in Beta 1
Early Beta ALWAYS looks alot like Alpha because, frankly, the only real difference is that ALPHA is internal and Early Beta is External.
How long have you been programming? Hmm? I've been at it over 20 years. I'm pretty sure I know what Alpha and Beta are. Since I've had to go through them. I got out of Programming because I don't much enjoy it. But at least I know what I'm talking about. You obviously just don't like that they started beta early in the process. There are multiple opinions about starting beta early and since different companies have had varying degrees of success with early beta's it's hard to tell who's right.
Early beta can be a deathblow to a game or it can be a godsend. Early beta made Eve a great game, for example. Late Beta made E&B a lousy game, by comparison. There are exmples of the other extreme out there as well but the point is that Beta is whenever the dev team opens up the code to outside testers. There isn't any magical rule about when you can do that.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas