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Missed Oppurtunities on Korriban

Cameron27Cameron27 Member Posts: 142

I'm making this post here instead of on because I can no longer access my account since I answered my 5 security questions at 7 am after geting 5 hours of sleep, and I think they are asking me one that I switched out of. (Those security questions are the most asinine precautions I have ever seen. It's just a forum acct.) Yeah, I know about the customer service, but why bother. I'm not pre-ordering anyway.

Onto the beta test! I got small amounts of play time on the two stress test weekends. My first character was a Smuggler that I played to lvl 14 over the first test. The next weekend everytime I clicked to log into my Smuggler it brought me back to character creation (bug?) so I went on with new classes.

This time I tried the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor. The idea behind my character responses to each were that my SW would be eager to serve and try to do everything the "right" Sith way, while my Inquisitor's only goal in life would be to piss every NPC off to the greatest extent because hate increases power amongst the Dark Side. Those notions worked incredibly well with each of the plotlines.

With all this in mind I began my journey frist as SI.


The general pretext of the SI storyline is that you are a slave who is strong in the force and as such are seeking to be trained on Korriban. Your instructor hates you and favors a Sith Pureblood who is your main opponent.

But it's the world quests that really lack on Korriban. First, you start by killing slugs, pretty boring, then they mix in some tomb looters that are never really explained. It's like a tomb five feet from the Sith Academy is full of looters, I don't really get it. I mean Korriban feels remote, and under strict commerce control by the Sith so I don't know where the looters come from or how they got there or what they want. 

So much of Korriban feels like you are killing for the sake of killing and not doing anything proactive. Compared to Ord Mantell where you are hitting strongholds and picking off sniper teams etc. Korriban is lacking direction. In the second half of Korriban you are fighting rebel slaves and tomb creatures which makes a little more sense, but again they never explained much about why there were enemies on Korriban.

So from tomb to tomb your Sith char will go completing trials. In hopes of obtaining the all important lightsaber.  For the final part of the SI story you must go unless the Dashade. To access this part of the tomb you have to place 4 rods in the correct places in order to open the passageway. And this is where Bioware missed tremendously. The placing of the rods, was mindlessly running around and clicking with no chance of being incorrect.

Would it have been so much to ask to make it a small puzzle where you could read a cryptic excerpt off the tablet (You retrieve the tablet in an earlier quest) and work out the correct order for the rods? They could even make it where if you make a mistake you have to fight off a wave of creatures.(Yes balance the XP so getting it first try is the same as messing up etc.)

It could be something as simple as that to make Korriban a more fun planet. On Ord Mantell everything feels streamlined and goal oriented. Korriban feels like 10 random side quests with a fairly predictable main plot. I really do prefer the Smuggler story because even at level 1 you aren't some miserable subordinate. You're actually a free agent that is only working with others as equals and out of necessity. Makes for a more compelling story, as far as I got.



"I will not play it nor any other MMO until they make it possible to obtain the best gear without forcing people to group up to do so." SwampRob


  • Heffy424Heffy424 Member UncommonPosts: 524

    I do agree that the looter's just randomly being there is quite odd but come on b, its not that big of a deal you left out the other parts such as rivals trying to kill you in eehh was it naga sadow's tomb? I honestly forgot it's been to long (I miss ToR) , or the soldier's who's minds got enslaved by the dark side aura of another tomb. The looter's was odd maybe they felt they could cash in or something it doesn't truly matter it's such a minor detail after all, I felt the rest of Korriban was pretty great far better than Tython. Now for the Companion quest part sure they could've made it harder and far more difficult but let's think about this if you were say idk 6 or 7 just saw star wars or withing a few years and are getting into it do you honestly think a young child could comprehend this? most can't read but they can play WoW. Sure it's unfortunate for the rest of us but I'll take it if having a young child playing pumps more cash into the game so the dev's can keep producing this quality of a game than so be it; I'll take the dumbed down quest I didn't even notice in all honesty I for one entered it to early so I had enough challenges and I wanted to fight Khem Val and see the fate of Ffon. All in all you're right but only to a point after all Korriban only consisted of 4-5 hours of gameplay for me (my 1st char was a SI so i was kinda clueless to a degree), now I haven't gotten very far on the Sith Chars only lvl 10 or so. If you want to talk about "Missed Oppurtunities" and this may be in the game later idk and I honestly don't want anyone telling me if it is, but I feel the stories should return to Korriban at some point after all we're talking about the Ancient Sith homeworld would be nice to explore it more than just the Valley of the Dark Lords.

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