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The instruments and music post by Stowaway and the Wish Lists by Delgado got me thinking about something. What features do you think the game needs to be good. We've mentioned combat stuff in other threads, as well as economic stuff. But what other features do you want to see? These don't really have to be completely realistic, but atleast put it in the realm of "it may happen soon in some MMO."
Heres some of my list:
- Class-less character system
- One server so community isn't divided (like EVE Online)
- NPCs that acctually have lives, rather than a spot to stand forever or a path they continually follow
- Creatures that act natually (head down to the river to drink, hunt prey, etc)
- Small interesting sights and places that most will never notice like in EVE Online or SWG (have you ever seen the 4 lakes of Tatooine?).
- A player run economy (like EVE Online)
- Allowing players to own, expand on, and build their own buildings
- A free PvP system except in certain areas (starting areas and heavily guarded towns)
- A true post-apocalyptic feel
Now, whats your list? Don't rant on for paragraphs, just put some short sentences and phrases that explain what you want to see.
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
-Random / Not so random (I.e: finding them around camps in the wild) NPC encounters. I'd love to be driving from Town A to Outpost C and move over to avoid incoming traffic and then go past a group of wandering nutcases heading to Outpost C.
-Player influence, as in EVE. Have a section of the player base that helps organize and run events and administration. (For those of you who don't know, the EVE forum mods, game helpers, and event runners are all players who've applied and been selected). This adds new angles and support to the game's community.
-Territorial changes. Might be going out on a limb here, but if a bunch of CHOTAs are camping out in a town, and the Enforcers attack and destroy them, then the CHOTA NPCs should stop spawning there. This could be set up and run as an event.
-Realism. I want to see people having to worry about their own survival when moving around. Got water? Enough bullets to fight off pirates? Better go prepared or not at all.
-And everything Cthul mentioned, couldn't agree more with his list.
-Xatros Ketosha
Lots of emotes, postures, moods.
Just from a standpoint that as a RPer it is really frustrating to play a game that doesn't have a decent set, or nice system for doing custom emotes.
SWG has an awesome array of moods, emotes and animations.
I think an ability to lie down, either in a sleep posture, or a casual social posture on your elbows would be awesome.
And, Content Content Content, whether you are a RPer or just play it for the game, everybody enjoys a place to go and do something exciting.
all the feature stuff i've read on the site and here and there is sounding awesome so far tho.
The whole build your own outpost thing is really intriguin.
But things like the fact any weapons you carry can be seen on your person is just plain brilliant.
and when you equip the weapon you actually equip it, take it off your back, out the holster.
The attention to detail and cool-factor so far is off the hook.
I agree with everything the above said. I definately agree with Xatros about the realism and the territorial control, and also with Stowaway about the SWG stuff and the way the FE devs did the weapons.
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
Non-Lethal Damage And Story-ConsequenceDriven Missions
It'd be great that if a gang attacked a person with clubs they would be more likely knocked unconcious as opposed to being killed.
or if on a bounty or something like that where you aren't supposed to kill them, or trying to 'send a message', you can just give them a good kicking.
Say a mini-mission story thread where a local settler is being hassled by bandits, you offer your help to him.
if you use a non-lethal form of warning them off it'd go a different route and lead to a different next mission (Such as a retaliation attack, maybe having to defend the guys farm or whatever from the bandits. Or maybe you leave him to burn deciding it to dangerous.) as opposed to if you go to the bandits and blow them away with shotguns. :P
So I guess thats two things, cos I also would really like to see story missions , a bit more indepth, which can have mutliple outcomes and leave a lot of choice up to the player, without being 'mission failed' if you don't do 'what the game wants you to'.
A way to do that would to not have any kind of 'mission success' 'mission failed' at all. There are rewards in life from doing the right and wrong thing and there are also sacrifices.
The judgement of right, wrong, pass, fail, would differ. Character to Character, player to player.
that would be truly amazing.
Knocked to the ground where they might then beat him a bit but then leave him in a heap, injured and wounded.
As opposed to just dieing when life hits 0.
Not put anymore thought into it than that but thought i'd throw it out there : P
Just been reading the combat/damage and stateless items posts so it had me thinking.
Love the one server idea(hope they can implement that),Craftable items with rare items from quests or player made only.
Factions/Guilds in the game.I would like to see many quests in the game both for solso and groups.
Im not really clear if they plan to do Live Content quests/contests ect. but I think that feature would be nice as well.
OOOPPPs almost forgot,some type of mutant ability/strain would be nice to implement in game as well and for those cyber punk fans cyber chips and cyborg style upgrades.
Im sure from there links to tech today and modern science and medicine that something along those lines will be in there
deleted because i'm readin the forum on my phone...
Also would love to see weapons that dont kill people. I think you should be able to make someone unconscious by hitting the back of his head.
Of course this is easy to prevent by wearing a helmet or you are that bad mutated that there isnt even a head to hit. ^^ <- Really abnormal mutations would be nice too.
How about books that are character created? Something that you can write information in and trade to another person? That would make for some interesting player content/character driven storylines.
More to come later, I have a list somewhere... *Searches frantically*
[X] FPS-style combat. None of this target-click-action crap.
[X] Doesn't suck.
[X] All-the-way competent developers who make a great game, and keep it great - unlike that Reakktor lot were able to do.
So you want to make your own MMORPG? Here's some advice
Recommended reading:
Designing Virtual Worlds by Richard Bartle
Everything in this:
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
1. Random encounters! Nothing adds spice to a rpg game than good and varied random encounters while traveling. Bu its got to be loads of em, not thge same set of 4-5, make it 40-50!!
2.I agree with more emotes.
3. VERY IMPORTANT!! A real story line that is NOT STATIC! Please! If a City is raided, let it stay raided. non of this re-spawning nonsense. IT forces game makers to continuesly re-invent and create new NPC to fit to the new "status qou". Hmm, its hard to explain what i mean really, If players camp out objective A, it is forever changed.Future events must reflect this.
cheers all!
Good stuff poli. And good to know this place isn't dead.
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
im still checking every day.
id love this and it'd be so simple to put in!
Emotes and animations for most everything
Not just drawing a pistol or unsheathing a sword, but checking your inventory would be shown visualy as your character rumaging through a backpack. Or sending a /tell to someone would involve pulling out a walky-talky and your character speaking into it. When manipulating any device or object, dont just click on it and it happens - let see the the character actualy doing it. And instead of a bar filling up to show the progress of such a manipulation, show the progress visualy. Noone wants to spend a game watching bars go up and down, reduce the need for bars and numbers as much as possible.
Have more realistic weight (not necessarily dead-on accurate, but less gamey)
Characters would need to pick and choose what they bring around with them everywhere. Dont just load up with a ridiculous amount of weapons and ammo. If you want to carry a bazooka around everywhere fine, but theres the movement penalty for lugging if around.
Make transport vehicles mean something. Give the whole concept of shipping goods a place in the world.
Ive only noticed this game a week ago, but it looks realy interesting. Hope they start releasing information soon
Skill based character advancement.
Dynamic , the world , the npcs , the quests , the mobs.
Have the world at least change seasons if not more things like they did in AC1 like towns destroyed landscape changed etc.
Have the Npcs actually doing things not just standing around or walking the same path. Have them take breaks, close shops , change shifts etc.
Have the quests be so that you can't just look on a site and get the paint by numbers how to for the quest. Have similar quests be given out by different people so you have to explore a bit.
Have the mobs be depopulated if they are killed too much , or mutate( being killed by some guy with a baseball bat ,, they get tougher skin ...) , or be replaced by different mobs or all of the previous.
Something to do once you reach end game besides kill the same boss mobs 100x for loot so you can start killing the boss mob above him 100x for loot. Make the mobs in raids change so each raid is more seat of the pants than a walkthrough.
Lots of hidden gems for people who actually explore. Tucked away remote villages. Panoramic vistas from mountain tops, river valleys etc. Again I refer to AC1 and some of the sights I saw while playing that .
A world that feels alive. Working farms , farm animals , field workers , the occasional small animal or bird , Towns with npcs doing things not just standing around.
Random loot tables like in DAOC and AC1. Not just stock sets of armor, weapons, and items like in the other games.
Crafting thats useful even at endgame like in DAOC. You can tweak your items how you want them and while they are not as good as raid drops you don't feel worthless compared to someone in raid gear.
The ability to dye your gear. If you have ever seen some of the outfits from AC1 or WOW you know how nasty not dying gear can make you look
No holy trinity , holy quad or what have you. A well balanced group should do better than a focused group ( IE all tanks ) but no one set of skills should be a must have for any group. An addition that makes them better but not a make or break thing.
Long list I know , but hey its a wish list
i wish that if i shoot in the ground it makes a bullet mark right!
then it just dont go away it stay there for like 10 mins
and like i hope its diffrent cars and tanks it would be like weird if every cars was the same like meybe it has a diffrent wheel thay could be diffrent as possibel and look nice
woah driveing online i think i gona mad of exitment!!!
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