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Kindred Rising - EST - RP-PVP - PMC - SITH


-    Guild Name: Kindred Rising

-    Server Preference: RP-PVP

-    Server Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time(EST)

-    Guild Aims: Hardcore RP, Professional level raiding, and competitive PVP.

-    Faction: Sith Empire

- Recruitment Link: Here



-    Great group of friends.

-    Fantastic RP opportunities.

-    Competitive PVP.

-    Professional Nightmare level difficult raiding.

-    Artifact level loot.

-    Great prospects for future gaming options.


-    Ventrilo for raids, it is however a fantastic tool for getting to know your guild.

-    Website usage for signing up to raids through the events system and communicating through forums.

-    If you do decide to sign up to a raid we require you attend or remove yourself an hour before it starts.

-    Maintain RP state in RP situations.

-    Character back story.

-    No meta-gaming or power gaming in RP.


Kindred Rising has been since it was started a quality before quantity guild. Every member I have recruited and who has remained has done so because of how they saw the guild. Not as a conduit to their own progression and advancement in the current game we played as a guild, but instead as a group to invest themselves into. For nearly three years we have been together, and although we began as a hierarchical society with ranks and leadership it has since become a gaming unit built upon mutual respect and appreciating each other and what they offer. I personally measure the value of a prospective brother/sister not upon what they lack but what they excel at. We have members who consider the economical aspect of a game toK be the most important and pvp as secondary. We also have members who have little time and patience for crafting items but who will theory craft until every variable has been accounted for.

As a group each one of us finds pleasure in attempting and completing the most difficult content on offer. Hard modes are our baseline and nightmare difficulty is our natural progression. While we go about our business in game we communicate across ventrilo virtually 100% of the time. During up hours there is usual at least someone online and it is not uncommon to find every member online. Our guild will not however end with Star Wars the Old Republic, we have aspirations to move into yet more MMOs and as a guild we enjoy finding people who click with us. People who enjoy good banter across ventrilo and people who just cannot help but increase the difficulty to the maximum of their abilities will find great opportunities not only in SWTOR but also in future games.

Player versus Environment

Plans for player versus environment are still being written up, however it is our intention to not necessarily rush to end game, as at our core we are role-players, but to excel in high end raid content when we do get there. Raid times will be set closer to the time when we have our 8 man teams and 16 man teams set. Members might be requested that they select a specific spec but it is not our intention to dictate our members gaming style. Loot distribution will be done on a priority system taking into account how often a member attends. Specific choices on loot distribution will be decided upon by discussion.

Player versus Player

In PVP Kindred Rising enjoy grouping up through the medium of ventrilo to organize player versus player engagements. There is currently no ranking system in place so we cannot track engagements however we plan to enjoy both RP and PVP in the contested zones and throughout various zones and in different groups.


Kindred Rising always prides its self on creating great back stories and deep player back stories. We design our back stories and then integrate them into the overarching story of the guild. This way not only personal stories break out between members but there is a driving story that helps the guild and its members grow. Currently we have a back story that is currently working to bring our members together.

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