for all those excited about swtor look foward to seeing you there. but next 48 hours the haters are pacing the floor thinking up topics to hurt the image of swtor. sorry haters we played the beta and made our mind up and are playing it. in by we i mean those who love it and are still buying
other peoples opinions mean shit to me
i enjoyed the game, thats all that counts!
i so hope im in early access tomorrow, I pre-ordered early
thats my point i make up my own mind. and i pre-orderd back in early august just hope i get access tomorrow.
What do you mean you hope? Did you not get an e-mail? Or is it ques that you are worried about?
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
I'm actually not too sure about the 13th as first early access day. When I read the eMail it can also refer to mails being sent on 13th to inform you, when you're invited for early access (15-19th).
If they start tomorrow tho, then I'll be in as I entered my CE-preorder key the day the game got launched.
13th is the start of early access, not just emails.
No emails have been sent out yet stating when exactly early access is going to start for you.
On the day you can play you will recieve an email telling you that you can play.
You should of received an email telling you that early access is starting on the 13th. This does not mean that you will be playing on the 13th.
I couldn't sleep last night. I hate that we won't know until we're actually cleared to enter the game. It's going to be a hellish couple of days coming up.
Look at it this way, you absolutely know you will be playing on 12/20/2011.
Not that this effects me but there's that little thing known as a lack of a grace period
I actually anticipated this, somehow, and paid for same-day shipping.
On the CE.
Expensive.....and kinda foolish, but at least I will be able to keep playing
I anticipated it also. I brought from a store just for the fact that if worst comes to worst then I can always walk to the store and pick up my copy of SWTOR.. There's not much short of armegeddon going to stop me playing on 20th
I really ignore the negative talk made up my own mind in beta and that's the only opinion that matter!
Also on the upside soon trolls and haters will be unable to post at all (yay) as it will be a subscriber only forums on the main site.
Whoever playing at the 13th ,can u guys pls tell us whether we have to do another launcher download ?
My Internet is kinda limited for certain reason , so i might wanna go to my friend's house and steal his bandwidth .