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They just announced opening 45 new servers and apparently all remaining preorders will be invited in tomorrow :
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Bioware 100000 , haters 0 .
Where does it say all remaining pre-orders will be in tomorrow ?
I'm in already as i ordered july 21st, but my freinds only ordered this month.
my web design:
Good news indeed
Erm... Yeah, they are adding more servers and all but they didn't yet say that absolutely everybody will be able to get into the game on Friday. Even though it does sound logical and my hopes are up.
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
I think they plan to get everyone in tomorrow or close to it I think they'll end up doing oct-nov thurs , friday everyone left.
Yeah not everyone is getting in tomorrow, from the developers,
As you can read, it say's that they hope to go up to the end of November tomorrow and even that is not set in stone.
Nice! Queues are getting a bit ridiculous on some of the European servers.
Exactly, there's like only a fraction of the people in the game and already there's a 40 minute que on one of the English PVP servers. Bloodworth or what ever it is called.
I just really hope that Bioware does something to prevent people from joining the already FULL servers. I have limited time to play the game and I don't have 40 minutes to wait every time, let alone 2 hours if they let even more people on the server.
How large are the servers anyway???
Not if you read the official post, which says tomorrow only goes through the last week of November. Most likely if there are no issues they hope to have the rest in by tomorrow, but leaving a gap incase they cannot.
-Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.
Posting says last week of November but wouldn't it be stupid to do the last 2.5 weeks on Friday? Or did so many people pre-order in December?
Stop getting our hopes up.
-Azure Prower
I feel Oct-November will definately get in as for Dec maybe the 1st week or so never know though I wouldn't be surprised if the last wave everyone is in.
Preorders to the last week of november will be in. Maybe more..if the servers can hold it.
Wait you mean everyone has a strong possibility of getting in for their up to 5 days of early access and actually get 5 days or at worse 4 days? This can't be true, I have been on these forums and I truly believe bioware has been using trickery and marketing skeems and lies to get people to pre-order and using "up to 5 days" as a scam when they only intend to give most of the people 12 hrs - 2 days of early access. I refuse to believe this its impossible they won't do it.........
Use reverse psychology....I like the way you think.....wish I had 10 more like you ;P.
Duel 1
Lets ROCK!
I redeemed November 10th and got the invite email early this morning already. I suspect by the end of the day almost all will be invited.
I never had any doubts.
"OMG THE SKY IS FALLING" posts is like, forum moron 101.
TOR? What is this MMO you speak of?
"I play Tera for the gameplay"