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Twas the Night Before SWTOR...


Twas the night before SWTOR, when all through house

Not a gamer was QQ’ing, not even a EA Louse.

The headphones were hung by the monitor with care,

In hopes that SWTOR soon would be there.

The Jedi’s were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of flashpoints danced in their heads.

And TORHEAD on bookmark, and a fridge full of Dew,

Ready for tomorrow and the marathon that will ensue.

When out on the web there arose such a clatter,

I sprang to my PC to see what was the matter.

Away to the monitor I flew like a flash,

Typed my username and password so very fast.

The SWTOR logo beamed out with a glow

And the bright word “login” shined out below

When, what to my wondering eyes should ensue,

Overloaded servers and a 2 hour queue.

With a little mouse and pad, so lively and quick,

I think I made smoke with my speedy fast click

More rapid than eagles the countown had started,

I was still down to 274 in the queue but not downhearted

"Now Jedi Knight now Consular! now, Smuggler! and Trooper!

On, Sith Warrior! On, Inquisitor! on, on Agent and Bounty Hunter!

To the top of the MMO list, go conquer them all!

Now QQ’ers  away! QQ’ers  away! QQ’ers away all!"

Millions log in tonight, to start the adventure,

While elitists cringe and complain ever after.

But I heard happy gamers exclaim through the fight

"Happy SWTOR to all, and to all a good-night!"



Have fun everybody! May the force be with you!


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