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Another report from swtor.
This time i found a video post, kudos goes to Sunnyhat (tricky little Jawa) for compiling this list.
Former Thread: Consolidated Class Videos
Expanded to include (almost) all video footage from the main SW:TOR website. Sorted for your viewing pleasure.Videos are in chronological order where applicable. I also added direct links for some of the videos (The timeline videos do not have download options in their players). I hope this is alright.
Game Setting:
O Return Cinematic Trailer | link
O Hope Cinematic Trailer | link
O Deceived Cinematic Trailer | link
X BTC 32.800 - Force "Discovered" On Tython
X BTC 22.140 - The Force War On Tython
X BTC 22.130 - The Jedi Order Is Established
X BTC 21.400 - Founding Of The Republic
X BTC 21.300 - The Jedi Join The Republic
X BTC 3.347 - The 2nd Great Jedi Schism
X BTC 3.247 - The First Dark Sith Lords On Korriban
O BTC 1.347 - The Great Hyperspace War | link
O BTC 1.251 - Rebirth Of The Sith Empire | link
O BTC 347 - The Exar Kun War | link
O BTC 311 - The Mandalorian Wars | link
O BTC 303 - The Jedi Civil War | link
O BTC 103 - Peace For The Republic | link
O BTC 28 - Onslaught Of The Sith Empire | link
O BTC 18 - The Battle Of Bothawui | link
O BTC 14 - The Empire Changes Strategy | link
O BTC 8 - The Return Of The Mandalorians | link
O BTC 8 - The Mandalorian Blockade Is Broken | link
O ATC 0 - The Treaty Of Coruscant | link
O Tython|L O Korriban|L O Hutta|L O Ord Mantell|L O Coruscant|L O Balmorra|L
O Alderaan|L O Tatooine|L O Dromund Kaas|L O Taris|L O Belsavis|L O Voss|L
O Hoth|L O Nar Shaddaa|L O Corellia|L O Ilum|L O Quesh|L
Developer Commentaries:
O The Old Republic Revealed
O The Making Of Tython
O The Story And Setting
O Diverse Worlds
O The Republic Trooper
O The Voice Of The Old Republic
O Developer Walkthrough (General)
O The Making Of Coruscant
O Designing The Dark Side
O Returning To Taris
O E3 Multiplayer Demo
O The Music Of The Old Republic
O Designing The Light Side
O Crew Skills
O Flashpoint Taral V
O Tatooine Walkthrough
O Alderaan Highlights
O Flashpoint The Esseles
O Huttball
O Operation Eternity Vault
Class Videos Empire:
Bounty Hunter:
O Class Video
O Character Progression
O Armor Progression (old)
O Starship
Imperial Agent:
O Class Video
X Character Progression
O Starship
Sith Inquisitor:
O Class Video
X Character Progression
O Starship
Sith Warrior:
O Class Video
O Character Progression
O Starship
Class Videos Republic:
Jedi Consular:
O Class Video
X Character Progression
O Starship
Jedi Knight:
O Class Video
O Character Progression
O Starship
O Class Video
O Character Progression
O Starship
O Class Video
O Character Progression
O Starship
General Game World:
O Coruscant Revealed
O Combat
O Player Ships
O Space Combat
O KOTOR Mysteries
O Warzones
O Flashpoint Taral V
O The Fate Of The Galaxy
O The Eternity Vault
O Game Features
O Join The Fight
The Fans:
O PAX East 2011
O Fan Site Summit
O E3 2011
O ComicCon 2011
O GamesCon 2011
I will try to keep this thread updated until release.
PS: Total length is nearly 5 hours. WTG Bioware!
This is the location you can find the original at.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Nice one , good to have list with them all listed easyer than on old republic website . Did see most myself but nice to have them in 1 list will bookmark them if i want to rewatch some of them soon.
Nice. Thanks again Whilan.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Thanks man.
Nice post:)
I found an Unofficial Imperial Agent Trailer and taught maybe you wanted to include it
(unless these are only videoes made by Bioware offc)
anyways here it is
and for those who dont like to see any spoilers, you might not want to watch it xD
Again, really nice post dude;)
Edit: and I think this vid makes the IA seem so much more awesome than the class video Bioware did xD (but thats just me:P)
That...was...amazing, great now i wanna play an IA even more now
Thanks JonathanWe for that linkage.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Glad you liked it^^
Why haven't they made a Sith Inquister Progression video yet.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Sweet list man. There's a few here that I missed.
Sick list. Appreciate the effort put into compiling it.
sweet list. thanks for this!
The video is no longer available....
Hey Whilan, have you ever thought of putting together a consolidated INTERVIEW list? Just kidding, that would be way to much hassle.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Thanks for the sticky.
Also the list has been updated with the smuggler class progression video.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Thanks for the list. I'd like to add, most of those videos are on Youtube with much better quality. I don't understand why the swtor site has such low rez videos.
Err I dont use much so pardon but I saw people doing searches on my videos and some lead here and I saw this thread
anyhow for unofficial gameplay beta here is 3 on commando low levels.
Game is fun not epic but fun
Anyhow two are warzone and one is just a quick run around after I got my space ship.
The last beta event is over and luckily BioWare lifted the NDA.
So we're not allowed to discuss and post everything about this game.
I managed to get a Beta-Key for me and well, recorded a lot of videos.
I'll work on them in the next days but so far I've got some finished videos ready for watching.
The first one is the intro video for the Republic side which you can find here: Republic Intro
And of course the intro video for the glorious Sith cannot be missing. You can watch it here.
And the last one for now shows the character creation of a female Sith Inquisitor. It is available here.
Leg dich nie mit einem BAOD an, oder du bist selber dran.
I might have something more for those who're still unsure about the game.
Actual gameplay footage - and almost an hour of this, too!
When I started playing with my female Sith Inquisitor I had Fraps running.
The system requirements for the game seem to be pretty decent as I didn't have any performance problem even when recording.
Because of the length I split the video into two parts.
Part 1: Gameplay 1
Part 2: Gameplay 2
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If you're interested in PvP you should check out the next two videos.
They're both from the warzone "The Pit" (also known as Hutt Ball).
The goal in this warzone is to bring the ball into the enemy goal and defend your own goal to prevent this this.
So while doing this you have to fight with the enemy players and free the way to their goal.
I recorded two matches.
We won one of these pretty easily - and were defeated utterly in the other one.
You can find the videos here:
Video 1: Warzone 1
Video 2: Warzone 2
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Here are two more videos:
Both of them feature some quests-dialogues you'll see as a Sith Inquisitor as well as a few boss kills.
The first video however has a complete overview of the Sith Inquisitors Skill-Trees as the end.
First one: Bosses
Second one: Quests
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And here are the last videos I have:
The first one is all about the spaceship you get in SWTOR. For the Sith Inquisitor this is a Fury-class Imperial Interceptor. This video introduces the ship and shows it from the outside and the inside as well as some other stuff and how the transportation system works in the game.
This video can be found here: Spaceship
And the second video... is completely in 3D. SWTOR looks really nice in 3D. I recorded some gameplay scenes to show this. This video was recorded with Fraps 3.4.7 using Nvidia 3D Vision technology. Encoded with Sony Vegas 9.0 in x264 and Nero AAC.
Additional tools used: Yamb 2.0, VirtualDub 1.9.10, Nero AAC Encoder
This video is only available per download (you need a Steroeoscopic Video player for this) and on YouTube.
You can find the links to both of them here: 3D
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I want to talk about a great library for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be playing to help you Check out my site..
Meanwhile the game was released and I had to start start at the beginning with a new character - again a Sith Sorcerer. Through her quest for universe domination she has encountered various flashpoints (instances in SWTOR) already and conquered them.
I recorded some of them and uploaded the videos. You can find the links below.
Hammer Station: Hammer Station
Athiss: Athiss
Mandalorian Raiders: Mandalorian Raiders
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Here is another vidoe from me.
This time from the instance Cademimu.
Cademimu is one of the flashpoints for four players you encounter on the Imperial side. Well, for some reasons I didn't manage to check it out when I had the correct level for it. Now I'm a bit too high level and tried to solo it - and it worked.
You can see the video here: Cademimu Solo
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