While I do find a large portion of the voice acting in TOR to be hideous (Scottish, Welsh and posh British accents on the Empire side piss me off to no end),...
4. Like everything, the voice acting is subjective. I find some of it hilarious, a lot of it so bad I'm not sure if I should laugh or feel racially insulted, and some of it just too bland to be anything but spacebar-worthy.
Just curious, is it that the British Isles accents are poorly done, or that the Empire has too many of them?
In my opinion, most of them are just poorly done. One of the Imp vendors sounds like Simon Cowell for f*cks sake.. Obviously it was a conscious design decision (Republic =Team America, Empire/Sith=James Bond villains), but it's so overly done and cheesy, that I'm starting to just roll my eyes when the dialogue starts. I have yet to experience the whole game, so I can't say if it's like this all the way, but I would have liked to have seen some other European accents thrown in, some asian or middle eastern.. or just plain old un-accented vocals.
But when you're standing infront of an Imperial captain who is desparately trying to stop the attacks on his outpost, and he sounds more like he should be selling you raisin bread and mead in the Shire, it bugs me..
Edit: or to make my point more relative to the game at hand, it breaks my suspension of disbelief. I stop feeling immersed in the Star Wars universe, and feel more like I am listening to some weird 'trekkie' at a sci-f con in Wales..
Ah, okay, I get you.
I thought that the movies were this way as well (lots of Brit-esque accents on the Empire side, while rebels mostly had US/NA type accents), but I haven't seen them in a while. I do agree that some of it is quite overdone, however.
I bet if they had used other accents say asian, middle eastern or french, german..there would be people still complaining about it. You just can not make everyone happy no matter what you do.
Hehe, clearly I'm being slightly theatrical.
The point is, if I am staring at a cut-scene full of drama, intrigue and evil Dark Side twists, and the actor sounds like Simon Cowell or Thomas the Tank Engine's narrator, well ya know.. kinda kills the immersion.
I should be feeling awed by the dramatic story events, not stuck between laughing my ass off and feeling insulted for my nationality being so badly steroytyped.
You mean good single player games like SKYRIM, Zelda, Arkham City, Dead Island, Deus Ex:HR, Demon Soul, BF3,MW3 etc etc?
Which of those games have come out in the past month? Wasn't Skyrim, I was bored of that a month ago. Funny it was the first you mentioned, because I almost added "except Skyrim" but decided against it.
Hmmmm Zelda? Arkham City for PC? You should spend less time on this forum and more checking something like IGN.....
I dunno, I used to like being a dwarf/elf and doing the nekid wetlands run. No one was a man/woman until they performed that rite of passage.
Hell, it was part of what it made WoW a MMO:not knowing where the hell you were going but knowing you had to. It sort of defined the need for exploration. nowadays, all the ADHD kids have to do is be the right lvl and fly there. Not to mention the 5 or 6 flight point in EVERY map, cmon, they even put a FP in GOLDSHIRE!! WTF?!? That's like 20 seconds from SW?
Heh, I recall that, running my newly created Elf all throught the Wetlands to get over to Ironforge and being chased relentlessly by spiders in particular as I ran along the path. (and died a few times).
Another memorable moment is when my son and I wanted to get to places like Stranglethorn Vale we swam there from Westfall, there were a couple of other long adventures like that.
No, discovery is what MMO's are all about, and while having fast travel is important, it should only occur after the initial discovery and still take some amount of time. (instantaneous travel should be used sparingly)
The pvp "whiners" have valid complaints and I mean VERY valid. Sith Assassins are absolutely wrecking people in pvp. I saw one 50 just completely destroy some lowbies the other day proving beyond a shadow of a doubt this game needs a 50 bracket.
How about silly stuff just missing? Like /roll, pvp xp, valor, commendation, gear, anything from doing open world pvp or the sheer lack of it due to the heavy abuse of instancing? Nightmare mode not even being included in the game yet and only 3 things having hardmodes and most are being described as faceroll.
The game does have flaws. TOR fans brought the hate on this game with almost non stop constant attacks on every forum and blog across the web about how TOR would be perfect on launch and destroy WoW/Rift/Aion/EQ2/WAR on launch day.
I'm only pleasantly surprised that for the first time the people her don't bash the game as much as they do in the game forums of swtor. There's really garbage going on there, mostly of disgrunted swg, wow and eve players me thinks..
Yeah TOR forums are exploding with ridiculous complaints like "THIS ISN'T SWG2" or worse. People bought the game with no idea what it was and now they are AAAAANGRY.
Which of those games have come out in the past month? Wasn't Skyrim, I was bored of that a month ago. Funny it was the first you mentioned, because I almost added "except Skyrim" but decided against it.
Hmmmm Zelda? Arkham City for PC? You should spend less time on this forum and more checking something like IGN.....
and skyrim boring? wow.just wow
I don't have a Wii, but I do have a PS3, and rented Arkham City a while ago. Think it actually came out for PC just over a month ago, but ok, close enough. and I didn't say Skyrim was boring, just that I got bored of it, after playing for a week or so. It's a good game, but does get repetitive pretty fast.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I do like the fact that you can send your crew members out to craft while doing your own thing. It really saves some time. Sending your crew member out to sell trash is pretty great too.
The fast travel is nice, but before you get your own ship, it's kind of annoying traveling from planet to planet. Even then, I find it annoying to have to go in an elevator, press the button, select the floor, walk through the hangar, go to ship and click on door, cutscene, watch load screen, go to the ship map, select one of the areas, select the world, click travel, go back to door, cutscene, load screen, walk through hangar, go to elevator... They really need to simplify this. Do I really need to do so much and waste so much time? I would also like to have at least 1 bind point on another world.
The cutscenes are great, and whoever says the game is 95% cutscenes must not have played the game. It seems pretty balanced to me. What bothers me about the cutscenes is a lot of the side quest stories are just not interesting. I know it's gotta be tough to come up with amazing stories for every single quest, but really, they pale in comparison to the class quest lines. There have been a few times when I was tempted to spacebar through a cutscene because I was bored with what they were saying, but didn't just in case lol.
I don't think the graphics exactly resemble WoW. They have similarities. What I will say is, while SWTOR's graphics are a little better, WoW's graphics, textures, and colors blend together REALLY well in comparison. Note: I did not say they were better, but that everything goes together a lot better. I notice a lot of pixelated edges on things like stairs. The shadows are also pretty horrible. Why is my character's shadow a bunch of blocks on max settings (to be fair, it seems this only happens in certain areas)? I also find a lot of the color pallettes they use to be kind of bland.
Aside from all that, I find the PvP is missing something. Can't quite put my finger one it. I know I don't like that there aren't brackets. I don't like the maps either. They seem very uninspired and forced. And for god's sake, let us choose what we want to queue for. I really hate Huttball. I am not a fan of the pass mechanic. 99% of the time it does not work for me. Yes, I know this is a primarily PvE game, but if you're going to add PvP do it right.
In short... I have gripes with the game, but I still think it's really good for what it is. Hopefully BW/EA can get the fixes and patches out quick enough to retain their players.
On a side note. The GMs seem pretty horrible in this game. My friend's character was stuck in a holocron call. It took them a week to get back to him. When they did they didn't even know his server, characters name or location. They ended up telling him to wait for an email, only to close the complaint. The situation still isn't resolved and he had to reroll. Their GMs need to step it up, because that's just horrible.
Yeah TOR forums are exploding with ridiculous complaints like "THIS ISN'T SWG2" or worse. People bought the game with no idea what it was and now they are AAAAANGRY.
Tends to happen when the dev keeps the NDA up to the last minute and even then hardly allows any actual news coverage and threatens to shut down your website cough cough SOPA
They did everything they could to attract everyone they possibly could. Uhhh pvp tournaments at Gamescon. Bioware knew damn well there were a bunch of GW2 fans looking for a hold over game and aimed TOR right at them and now they are getting shredded for it.
The game was advertised as this pve game with MEANINGFUL pvp that tournament style and it would include all the mmo basics + voice overs with tons fo end game.
The pvp "whiners" have valid complaints and I mean VERY valid. Sith Assassins are absolutely wrecking people in pvp. I saw one 50 just completely destroy some lowbies the other day proving beyond a shadow of a doubt this game needs a 50 bracket.
How about silly stuff just missing? Like /roll, pvp xp, valor, commendation, gear, anything from doing open world pvp or the sheer lack of it due to the heavy abuse of instancing? Nightmare mode not even being included in the game yet and only 3 things having hardmodes and most are being described as faceroll.
The game does have flaws. TOR fans brought the hate on this game with almost non stop constant attacks on every forum and blog across the web about how TOR would be perfect on launch and destroy WoW/Rift/Aion/EQ2/WAR on launch day.
Was up against a lvl 50 Merc today, he hit like a truck, but he wasn't unbeatable... I PvP a lot, and I think it's fine tbh, but wouldn't complain if they did introduce a 50 bracket, they can't do it right now though, that would leave the 50s with no pvp until the rest catches up.
What I do mind though is the RNG on the gear, I'm all for making people work for their gear, but RNG is the wrong way to go... some lucky nabhat can grind 5 bags and get 5 pieces of gear, while you have grind maybe 25 bags to get the same.
That's a bit over the top.
I disagree with what you are saying about stuff missing...
You can roll on gear like in any other game
There is xp for doing pvp
Valor (PvP) lvls are in game
You get commendations, and you can get merc commendations by converting your "warzone commendation".
Gear, read top.
Ye, open world PvP doesn't give merc commendations yet, AFAIK. But again, you can convert.
Heavy abuse of instancing, don't know what you're on about with this one.
Sure some people would have claimed it to be perfect, but we all know that all games have flaws, all.
It takes time to iron out the rough edges, now I'm not saying it's gonna be a completely different game in 2 months, no, the core is gonna be the same, but a lot of the bugs will have been dealt with, and it will be an even more enjoyable game, than it is now.
There will always be extreme cases of fanboys, and also extreme cases of haters.
1- "Oh the game is not innovative" or "it didn't bring anything new": The game added many subtle and obvious important features to the MMO genre including, fast travels, creative modding for gear and weapons
First mmo for you eh? Anyways, least the rest of your opinions have some weight to them. Although a case could be made that your topic is just as much trolling as the ones you're complaining about.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
I love how people get all upset because some other person doesn't like the game they play..seriously grow up!
I love how people get all upset because some other person like the game they don't. ..seriously grow up?
I cant understand why all these people who say they like swtor but spend most their time on these forums trying to convince others it's a perfect game with nothing wrong with it.I think they are bored of the game already but can't except that they got carried away with the hype,why else wouldn't you or they be playing the game at every chance they get.I know when my game get's release you wont find me on any forum,ill be to busy enjoying what a paid for instead of being the defender of the realm.I have bo problem with people liking swtor but most of these peoole cant handle anything negative said about the game no matter how contructive it is,its been proven time and again.
I cant understand why all these people who say they like swtor but spend most their time on these forums trying to convince others it's a perfect game with nothing wrong with it.I think they are bored of the game already but can't except that they got carried away with the hype,why else wouldn't you or they be playing the game at every chance they get.I know when my game get's release you wont find me on any forum,ill be to busy enjoying what a paid for instead of being the defender of the realm.I have bo problem with people liking swtor but most of these peoole cant handle anything negative said about the game no matter how contructive it is,its been proven time and again.
I can say the same for people like you who are hell bent on making people believe that SWTOR sucks..why? that is your excuse that your game isn't released yet so your trolling the forums of game you have no interest in is completely justified? and i can bet 100 bucks that you will be defending GW2 day and night once all these people move on to GW2 forums for a new round of bashing..maybe you will make a new account but you will be there.
And no you have big problem with people liking SWTOR and your posting history is a proof of that.
I cant understand why all these people who say they like swtor but spend most their time on these forums trying to convince others it's a perfect game with nothing wrong with it.I think they are bored of the game already but can't except that they got carried away with the hype,why else wouldn't you or they be playing the game at every chance they get.I know when my game get's release you wont find me on any forum,ill be to busy enjoying what a paid for instead of being the defender of the realm.I have bo problem with people liking swtor but most of these peoole cant handle anything negative said about the game no matter how contructive it is,its been proven time and again.
What else are they supposed to do if they're stuck at work or can't play the game currently for some other reason? Just because they're here defending it doesn't mean they're bored with it or aren't enjoying it. What topics like this do show is how hypocritical they are for calling out the "whiners" and "trolls" yet do the same thing themselves.
Anyways, he does make SOME valid points. If you cant get past his comedic attempt at trying to say his first one was actually true.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
In the same tone as the OP, here are a couple other things that - if not innovative - are certainly appreciated and missing from other games.
-- Ability to craft with mods from your cargo hold (i.e. "bank" in other MMOs); this is a fantastic feature appreciated by anyone that's ever experienced the inventory management issue of balancing dozens of different resources.
Cross-Class Buffs
-- They are all percentage based, so a Level 8 Smuggler can buff a Level 50 Trooper and it's still beneficial.
Ah, okay, I get you.
I thought that the movies were this way as well (lots of Brit-esque accents on the Empire side, while rebels mostly had US/NA type accents), but I haven't seen them in a while. I do agree that some of it is quite overdone, however.
Why are there a billion of these threads?they repeat over and over and much the same thing is said over and over.
Hehe, clearly I'm being slightly theatrical.
The point is, if I am staring at a cut-scene full of drama, intrigue and evil Dark Side twists, and the actor sounds like Simon Cowell or Thomas the Tank Engine's narrator, well ya know.. kinda kills the immersion.
I should be feeling awed by the dramatic story events, not stuck between laughing my ass off and feeling insulted for my nationality being so badly steroytyped.
Hmmmm Zelda? Arkham City for PC? You should spend less time on this forum and more checking something like IGN.....
and skyrim boring? wow.just wow
I agree 100%
The pvp "whiners" have valid complaints and I mean VERY valid. Sith Assassins are absolutely wrecking people in pvp. I saw one 50 just completely destroy some lowbies the other day proving beyond a shadow of a doubt this game needs a 50 bracket.
How about silly stuff just missing? Like /roll, pvp xp, valor, commendation, gear, anything from doing open world pvp or the sheer lack of it due to the heavy abuse of instancing? Nightmare mode not even being included in the game yet and only 3 things having hardmodes and most are being described as faceroll.
The game does have flaws. TOR fans brought the hate on this game with almost non stop constant attacks on every forum and blog across the web about how TOR would be perfect on launch and destroy WoW/Rift/Aion/EQ2/WAR on launch day.
My fear of voice acting is how will it effect future content. They are going to have to have the cash for more or does the voices just stop now.
Yeah TOR forums are exploding with ridiculous complaints like "THIS ISN'T SWG2" or worse. People bought the game with no idea what it was and now they are AAAAANGRY.
I don't have a Wii, but I do have a PS3, and rented Arkham City a while ago. Think it actually came out for PC just over a month ago, but ok, close enough. and I didn't say Skyrim was boring, just that I got bored of it, after playing for a week or so. It's a good game, but does get repetitive pretty fast.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I do like the fact that you can send your crew members out to craft while doing your own thing. It really saves some time. Sending your crew member out to sell trash is pretty great too.
The fast travel is nice, but before you get your own ship, it's kind of annoying traveling from planet to planet. Even then, I find it annoying to have to go in an elevator, press the button, select the floor, walk through the hangar, go to ship and click on door, cutscene, watch load screen, go to the ship map, select one of the areas, select the world, click travel, go back to door, cutscene, load screen, walk through hangar, go to elevator... They really need to simplify this. Do I really need to do so much and waste so much time? I would also like to have at least 1 bind point on another world.
The cutscenes are great, and whoever says the game is 95% cutscenes must not have played the game. It seems pretty balanced to me. What bothers me about the cutscenes is a lot of the side quest stories are just not interesting. I know it's gotta be tough to come up with amazing stories for every single quest, but really, they pale in comparison to the class quest lines. There have been a few times when I was tempted to spacebar through a cutscene because I was bored with what they were saying, but didn't just in case lol.
I don't think the graphics exactly resemble WoW. They have similarities. What I will say is, while SWTOR's graphics are a little better, WoW's graphics, textures, and colors blend together REALLY well in comparison. Note: I did not say they were better, but that everything goes together a lot better. I notice a lot of pixelated edges on things like stairs. The shadows are also pretty horrible. Why is my character's shadow a bunch of blocks on max settings (to be fair, it seems this only happens in certain areas)? I also find a lot of the color pallettes they use to be kind of bland.
Aside from all that, I find the PvP is missing something. Can't quite put my finger one it. I know I don't like that there aren't brackets. I don't like the maps either. They seem very uninspired and forced. And for god's sake, let us choose what we want to queue for. I really hate Huttball. I am not a fan of the pass mechanic. 99% of the time it does not work for me. Yes, I know this is a primarily PvE game, but if you're going to add PvP do it right.
In short... I have gripes with the game, but I still think it's really good for what it is. Hopefully BW/EA can get the fixes and patches out quick enough to retain their players.
On a side note. The GMs seem pretty horrible in this game. My friend's character was stuck in a holocron call. It took them a week to get back to him. When they did they didn't even know his server, characters name or location. They ended up telling him to wait for an email, only to close the complaint. The situation still isn't resolved and he had to reroll. Their GMs need to step it up, because that's just horrible.
Tends to happen when the dev keeps the NDA up to the last minute and even then hardly allows any actual news coverage and threatens to shut down your website cough cough SOPA
They did everything they could to attract everyone they possibly could. Uhhh pvp tournaments at Gamescon. Bioware knew damn well there were a bunch of GW2 fans looking for a hold over game and aimed TOR right at them and now they are getting shredded for it.
The game was advertised as this pve game with MEANINGFUL pvp that tournament style and it would include all the mmo basics + voice overs with tons fo end game.
Was up against a lvl 50 Merc today, he hit like a truck, but he wasn't unbeatable... I PvP a lot, and I think it's fine tbh, but wouldn't complain if they did introduce a 50 bracket, they can't do it right now though, that would leave the 50s with no pvp until the rest catches up.
What I do mind though is the RNG on the gear, I'm all for making people work for their gear, but RNG is the wrong way to go... some lucky nabhat can grind 5 bags and get 5 pieces of gear, while you have grind maybe 25 bags to get the same.
That's a bit over the top.
I disagree with what you are saying about stuff missing...
You can roll on gear like in any other game
There is xp for doing pvp
Valor (PvP) lvls are in game
You get commendations, and you can get merc commendations by converting your "warzone commendation".
Gear, read top.
Ye, open world PvP doesn't give merc commendations yet, AFAIK. But again, you can convert.
Heavy abuse of instancing, don't know what you're on about with this one.
Sure some people would have claimed it to be perfect, but we all know that all games have flaws, all.
It takes time to iron out the rough edges, now I'm not saying it's gonna be a completely different game in 2 months, no, the core is gonna be the same, but a lot of the bugs will have been dealt with, and it will be an even more enjoyable game, than it is now.
There will always be extreme cases of fanboys, and also extreme cases of haters.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
I love how people get all upset because some other person like the game they don't. ..seriously grow up?
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
In the same tone as the OP, here are a couple other things that - if not innovative - are certainly appreciated and missing from other games.
-- Ability to craft with mods from your cargo hold (i.e. "bank" in other MMOs); this is a fantastic feature appreciated by anyone that's ever experienced the inventory management issue of balancing dozens of different resources.
Cross-Class Buffs
-- They are all percentage based, so a Level 8 Smuggler can buff a Level 50 Trooper and it's still beneficial.