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Been playing since about halfway through early access and its easily the most enjoyment I've gotten from an MMO since WoW. There are a few things I think even the most staunch supporters of this game must admit are off-putting.
1: World is very closed-off and linear
By this I mean that zones feel like there is set roads, and quest areas that are accessed via those roads. However, if you want to run from one quest area to the one right next to it 9/10 times there will be a wall or mountains blocking your route, making you have to run back to the road, then to the next area. Makes for a lot of tedious travel and is one of the few things they SHOULD HAVE copied from WoW, open world.
2: Galactic Trade Network (Auction House)
Easily the most annoying UI in this game, forget the health bars and companion complaints the AH is so tedious. No option to sort armor by location (head, chest, etc) and cant search an item name unless you put in what category and subcategory it falls under. What if I don't know what category it falls under? I had this happen when trying to find a mat for a crafting recipe, went to search for it and realized I had no idea what crew skill gathered it. Had to go online and look it up. Also, there is no bids, just buyouts.
3. Cover Mechanic
Not even sure how they thought this was acceptable. Tried playing a smuggler because I didnt see many people playing them and now I know why. I always ended up in an awkward cover spot just getting shot at, and when I try to shoot back since my character isnt even facing the enemy he would just leave cover and stand up. Very frustrating.
4. Races
I know this has been beaten to death but I'm still not sure how with an IP as extensive and vast as Star Wars, they landed on these races. All are humanoid in appearance so they got lazy I guess. Twenty bucks the first expansion brings in Wookies
Don't get me wrong I'm loving this game but can we all agree theres things that make you scratch your head sometimes?
True on all accounts
The first two doesn't bother me as much as the last two does. Character customization in this game is a complete joke and the cover system just doesn't work properly. You can be standing behind the selected cover outlined by the green hologram and see your skills <fail to activate> even though the mob is right infront of you, every often. They need to fix that
I do wish we had more (different) races to pick from. Dont laugh while I play the Empire side I so would have been Republic for a ewok=0 So many races to chose from but they picked the ones you can easily reskin.
The cover system is fun in pve Hate it in pvp
NO need to keep going but I agree with eash complaint you have. My biggest is the races and as far as I can tell a buffer/debuffer class. My favorrite kind to play. FOr a game I was not even goign to bother with though. I must admit overall I enjoy it very much=)
5. Class balance is all over the place.
Thought WAR's bright wizards were bad? Try SWTOR's troopers / bounty hunters! Heavy armoured, high damage and, on one of the advanced classes, also a healer! Oh, don't forget ranged, too, with some of the strongest CC in the game!
Hate rogues? Try the sniper! Capable of killing you in literally four to five shots (which can take between 5-10 seconds depending on how good the sniper is with chaining together his abilities), this guy does everything rogues do... AT RANGE! Or close up, because it has no limits on how close you can shoot your rifle at someone!
Love being anally raped by everything and anything and being outshone by other classes? Try the force melee classes (whatever the jedi one is / sith warrior)! Fight in melee with less damage than the sniper, with less survivability than the sniper (yes, even in melee range) and with a shit tonne more abilities than the sniper which you have to chain together to be anywhere near viable!
But it's okay, force melee classes, because you have abilities that let those snipers do EVEN HIGHER DAMAGE when you're partied together! Yes, you didn't sign up to be a buff class but THAT'S TOO BAD.
PS. I am now playing sorcerer.
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Me and a Friend are Bad At Games
Can't argue with any of that. I would also add space combat, uncustomizable UI, and the fact that you can't select which warzone to queue for in there .
And as for your point 1...I really agree with this. It kind of reminds me of WAR where it also felt like you were just being guided from quest hub to quest hub. I was not amused by it then, and I'm not now.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Agreed to all above.
Plus here is one.
The carved in stone User Interface. The large unmovable, uncustomizable User Interface. Is this really a brand new game without a means to at least resize this?
I wouldn't hold my breath. Wookies don't wear armor. Removes an entire game mechanic from play, I don't think they'll do it.
Your post isn't for real... It can't be for real. "I" do dish out crazy dps topping the charts as a BH but its me and like 4-5 others I even see come within 40k of my end game score. I see Jedi/Sith Warriors, Agent/Smuggler Trooper and Consular/Inquisators get around 200k
If anything "ONLY" the assassin is gimped in the "MAX DPS" portion because he's a single target class for melee range. I can't back a word of your post because it's definately a lack of skill issue if you think all those other classes are bad, not to mention warriors can demolish Mercs/Agents and their counter parts like nothing.
edit: not to mention we're obviously talking about mini games.
Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.
That is my main thing right now. I really haven't tried the other classes except messing around with jedi in beta. But once I caved in and got the game I rolled smuggler and have been loving the class especially being a gunslinger. But the cover mechanic is a pain when it puts you in a spot right where the mob can hit you. I rather be in the open to choose my own positioning because they put you in some bad spots when there is terrain around to utilize. Other than that I am enjoying the class a lot.
Actually, I would have to agree on the auction house as well. That could use some touching up. And the first companion for smuggler, Corso, and that annoying harpooning he does can go. It serves some purpose here and there but when you're with a group and a tank is trying to well, tank, it's annoying that your companion goes 'yoink' and takes the mob from him. You can turn it off but it will turn back on if you zone elsewhere or send him off for something and he comes back.
You summed up the whole problem with the game in one word....
There are so many factors in the development of this game where when they came to a crossroads, they ALWAYS chose the LAZY way out.
Sure, I'm playing and it is entertaining to a degree, but it is NOT some epic game I must log into every hour of every day, like some games have been in the past.
However, I am generally a very nice person in game even on pvp servers I take the time to help people and show people how to kill certain bosses, or get to certain datacrons.
Doing so I have come to the realization that there are TONS of players in SWTOR that have never played an MMO before, and even more that are such casual players they may as well have never played one before.
That being said this group of new and casual players that do not have much to compare it to think the game is the cat's meow, the peas and taters, they are thrilled with the game and think it's amazing.
So you're mad they copied WoW like WoW copies EQ? But if they didn't then there'd be 10,000 flamers demanding they did. Theres no win here. Welcome to every theme park... since 2004
Someone please point me to the Theme Park game where I got to run around as a slug... or something Non-Humanish. Meaning no feet, no hands... some one please point me to it.
Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.
Which worlds are you talking about being closed off and linear? Anything prior to level 30 I almost agree.. tatooine isn't, but almost every level post tatooine is open and highly explorable with the exception of maybe, quesh.
I only sell on the GTN and don't buy, so can't really comment.
My smuggler is currently level 47, he's a scoundrel, so he doesn't get portable cover... I still use the cover system, and primarily play a healer... I don't have any issues at all. A gunslinger I group and PvP with consistently hits between 230 - 350K damage in waarzones, and he has to shoot from cover to use his best abilities. When mastered properly, the cover system is a very useful tool. My only complain about my scoundrel is that he gets no AOE knock back -- or any real knock back at all.
Agree on races.
Disagree on class balance.. I find only one class to still be fairly overpowered and thats the consular / inquisitors. Their shield mitigates much more damage then my smugglers shield and they can put it on anyone, and get it on both ACs. Force run is possibly the best ability for survival and useful in every warzone / open PvP match simply because they can even get out of range of my smugglers attacks.... Anyways.. even with those abilities and the heavy CC of that class too, I have no problems playing my scoundrel well and topping the charts in heals every time. On top of all that, consulars and troopers are insanely simple to play (commando's notwithstanding, depending on AC spec) so it makes it that much easier in comparison to the underplayed smugglers and knight - sentinels.
The trick is knowing and using all of your abiilities, at any given time in PvP I'm using 20 - 25 different abilities, non-macro'd all based on when I need to use them with no strings of heals - simply because its all situational.
You can turn off that skill so he wont use it.. when you have him summoned click the little - beside his picture and open his skills overlay then right click off the little green box in the upper right corner of the skill you don't want him to use.
This is VERY import at higher levels to turn off Area of Effect attacks your companion will use, as CC or crowd control is very important at some times,
the negative remarks in here about SWTOR are completely... true. Like other Bioware games this one is linear, well atleast the amount of missions and planets Ive been at. The auction house is a mess, yes.
The cover system is strange since it doesnt seem to matter if you attack a coverd enemy from the back or front. As for the races yes there are way too few for a star wars IP but then again this seems trivial as there are bound to be new ones put in.
Also my main is a Sith Warrior and he gets spanked in pvp so there seems to be a bit of a balance issues here (or I just suck I dont know, but I tend to prefer the other way around)
Then again these are all issues that can be relativly easily fixxed. The nr 1 with high lvl content, 2-3 with some regular hard work and 4-5 time.
I will cover only one thing...COVER. It is not only used by Smuggler but by the Imperial Agent as well. Early on in beta cover worked as many of you seem to wish it worked now. You could hit a key and see ALL of you possible cover points if you had a enemy targeted. You then could make one of two choices providing you had the Portable Cover Shield ability. Either you could pick on of those previous mentioned "possible" cover points by mousing over it and clicking "Cover" or hitting the Cover Key, or you could choose to just drop your Cover shield where you stood. That is how it was but Bioware (and some testers...not me) thought it to be too cumbersome and clunky. And yes, it did often take more time for the Smuggler to set up then for the other classes to engage in combat. So it was gradually changed until you get the system you have today.
Now, to the defense. The current system is far quicker to set up. You gain the advantage of better attacks even though you MAY not have the advantage of the defense on a particular target. Generally, if no cover is available, you will always get the portable Cover Shield which can still be "flanked" just like the real cover in the old system and the new system. In the end, both the old system and the new system have the same effects on combat.
Which one would I prefer? The first system as it added a higher element of thought. However, I see why it got dumbed down as I had to explain it usage so many times in Beta that my typing fingers hurt.
Let's party like it is 1863!
That's not true. I'm playing a BH and I died once just the other day.
Rift, WAR, Aion, and now SWTOR copied WoW far more than WoW copied EQ. I'm not denying that WoW was heavily influenced by EQ, but it's far from an "EQ-clone."
And as for your races's a straw-man argument. No one wants to be a "slug." They just want to be a unique race. Compare the differences between the WoW races to the differences between the SWTOR races. The difference between a human in WoW and a gnome is WoW is much more striking than the difference between a human and a Zabrak.
Most of the SWTOR races seem nearly identical to each other. I mean, for crying out loud, one of the races is a human with a blindfold.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Saying SWTOR having a variety of races is an insult... all they are just some lil reskins and really utter crap when it comes to diversity. Same exaclt models in every single race, my brother made a good point in that there is no model diversity at all between the races like in WoW or any number of MMOs.
But I agree with the companies are copying WoW wayyy more than WoW ever copied from EQ and other MMOs they looked at and took some ideals from.
Copying WoW is not what people mean when they say Bioware was lazy. The development of this game was sloppy in every way from rehashed conversations to quest-givers that look the same to "citizens" in towns that not only look the same, but cannot even be targeted and stand there having a conversation with no one. Zones that are more like mazes than worlds so no one notices how small they are. Running water that you can't hear. How about non-environment issues? The auction house was mentioned. Talents that make no sense (Corruption gets aoe power buff on second rank but no significant aoe powers until much, much later.) Farming platinum is ridiculously fast. Having issues? Just make sure to always choose the money grubbing option in conversations and you'll get your extra plat. Which, btw, is about the only way to change the outcome of your story at all.
For my part, I've gone back and forth between having fun and being bored while playing swtor. Regardless of whether or not it's fun, "lazy" is absolutely the best way to describe the efforts that went into this game and that is a crying shame.
If you're getting beaten by a jedi / sith warrior, you are failing at the game. It is your lack of skill, not mine.
I have a sniper approaching max level and he kicks arse in melee, too, due to shared class talents. I can hit someone in melee with a long cooldown melee ability, stun, run away, kite around for a bit and be ready to stun as soon as he's in range again if he's not dead.
I'm currently playing a merc and good lord it's strong. That's all I have to say on that front.
Sadly, this is how some people think of class balance.
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Me and a Friend are Bad At Games
"Been playing since about halfway through early access and its easily the most enjoyment I've gotten from an MMO since WoW"
can't tell you how many times I have seen people raving about SWTOR and they remark it is the most fun they had since wow. Everything you need to know about why I would never touch the game is right there in that one comment.