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When do you think the game will be released? My guess is late March-early April, if everything goes well.
Played: World Of Warcraft, Runescape, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Lord Of The Rings Online, Runes Of Magic, Rift
Currently playing: Guild Wars
Awaiting: Guild Wars 2
I would say somewehere in Q2 (either shortly before TSW and otherwise possibly a month or two after) or in late August or even September.
My guess is October/November but I wouldn't be surprised if GW2 was released in 2013. I'm a patient person, wouldn't bother me much.
I really hope you're right.
I'm a bit more pessimistic... thinking around May-June
They JUST started invite only closed beta testing - it's got 6 months to go at least is my guess. Summer or fall I say.
However, the did say they're planning on closed beta in winter (achieved) and an early spring release, and with the time they've been taking already to work out bugs and perfect the game, and seeing as they are on time with the beta, I wouldn't be surprised if they game came out just in time.
Played: World Of Warcraft, Runescape, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Lord Of The Rings Online, Runes Of Magic, Rift
Currently playing: Guild Wars
Awaiting: Guild Wars 2
Nope. They didn't.
But in any case, NCSoft is pretty certain that the game will at least be ready for launch in Q3/ early Q4 of this year. Saying the game will launch in 2013 is utterly baseless speculation at best.
Late summer should be the earliest anyone would guess this game would come out. Not unless Closed Beta is doing exremely well.
on they are on their number 7 consecutive release date thread. First 6 have been horrible optimistic. Most people their guess for a Q2 release. I think they are still a bit to optimistic.
Q3 is my quess , would love to be wrong though
I don't know, to be honest.
For one thing, ArenaNet's idea of when beta begins is probably much further along than a typical company's beta. They iterate something for weeks until they think it's finally good to go, then they have their entire company play it, get feedback from all those different kinds of players, then they iterate it some more until it's polished.
They do this for everything. I'm not going to quote bomb this post, but you can see references to these "all calls" in
This kind of stuff would make me think that it's quick, that they actually have things to the point where they're pretty much ready to go, and it's just going to be rooting out the hard to find bugs or seeing what problems come up when you have thousands of people running around.
On the other hand, it seems pretty clear that they're perfectionists. We also know that they can have 2000+ people taking part in world PVP (500+ per map), so maybe that in particular hasn't had a chance to be thoroughly tested yet.
My guess would be 3 months just based on that being a standard amount of time, with the presumably fewer bugs being offset by the higher degree of polish they'll be shooting for. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it went longer though.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
I can imagine that WvWvW-PvP may be tested in a later phase of the Closed Beta, with a lot more participants.
My thoughts exactly.
EDIT: However, SINCE they are perfectionists, that might just mean a later release date. I'm hoping this is not the case.
Played: World Of Warcraft, Runescape, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Lord Of The Rings Online, Runes Of Magic, Rift
Currently playing: Guild Wars
Awaiting: Guild Wars 2
[mod edit]
Based upon some of the answers ANet made last month (Nov-2011), I can't see this being released ealier than mid-2012.
Aug-2012 if I have to pick a date.
ANet has always played it straight (no PR speak) when interacting with their fan-base and some of the game mechanics answers were a bit too 'two choices but we haven't decided which one' or 'not exactly sure, we'll test and once we decide we'll go from there' type.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
I'm hoping for a spring release, but I'd honestly fine with a summer release... It'd give me time to beat GW.
Played: World Of Warcraft, Runescape, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Lord Of The Rings Online, Runes Of Magic, Rift
Currently playing: Guild Wars
Awaiting: Guild Wars 2
So you haven't watched any of the latest videos showing the high level content either then?
I'm now thinking June 2012. If it's earlier than that, I'll be pleasantly surprised. If it's later than that, hopefully it won't be much later.
The English translation of the NCSoft Q3 2011 conference call was poor, at best. They talked about GW2 reaching [paraphrased]"full commercialization as early as mid year, but possibly in the second half, depending on the results of beta". In addition to the language issue, one also has to wonder if "full commercialization" meant "Release in the West", or "Release to the West and the East". So, either the Eastern release may be a bit earlier than expected, or the Western release may be a bit later than hoped, depending on what they actually meant!
I'm hopeful "full commercialization" has the global release connotation. Not impossible, since the devs mentioned at the convention in London that NCSoft was funneling hundreds of developers from other divisions into work on GW2. I figured at the time that had to include regionalization efforts as a big portion of that number. It could be that Blade & Soul needs a lot more work and has slipped significantly, while GW2 is showing even more promise than expected, which might result in the Eastern release of B&S being pushed back to 2013 and the Easternized version of GW2 coming much sooner after the Western release than initially planned. (The original strategy was for B&S to be NCSoft's big MMO for the Eastern market in 2012 and GW2 being the big Western release for 2012, with each then being regionalized for the opposite market in 2013).
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
this is the kind of post i have a hard time respecting. Not because you are not entitled to your oppinion, but because there is no argument involved.
But asumming an argument, the counter argument is along the line of this.
Would you expect an AAA mmorpg to be made in less than 5 years? And then such an ambitious projekt as GW2?
5 years is reached this summer. Until that relax and rember the old saying.
The ox is slow but the earth is patient.
I think it's best that we wait until 2012's PAX East, to get an idea of the state of the game, because I've already gone through these baseless release date speculation for well over a year now. It's getting kinda tiresome, though fiontar does bring up some interesting points. Well at least more interesting than the "GW2 is vapourware" arguement.
at this point guild wars 2 is still vaporware no rlease date and sme demo been shown for a year! I am looking foward to never release 2 but i dont think it be out anytime before the end of next year if that or ever.
I just hope it gets released before the world ends :P
But seriously Q1 2012 is my estimation. Closed beta should be finished by the end of january, open beta in february and release in early march or late february.
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
No, it wasn't the same demo. So far they showed 3 different demos. One more polished than the other, also featuring new races and professions.
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
August at the earliest, more likely Q3 2012. Of course I hope it'll be ready sooner but I wouldn't count on Q1 at all.
hopefully no later than summer 2012; cant wait
April 28, 2012. The anniversary of the launch of Guild Wars 1.