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What brought Trammel to UO

anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

Griefing, n00b-killing, Lowb-camping bedwetting PKers. Those PK without an ounce of honor brought Trammel to the game. Don't blame the people who asked for Trammel, blame the people who truly brought Trammel: lame-ass PKers who couldn't win a fair fight so they team up against n00bies and camp them till they actually left the area or the game itself. I love PvP, but a fight is much more fun, rewarding and honorable when there is at least some sense of fairness.

 My opinion has been brought to you by the makers of Boredom. Not an ounce of fat goes into Boredom, we left it as nature intended. Boredom: when the excitements done, let Boredom take over!



  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Originally posted by anarchyart

    Griefing, n00b-killing, Lowb-camping bedwetting PKers. Those PK without an ounce of honor brought Trammel to the game. Don't blame the people who asked for Trammel, blame the people who truly brought Trammel: lame-ass PKers who couldn't win a fair fight so they team up against n00bies and camp them till they actually left the area or the game itself. I love PvP, but a fight is much more fun, rewarding and honorable when there is at least some sense of fairness.
     My opinion has been brought to you by the makers of Boredom. Not an ounce of fat goes into Boredom, we left it as nature intended. Boredom: when the excitements done, let Boredom take over!

    True enough.Without trammel origin was hardly retaining any new player which is very bad news espically since the height of the griefing was just when EQ1 and AC1 hit the market.


  • ArqentusArqentus Member Posts: 30

    Originally posted by anarchyart
    Griefing, n00b-killing, Lowb-camping bedwetting PKers. Those PK without an ounce of honor brought Trammel to the game. Don't blame the people who asked for Trammel, blame the people who truly brought Trammel: lame-ass PKers who couldn't win a fair fight so they team up against n00bies and camp them till they actually left the area or the game itself. I love PvP, but a fight is much more fun, rewarding and honorable when there is at least some sense of fairness.
    My opinion has been brought to you by the makers of Boredom. Not an ounce of fat goes into Boredom, we left it as nature intended. Boredom: when the excitements done, let Boredom take over!

    No offence, but you are putting the blaim on the wrong people. And you seem to "forget" part of the history of UO.

    Originaly when the game first started, the game was populated with PK'ers who had the rank of "dreadlord" and others. Pk'ing was a group just like the "normal" players, with honorable, soundrells, etc. But, it was the complaining of those noobs, who found the game to hard, that the developers started to restrict the Pk'ers.

    Restrictions with daim heavy loss. Becouse of this, a lot of the honorable PK'ers left, with a gap to be filled in with those griefing, noob-killing, lowb-camping bedwetting PKers.

    This resulted in even worse playexpierence, and in the end they just created trammel. And this kill free plane ended up wrekking the whole economy. A person who made maybe 1000gp in a week during the old days, was now able to mine area's blank widout any wory of robbery, pkers etc. Making millions. Where in the old days, you needed to group to mine for your own protection, or knew how to hide, now people are stripmining the crap out of the game.

    The same deal with everything else. You try camping spawnspots when you know PKers can come out to get you at any moment ... it's hard. Now, people can camp the spawns widout any worry at all ...

    I played the orginal release time until after trammel, so i know the effects first hand. While you had noob killers during the first periode, most of the pk'ers even resurected you, and gave your stuff back ( minus gold & regs ofcourse :) ). They even robed you, and left you alone if you handed over your gold widout acting up, just like real robbers. Those PK shitheads that you saw, dont represent the rollplaying dreadlords & co that where the original players.

    The blaim lies soly with those people who yelled & cried for restrictions on PK'ers, and when the restriction create a whole now class of PK'ers, they cried & cried again, so Trammel was born, and then when people where still able to steal your stuff after you died from a monster, they added non lootable, and then they added non lootable monster loot given to whoever did the kill etc etc ... ending up from a freegameplay game to a game with restrictions comming out of the ass.

    O yea, and dont give me the crap that people where unable to defende themselfs against dreadlords. People actually WORK TOGETHOR during that time. You spotted a red or where killed by one, you resurect, run back to town, and yelled "PK'ers ----->>", or "Pkers east road" etc etc ... and within 10 sec, you had 5 or more men running out of town as a possy. This created even more fun situations becouse sometimes the PKers worked togethor, laying traps for the possy etc ... The game was fun, the game was adrenaline pumping ... Whats left now ... lol ... the sims, thats what left of the game ...

  • AndurinAndurin Member UncommonPosts: 125

    I don't even really mind trammel, it's what they did to PVP

    Before trammel and pre uor pvp actually took some skill

    the pre-cast days are still the best pvp I have ever experienced in an online game

  • GeekyGeeky Member UncommonPosts: 451
    How do I move back and forth between Trammel and Fellucia (sp?)  I've got one guy in Trammel and the rest of my characters in Fellucia.  Where do I go and what do I say to go to the other side?
  • CivikCivik Member Posts: 1

    try one of the moongates taht are found all over the land. Maybe you should

    ask someone to gate travel  you to a moongate :)

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115

    I always sucked at PvP in UO. Id get kills, but I could never take on the PvPers who practiced. However I absolutely loved playing pre trammel. I remember going to simple dungeons such as Shame and suddenly a pk or 2 would run in trying to slay the unsuspecting, I remember running out of recalls, having no regs and being new having to run between a town or 2 and getting slaughtered on the way. Heck, some jerk named Gary Coleman who was quite the pvper on my server would camp outside my home. Things like that made me want to play more, it made me strive. I liked not knowing if I was welcomed. I enjoyed the rush of a new escape or even finally chasing someone down for the kill.

    I didnt PK/PvP too much, but I loved the element of suprise, or just how much more real it felt. When trammel came there was a max exodus from felucca. It was horid, people would only be in my neighboorhood to visit their homes. I didn't quit immidiately, but I got bored soon after.

    I also never saw too many newbies leaving the game due to pks. I was one of those newbs and I made it through. They should of just implemented the newbie island earlier and avoiding trammel altogether IMO. Would of been great for me atleast, though apparently not for everyone.

  • EnolaGayEnolaGay Member Posts: 39

    PKing noobs did not bring us Trammel....

    More and more extreme penalties for PKing did.

    I played UO from 1997-2001 and I had a perma red char on Sonoma called CaptainAmerica so I know first had what happened.

    The ONLY thing you do when you introduce harsher penalties for pking is to ENSURE that the only people to get pked are weak helpless noobs who cant possible fight back.  It’s a vicious circle.

    I tried coming back to UO a little over a year ago… but it just sucked.   The DEVs ruined the greatest MMORPG of all time by catering to the whining pussy vocal minority.

    So now I play Lineage2 while I wait for DARKFALL to ever be released.

    I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... and Im all out of bubble gum

  • MaeEyeMaeEye Member UncommonPosts: 1,108

    Originally posted by madazz

    I always sucked at PvP in UO. Id get kills, but I could never take on the PvPers who practiced. However I absolutely loved playing pre trammel. I remember going to simple dungeons such as Shame and suddenly a pk or 2 would run in trying to slay the unsuspecting, I remember running out of recalls, having no regs and being new having to run between a town or 2 and getting slaughtered on the way. Heck, some jerk named Gary Coleman who was quite the pvper on my server would camp outside my home. Things like that made me want to play more, it made me strive. I liked not knowing if I was welcomed. I enjoyed the rush of a new escape or even finally chasing someone down for the kill.
    I didnt PK/PvP too much, but I loved the element of suprise, or just how much more real it felt. When trammel came there was a max exodus from felucca. It was horid, people would only be in my neighboorhood to visit their homes. I didn't quit immidiately, but I got bored soon after.
    I also never saw too many newbies leaving the game due to pks. I was one of those newbs and I made it through. They should of just implemented the newbie island earlier and avoiding trammel altogether IMO. Would of been great for me atleast, though apparently not for everyone.

    AMEN...I loved being in the dungeon.  When I would see thoughs red names pop up...I would start to shake and freak out.  I'd get killed and be pissed....really pissed (i was only 13 at the time)  but I would keep doing it.  I LOVED the fact that "anything" could happen at any time...and I met alot of nice PKers that would res you or give you your stuff back.  I totally agree with you.  The surprise in the game is definitally gone.  Man, I miss those days...don't you wish you could go back and play them again?

    Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
    Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds

  • daveospicedaveospice Member UncommonPosts: 366

    Actually I think EA killed UO.  EA doesn't listen to their customers so I wouldn't give the customers SO much credit.  EA wanted to capitilize on the project, and they have certain risk ventures that do not qualify for money making.  Such a freestyle system to EA is a RISK system.  They wanted to try to appeal to both markets, pkers and normal.  No one tells you to go hunt in trammel because it's safer, you do it yourself.  They also left siege perilous up for you hardcore gamers.


    you guys touched on it just perfect.  EA needed to get rid of griefers and provide a haven for new players.  They also didn't want to completely remove pvp since there's a lot of people who enjoy it, so blame EA and the developers.  The developers could have done this in SO many different ways.  They chose to do trammel/fel.   It's as simple as that.  No one told them what to do so point the blame finger at them for implementing the darn thing andnot being smart developers.



    You also forget that there were massive cheats at the time, and lag issues.  Pks were using uoassist and lots of other things.  It wasn't fun to go in a dungeon and risk pks finding you anymore once the pks started ghosting, and bringing buddies.  I eventually got good enough I could usually take a pk down with me... maybe even all of them after me. but most other people were not so fortunate.


    I played on siege perilous, and siege was exactly like the old servers so quit complaining.

  • obiiobii Member UncommonPosts: 804

    You have to consider the business option.
    EA starts a game with almost total freedom and it is a success.

    A year and a bit more later SONY starts everquests and BAM, they fly away on subscriptions and EA wonders what the heck did we do wrong, we want more cash too.

    This is why Trammel was really made.

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Originally posted by obii

    You have to consider the business option.
    EA starts a game with almost total freedom and it is a success.
    A year and a bit more later SONY starts everquests and BAM, they fly away on subscriptions and EA wonders what the heck did we do wrong, we want more cash too.
    This is why Trammel was really made.

    Another true statement.

    FACT- UO before trammel was about 100k subs and hardly retaining  new players and ofc with newer mmorpg just out in name of EQ1 older players were going over to try it out.

    1 year post trammel they almost doubled their sub numbers.

    It was a ll a buisness move.This was one of the golden ages of mmorpg where people were rapidly joining the genre.So EA did what it had to do to hold on to the new players.


  • StealthrobStealthrob Member UncommonPosts: 5

    It was not only the PKing that brought about trammel, the biggest reason they created an alternate side was to supply housing for everyone. Of course everyone complaining about PK's put there genius minds to work and they decided to make the new land "consentual PVP" only...... what a crock :(

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115

    Yeah I do wish I could go back. I tried a free shard which promised the old gameplay I enjoyed. But they lied. It was a cheap hash with some of their own modifications.

    I too used to get REALLY pissed off when I was killed. I was younger about 15 at the time I think and I broke a keyboard even. I havent felt so uhh "passionate" for an MMO since. I remember my adrenaline going while dodging through trees hoping that I was far away enough to use my Hide skill lol.... my hands were all shaky and the lag was sometimes really bad. But it was the best time I had playing any MMO. Even competes with many of my favorite solo/console games.

    Near the brit graveyard was where some of the fun/funny action was at. So many guys with those antler hats though lol. I swear, if they brought back a pre trammel server minus alot of the new stuff (such as those soul shards and people getting higher than 100 skill), I would be back in a flash. Well, if the server had a decent pop. And no, I dont want to play on seige perilous heheh.

  • galefan2004galefan2004 Member Posts: 127

    Honorable pker is an oxymoron if there ever was one. I feel for the people that had Trammel thrust on them and did not want it. It reminds me of what they are doing now with UO: WoW (oops I mean ML) and what they did with UO: Diablo2 (oops I mean AoS). I just got banned from Stratics board for speaking my mind against UO (what a shock) but the game has gone so down hill over the year I am surprised anyone can still hold onto it and in the last 3 months they have slapped players across the face OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. The game is old and tiring and ran by the worst company imaginable. I would go play WoW but I really didn't like WoW. I really didn't need to see UO copy the parts of WoW that I HATED the most.

  • galefan2004galefan2004 Member Posts: 127

    Never played them, never wanted to. I actually refused to play UO until Trammel came out and my friend started playing before I did and asked me to play a lot back in those days and I never would. It just seemed like it would frustrate me no end. However, I do miss pre-AoS and I hate that EA has decided to clone every game under the sun and not even leave an ounce of the real UO. Its a crappy game now and not even worth logging into. I won't be getting their new UO: ML (the WoW months...the game isn't going to last another year not to mention years). I am so burnt out on this clone of Diablo2 and WoW that if I am going to be expected to play those games I might as well play them with decent graphics. There is no real sense of UO left in UO. Its sad when a game as great as UO becomes a compilation of WoW and the SIMs.


    I blame whiners and EA for Trammel.


    daveospice: I played when they fcked everything up and during the time they added siege perilous I had no desire to start ALL OVER simply because EA wanted to keep the babies around. They SHOULD have simply created ONE server that had trammel and left my Pacific shard alone.

  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 3

    PvP in the first uo days where what made this game great .

    there was actually a community because with your dreadlord title u just couldnt make it back home to re-equip if you couldnt have a buddy escort you back.

    believe me the days of dreadlords were tougher for a pk then a blue i know what im talking about.

    except that a bunch of dreadlords were sure to wipe a dungeon clean unless someone got out of the dungeon alive and grabbed 10 15 anti pks at vesper bank among the 200 people.

    it was hell of a nice time.

    none of that moongate crappy 8 year old pvp trashmouth bullcrap .

    Dreadlords against Great Lords.
    one guy kyror of Heaven chesapeake who was a master mage brought fear among people griefing me over and over at chaos when i just told them he was coming to pick me up , that guy was renwn to be able to take on 3 guy and stay alive.

    now the game is so freaking boring i bought the ML expansion tried to find someone to play with something to do , played for 5 hours got bored , and then went back to eve online.

    its a diablo 2 everquest , sims, bitmap collecting crappy screwed up game now not UO.

  • LuRaviLuRavi Member UncommonPosts: 239

    Originally posted by INSANEPOOKIE

    I blame whiners and EA for Trammel.
    daveospice: I played when they fcked everything up and during the time they added siege perilous I had no desire to start ALL OVER simply because EA wanted to keep the babies around. They SHOULD have simply created ONE server that had trammel and left my Pacific shard alone.

    You know what it does not matter who you blame.

    I played when they had stat loss AT THE TIME, it was the right thing to do to complain about having it removed. Cuz stat loss was so damn frustrating, for such simple kills you made. Now however people have turned around to say you should never have removed stat loss well you cannot think that way.

    I agree stat loss in this time would make things more interesting because it means nothing to kill anyone now and means nothing to be a red in todays UO.

    I'm just starting to believe its impossible to compare old UO to current UO. Its also impossible to work with these developers because they simply are not good enough to want to work to make the game very intelligent, and meaninful.

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115

    Its actually extremely easy to compare old uo to the new uo. Especially when they are 2 different games now. The Devs do listen, but they don't research or look into it far at all. When Trammel was introduced the usual happend, half my guild left blah blah blah. There are still 2 people that were in my guild playing to this day. The only time they experience a "rush" is when doing champions/treasure hunting. Thats because sometimes they have to go to felucca. I remember back in the day of guild alliances and guild wars. I remember when owning a house was a big accomplishment (and damn hard to get). I remember no Neons. I remember not being able to get more than 700 skill total, and no more than 100 in any skill. My character thats currently just gathering virtual dust even has a purple spell book (which is now illegal in game). Even going to the bank was fun, you had to be smart about it. You could go to Britannia and bait a theif, or you could avoid them all together by going to a lesser known bank. I have 2 runes inside bank walls. That peed people off. I dont know how it happened but I sure as heck wasnt about to give them up lol.

    To those who think trammel actually raised the population in UO, you are mistaken. The population did rise, but the steady increase the game had without trammel started to fall. There was a large jump in pop, then the gains ceased. Check out the other post in this forum regarding the magic of UO. There are graphs there using data from MMOchart. This data is also indispuatable as it was posted by EA some time ago, though recently they have neglected to release any updates.

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