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I only played a month but dont think i was a noob
i was a lvl 85 combat lvl 68 range lvl 51 mage lvl 61 miner lvl 68 smithing lvl 43 prayer
so i was no noob... those r just some of my lvls
ask any question about rune scape and i will help answer!!
This topic is full of 10 year olds with horrible grammar.
well, runescape isnt that bad.... It was the First MMO that i ever played.....although i have to admit that the game is getting rather reteditive...outdated.....and mostly flooded with 8-10 year old IDIOTS that beg and plead for items.... I have to say that the RS comunity has to be the worst out of all of em out there..... so i prolly suggest to stay away... unless your really desperate fro somthing to pass the time with..... (there are many things to do....)
In my mind, the best advice is to leave all memories of runescape in the trash can. Move on with your life.
Lol I like how the author of this thread sounds like he thinks he's giving away useful information about suckscape.
Here's the best advice:
Don't play suckscape.
Stop being a cheap bastard and buy a better game.