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So I was reading the patch notes and no where does it mention anything about this known issue. Not just an issue, a BIG issue. Not that I bought this game for PvP (so don't give me that speech, I know it's PvE focused but that doesn't mean PvP gets no attention), but it's a tad frustrating to be a casting class when your spells activate .5 seconds after you click on them.
Honestly, I tried to get into this game but all I kept saying while playing was "you know, this was done a lot better in WoW".
And before you say "WoW has been out for x amount of years" yeah, I get that. But even back in Vanilla the game was better than TOR.
I haven't been noticing it as much this past week. Last week it was horrible, it's not so bad this week, most of my abilities have been firing when I press them, it still lags from time to time though, again not like it was last week.
I'm wondering if it's server side, rather than an actual issue with the combat in and of itself.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The developers have said they are aware of the issue but it wont be easy to fix, guessing that means it'll take some time.
Well I can't speak for anyone but myself, but that just doesn't cut it for me. I really wanted to like this game, I remember back in 2008 when I heard Bioware was making an MMO I was so pumped.
Then I played Dragon Age and thought "well that wasn't really very fun" and played ME2 and thought "well this is the same thing as ME1 but without the stupid vehicle missions" and slowly lost confidence in TOR.
Then I played in early-access and thought "ok this is an MMO launch, hopefully they fix a lot of these problems soon" but nope, just a bunch of stuff that should've been in the game at launch.
I don't know if it's EA to blame or Bioware, but either way I refuse to pay $15 a month for a game that should be single-player. Should've just made Kotor 3
I don't know why but somethin told me any answer wouldn't have satisfied you regardless lol.
Also about ability delay it's still there, it'll take atleasta month to finish at best but clearly it's in a lot of thins which could have different issues.
I only take their acknowlegdement with a grain of salt because I'm sure Mystic knew this as well.
Also to be fair with those who make it unaceptable well it was talked about since CB, for fact though I know it was talked about in OB.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
I just don't get how you drop xxx millions of dollars on voice acting, and the actual gameplay is buggy. I listen to music when I game, so I might be biased towards that, but I feel like too many people are drinking the 'BUT IT's GOT VOICE OVERS!" kool-aid and not actually judging the game objectively.
The poisoned victims of the Jonestown massacre drank Flavor Aid. ...not Kool-Aid. Just saying.
I haven't had that much trouble with the lag lately either and I've thought the games played much better lately than it did when it first came out. I'm really happy to see at least Bioware is letting us know they are working on it while fixing a lot of other things that needed to be fixed.
@77lolmac77 If you didn't like Dragon Age or Mass Effect then this game really isn't for you. Personally I felt ME2 was far superior that ME1 and was different in a lot of positive ways and I thought the first Dragon Age is fantastic which is probably why I like the work Bioware is doing and I really like this game.
As for WoW not having this many problems, I've played all these games and I find that they all have some good and some bad at launch and it takes time, at least more than a few weeks before an MMO can be considered a failure or a success. Lets see how SWTOR does in a year from now.
They said there will be fixes for some of the issues in this months patch. They also said that there are several different reasons this is happening and it sounds like not all of them will be resolved.
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When coding is involved there will ALWAYS be bugs, I don't care how many millions or even billions you throw into it. You keep mentioning WoW and even after all these years even it has bugs OMG! Just be thankfull that TOR has fewer bugs at launch than many MMO's had a year after launch and not 1 MMO can I think of that was as smooth as TOR's launch.
When coding is involved, count your blessings.
Though I'm sure you have the opinion that you could have done better lol.
Judging the game objectively means taking all things into account which you are not, it also means being reasonable which you are not.
I think you might be remembering WoW a bit more fondly than what actually happened. I played at Vanilla launch, and it was not this smooth. Long server outages, immense lag, rubber banding, getting stuck looting bodies and being unable to fight... That didn't happen all the time, but in the first month WoW had a fair share of problems they had to scramble to fix.
None the less, vote with your dollars. If the issue is severe enough to hurt your enjoyment of the game, don't pay for it. I did the very same with Warcraft, unsubbed for 3 months, and came back when the game had ironed out most of the really annoying things that made it unplayable for me. I'll do the same with this game if they don't get this issue under control by the end of next month.
In fact since my ping is usually around 350 ms, that "issue" its the reason I can play pvp and have some fun doing it.
Don't worry I'm sure they are going to correct it soon. And you will be able to win in pvp based in your proximity to the server. Everyone know that is the real skill in pvp.
Oh, my God, 0.5 sec ability delay,
It's nothing to do with ping, it effects everyone but it has more of an impact on pro PVPers.
You can see for yourself with a simple test, just get any ability with a cast time and when the bar gets to the end move and it'll cancel. It's because the game is waiting for the animation and not from the moment you hit the key. So when you compare it to WoW say for example you cast a mount and you start running when the bar gets to the end, you'll be running at mount speed before the mount appears. So what Bioware have to do is put function before animation because it makes PVP especially really akward.
As reference I increased my ability queue to 0.75 sec because the default 0.5 makes me character stop between abilities. But I live in an island that's the price.
WoW didn't have ability delays I apalogize but it's true.
The fact WoW didn't have ability delays at launch was the main reason it got a even better start.
I really hardly care about that but it is a fact.
And even that in reality SWTOR since people want to keep bringing up past it's honstly competing against WoW now any way, but IMO it's doing good [so far].
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
who said that ability lag affects only pvp?
its a HUGE issue in pve.
play a juggernaut immortal and you will understand
2 or 3 GCDs used before the ability fires... *facemelt*
"The Heavens burned, the stars
cried out
And under the ashes of infinity,
Hope, scarred and bleeding,
breathed its last."
It isn't ping related, even Bioware have confirmed this...