So... "He said a good example is some of the fixes coming to the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight.
What do they mean by that? Are they saying Warriors and Knights are OP? They aren't at all. I'd be really mad if we got nerfed, but sorcerers were left alone.
I know its hard to beleive this, but most people don't play SWTOR and WOW. There are "other" games in the universe. We had 30 people commited to play SWTOR before beta began. That number dwindled to 19 by launch time because it was so WOW like. Those who stayed on to play it were people who liked WOW and Rift. But the majority or at least half of the 30 who started as SWTOR fans went back to playing non MMO's. Hard to believe I know.
Originally posted by warbot7777 So... "He said a good example is some of the fixes coming to the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight. What do they mean by that? Are they saying Warriors and Knights are OP? They aren't at all. I'd be really mad if we got nerfed, but sorcerers were left alone.
It's kind of amusing seeing how many continue to come to this thread, read the article (or not) and to do so just to post 'Already left the game'. Well, then why do you care about the article and bother coming to post to it? Are folks supposed to say 'Oh wow, Bob left SWToR. I better leave too!'
If the game wasn't for you that is understandable. There is no perfect game and not every game suit everyone's taste. But these posts are silly and even a waste of time on your own part. Just very silly to me.
As for the article, it's good to hear some sort of communication. Sometimes I think Bioware is a bit too bottled up on this product. It's still rather general but it's good info to know their direction and that they do have something mapped instead of sitting on their hands. I'll wait and see how it goes from here then.
Played beta with high res textures and the game used to look great as above. But now it does not look like that, there is no detail and is more of a blur. Even though many testers ran great on high pop servers during we cant handle it so we get 2002 graphics....already cancled till fixed. The funny part is they keep advertising a look thats impossible in game...and yes I play on high. Very dissapointed after following this game since announcment.
It's kind of amusing seeing how many continue to come to this thread, read the article (or not) and to do so just to post 'Already left the game'. Well, then why do you care about the article and bother coming to post to it? Are folks supposed to say 'Oh wow, Bob left SWToR. I better leave too!'
I posted because I felt bait and switched and I wanted to put that out there for potential buyers. I was given something and promised something only to have it taken away the last few open betas (high res textures). I was then told it was a bug...and now they say it was too system intendive and they never intended us to have those graphics. I ran the game fine as did many others. For me its more about being mislead until after I bought the game.
It's kind of amusing seeing how many continue to come to this thread, read the article (or not) and to do so just to post 'Already left the game'. Well, then why do you care about the article and bother coming to post to it? Are folks supposed to say 'Oh wow, Bob left SWToR. I better leave too!'
If the game wasn't for you that is understandable. There is no perfect game and not every game suit everyone's taste. But these posts are silly and even a waste of time on your own part. Just very silly to me.
Since I decided not to play the game, a silly part of me still wanted to play the "what could have been" version of it since I was a big fan up till the day they announced the Trinity combat style.
So yeah, it's like watching a train wreck in one way, but another side say maybe today will be the day they make the big announcment that "hey guys, we know we blew it, were going to revamp this thing from scratch in the next patch". Or something even closer to the original intent of the games design(pre EA).
Good to hear new content coming. I'm not cancelling, nor are the 2 coworkers who play, and my 5 friends who play. All of us are enjoying the heck out of SWTOR. I don't feel like a sucker because I bought the CE. In fact, even the "Extended" circle of people I know in game (new guildmates, friends of my friends, etc), no one is cancelling...
thats great, but its easy to counter that by saying, that almost the entire SWTOR group on my ventrillo server cancelled last night. 15 out of 19. 2 weren't online and the other 2 had 3 month subs.
Indeed, it wasn't just me that cancelled so did all my friends one of which also bought the CE and wish he hadnt.
OK new content that soon is always nice. It is not too late to turn things around. I hope Bio has their guns lock and loaded and can fire everything they have in the next 30-45 days...or i can tell you things will go South. I can feel it in my bones, this scent in the air, the waters are beginning to get agitated, animals unrested...i have seen this already...many people has seen this happening before better work fast.
- Fix any remaining UI issues. Work to reshape it a soon as you can;
- Launch a quick pre-emptive stryke on crafting and start working on reshaping it; dont believe people that say crafting should not be a part of your avatar or even influence skills/spelss/combat mechanics. Allow good to optimal crafted items. Allow fusion between 2 or more crafting skills allowing combination of elements;
- Track people that unsubbed and the reason why they did so;
- Whats this i have been hearing about not being able to play in Hi-Res/Hi Quality graphic settings? You got to work on that fast;
- Expand PvE options. Stretch the lerning curve. Eliminate map-path-leading regarding quest leveling; branch the quests; make people not grind, or get lost in the map, but make it be a part of a experience...already ppl at max level??? It is not a good game design choice.
- Space combat...that needs work. Not critical but something to work in the near future;
- I heard instances in SWTOR are a great experience...please do not mess this up. Do not add Q buttons for instances. Make players regard the path to enter an instance/dungeon also part of the experience. Dont dumb down the game. If you have been told that people want "microwave-fast-food" type of game...IT IS NOT TRUE! Watch out for LFG systems, they can mess things up;
- Focus PvP. Make it count in the game world. Give PvP players a rank system award; is there something in the game that makes both PvP/PvE players fight for? Temporary control of a map area? Economy bonuses? Access to a given dungeon? Access to elite quests? Access to crafting goodness? I dont know...never played the game, just firing in all directions;
- Focus PvE. Make things harder for mid to high level solo content. Make people having to group and socialize. Whats the reward on raiding? Shinny gear? A rank name? A tittle? Booooooooooorrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggg!! What can be done here? I dont know, but you got people geting paid to figure it out. And if i dontwant to raid? Am i a poor vagabond runnning around the fountain a billion times a day? Give me some hard solo elite quests. Make me live the story. Make me dream baby!!!
- And now, the main event, PvE vs PvP: the clash of the titans. Whats the difference between the best PvE players/guilds and the best PvP players/guilds? Whats separates them? The type of gear? The tittles? The way they walk? Boooooooooooooooooooooorrriiiiiiiiiiiinnngg! Create something to appeal both sides of the fences. A renown system on both sides (i said renown because WAR system popped instantly to my mind) Make them consider the path they should walk...goes well with game lore;
- Create a rank system that rewards long time players. A major concern for many real gamers is the way vet players are treated. If i subscribe your game for 1 year and by the time a new expansion gets launched, i am back to the same step as a newcomer...i will get me, many players will get annoyed;
- And the best advice i can give you, listen to your community.
Sorry if im out of track. Just loading some ideas. Hope you guys succeed.
I know its hard to beleive this, but most people don't play SWTOR and WOW. There are "other" games in the universe. We had 30 people commited to play SWTOR before beta began. That number dwindled to 19 by launch time because it was so WOW like. Those who stayed on to play it were people who liked WOW and Rift. But the majority or at least half of the 30 who started as SWTOR fans went back to playing non MMO's. Hard to believe I know.
So its now non-MMORPG players aren't happy playing an MMORPG and left? Color me not shocked.
The future of TOR? I'll let you know when I get a chance to check my crystal ball.
So... "He said a good example is some of the fixes coming to the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight.
What do they mean by that? Are they saying Warriors and Knights are OP? They aren't at all. I'd be really mad if we got nerfed, but sorcerers were left alone.
I know its hard to beleive this, but most people don't play SWTOR and WOW. There are "other" games in the universe. We had 30 people commited to play SWTOR before beta began. That number dwindled to 19 by launch time because it was so WOW like. Those who stayed on to play it were people who liked WOW and Rift. But the majority or at least half of the 30 who started as SWTOR fans went back to playing non MMO's. Hard to believe I know.
They are going to buff them not nerf.
"One of the great things James pointed out is that the average play time per player remains very high."
My brand new bloggity blog.
Same, and I had every intention of playing this casually but so far I have been playing way more than I planed to.
Well it looks like Bioware released a half finished game and filling the gaps...
It's kind of amusing seeing how many continue to come to this thread, read the article (or not) and to do so just to post 'Already left the game'. Well, then why do you care about the article and bother coming to post to it? Are folks supposed to say 'Oh wow, Bob left SWToR. I better leave too!'
If the game wasn't for you that is understandable. There is no perfect game and not every game suit everyone's taste. But these posts are silly and even a waste of time on your own part. Just very silly to me.
As for the article, it's good to hear some sort of communication. Sometimes I think Bioware is a bit too bottled up on this product. It's still rather general but it's good info to know their direction and that they do have something mapped instead of sitting on their hands. I'll wait and see how it goes from here then.
Played beta with high res textures and the game used to look great as above. But now it does not look like that, there is no detail and is more of a blur. Even though many testers ran great on high pop servers during we cant handle it so we get 2002 graphics....already cancled till fixed. The funny part is they keep advertising a look thats impossible in game...and yes I play on high. Very dissapointed after following this game since announcment.
I love the game but until they do something about the server lag issues I have to say so long to it for now regardless of content updates.
Rise of the Rakghouls? That sounds awesome! I can't wait!
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
am still waiting before i pay to get the game far notting give me the urge of trying it ....
I posted because I felt bait and switched and I wanted to put that out there for potential buyers. I was given something and promised something only to have it taken away the last few open betas (high res textures). I was then told it was a bug...and now they say it was too system intendive and they never intended us to have those graphics. I ran the game fine as did many others. For me its more about being mislead until after I bought the game.
"taken the MMO gaming world by storm" ???
Sorry to hate.. but that's just too funny of a line not to poke fun at...
Since I decided not to play the game, a silly part of me still wanted to play the "what could have been" version of it since I was a big fan up till the day they announced the Trinity combat style.
So yeah, it's like watching a train wreck in one way, but another side say maybe today will be the day they make the big announcment that "hey guys, we know we blew it, were going to revamp this thing from scratch in the next patch". Or something even closer to the original intent of the games design(pre EA).
Sounds awesome, can't wait to see what else they have in store in the next year(s).
Indeed, it wasn't just me that cancelled so did all my friends one of which also bought the CE and wish he hadnt.
Im having fun in swtor and Im typically a sandbox player. (I wasnt even a star wars fan and couldnt care less about a nerdy star wars beta)
Mostly looking forward to the pvp improvements. New Warzone yay!
Good stuff.
OK new content that soon is always nice. It is not too late to turn things around. I hope Bio has their guns lock and loaded and can fire everything they have in the next 30-45 days...or i can tell you things will go South. I can feel it in my bones, this scent in the air, the waters are beginning to get agitated, animals unrested...i have seen this already...many people has seen this happening before better work fast.
- Fix any remaining UI issues. Work to reshape it a soon as you can;
- Launch a quick pre-emptive stryke on crafting and start working on reshaping it; dont believe people that say crafting should not be a part of your avatar or even influence skills/spelss/combat mechanics. Allow good to optimal crafted items. Allow fusion between 2 or more crafting skills allowing combination of elements;
- Track people that unsubbed and the reason why they did so;
- Whats this i have been hearing about not being able to play in Hi-Res/Hi Quality graphic settings? You got to work on that fast;
- Expand PvE options. Stretch the lerning curve. Eliminate map-path-leading regarding quest leveling; branch the quests; make people not grind, or get lost in the map, but make it be a part of a experience...already ppl at max level??? It is not a good game design choice.
- Space combat...that needs work. Not critical but something to work in the near future;
- I heard instances in SWTOR are a great experience...please do not mess this up. Do not add Q buttons for instances. Make players regard the path to enter an instance/dungeon also part of the experience. Dont dumb down the game. If you have been told that people want "microwave-fast-food" type of game...IT IS NOT TRUE! Watch out for LFG systems, they can mess things up;
- Focus PvP. Make it count in the game world. Give PvP players a rank system award; is there something in the game that makes both PvP/PvE players fight for? Temporary control of a map area? Economy bonuses? Access to a given dungeon? Access to elite quests? Access to crafting goodness? I dont know...never played the game, just firing in all directions;
- Focus PvE. Make things harder for mid to high level solo content. Make people having to group and socialize. Whats the reward on raiding? Shinny gear? A rank name? A tittle? Booooooooooorrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggg!! What can be done here? I dont know, but you got people geting paid to figure it out. And if i dontwant to raid? Am i a poor vagabond runnning around the fountain a billion times a day? Give me some hard solo elite quests. Make me live the story. Make me dream baby!!!
- And now, the main event, PvE vs PvP: the clash of the titans. Whats the difference between the best PvE players/guilds and the best PvP players/guilds? Whats separates them? The type of gear? The tittles? The way they walk? Boooooooooooooooooooooorrriiiiiiiiiiiinnngg! Create something to appeal both sides of the fences. A renown system on both sides (i said renown because WAR system popped instantly to my mind) Make them consider the path they should walk...goes well with game lore;
- Create a rank system that rewards long time players. A major concern for many real gamers is the way vet players are treated. If i subscribe your game for 1 year and by the time a new expansion gets launched, i am back to the same step as a newcomer...i will get me, many players will get annoyed;
- And the best advice i can give you, listen to your community.
Sorry if im out of track. Just loading some ideas. Hope you guys succeed.
May the force be with you.
I still have to look at NPCs without eyeballs in cutscenes. Why the hell would I want an expansion over bug fixes?
to be fair those screenshots look awesome!
I AM NOT LEAVING THIS GAME! The reason why is - I never bought and played it in the first place....
I saw this train wreck coming and got out of the way.
The low rez graphic thing was just a final kick in the nuts.
Life IS Feudal
So its now non-MMORPG players aren't happy playing an MMORPG and left? Color me not shocked.
what he said