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How the hell is WoW becoming so big? Look at blizzards advertising, none! The only way people even know about this game is by friends or just browsing the internet. But for a game to have 3.5 million people in 8 months is crazy. Its a shame that Blizzard doesn't know how to use that money and add content.
Word of mouth! Think about it, how many times have friends come by and you're like "Hold up a sec, let me just get off my game." and they said something like "Oh, what game is that?" That's how it starts.
I think Peter Gryphon said it best:
"I'll tell two people and then they'll tell two people and... hell that's like ten people right there!"
Really though, imagine half a million sign up, they tell even one friend, that's 1 million. That friend tells some more and some more and then you have a well stacked population.
Video game magazines.
I think i've seen one commercial on G4tv but I think that was made by G4.
Better watch out.....all the whiners will come in here talking about the marketing strategy of how BLizz really doesnt have 3.5 million people,lol. [/b][/quote]
LOL Some of us also work in that area of field and some us know what Mass Tort is and some think its a very large Pop Tart.
But anyways even if they didnt even have half of that. It still is a monster. Now I am not saying they dont have 3.5. I am using that as example. I dont think even a few mmpg come close to 1 million yet.
Kill them KILL EM ALL!!!
Also, totally forgot this forum was visited by international players. (Me = dunce) use to the European forums. Ow well, to cut it short I guess I can only give you the whats on this side of the waters. people like wow. no advertiseing no 2 page fillers no tv no adverts no bill boards. Simply a good game that several friends got into and keep player and spreading the word. Also every lace you got to like game information sites say look check wow out its great. And personally thats is all they needed. I ahve convinced 8 friends from my university to play that are on the same course as I am. I ahve 4 rl friends form my past playering and I ahve got like 2 people that are friends of friends play. They are all on my server and they all play wow as members of my guild. On top of that are the friends I made and there friends they have.
Also, if you look at it carfully, before anyone goes of blasting about content. The game is full of it, other wise people would not play till lv60. And if you think aboutn it it's preaty good content. There only problem is now keeping up with the number of lv 60's and giveing them even more reson o stay, the people that stay now are patient people in doing mc and bwl like a bjillion times to get the intire armor set for there class coem mc. so we are the best no time for the rest applies here. anyone complianing about the end game content has no skill. As if they knew how l;ong, patient and difficult it is takeing down luci magadar anfd the rest of thows bad ass bosses then they have no right to complian. not to mention that bwl (black wing layer) is a new way of fighting a boss. The whole tructure of the fight was wiped from our feet. The whole thing about the bss being on our side and figting is minions. and the fact that you have to be carfull about who you hit and when you hit them and them Makeing friends with your enemy and also placeing or activating bits of the room in seqence with 40 people all trying not to hit the wrong target and add more enemies attacking them. Ow the list goes on, it requires alot of team work and patients. If you have none then end game play for you is not going to be anything more then pvp, and personally I hgave gotten sue to the maps of bg (battelgrounds) So I am like, withing the top 5 killers of the match. Hope they release more and more maps for use to chose from. Capture the flag is okay, but I wuld like to c more maps like alterac valley. some big maps and I can't wait for siege tanks. wow wil that be great. Muhahaha
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Erm here is the UK it has been a 2 page ad in almost every edition of pcgamer even before the EU launch.
Also where did u read 3.5m subs ?Maybe it does but i have seen no links at all so far to any site stating it does and have asked for a link on 2 occassions and never got one.
So if you got a link i am curious and would like the see it.
Erm here is the UK it has been a 2 page ad in almost every edition of pcgamer even before the EU launch.
Also where did u read 3.5m subs ?Maybe it does but i have seen no links at all so far to any site stating it does and have asked for a link on 2 occassions and never got one.
So if you got a link i am curious and would like the see it. Look on the main part of the site. They got a lot of new Chinese subscribers I guess.
EDIT: Doesn't seem that the main site is up currently. Try tomorrow morning.
opps I forgot about the. ahh pcgamer. Ow and one other if I recal has a small add. As for advertisment it does not recieve the usaul coverage other games has like tv advertisment. (I was surprised to hear ev2 to be doing so bad even after have tv advertisment) figures thow all the mmorpg are realing from wow's sucess. I would like to gloat about this to the people that where giveing me a hard time about liking wow before the game released but meheee, I guess the feeling of being right wins out haveing to punish thows who resorted to childish name calling.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
I'm gonna go off topic and turn on my siren.
It's spelled Griffin (i know the mythical creature is spelled Gryphon, but his name isn't. sorry, i like my family guy )
The pen is mightier than the sword, and authority is mightier than the pen, but the sword is mightier than authority.
If you can't beat 'em, hold 'em off 'till you come up with a better plan.
This a valid enough link for ya?
I heard of this game back in Nov 2004. I didn't really pay much attention until July of this year when I saw the WoW episode of Cheat! on G4. It looked pretty cool and the easter eggs that they showed were interesting and so i went and bought the game. Been happy ever since.
This game is big, there is no getting around it. If you really look at it, the game works great. Sure there's some lag but what do you expect with 3.5 million users? No MMO had ever reached half that number before so how was Blizzard suppose to prepare for these kind of numbers? I get pissed too when there is lots of lag but when you step back and look at it, they are doing a good job of keeping the things functioning at all. I'm sure no company before blizzard could have handle this number of users. I'm sure a lot of companies are now planning on dealing with larger users bases now after watching this.
How did they get this many users? Well, Warcraft has been around forever and has been a great game. People liked the old game and just went to the next version.
Its getting huge becasue there advertising it on games.
Actually, there is another game that got MORE than half that; Lineage 2. Of course, the game sucks, but just is at right around 3million players, so WoW is just barely in the lead.
My thoughts are similiar to many. WoW is a great game. It's also much more easier to grasp than most other rpg's in general. You also have a vague clue as to what is going on if you know anything about the RTS Warcraft series. Many people who play WoW have either played or heard of the Warcraft series. I think that itself is the majority of advertising Blizzard needed. Not to mention, Blizzard has been known to make groundbreaking or REALLY REALLY GREAT games. From Warcraft, to Diablo, to Starcraft. (Note, I didn't list them in the order they were made/released.)
I have former console-only friends saving up money for a brand-new pc just to play WoW.
As for advertising in China, they have a huge campaign combing Coka-Cola and WoW. So I'm not TOO surprised to find 1.5 people in China playin WoW.
A final not I wanted to talk about is the issue on gold farmers. Now with a game so popular, I'm not surprised that a significant percentage of people are gold farmers. I mean, if you get the game at a time where ALL your friends have 1337 lvl 60 guys with their Uber mounts and Uber armor, I'm sure they wouldn't want to wait for 7 months gettin all that stuff.
***These are just my thoughts and opinions, not the word of god. Thank You All who had the patience to read all this stuff I had to say.***
The point I think he's trying to make is that the US launch wasn't accumpanied by much advertising. Which it wasn't and still managed to outsell half life 2 on release. That impressive for anygame, much more so for an MMO.
Blizzard has a huge built in fan base here in the US. Diablo II is still an amazingly popular game. Those guys, plus word of mouth, plus tons of free advertising from the gaming media was all it took.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
WoW actually did a decent amount of advertising on the web/magazines.
Not to mention, Blizzard AND Warcraft both have a HUGE fanbase.
...Too bad WoW was so incredibly shallow and boring But, for most people WoW is there first MMORPG, so they don't know there is anything better out. lol.
Well i haven't played WoW yet but i'm thinkng about it but can you tell me what other games out there that are good..........other than GW .......................
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Well actually, try some of the free ones. I am on Knights Online and it's not that bad and they have a great community. I still don't find it as fun as WOW but it isn't a bad game. If you like to do more profession type stuff (mining, cooking, etc.) Saga of Ryzom was pretty good although that game was not free. They may still have the 14 day free trial still.
...with the slight difference that Lineage 2 has 1940000 Korean subscribers and 60000 from rest of the world. (as said in sources)
While WoW has 800K from NA, 500k from Europe, 700K from Korea and 1.5 Mil from china.
So lineage 2 is strictly a korean game, WoW is worldwide
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Cause Blizzard are greedy & lazy bastards and we're all idiots that still pay that make them richer and lazy.
Think about it? Other MMORPG developers are doing everything they can to keep their subscribers. releasing expansions, changing the game, updates every week.... but they still lose players rather than gaining.
Blizzard can release an update once a month, fix broken bugs once a month, release new content every 2-3 months, but because they are Blizzard, known for Starcraft, Diablo, warcraft, and their only MMORPG has the name Warcraft (#1 RTS selling game in the world), and keep increasing in population every month... why would they bother putting more effort?
The day WoW will get more non-hardcore-player content, expansion ,hero quest, player housing, etc... will be the day Blizzard starts LOSING subscribers!!!
If they start giving everything now, their subscribers will double, they will have 6 million subscribers and they will have to spend their profit making more servers.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P