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As per the Title.
Fan made Video - from the extraordinary events occuring over the weekend just past!
Hope you all enjoy!
GM Theia
It seems that the demons are having troubles deciding if they are supposed to fly or walk.. so they do both..
wow that video was so dark i barely was able to see what happened, and when i did, it just had some floating fellow wielding a scythe(i think). just lots of running around and looked really boring to me..
Ah... ok, check out the ENVY team, they were there too but on the other side of the fight from AQ.
You can hear them in their TS. Seems like they had fun!
that was certainly better video, tho the area is pretty dark and hard for me to see. but guess thats just my eyes..
they are pretty dark vids. Think your eyes are probably fine. try turning up the gamma maybe? These Demons only seem to come out at night-time.
Nah Mortal online is just very dark when there is not much light.
At night you cant see anything.
Wheres the demon? It's just an armored human with a scythe...
Also, why is he floating?
he's the Giant in black armour with glowing eyes and a scythe.
So the demon looked like every other player on the server except he was giant. I think he was floating because if you notice everyone in the game looks like they are floating a couple inches off the ground. And since it looks like they just scaled a player model up, it most likely scaled the floating up.
The video just showcases why SV needs new AI. All it did was bounce around like a ping pong ball and never focused on anyone. Or if it were a gm playing the demon he sucked bad at pvp.
I am glad they are doing something like this to keep the limited player base in the game. But I wish they were working on features instead of this right now. I just do not like when they do something like this with no lore behind it. Like the risar invasion that suddenly started and suddenly started for no reason or the spider invasion. It just makes it look like it is ad hoc lets put something together to keep people playing.
Speaking of lore. I have an idea Theia. The SV team has said many times they have not "translated all the lore from swedish" I really do not believe that at all but, how about you tell them just to put it up in swedish. I have google translate. Or I am sure there are swedish players that will translate it for free once it is up. It seems players can do more for the game than SV can usually,.
my prioritets
1-SV dhould fix pridiction , server/client side, (all teleporting, warping ect.) nodeline optimization
2- combat system
3-if punkt 1,2 done SV can add new AI GUI and other stuff
Too bad..very very bad
Well the PVE community might not 100% agree with you - PvP has had huge focus, it's time we had a more rounded experience for those who don't like PvP and there are many.
Do we have any better videos of the demons? I mean it was dark, and sped up. You didn't really get a good look at them.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Really? Didn't think they had a motto... other than 'never say die'... unless they''re on one of their Reds. Haha!
QFT, go outside on nigth time with no ligth source and see how is
BestSigEver :P
Two reasons why that argument is bs.
1). Look at the Naves moon. Now try going outside IRL when there is full moon, you can even read (yes, I've tried).
2). It's a game, you don't have two hours to spend to wait for sunrise as you would have been forced to IRL. You know what.. I can't even be bothered bringing up all the design reasons for why this is a bad idea, let's just stick to the first reason.
well lucky for you if you had bothered to listen to the recent pulse interview you would of learned that the ngihts will be brightened up to be more inline with whats seen in skyrim so your 2 issues will no longer be a problem toferio.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
The dark nights are one of the best things about MO - really atmospheric and spooky. Sadly Shroud is correct they upped the light a bit more at night so it is not a realistic
When I played MO, those dark nights were really awesome !
It will be sad if nighttime becomes "daytime with a different color palette"