`i love the game but perfomance issues is gonna cause me to cancel till some things done or i get a better rig just aint sure how much better ill need any one with a low doller suggestion on a basic set up i have 6 gig ram 2.6 gig i5 procc nvidia 250s 1 gig graghics my fps ranges from 10 to 25 but averages in the middle of that and pvp is closer to 10 average any help will b thankfull
I really wanted to like this game had great hopes for it but once the novelty of the voice over quests wore off it just became a lot harder to log in each day. I`m just sick of these mmo's they keep rolling out lately all damn to easy and extremely shallow even a three your old could play them. Its like the people who make these games just have no imagination anymore. Well screw it gone to give Eve and resresurrected my old 4mil noob sp toon, might not be a game that has everything i`m looking for but at least its well thought out and has a lot more depth involved than most of the thrash out there these days.
I made a mistake right from the get go and rolled republic. I have never felt so alone in a mmo in all my life. I literally went from lvl30 to 50 and didn't see more than 3 peeps out in the wilds the whole time. So no heroics/flashpoints groups. And no one even advertising for them. As a matter of fact the chat box wouldn't move for hours at a time regardless of where I was standing out in the wilds or right in the hub of fleet. BTW I wasn't one of the rush to 50 in 2 weeks crowd I had early access and recently just dinged it.
The only time I seen anybody was maybe 10-12 peeps hanging around the AH in fleet and that full on west coast prime time, and this was a former 'heavy' pve server west coast. I rerolled a BH on a west coast pve server and was grateful my comp actually stuttered when I ran around the corner and seen everyone hanging around the AH there. The imbalance is a huge problem.
But after leveling a trooper through to 50 there is no way i'm going to do an alt through all that dull questing/crafting again.
Also for anyone staying in game and playing trooper, grind pvp for gear right from the get go, because full orange gear sans bracer/belt (which never dropped for me) with all lvl22 (slotted 50's) improve modifications, purp ear, purp/blue implants, light side lvl50 V relics you gonna get your backside handed to you over and over again just doing dailies on Illum. That the other thing I just hated the whole way your overlevelled and undergeared right from starter planet to lvl40'ish on Voss then you on level and just plain undergeared.
Mistake number 2. I thought I'd get to lvl50 then pvp for gear as something to do for endgame content. A very painful mistake.
Mistake number 3- Space combat. Please rename to 'klingons on a roller coaster circling uranus' it's a better descriptive.
I've unsubbed and seeing how heavy the game is on cutscenes, formatted repetitive questing/crafting, space combat is one of the biggest iconic franchise mmo fails ever. This game would need another 5 expac's with 50 more levels, with a complete space combat do over just to even have me take a look let alone to re consider.
I've unsubbed and seeing how heavy the game is on cutscenes, formatted repetitive questing/crafting, space combat is one of the biggest iconic franchise mmo fails ever. This game would need another 5 expac's with 50 more levels, with a complete space combat do over just to even have me take a look let alone to re consider.
You should know that the amount of content seldom means that you have more stuff to do in MMORPGs because for most of the time you will be running the latest content that gives you the best reward/time ratio. This is true for most themepark MMOs.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
just wondering......are all you quiters already lvl 50 in swtor? i am playing 4 chars and my highest is 30 now and still having a blast with the story.....i find people to do FP's within 15 minutes on my server.
Maybe most of you skipped alot of storyline just to lvl?
anyways...i hope you guys find a "better" game to your likings (altough i think your in for a big wait )
just wondering......are all you quiters already lvl 50 in swtor? i am playing 4 chars and my highest is 30 now and still having a blast with the story.....i find people to do FP's within 15 minutes on my server.
Maybe most of you skipped alot of storyline just to lvl?
anyways...i hope you guys find a "better" game to your likings (altough i think your in for a big wait )
just wondering......are all you quiters already lvl 50 in swtor? i am playing 4 chars and my highest is 30 now and still having a blast with the story.....i find people to do FP's within 15 minutes on my server.
Maybe most of you skipped alot of storyline just to lvl?
anyways...i hope you guys find a "better" game to your likings (altough i think your in for a big wait )
Main story is ok, but i realy cant imagine going though same side quests with second char.
That's my biggest problem with the game - in WoW I would roll characters on new servers just because the gameplay (control, combat, crafting) was smooth and enjoyable and I didn't have to worry about things being too linear because right from the first area, I could take a boat and start anywhere I wanted. I probably had half a dozen warriors on multiple servers. SWTOR is even behind WoW in terms of innovations, I'm about to tell my friend that I appreciate the gift, but I really can't afford the $15 right now (yes I'm that broke) just to wait for him to feel like playing so I can join in a couple times a week. I'd like to be optimistic and say that the game could get better with age, but the plain fact of the matter is, I struggle to make myself log in, and that's never a good sign.
On a side note, it's funny people in this thread should mention Rift. I know I gave it a very bad review based on the couple days I played the free trial, but after watching some videos I decided to try it again, and so far I'm having fun. Whether that remains the case, I'm not sure.
just wondering......are all you quiters already lvl 50 in swtor? i am playing 4 chars and my highest is 30 now and still having a blast with the story.....i find people to do FP's within 15 minutes on my server.
Maybe most of you skipped alot of storyline just to lvl?
anyways...i hope you guys find a "better" game to your likings (altough i think your in for a big wait )
Give it 2 weeks and then say the same thing.
Weren't people saying that 2 weeks ago? In a year from now are people still going to say wait a few weeks and then tell me you still like it.
I have a bunch of characters and I'm enjoying this game big time. I think most of the people that are bored are those that do skip the story and just rush to level out and then complain that there is nothing to do I don't get how that's fun. That beind said I also see people on TwitchTV playing it every day at lvl 50 like they do with WoW at 85 so maybe it's not just not the game for some of you. I don't think Firefall or Guild Wars 2 will be any better but I guess time will tell.
just wondering......are all you quiters already lvl 50 in swtor? i am playing 4 chars and my highest is 30 now and still having a blast with the story.....i find people to do FP's within 15 minutes on my server.
Maybe most of you skipped alot of storyline just to lvl?
anyways...i hope you guys find a "better" game to your likings (altough i think your in for a big wait )
Give it 2 weeks and then say the same thing.
Weren't people saying that 2 weeks ago? In a year from now are people still going to say wait a few weeks and then tell me you still like it.
I have a bunch of characters and I'm enjoying this game big time. I think most of the people that are bored are those that do skip the story and just rush to level out and then complain that there is nothing to do I don't get how that's fun. That beind said I also see people on TwitchTV playing it every day at lvl 50 like they do with WoW at 85 so maybe it's not just not the game for some of you. I don't think Firefall or Guild Wars 2 will be any better but I guess time will tell.
Here we have it again STORY ... Fact is that main STORY is decent BUT it's only fraction of your leveling. Side quests are nothing special and they are main source of your story experience. I stopped on lvl 43 cant be arsed doing more kill 10 rats 'story quests', becouse quite frankly rest of the game is subpar. I had way more fun in shitty WAR where I leveled through sieges and scenarios but seriously I cant force myself to even see huttball.
Thanks, OP. This thread reminded me to unsub. I have 2 days left to play, but I'm bored.
When I gave my reasons, I said I wanted a WORLD to EXPLORE. And I *hate* having quests that cannot be abandoned.
So, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the game. I've had $60 worth of fun and I have experienced the phenomenon of SWTOR for myself. It's just not the mmorpg for me.
I have Skyrim and Minecraft, both awesome, open-world games. But I feel lonely when I play those after a while. I have BF3 for my pvp needs. But it doesn't satisfy my urge to explore. I want an mmorpg that can give me all of those things together.
I am not happy with Darkfall now because there are issues with the company that owns the game (wipe?, performance, etc.). I like Rift sometimes, but last time I subbed, I only played a few days and got bored. I need the huge world for exploration. The best for me would be Darkfall (or DF2) run by a decent company.
I'm a level 50 Operative. Reason I unsubscribed is:
- PvP Gear Progression: I can't stand the RNG gear progression. I have no clue why they decided to add an aspect of PvE loot to PvP. Nothing kills my drive to PvP as much as getting 8 bracers in a row. I would've been fine with a simple token grind system.
- Ability/Skill Responsiveness: Nothing like spamming a skill only to have the animation bug out and the skill not go off.
- Lack of LFG Tool: I find it BS that they pulled the community card regarding this. No one ever provides clear evidence on how it "hinders" community. It's a feature that is now staple in AAA MMORPGs. It makes life easier finding a group for content. It's tiresome sitting there on the imperial Fleet spamming for members.
- Bosses that require specific classes: For example, in the False Emperor you need to knock him off the edge at the end. I've only seen a Juggernaut's knockback work properly on him. Every other type of group make I've been in has failed on him. Either the other classes' knockback don't work or it moves the boss only a little bit.
I may resub if I see some serious improvements later. Overall the game is alright. The leveling is quite fun, but end-game could use some more work. It's a step forward in some areas, and a step back in others.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed: And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!" ~Lord George Gordon Byron
I was going to wait a month and buy SWTOR, but more and more I see these comments on forums and directly from most of my friends.
Eve seems to be the only MMO alien enough and different enough to keep me interested. They say Eve is a game for older players too...hehe, so I think your maybe right about the age thing.
L50 Marauder / experience from all HM instances and Eternity Vault (normal)
1) Customer paid beta
There are tons of bugs. Some of them so obvious and effecting the gameplay constantly, it is not simply FUN to play anymore. Not to mention ability delays, stuck channeled animations (like ravage) that you cannot interrupt at all - which isnt dealing damage at all, but triggers global cooldown. Terrible.
With these kinds of production values, I really can´t stand bugs that should be the first for QA to spot. Completing end game instances, like Eternity Vault are so badly bugged, it feels like a dice roll if you can complete them or not.
Few examples from Eternity Vault.
1) Pylon-bug. Cannot click pylons at some point.
2) No information on "8 duels" - randomly resets. (I think it´s 2 minute timed though)
3) Soa (final boss) bugs.
a) Single target CC (tossing around the room) while phase changes -> ruins the fight.
b) Mind trap while phase changes -> ruins the fight.
c) Returning from mind traps can pop you ...somewhere you shouldnt be -> ruins the fight.
2) Terrible engine, not enjoyable FPS.
E6750 @ 3.2GHz + 5870 OCd. 1920x1200.
When there are enough players around, FPS turns terrible. "Single player" works fine with 40+ FPS.
Yes, I know my CPU is outdated. Upgrading when Ivy Bridges pop out in april/may. Still I can play Battlefield 3 smooth.
In SWToR I cannot play PvP at all. FPS is 10-20. With 200ish people in Imperial Fleet my FPS can be down to 1-2.
3) Itemization
Reverse engineering is complete idiocy. Reminds like upgrading items in Aion. Every slot you fill has 25% chance of removing ALL the contents in all slots.
Too basic itemization - nothing interesting in items. more stats > stats > less stats.
Too straightforward.
4) Isolated instances
Multiple instances of the same planet / city on a same server? wtf...
I've unsubbed and seeing how heavy the game is on cutscenes, formatted repetitive questing/crafting, space combat is one of the biggest iconic franchise mmo fails ever. This game would need another 5 expac's with 50 more levels, with a complete space combat do over just to even have me take a look let alone to re consider.
You should know that the amount of content seldom means that you have more stuff to do in MMORPGs because for most of the time you will be running the latest content that gives you the best reward/time ratio. This is true for most themepark MMOs.
Actually the amount of content has everything to do with how much stuff you can do in a mmorpg. Whether its themepark or sandbox. If your point was true then sandbox games would launch with just a large map and players would only get to wander around. Or swtor would launch their themepark and everyone would line and and just run as fast as they could like a foot race to Illum. So yes the amount of content means everything to mmorpgs.
Furthermore how that content is formatted, how it is varied and how it is delivered to players is everything on whether its rewarding or not. Your comment on reward/time ratio is just holier than thou hubris. Really off the top of my head lotro creepside zero rewards after years of gameplay tons of problems, yet there still are plenty of full time creeps. They do it just becasue they like to play the underdog and have fun together playing it. Or chickenplay zero rewards with the exception of running around as a chicken dodging mobs go figure some peeps find it very rewarding others not so much. So as always it always about the cliche 'to each their own' on what is rewarding or not.
Reward/time ratio's? Thats your 'to each their own' bias.
I am subscribing for at least a month. The game has its flaws to be sure. In a few more months I expect they will become enough to make me unsubscribe too. But for now, I definitely can find way more than $15 worth of fun in the next month in TOR especially with the 1.1 patch tomorrow that kicks level 50s out of the same warzones with lower levels. Here's my take on some of the things raised here:
1) I find the graphics very good for the style chosen. The Hero engine sucks and couldn't provide decent framerates with more photorealistic graphics anyway.
2) The gameplay/combat feels very much like Star Wars to me. My sentinel slaughters groups of enemies at a time just like a Jedi Knight should and my sorceror electrocutes foes just like Emperor Palpatine.
3) There are quite a few issues with PvP (gear that is overly complicated to acquire but also way too powerful, endless repetition of Huttball for Empire, level 50s dominating warzones until tomorrow's patch, no benefit to world PvP, op stealthers, etc). The 1.1 patch does make a good start on addressing them. I'm sure more changes will be needed in the future.
4) Even though I choose to play solo while PvEing, I do see plenty of other players organizing groups for heroics and flashpoints. For people who are saying their server seems dead, that may be specific to your server.
5) Don't base decisions whether to play or not play the game exclusively based on a few dozen negative posts on forums like these. Every game has its flaws and those flaws are most of what you'll read about on Internet forums. It's a fact of life that people who like something are far less likely to make posts about it than people who are dissatisfied.
I think the most dissapointing thing about SWTOR for me was that your choices don't even matter, they are just a gimmick to acrew light/dark side points.
In other Bioware Games, the dialogue options had consequences to them, and they would stick with you for the entire play through of the game, It's just a shame they didnt find a way to incorporate it into the MMO Genre... but lets be honest, such a feat would have been worthy of praise if it ever happened.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
I am subscribing for at least a month. The game has its flaws to be sure. In a few more months I expect they will become enough to make me unsubscribe too. But for now, I definitely can find way more than $15 worth of fun in the next month in TOR especially with the 1.1 patch tomorrow that kicks level 50s out of the same warzones with lower levels. Here's my take on some of the things raised here:
1) I find the graphics very good for the style chosen. The Hero engine sucks and couldn't provide decent framerates with more photorealistic graphics anyway.
2) The gameplay/combat feels very much like Star Wars to me. My sentinel slaughters groups of enemies at a time just like a Jedi Knight should and my sorceror electrocutes foes just like Emperor Palpatine.
3) There are quite a few issues with PvP (gear that is overly complicated to acquire but also way too powerful, endless repetition of Huttball for Empire, level 50s dominating warzones until tomorrow's patch, no benefit to world PvP, op stealthers, etc). The 1.1 patch does make a good start on addressing them. I'm sure more changes will be needed in the future.
4) Even though I choose to play solo while PvEing, I do see plenty of other players organizing groups for heroics and flashpoints. For people who are saying their server seems dead, that may be specific to your server.
5) Don't base decisions whether to play or not play the game exclusively based on a few dozen negative posts on forums like these. Every game has its flaws and those flaws are most of what you'll read about on Internet forums. It's a fact of life that people who like something are far less likely to make posts about it than people who are dissatisfied.
Same, I am on a 1 month sub myself and pretty much agree with what you said with PvP and the Zero Engine as the biggest issues. being a Starwars fan this game has been a big letdown. I'll give them 30 days.
The dungeon system is really bad and i've played F2p games that offered a better variety in dungeon design. its as if Bioware created a good story and decided that the overall design and mechanics in the dungeons (flash points) didnt matter.
The quests apart from the voiced NPCs are quite average at best I would say its neck and neck with Rifts quest content and I felt that game had weak questing when compared to games like Lotro and Wow.
The classes are extremely limiting, roles are basic and not challenging to play at all and the combat is rather clunky.
The games graphics while offering nice artstyle are average and for some reason the game is terribly optimized for high end systems. Not as bad as AoC or Rift was at launch but I expect way more from Bioware.
The pvp offers almost no variety, 3 pvp maps while leveling and only one is somewhat interesting (for me anyway) world pvp simply doesn't exist on pvp servers and do not get me started on Open world pvp at 50.
Space combat is billed as a star fox shooter mini-game, but even shooter mini-games can have some depth. This game is an after thought tossed in by Bioware to please the fans of the IP.
Chracter creation is extremely limited also. This isnt a game as awesome looking as Aion or AoC why only offer four body types? imo they should have twice as many facial and hair options and two extra body types.
Crafting... Some of us would actually like to do our own crafting. sending NPCs out to do crafting & gathering is so lazy. Sure you can hunt for materials on your own but by the time you hit 50 your companions would have gathered ten times the amount as materials as you. Its really a system with no feeling of achievement at all. another afterthought.
Thats all I have right now and why this game left a bad taste in my mouth. I unsubbed two weeks before my first month expired and uninstalled the game forever.
I unsubscribed because I can't get pastthe boring, static combat. It feels very unlike Star Wars to me.
To say you grew out of the theme park style is acceptable. Then to casually insult others who haven't isn't.
Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.
`i love the game but perfomance issues is gonna cause me to cancel till some things done or i get a better rig just aint sure how much better ill need any one with a low doller suggestion on a basic set up i have 6 gig ram 2.6 gig i5 procc nvidia 250s 1 gig graghics my fps ranges from 10 to 25 but averages in the middle of that and pvp is closer to 10 average any help will b thankfull
I really wanted to like this game had great hopes for it but once the novelty of the voice over quests wore off it just became a lot harder to log in each day. I`m just sick of these mmo's they keep rolling out lately all damn to easy and extremely shallow even a three your old could play them. Its like the people who make these games just have no imagination anymore. Well screw it gone to give Eve and resresurrected my old 4mil noob sp toon, might not be a game that has everything i`m looking for but at least its well thought out and has a lot more depth involved than most of the thrash out there these days.
I made a mistake right from the get go and rolled republic. I have never felt so alone in a mmo in all my life. I literally went from lvl30 to 50 and didn't see more than 3 peeps out in the wilds the whole time. So no heroics/flashpoints groups. And no one even advertising for them. As a matter of fact the chat box wouldn't move for hours at a time regardless of where I was standing out in the wilds or right in the hub of fleet. BTW I wasn't one of the rush to 50 in 2 weeks crowd I had early access and recently just dinged it.
The only time I seen anybody was maybe 10-12 peeps hanging around the AH in fleet and that full on west coast prime time, and this was a former 'heavy' pve server west coast. I rerolled a BH on a west coast pve server and was grateful my comp actually stuttered when I ran around the corner and seen everyone hanging around the AH there. The imbalance is a huge problem.
But after leveling a trooper through to 50 there is no way i'm going to do an alt through all that dull questing/crafting again.
Also for anyone staying in game and playing trooper, grind pvp for gear right from the get go, because full orange gear sans bracer/belt (which never dropped for me) with all lvl22 (slotted 50's) improve modifications, purp ear, purp/blue implants, light side lvl50 V relics you gonna get your backside handed to you over and over again just doing dailies on Illum. That the other thing I just hated the whole way your overlevelled and undergeared right from starter planet to lvl40'ish on Voss then you on level and just plain undergeared.
Mistake number 2. I thought I'd get to lvl50 then pvp for gear as something to do for endgame content. A very painful mistake.
Mistake number 3- Space combat. Please rename to 'klingons on a roller coaster circling uranus' it's a better descriptive.
I've unsubbed and seeing how heavy the game is on cutscenes, formatted repetitive questing/crafting, space combat is one of the biggest iconic franchise mmo fails ever. This game would need another 5 expac's with 50 more levels, with a complete space combat do over just to even have me take a look let alone to re consider.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
just wondering......are all you quiters already lvl 50 in swtor? i am playing 4 chars and my highest is 30 now and still having a blast with the story.....i find people to do FP's within 15 minutes on my server.
Maybe most of you skipped alot of storyline just to lvl?
anyways...i hope you guys find a "better" game to your likings (altough i think your in for a big wait )
Give it 2 weeks and then say the same thing.
- Nothing lasts.. but nothing is lost. -
Main story is ok, but i realy cant imagine going though same side quests with second char.
That's my biggest problem with the game - in WoW I would roll characters on new servers just because the gameplay (control, combat, crafting) was smooth and enjoyable and I didn't have to worry about things being too linear because right from the first area, I could take a boat and start anywhere I wanted. I probably had half a dozen warriors on multiple servers. SWTOR is even behind WoW in terms of innovations, I'm about to tell my friend that I appreciate the gift, but I really can't afford the $15 right now (yes I'm that broke) just to wait for him to feel like playing so I can join in a couple times a week. I'd like to be optimistic and say that the game could get better with age, but the plain fact of the matter is, I struggle to make myself log in, and that's never a good sign.
On a side note, it's funny people in this thread should mention Rift. I know I gave it a very bad review based on the couple days I played the free trial, but after watching some videos I decided to try it again, and so far I'm having fun. Whether that remains the case, I'm not sure.
Weren't people saying that 2 weeks ago? In a year from now are people still going to say wait a few weeks and then tell me you still like it.
I have a bunch of characters and I'm enjoying this game big time. I think most of the people that are bored are those that do skip the story and just rush to level out and then complain that there is nothing to do I don't get how that's fun. That beind said I also see people on TwitchTV playing it every day at lvl 50 like they do with WoW at 85 so maybe it's not just not the game for some of you. I don't think Firefall or Guild Wars 2 will be any better but I guess time will tell.
That would be awesome. Closest thing to that is upcoming Wizardry Online I suppose.
Here we have it again STORY ... Fact is that main STORY is decent BUT it's only fraction of your leveling. Side quests are nothing special and they are main source of your story experience. I stopped on lvl 43 cant be arsed doing more kill 10 rats 'story quests', becouse quite frankly rest of the game is subpar. I had way more fun in shitty WAR where I leveled through sieges and scenarios but seriously I cant force myself to even see huttball.
Thanks, OP. This thread reminded me to unsub. I have 2 days left to play, but I'm bored.
When I gave my reasons, I said I wanted a WORLD to EXPLORE. And I *hate* having quests that cannot be abandoned.
So, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the game. I've had $60 worth of fun and I have experienced the phenomenon of SWTOR for myself. It's just not the mmorpg for me.
I have Skyrim and Minecraft, both awesome, open-world games. But I feel lonely when I play those after a while. I have BF3 for my pvp needs. But it doesn't satisfy my urge to explore. I want an mmorpg that can give me all of those things together.
I am not happy with Darkfall now because there are issues with the company that owns the game (wipe?, performance, etc.). I like Rift sometimes, but last time I subbed, I only played a few days and got bored. I need the huge world for exploration. The best for me would be Darkfall (or DF2) run by a decent company.
Frankly, I'm in MMORPG limbo along with you, OP.
I'm a level 50 Operative. Reason I unsubscribed is:
- PvP Gear Progression: I can't stand the RNG gear progression. I have no clue why they decided to add an aspect of PvE loot to PvP. Nothing kills my drive to PvP as much as getting 8 bracers in a row. I would've been fine with a simple token grind system.
- Ability/Skill Responsiveness: Nothing like spamming a skill only to have the animation bug out and the skill not go off.
- Lack of LFG Tool: I find it BS that they pulled the community card regarding this. No one ever provides clear evidence on how it "hinders" community. It's a feature that is now staple in AAA MMORPGs. It makes life easier finding a group for content. It's tiresome sitting there on the imperial Fleet spamming for members.
- Bosses that require specific classes: For example, in the False Emperor you need to knock him off the edge at the end. I've only seen a Juggernaut's knockback work properly on him. Every other type of group make I've been in has failed on him. Either the other classes' knockback don't work or it moves the boss only a little bit.
I may resub if I see some serious improvements later. Overall the game is alright. The leveling is quite fun, but end-game could use some more work. It's a step forward in some areas, and a step back in others.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:
And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"
~Lord George Gordon Byron
I was going to wait a month and buy SWTOR, but more and more I see these comments on forums and directly from most of my friends.
Eve seems to be the only MMO alien enough and different enough to keep me interested. They say Eve is a game for older players too...hehe, so I think your maybe right about the age thing.
L50 Marauder / experience from all HM instances and Eternity Vault (normal)
1) Customer paid beta
There are tons of bugs. Some of them so obvious and effecting the gameplay constantly, it is not simply FUN to play anymore. Not to mention ability delays, stuck channeled animations (like ravage) that you cannot interrupt at all - which isnt dealing damage at all, but triggers global cooldown. Terrible.
With these kinds of production values, I really can´t stand bugs that should be the first for QA to spot. Completing end game instances, like Eternity Vault are so badly bugged, it feels like a dice roll if you can complete them or not.
Few examples from Eternity Vault.
1) Pylon-bug. Cannot click pylons at some point.
2) No information on "8 duels" - randomly resets. (I think it´s 2 minute timed though)
3) Soa (final boss) bugs.
a) Single target CC (tossing around the room) while phase changes -> ruins the fight.
b) Mind trap while phase changes -> ruins the fight.
c) Returning from mind traps can pop you ...somewhere you shouldnt be -> ruins the fight.
2) Terrible engine, not enjoyable FPS.
E6750 @ 3.2GHz + 5870 OCd. 1920x1200.
When there are enough players around, FPS turns terrible. "Single player" works fine with 40+ FPS.
Yes, I know my CPU is outdated. Upgrading when Ivy Bridges pop out in april/may. Still I can play Battlefield 3 smooth.
In SWToR I cannot play PvP at all. FPS is 10-20. With 200ish people in Imperial Fleet my FPS can be down to 1-2.
3) Itemization
Reverse engineering is complete idiocy. Reminds like upgrading items in Aion. Every slot you fill has 25% chance of removing ALL the contents in all slots.
Too basic itemization - nothing interesting in items. more stats > stats > less stats.
Too straightforward.
4) Isolated instances
Multiple instances of the same planet / city on a same server? wtf...
Probably checking SWToR again in May or so.
I'm a level 50 Sage (shameless quasi copypasta inc). Reason I unsubscribed is:
- PvP Gear Progression
- Ability/Skill Responsiveness
- Flashpoints being boring: I just really didn't like any of the FPs I tried.
Actually the amount of content has everything to do with how much stuff you can do in a mmorpg. Whether its themepark or sandbox. If your point was true then sandbox games would launch with just a large map and players would only get to wander around. Or swtor would launch their themepark and everyone would line and and just run as fast as they could like a foot race to Illum. So yes the amount of content means everything to mmorpgs.
Furthermore how that content is formatted, how it is varied and how it is delivered to players is everything on whether its rewarding or not. Your comment on reward/time ratio is just holier than thou hubris. Really off the top of my head lotro creepside zero rewards after years of gameplay tons of problems, yet there still are plenty of full time creeps. They do it just becasue they like to play the underdog and have fun together playing it. Or chickenplay zero rewards with the exception of running around as a chicken dodging mobs go figure some peeps find it very rewarding others not so much. So as always it always about the cliche 'to each their own' on what is rewarding or not.
Reward/time ratio's? Thats your 'to each their own' bias.
I am subscribing for at least a month. The game has its flaws to be sure. In a few more months I expect they will become enough to make me unsubscribe too. But for now, I definitely can find way more than $15 worth of fun in the next month in TOR especially with the 1.1 patch tomorrow that kicks level 50s out of the same warzones with lower levels. Here's my take on some of the things raised here:
1) I find the graphics very good for the style chosen. The Hero engine sucks and couldn't provide decent framerates with more photorealistic graphics anyway.
2) The gameplay/combat feels very much like Star Wars to me. My sentinel slaughters groups of enemies at a time just like a Jedi Knight should and my sorceror electrocutes foes just like Emperor Palpatine.
3) There are quite a few issues with PvP (gear that is overly complicated to acquire but also way too powerful, endless repetition of Huttball for Empire, level 50s dominating warzones until tomorrow's patch, no benefit to world PvP, op stealthers, etc). The 1.1 patch does make a good start on addressing them. I'm sure more changes will be needed in the future.
4) Even though I choose to play solo while PvEing, I do see plenty of other players organizing groups for heroics and flashpoints. For people who are saying their server seems dead, that may be specific to your server.
5) Don't base decisions whether to play or not play the game exclusively based on a few dozen negative posts on forums like these. Every game has its flaws and those flaws are most of what you'll read about on Internet forums. It's a fact of life that people who like something are far less likely to make posts about it than people who are dissatisfied.
DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer
I think the most dissapointing thing about SWTOR for me was that your choices don't even matter, they are just a gimmick to acrew light/dark side points.
In other Bioware Games, the dialogue options had consequences to them, and they would stick with you for the entire play through of the game, It's just a shame they didnt find a way to incorporate it into the MMO Genre... but lets be honest, such a feat would have been worthy of praise if it ever happened.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Same, I am on a 1 month sub myself and pretty much agree with what you said with PvP and the Zero Engine as the biggest issues. being a Starwars fan this game has been a big letdown. I'll give them 30 days.
The mmo features are lacking.
The dungeon system is really bad and i've played F2p games that offered a better variety in dungeon design. its as if Bioware created a good story and decided that the overall design and mechanics in the dungeons (flash points) didnt matter.
The quests apart from the voiced NPCs are quite average at best I would say its neck and neck with Rifts quest content and I felt that game had weak questing when compared to games like Lotro and Wow.
The classes are extremely limiting, roles are basic and not challenging to play at all and the combat is rather clunky.
The games graphics while offering nice artstyle are average and for some reason the game is terribly optimized for high end systems. Not as bad as AoC or Rift was at launch but I expect way more from Bioware.
The pvp offers almost no variety, 3 pvp maps while leveling and only one is somewhat interesting (for me anyway) world pvp simply doesn't exist on pvp servers and do not get me started on Open world pvp at 50.
Space combat is billed as a star fox shooter mini-game, but even shooter mini-games can have some depth. This game is an after thought tossed in by Bioware to please the fans of the IP.
Chracter creation is extremely limited also. This isnt a game as awesome looking as Aion or AoC why only offer four body types? imo they should have twice as many facial and hair options and two extra body types.
Crafting... Some of us would actually like to do our own crafting. sending NPCs out to do crafting & gathering is so lazy. Sure you can hunt for materials on your own but by the time you hit 50 your companions would have gathered ten times the amount as materials as you. Its really a system with no feeling of achievement at all. another afterthought.
Thats all I have right now and why this game left a bad taste in my mouth. I unsubbed two weeks before my first month expired and uninstalled the game forever.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
I told you guys that it was going to get boring.
The game is solid. The story is good. The grind is extremely entertaining.
But in the long run, I've been there and done that. I can't do another Battleground game. Everything is so predictable; everything is so simple.
I would've accepted this game 10 years ago. But I'm older now. I yearn for complexity.
I sadly unsubbed too, days ago already.
Its all been said in thousands of other threads already.
Companies eff'd us over by names like StarTrek/Wars.
They advertise the heaven and deliver the mud.