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This is a continuation of my original topic found here :
It was locked before i had a chance to reply to the accusations made there.
First off, unless you have intimate knowledge of my tribunal cases, to accuse me of cheating, and attempting to cover it up with a sob story is nothing but your pontifications, without proof - furthermore the notion of "Riot wouldn't ban someone with out legit reason" is heresay, can you prove you know their company's inner structuring? No.
As for -cheating-
No, i did not cheat, everything is exactily as it says, my first few bans several years back were for the typical rage quitting, and trash talking, no extreme trash talking, just the usual verbal taunts "Lol you got owned", ect...
The WORST offense i EVER commited was trolling, and as for trolling i would do silly things, like troll builds on certain characters, or even RPing during games when i got bored of the usual nonesense - To me stacking Furies on Mundo, and hitting his ult with revive, and ghost and having over 1k+ movement speed was funny as hell.. should i be banned for that? I don't think so, but if i must be banned for goofing off, atleast make it a short-term ban.
Let me REPEAT i never did ANYTHING to warrant a perma-ban on an account i spent over 300 bucks in champs, skins, boosters, and other goodies over a 2 year period - I could petition the GM's to review, and unban my account, but i won't i'm moving on to DOTA 2 when it launches, i won't spend another penny on a game that can so easily revoke your property!
It IS my property, Riot might retain ownership of the account per their terms, but i perchased the champions, ergo the overall value of the account, if you take what i paid for away from me WITH OUT WARNING of that possible out come, i should be atleast refunded 50% of the accounts value, otherwise THAT IS CORPERATE THEFT.
Only in online gaming do we acccept such nazism in our customer support, and treatment.
If i had a gym membership, and they had a rule of "don't change the channel on the T.V.", and i changed it, had my membership revoked, and they would NOT let me remove my belongings from the locker room, becuase the "Locker is their property", then they would be in for a world of hurt, and a PR disaster. Why do we acccept this nonesense in gaming? Ridiculous presets, and throwing our money away..
I sure learned my lesson, this is intended NOT to be a SOB STORY, but to warn others that THIS CAN AND WILL HAPPEN!
Reposting or continuing a locked/deleted thread will also cause this thread to treated the same.
Dude youre living in the USA, you got no digital rights at all, nada ..and im not saying it to troll you or someting, just plain fact
I do enjoy people who speak with out facts, and push their personal, and often wrong opinions off as facts.
I was told BY the mod that closed the post to repost it omitting the object that caused it to be locked, which i did, and have, and thus it shall be as it should be.
Thanks for your time.
But do you sign a similar agreement when you enter that gym as you did with game?
There is a difference between intelectual property and you inside belongings in your locker you never signed a agreement when your banned from your gym the belongings in your locker then belong to them.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
Did you sign a user agreement and/or TOS? Yes? Did you break said rules? Yes? (no, it doesnt matter how minor you may think it is) Then there is no problem. If you dont like the rules then do not play or pay for the game. Its really that simple. Why? Because you may not agree with the ban BUT you broke the rules regardless and that led to a ban. There is no need to "warn" others. This is simply a whine thread nothing more.
Do I think you deserved a permaban? Nope. But this simple fact remains you broke the rules you agreed to and got banned for it. Hell my first WoW account was banned for calling someone a dickweed in Org 2 days after WoW launched. It was a permaban and yes I was pissed but I did break the rules regardless of how stupid the reaosning behind it.
Edit: Just wanted to point out while you may move to DOTA2 the rules will be the same there. Troll someone you stand the chance of getting banned again. The most simple solution for ANYONE is to follow the rules to the letter. That means dont troll people you dont like and you dont have to worry about it.
My post is accurate and factual. No where in your OP do you state you removed content that violated the rules here.
I was writing a post to your original thread when it got locked. Glad you reposted.
Tribunal FAQ:
21. I'm a paying user and was suspended. I feel like I should be given a bit more leniency than free users.
We want League of Legends to be an enjoyable experience for all Summoners and we see The Tribunal as a way to help achieve that goal. Once The Tribunal has spoken, you’ll have to live with your punishment. To provide a fair and impartial system, we cannot give leniency only to certain users simply based on the money they’ve spent.
Like said above, the Tribunal is not your only judgment. Even if the Tribunal decides to punish you, the case always goes to a Riot employee before you get hit hard. Perma-bans are all given manually by employees. Note that players are only awarded IP if their vote aligns with the final verdict, so players are given incentive to vote correctly.
Like you said, the punishments are progressive. What did you do to get every stage of the punishment?
Ignoring your entire team (we call that 'Refusing to communicate with Team' in the Tribunal, BTW) is usually not enough for a permaban the first time. You obviously have some kind of track record already, or you're leaving out some details.
Leaving games, intentionally feeding, and some other actions are also EULA violations (you read that before coming here to post, right?). While LeaverBuster won't ban you for one leave, a chronic leave/AFK streak can get you into trouble.
Lastly, does it really make sense? Riot wants you to spend lots of money, so why would they just go ahead and permaban you so you don't have an incentive to buy stuff? They want you to stick with League and keep buying the champions they push out. They banned you because you broke the rules. $300 is a lot but maybe now you can take a better attitude into your next account / game (go ahead and try HoN if you haven't!)
20. I'm permanently banned, is there any way to appeal?
You always have the option to submit an appeal to our Customer Support Team, but it is extremely unlikely that we will decide to rescind a permanent ban. This is largely because all permanent bans are distributed manually, after careful review of all the evidence, which is generally pretty conclusive.
Good luck!
EDIT: In response to your changed post,
I realize that you think trolling is funny, but how do you think it made the four other players on your team feel? You pretty much wasted their time. Even if you're losing, you should always give your best try. There are chances to turn the game around if you're good enough.
As to the rest of the replies...
Even if the Gym put in their contract (and i bet some do, gyms are crazy), that they reserve the right to terminate your contract with/out reason or notice, and all belongings in their possession at time of termination are by proximal rights their property regardless the value or nature of the objects...
They would be sued to shit.. and maybe win or lose, one could argue you entered the contract you agreed to terms, and i say YES you are right, what do people do when unfair contracts/ToS are pushed into monopoloized sectors of markets?
And thats is WHAT im doing with this post.
Stop getting it messed up, i'm not here complaining, or crying, i'm actually relieved, i won't spend any more money, and not stress over the game anymore - I continued to play due to my investment, now it's loss, and i have a solid excuse to walk away from a toxic game.
All i'm doing is warning others to beware of this mal-treatment, and save your hard earned money for games that do not walk such a line of improper product displacement.
I read this post which i usually ignore for....well very obvious reasons. I think this is the best thing for you that could have happend.
1. You state that the comunity is toxic and that you put your whole team on ignore so you didn't have to hear them.
2. you paid 250-300$ USD on a game over the span of 2 years which if you played Aion,FF11,WoW,or any other P2P mmo it would have beedn 360+Taxes, so in all it evens out.
3.You state even thou most of your offences in the past were minor. Taunting,Trolling,Bullying,Rage quiting(avoiding punishment), and flamming,bug abuse,exploiting,and now ignoring teammates in ranked matches. You even went so far is to compare other players to murderers. Okay lets talk about law then. Some states including the one I live in have a 3 strike law. That means the 3rd time you do something pack your bags your moving to federal prison Yay!. You were givin way more then 3 strikes, trust me there are alot of MMO hosters that would have perma banned you at the Bug Explotation, and Flamming.
So all in all you have been treated fairly, and you only paid as much USD as somone who normally spends most of his free time on A MMO. So while I do think they should have a mod ban somone permanetly (Which it said Tribue (A Company)) banned you I not only have no objections with the decision, but it gives you the freedom to move away from these
Quote "Poisiness Murdering community" End Quote.
I wish you the best of luck in what MMO you chose next and have a good evening.
Moved the thread to the LoL forum.
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** Does not say anywhere that a GM/MOD was handing out the punishment, it says Tribunal is -
Well, players can't hand out punishments, so Riot does. Tribunal users only get to choose three things: Punish, Pardon, and Skip. They can't choose your sentence or even suggest one. Players can determine what you are guilty of by reporting you in-game, and the players in the Tribunal determine if you're not playing by the Summoner's Code. Then the Riot employee can review your ban history and if you're on a ban spree, they will shut you down.
Correct, and incorrect- Majority does not equate to correct, just becuase 3 people decided on a relative, subjective level that it warrants punishment, doesn't mean it was really wrong, we all have our preceptions on acceptablity if 3 people find said case to be punishment worthy, whos to say they are right? 3 is a majority of the 5, thats not a very reassuring number.
I wasn't saying that player votes were one hundred percent correct. The idea is that players aren't spamclicking a choice just to get free IP - they are reading the cases and voting based on the guidelines and information given to them. I'm not sure if it's 5 people that get your case profile, but I know that any severe enough case or punishment must be handled by Riot, so even if the players went PUNISH PUNISH PUNISH, the employee would look over it.
I stated what i did, what Riot doesn't seem to realize their community is toxic on every level, there are players who's conduct go into goading misbahavior to see a player get banned, one might argue that is why this system exists to remove toxic players, i don't think it's working, as i have a few smurfing accounts i poke around with when i'm bored of Star Wars, and the player base is just as toxic as it was - and it will remain that way, competitve PvP-centric games attract that, DotA was no different - Banning people for raging/ignoring their team does not fix the issue, as those true chronic trolls will just make a new account, they don't enjoy the game, they enjoy disrupting the game, so ELO standings, and account value means nothing to them, and banning accomplishes nothing but perpetuates the issue by providing trolls a powerful reasource to fully affect legit gamers.
It is working. Over 50% of reported players reform after their Tribunal warning. For a DotA game that, like you said, is bound to contain a hateful community just by the nature of the game, that is excellent. You can't ever get rid of trolls completely, especially if they are persistent about making alts. This will happen in any DotA game. It's possible that DotA 2 can solve this by having your CD key through Steam at stake, but there is no platform like this for LoL or HoN (and if DotA 2 is going to be free to play, then you can just make a new Steam account at will).
Bans are great ways to deter players from acting poorly, especially players that have invested money into the game (like you!). At early levels of play, you might notice a lot of leavers, but as you get up to 30, you start getting less and less of the leavers since they get weeded out by both reports and leaverbuster bans. Also, trolls become (slightly) less numbered, but they are more apparent because the leavers are much less in number at this point. Sure you can roll a new account, but now you lost all your champs, runes, masteries, the works. In addition, banning will force these trolls to start from level 1, so a troll must be very dedicated for 200-300 games before they even get back up to the point where they get queued with you. That is a pretty effective way to mitigate trolls, although it gives new players a poor impression.
Does it make sense? Sure it does - Riot already has my money - now they have my money, and provide me with nothing, those that are perma-banned on invest accounts lose their paid for digital products, and riot can clean out the use resources, and move on, i'm nothing but a number, i know that.
But you said in your post that you won't spend any more money now. Riot knows that when they ban you, you will lose all incentive to keep buying RP. They want you to continue to provide them with money, right? So if they were to permaban you (and thus deny you the desire to give them money), it would have to be for a serious reason. You would have to be making a poor experience for many players, and causing them to lose interest in the game, which in turn takes their desire to buy RP away. IE: You were banned because you made the game experience poor for other players. Summoner's Code.
It's not about clearing out resources or cutting you off from using your bought items because 'you're nothing but a number and Riot is oppressing you'. Through all of your combined actions, you ruined the game for enough players (average 70 reports per repeat offender) that Riot decided you were a negative force on the game, and they shut you down.
You miss the point, i played over 3000 games, and i can't remember more then a handful of games where a troll wasn't already present, i usually only decided to goof off when an intentional feeder was present, and goaded me into it, i realized there was no point in taking the game seriousily as 4v5 w/ a feeder is VERY hard to overcome, and too stressful -- I don't know about you, but i play games to have fun, and goofing off is more enjoyable then stressing over a hard to seek win due to a feeder.
If you've played over 3000 games, then you should know how to handle trolls in League.
You can surrender at 20 minutes, and if it's one troll, that's it. If surrendering is not working or it's before 20, use the time to practice your last hitting or something. Make some over-the-top plays against the enemy's squishies if you know you're going to lose. Buy wards and light up the map. Don't get goaded into doing something reportable. After 3000 games, you should have thick enough skin to shrug off trolls. You don't have to troll / feed / rage when you're 'not taking the game seriously'. There's a difference between not sweating the game and ruining the game even further for people on your team.
Part of playing LoL is accepting that some of your losses will be out of your control. It sucks, but you'll see it in any DotA game. Simply focus on improving your game. Roll with a team and stop the solo Q. You wouldn't rage / troll / feed with your friends, right?
You could have avoided your permaban. Don't misinform yourself that anyone but you caused you to get banned. If a random person on the internet can get you mad, then you have deeper problems than getting banned from a game, trust me. You have full control over what you type in that box and what you decide to do in the game. If that same random person can revoke that control, or control you, then those problems are even worse.
It wasn't Riot oppressing you, or making a greedy power play conspiracy to take your money and 'clear up resources'. Phreak isn't rubbing his hands together saying, "Oh boy, how can we ruin this loyal customer's day today!" while dancing to Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
It's you.
I'm quoting this for emphasis.
The one and only thing you need to think about is:
Why would Riot ban a customer with a track record of spending a lot of money?
1. They have a vendetta against you.
2. They like to piss off customers.
3. They found your actions so detrimental to the community that they are willing to sacrifice any additional revenue you may provide in return for improving their game's community.
I mean no disrespect, but you have to look at this logically. No company willfully lowers their revenue for no reason.