We have had tons of MMOs that have "Broken the mold" more then those three (You could make the argument that TOR broke it too not more then GW2 AA TSW(Calling it now SWTOR will be more innovative then TSW.) ) Darkfall, TERA (Its already failing in the East I doubt it will do anybetter over here) and even EvE have all menaged to to something different yet are only able ot retain a fraction of what WoW has and even failures like WAR still have about 1/6th the number of players as EvE and EQIIs severs are all full.
My new question to you is, Is changing the core element of gameplay enough?
BF3 while a poor example still pales when compared to the new COD.
I'm not a fan of modern realism military shooters, so I never played CoD or BF3. I wish someone would make UT4, instead.. so, can't comment on them, specifically.
I disagree that any major MMOs have even attempted to "break the mold" since WoW was released. I can't speak to whether TSW, GW2, or AA will be successful in doing so, but at least they claim to be trying. I don't know how you can say there have been "tons" of MMOs that have done the same. Darkfall is way too indy, and Tera isn't out here, where I can try it, and comment on whether its mold breaking or not.
Is changing the core gameplay enough, though? No, it has to also be done well, and that is the hard part. Innovation is easy. You could make a game, where we all play as fleas trying to live on the back of a dog, and it might be the most innovative MMO ever, but that alone wouldn't make it good.
If it is done well, though? I think that is the very foundation of progress, and entertainment needs to progress to avoid getting stale.
Innovation is not easy because innovation is not change for change's sake.
Innovation is to improve or evolve into something new, but if there is no improvement or no meaningful results, it's not innovation.
After anticipating and defending this game very eagerly for a year or more (you are welcome to check my posting history) and after making it to max level in a very Swtor-heavy first month I am sad to say I am kind of disappointed in its long term value.
Despite its potential and the very worthwhile first month I don't think I will play it for much longer. The main things which prevent me from having fun with it for a longer time are personal but maybe also general problems:
- Poorly thought out and implemented world pvp;
Things might change for the better when 1.1 gets released but as of now it is simply beyond disappointing;
Clicking a couple of enemy tanks a day to complete your daily and weekly world pvp quests; killing players actually is detrimental to completing that objective so both factions simply "exchange" world pvp objectives in a friendly atmosphere. Very ironic since these quests are pretty much the sole incentives to seek out enemy players in the open world. ... Seek out enemy players to "click on tanks with", that is.
Questing areas don't overlap much; on most worlds factions are playing in the same open map but in very seperate areas; No Southshore - Tarren Mill random pvp raids to stumble into.
The peeps at Blizzard were smart enough to actually put factions in eachother's ways, (both zone and quest wise), and throughout the leveling range bar the first zones. This is sadly lacking in Swtor. During leveling your battles with either empire of republic will be mostly restricted to warzones and npc enemies out in the world. If you do encounter an enemy player out in the world, please give him directions in /say because he's probably lost.
World pvp kills, as of now, don't even get registered or acknowledged, let alone reward valor or tokens.
Logically all this means that even the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine is as dead as a door nail.
I might stick around for 1.1 though, to see to what extent things will change in this regard but all in all it seems that all world pvp content was added as an afterthought. Much like crafting in WAR or AoC.
- Fragmented game "world":
Even though the worlds are big, open and richly detailed. And even though world <-> personal instance transitions are completely seamless, traveling between worlds or stations means staring at a long loading screen each time; so long that it breaks my attention, immersion and possibly other -ions too.
- Uninspired design;
Making relatively compact space stations the main hub for each faction was a very, very bad call in my opinion; it has been said before by others; these kind of artificial "shopping mall like" environments function pretty well as hubs but feel very artifical and unimmersive. Also they are lag heavy with 200+ players in your direct vicinity at prime time.
I think that the fleet cantina music (at least on empire side) will eventually inspire people to choke small animals and maybe even family members, which really is a shame.
- Cookie cutter themepark formula;
Swtor is going the well trodden path of carrot-driven gameplay a little too much in my opinion; even the exploring content (datacrons and matrix cubes / shards) are based on improvement / progress driven incentives. PvP, PvE, dailies, exploring, space-on-rails; its all about gearing up and improving your stats on a regular basis.
This cunning treadmill has proven to be one of the main pillars of success for "long term gaming" in general but sadly it is a little too apparent in SWTOR. Also because of the ...
- Lack of gameplay alternatives;
At max level it's either grinding the same old warzones (mostly Huttball), doing hard mode fp's, spend your 10 minutes on Ilum for quest completion each day and if you like some extra grind: doing level 50 dailies on Belsavis and Illum for "daily commendations".
Since I am not much of an instance crawler, the things I can do out in the open world, like world pvp, harvesting, fishing, to give a few examples, are crucial.
Sadly Swtor doesn't tap into that so much; the two main time sinks for players at max level are warzones and flashpoints; the worlds are mostly leveling content and don't play much of a role at all at level 50. So yeah, at 50 you'll spend most your time in either instances or in a shopping mall.
IF world pvp on Ilum post 1.1. turns out to be very fun and engaging even after people did their daily, that might be a saving grace in my eyes. I'm very curious how it will pan out.
- Final words:
My outlook has shifted a lot; I still think its a very good game but not so much in the long run for me personally. Since the things which are important to me: world pvp, alternative open world content and immersive aspects are either lacking or disappointing.
Some of these things might successfully be addressed soon though, rekindling my fire for this game, but as for now;
/sad pony
I was in the same boat. I know I've bashed on the game a lot, but most of that started after I experienced beta over a year ago.
The game does offer an entertaining grind. But their total lack of a social realm and their redundant Battleground PvP system at end-game is horrid. I can't do it. It feels too simple, as if it was designed for high school freshmen.
My experience has been a little different from the OP for multiple reasons:
1) With everything I have going on in my life, tennis, gym, work, skyrim, movies, friends, dates, etc, I only wish I had the time to get to level 50 in one month. I'm only level 29 and 14. It will probably take me 4 months or so to get to end level. With that in mind, I'm enjoying it because whether people here admit it or not, getting to end level in an MMO in one month is rushing if you have a life outside of gaming.
2) I lost a little respect for the OP, not that one can't have an opinion after finally playing it, but everything stated was already known, was already clear (especially after playing multiple betas) and writing the opposite for a year and then doing a 360 is weird to me. All it did was provide the bandwagon for the trolls to jump on and say I told you so..or the typical my opinion was right all along..so glad you see that way, etc.
3) Loading screens: No different than WOW and Lord of the Rings Online. The worlds are big like those where there are no loading screens except between planets, riding an elevator, and the one second before the personal story starts. They met my expectation here because all I wanted was a less cramped feeling which is what I felt in AOC, EQ2, Warhammer, and AION. It doesn't feel as cramped as those games at all. If it really bothers you to wait a few seconds after roaming the massive planets get a solid state drive.
4) In all fairness, PVP is not at all my priority, nor is End Level. I wanted an MMO that took questing to the next level, similar to what AOC did for tortage. It surpassed that IMO and has made the questing experience fun again. I can't imagine having a PVE experience without a similar high PVE bar Bioware has set.
5) End Level: I have never enjoyed end level in any game. That is probably why I usually leave after I feel like the trip to end level is no longer fun. I never understand why people buy a game for end level..which is exactly what most of you are doing if you got to level 50 in one month.
Does this game quench my excitement for other potential upcoming MMOs like GW2, absolutely not? I never expected it to. I just wanted a better PVE experience (with occassional PVP) in a non fantasy setting in big worlds similar to WOW and Lord of the Rings Online and it did just that (so far).
MY ONLY disappointment continues to be the UI and the fact that I do wish things felt more alive in the world..but thats more due to playing Skyrim which is a single player game. I also think they are going to improve things over time which the OP acknowledges.
And I can't even say "I told you so", because I decided to take the high ground for this game and adopted a "wait and see" attitude...
Though at the same time I'm glad I avoided all the hype, and saved myself $60.
I was going to wait myself, but Im having fun, not power grinding one toon, I got 4 alts. Im on the Bounty Hunter this weekend leveled up to 12. Got a level 17 and a 10. I saw this coming myself, I havnt seen a MMO like this that focuses on one thing; be very good in other areas.
Give them 6 months Im sure they got things going that will solve things later. In the mean time Im going to go it slow and level my alts while they round out the game.
It's always a sad day when such a vehent defender of a game is brought kicking and screaming into reality. It's almost like when "LonghornTex" over at DC Universe Online finally broke down and threw his hands up over SOE's mismanagement with that game.
Have faith, Pony. 2012 is going to bring with it a bumper crop of awesome MMO's. In 3-4 months you won't even remember TOR.
It's always a sad day when such a vehent defender of a game is brought kicking and screaming into reality. It's almost like when "LonghornTex" over at DC Universe Online finally broke down and threw his hands up over SOE's mismanagement with that game.
Have faith, Pony. 2012 is going to bring with it a bumper crop of awesome MMO's. In 3-4 months you won't even remember TOR.
Thank you for your post. It completely proved my point two posts above regarding the effect a thread like this has and the responses it would get...I never liked it, now you don't like it, so that must mean everyone playing and enjoying themselves shouldn't like it either because we are not in reality. Ridiculous.
Sorry that the game you were hoping would be amazing fell short of your expectations. Maybe try some other games that you've foregone while waiting for SWTOR - you never know what might surprise you.
If it's any consolation, a colleauge of mine was pestering me to play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and I was vehemently opposed. (I couldn't stand Oblivion's leveling system, and I was skeptical that Bethesda had corrected the skill leveling problem.) I told him that I'm really gearing up for Guild Wars 2, and I just wanted to focus on GW1 HoM grinding in the meantime. But after numerous conversations (our offices are close together) I finally decided to give it a shot, and boy am I glad I did. What a fantastic game!
And I almost passed it up because I have (or had) a singular focus on GW2 for the past couple of years.
The OP very clearly illustrates that, no matter how much our hype may be based in fact, there's always the very real chance that you'll be severely disappointed with the end-product. SWTOR recieved a lot of face-time at game conventions and through betas, and had entire "everything we know" posts about it's features, all of which I'm positive DarkPony was acquainted with.
It's hard for me to imagine being disappointed to the point of quitting with the game I'm the most excited about currently, but it's not difficult to acknowledge that it's still a very real possibility. Just as well, there's a lot of people on this site who believe that the game they choose to follow is infallible and the very same people can definitely benefit from basing their expectations more in reality.
2) I lost a little respect for the OP, not that one can't have an opinion after finally playing it, but everything stated was already known, was already clear (especially after playing multiple betas) and writing the opposite for a year and then doing a 360 is weird to me. All it did was provide the bandwagon for the trolls to jump on and say I told you so..or the typical my opinion was right all along..so glad you see that way, etc.
Not true, at all.
Bioware SAID that there would be rewards for open world PVP, they also hyped crafting with the mod system, only to kill it after closed beta ended.
We didn't know that PVP sucked, or that crafting was even more useless than in WOW, Dark Pony, and everyone, expected more.
And TBH, who wouldn't?
Who actually wants to play oversimplified WOWs with different skins forever?
NOBODY, when you see someone defending a WOW clone, they don't say things like "oh i expect this game to be another WOW with less features and things to do, YESSSSS" no... they hype the PVP, they actually believe that crafting is going to be different, they expect real exploration, something else to do but raids and dungeons, etc.
The problem of SWTOR is that, while it probably has the best questing ever made, everything else is really bad/average at best.
"I lost a little respect for the OP" LOL, because he isn't a fanboy who only praises the game, no matter what, and dosn't makes threads like "ohh 58 reviews, all of them positive (the ones i choose) (graphics 9/10? without high rez textures? PL-ease, paid reviews) this game is so great, official circlejerk" ?
... Really? some people actually want good games and don't settle, it's what happens when you have played more than 1 MMO in your life.
We are all old for this gear treadmill, and removing freedom makes it even worse.
"Esport with tournaments is for hardcore pvp'rs that want to be competitive. Openworld PVP with ganking and griefing is for casuals that just wants their pvp mixed with pve from time to time." otacu
- Scrap the fleets: make capitals actually the capitals.
- Crafting incentives in the open world rather than just picking up the base, green materials when they happen to be in your way and the rest through commanding your companions.
- Also make end game crafting more worthwhile and not tied into flashpoint schematic drops or bop schematics. As an armstech crafter who doesn't like raiding so much, endgame crafting as of now is non-existant.
- More long term gameplay incentives other than tier herp derp gear: stuff to save for at 50. Like housing, other spaceships, sicker mounts, etc. Right now, most long term incentives are tied in to alternative, commendation currencies.
- Stimulate world pvp; add world pvp quests or incentives to each world. Make killing players of your own level range worthwhile.
- More intimate, immersive, roleplay stimulating cantina's and mechanics. The Prancing Pony in Lotro springs to mind. Making music, sitting on chairs, etc, etc.
- Optimization of the engine: shorter loading times, less resource intensive, better performance.
Special wish beyond the current content:
- Add a significant space expansion with free roaming, mining, pvp, multiplayer spaceships, etc.
/agree with all this. It particularly bugs me we have all these chairs and sofas and cannot sit on them. The current /sit emote graphic is just silly and if you try and do it on a chair or bench parts of your body sink into the environment.
For level-based world PVP, they should consider LOTRO's Monster Play (MP) model. Let each world have a faction base where people can play avatars/characters based on that faction. Put the rarest drops and best optional quests in the MP zone. So, for example, you can PVP as a rebel on Balmorra. Albeit this isn't what many people would want - letting the level 50's roam. But its a decent compromise. As incentive, as people "rank up" their "Monster" on a particular world, it earns their "master" (the player's main) points which grant access to new companions, social items, furnishings for home or ship, etc. The beauty of this is that it would not mean level 50's rolling level 20's. You would have similar levels fighting. You could also spice things up by occasional "world events" that have the PVM characters "invading" the other side's main base - e.g. going outside the area they are permitted for set periods of times. There are TONS of ideas. Bioware should really look at LOTRO MP for inspiration.
Bioware SAID that there would be rewards for open world PVP, they also hyped crafting with the mod system, only to kill it after closed beta ended.
We didn't know that PVP sucked, or that crafting was even more useless than in WOW, Dark Pony, and everyone, expected more.
And TBH, who wouldn't?
Who actually wants to play oversimplified WOWs with different skins forever?
NOBODY, when you see someone defending a WOW clone, they don't say things like "oh i expect this game to be another WOW with less features and things to do, YESSSSS" no... they hype the PVP, they actually believe that crafting is going to be different, they expect real exploration, something else to do but raids and dungeons, etc.
The problem of SWTOR is that, while it probably has the best questing ever made, everything else is really bad/average at best.
"I lost a little respect for the OP" LOL, because he isn't a fanboy who only praises the game, no matter what, and dosn't makes threads like "ohh 58 reviews, all of them positive (the ones i choose) (graphics 9/10? without high rez textures? PL-ease, paid reviews) this game is so great, official circlejerk" ?
... Really? some people actually want good games and don't settle, it's what happens when you have played more than 1 MMO in your life.
We are all old for this gear treadmill, and removing freedom makes it even worse.
I think you should have expected the PvP, to my knowledge is Biowares only previous experience with PvP a little in Neverwinter nights. Good PvP comes from experience and while they might eventually get that patched and revamped just assuming that they would it right from the start seems a little naive to me.
Bioware always been masters of PvE.
The crafting on th other hand is something they could have made a lot better. Heck, it was better already in Neverwinter nights over 10 years ago so I can understand that you expected more there, so did I.
That it is gear based have been known since the announcement, I personally think it was a bad decision because the moveis were more about a personal journey than looting anything (only time in the original movied I can remember anyone looting anything is in the first movie when they loot the stormtroopers gear to dress up like them and when Vader lifts up Luke light saber and is impressed by it in the third.
Overall could the game have been more innovative but it was hardly a surprise if you followed the articles.
Bioware SAID that there would be rewards for open world PVP, they also hyped crafting with the mod system, only to kill it after closed beta ended.
We didn't know that PVP sucked, or that crafting was even more useless than in WOW, Dark Pony, and everyone, expected more.
And TBH, who wouldn't?
Who actually wants to play oversimplified WOWs with different skins forever?
NOBODY, when you see someone defending a WOW clone, they don't say things like "oh i expect this game to be another WOW with less features and things to do, YESSSSS" no... they hype the PVP, they actually believe that crafting is going to be different, they expect real exploration, something else to do but raids and dungeons, etc.
The problem of SWTOR is that, while it probably has the best questing ever made, everything else is really bad/average at best.
"I lost a little respect for the OP" LOL, because he isn't a fanboy who only praises the game, no matter what, and dosn't makes threads like "ohh 58 reviews, all of them positive (the ones i choose) (graphics 9/10? without high rez textures? PL-ease, paid reviews) this game is so great, official circlejerk" ?
... Really? some people actually want good games and don't settle, it's what happens when you have played more than 1 MMO in your life.
We are all old for this gear treadmill, and removing freedom makes it even worse.
I think you should have expected the PvP, to my knowledge is Biowares only previous experience with PvP a little in Neverwinter nights. Good PvP comes from experience and while they might eventually get that patched and revamped just assuming that they would it right from the start seems a little naive to me.
Bioware always been masters of PvE.
The crafting on th other hand is something they could have made a lot better. Heck, it was better already in Neverwinter nights over 10 years ago so I can understand that you expected more there, so did I.
That it is gear based have been known since the announcement, I personally think it was a bad decision because the moveis were more about a personal journey than looting anything (only time in the original movied I can remember anyone looting anything is in the first movie when they loot the stormtroopers gear to dress up like them and when Vader lifts up Luke light saber and is impressed by it in the third.
Overall could the game have been more innovative but it was hardly a surprise if you followed the articles.
Really? Eternity Vault would say otherwise. I've been 50 for awhile now and having played many MMOs, I'm not sure saying Bioware is a master of PVE is something you want to stake anything on. EV is a very poorly designed instance, filled with bugs and content that a child could do even on Hard Mode. The only decent fight that had any semblance of originality was Soa, and even that is being generous.
Bioware really has no idea what they are doing in terms of raid PVE, which is evident in their failure to produce a decent patch for raid content. The PVP, I'm going to go with it being more Mythic's fault, as I'm sure Bioware is looking to Mythic for some advice in this area, which is also another huge mistake since they haven't gotten anything right since DAOC.
If I sound frustrated, it's because I am. I am somewhat tied to my character because Bioware did a good job with the story, at least for Sith Inquisitor in my opinion. However, now that I'm 50, all that there is left to do are instances and raids that are extremely poor quality compared to what else is out there. And I believe what others who have posted in this thread find so troubling is that there is litereally nothing else to do. No character advancement, no additional story quests or missions, nothing. It's like every game tries to do the raid/instance idea(which they will never do as well as Blizzard sadly) and forget there are other aspects to an MMO (like what is brought out in the end game content of EQ/EQII/FFXI)
The OP very clearly illustrates that, no matter how much our hype may be based in fact, there's always the very real chance that you'll be severely disappointed with the end-product. SWTOR recieved a lot of face-time at game conventions and through betas, and had entire "everything we know" posts about it's features, all of which I'm positive DarkPony was acquainted with.
It's hard for me to imagine being disappointed to the point of quitting with the game I'm the most excited about currently, but it's not difficult to acknowledge that it's still a very real possibility. Just as well, there's a lot of people on this site who believe that the game they choose to follow is infallible and the very same people can definitely benefit from basing their expectations more in reality.
That's why I adopt a wait and see attitude these days. I was vaugely interested in SWTOR. New Star Wars MMO made by a big name developer. But that same reason to be excited was the exact same reason to be concerned.
In the end I never did get caught up in the hype of this game. I decided that I would wait a month or two after release before I decided to try the game or not. In hindsight, I can't think of a better decision. I saved myself $60 that I would have regretted had I gotten caught up in the hype and bought the game at release, only to find out that the game really isn't anything all that different from what I've already played over the past seven years.
The game needs a great deal of work. When you hit 50 there is literally nothing to do. My character is already pvp lvl 61. That being said, I realize that I play more than most of you. So I will burn through content faster, which is understandable. But the lack of fun in open world pvp, and the fact that with 30 people today on Illum and the game was lagging to an unplayable level, I finally uninstalled the game from my pc. I have an I7 with a 5 series nvidia card and 8 gigs of ram. How this game was unplayable with 30 people total literally blew my mind. If I really need something to hold me over for the next 3-4 months I'll go bakc to rifts. Atleast in that game you can pvp in mass groups and not have a 2-3 second skill delay.
The game just came out a month ago. WoW didn't come out with content either. People did the same thing in WoW they ran fast to max level got to the max level and got bored fast and quit. If you remember at that time they said the same thing you are saying now.... think back a little and then .... realize how dumb you sound!!!
After reading the above I mentioned pls close this thread because its pointless after the point I have made above! Thanks!!!!
I would give you a guest pass to SWOTR, but then I wouldn't be able to find a way to live with myself afterwards....
The game just came out a month ago. WoW didn't come out with content either. People did the same thing in WoW they ran fast to max level got to the max level and got bored fast and quit. If you remember at that time they said the same thing you are saying now.... think back a little and then .... realize how dumb you sound!!!
After reading the above I mentioned pls close this thread because its pointless after the point I have made above! Thanks!!!!
Yes let's close the thread because you can't read the OP.
Realize how dumb YOU sound. He listed many things that he found fault with in the game. Or maybe you couldn't read down that far. Content was a small piece of his griefs. Really, just get out. Go.
100% agree with all said . But i decided to make two charcters for exactly this reason, so im taking my time leveling both hoping for improvements in the near future, before i make 50 and am fully geared on both . I'm hoping that soon player bounties might be added at least on pvp servers here's hoping lol .
I am with this guy to. I started some alts and enjoying the storyline but I always felt SWTOR is KOTOR with players running around. In a weird way I am playing the game like its a single player and I expect to max level and leave.
As most of us know, the secret of an MMO keeping you on and subbing is having something to do and not be squeezed down a long thin tube (which most MMO's feel like). EvE is the best MMO I have seen do this and even after 6 years I was still hanging in the same starter zones.
The sad truth is, SWTOR like single player games just doesn't have any real value in revisiting old locations, personally I just feel sad when I do because I know there isn't any point in hanging around.
Some MMO's are clever and add high level nodes in starter zones which encourages max level players to return and hunt them down.
I would have loved some Universal mechanic that allowed PvP servers to have direct influence over. Be great to see one side get buffs or whatever based on battles.
I'm glad it only took me open beta to figure out this game was a disaster. Even king fanboi of swtor who was defending the game not even a week ago is finally brought to his knees. This game is poorly made and I honestly hope it crashes and burns... bad.
The type of crap they have plated up for us would set back the MMO genre even further than it already is if it had been a successs.
I'm glad it only took me open beta to figure out this game was a disaster. Even king fanboi of swtor who was defending the game not even a week ago is finally brought to his knees. This game is poorly made and I honestly hope it crashes and burns... bad.
The type of crap they have plated up for us would set back the MMO genre even further than it already is if it had been a successs.
Why would a game that builds upon those before it just like every FPS game out there has done in the last 10 years set back the MMO genre when what it really did is take the success of AOC tortage and make that experience look like nothing in comparison? Also, why do you find a need to use lables like fanboi as if liking a game is something wrong when hovering in the forums of something one doesn't like seems a little weird to me.
Why are you questioning how one displays their opinion? Is this not an open forum? Ive already stated why I'm hoping for this game to fail. If you want to continue playing a worse version of wow and support a terrible excuse for an MMORPG, be my guest.. but I think the demise of swtor will be a wake up call for the rest of these companys trying to make a quick dollar off us like theyve been trying to do since seeing WoW succeed.
I'm glad it only took me open beta to figure out this game was a disaster. Even king fanboi of swtor who was defending the game not even a week ago is finally brought to his knees. This game is poorly made and I honestly hope it crashes and burns... bad.
The type of crap they have plated up for us would set back the MMO genre even further than it already is if it had been a successs.
Why would a game that builds upon those before it just like every FPS game out there has done in the last 10 years set back the MMO genre when what it really did is take the success of AOC tortage and make that experience look like nothing in comparison? Also, why do you find a need to use lables like fanboi as if liking a game is something wrong when hovering in the forums of something one doesn't like seems a little weird to me.
AoC Tortage was not an MMORPG feature, even Funcom said before release that they would focus on single player experience in the first 20 levels. SW:TOR took that single player aspect and applied it to the entire leveling range, effectively creating a single player game with some MMORPG features added and that is setting the genre back.
MMORPGs are the evolution of single and regular multiplayer games. Now however it seems to devolving back to where it came from and that is going backwards instead of forward.
But I can't wait for the other adventures/stories it'll get in the future.
I am treating this game as a giant 'streaming DLC'. I know that as long as I have my sub, my char's story will advance as EA/BW releases new content.
Currently leveling up my Jedi Knight and I fully intend to level up a smuggler afterwards. Already done Trooper/Jedi Consular to 50.
After those, it is onto the empire side classes which really looks awesome.
Yeah I am kind of looking at it the same way because the game is a good single player experience. Problem is that I feel rushed to finish the content because I dont feel like paying a monthly fee sub for what is essentially Mass Effect/DAO with multiplayer.
As a Game Designer myself, I spotted the flaws in SWTOR in the first two weeks.
I was expecting more threads to pop up, but not quite so soon I was going to give it at least 2 months before people realised they were being taken for another themepark ride, only this time, there werent as many rollercoaster to ride.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Innovation is not easy because innovation is not change for change's sake.
Innovation is to improve or evolve into something new, but if there is no improvement or no meaningful results, it's not innovation.
I was in the same boat. I know I've bashed on the game a lot, but most of that started after I experienced beta over a year ago.
The game does offer an entertaining grind. But their total lack of a social realm and their redundant Battleground PvP system at end-game is horrid. I can't do it. It feels too simple, as if it was designed for high school freshmen.
And I can't even say "I told you so", because I decided to take the high ground for this game and adopted a "wait and see" attitude...
Though at the same time I'm glad I avoided all the hype, and saved myself $60.
My experience has been a little different from the OP for multiple reasons:
1) With everything I have going on in my life, tennis, gym, work, skyrim, movies, friends, dates, etc, I only wish I had the time to get to level 50 in one month. I'm only level 29 and 14. It will probably take me 4 months or so to get to end level. With that in mind, I'm enjoying it because whether people here admit it or not, getting to end level in an MMO in one month is rushing if you have a life outside of gaming.
2) I lost a little respect for the OP, not that one can't have an opinion after finally playing it, but everything stated was already known, was already clear (especially after playing multiple betas) and writing the opposite for a year and then doing a 360 is weird to me. All it did was provide the bandwagon for the trolls to jump on and say I told you so..or the typical my opinion was right all along..so glad you see that way, etc.
3) Loading screens: No different than WOW and Lord of the Rings Online. The worlds are big like those where there are no loading screens except between planets, riding an elevator, and the one second before the personal story starts. They met my expectation here because all I wanted was a less cramped feeling which is what I felt in AOC, EQ2, Warhammer, and AION. It doesn't feel as cramped as those games at all. If it really bothers you to wait a few seconds after roaming the massive planets get a solid state drive.
4) In all fairness, PVP is not at all my priority, nor is End Level. I wanted an MMO that took questing to the next level, similar to what AOC did for tortage. It surpassed that IMO and has made the questing experience fun again. I can't imagine having a PVE experience without a similar high PVE bar Bioware has set.
5) End Level: I have never enjoyed end level in any game. That is probably why I usually leave after I feel like the trip to end level is no longer fun. I never understand why people buy a game for end level..which is exactly what most of you are doing if you got to level 50 in one month.
Does this game quench my excitement for other potential upcoming MMOs like GW2, absolutely not? I never expected it to. I just wanted a better PVE experience (with occassional PVP) in a non fantasy setting in big worlds similar to WOW and Lord of the Rings Online and it did just that (so far).
MY ONLY disappointment continues to be the UI and the fact that I do wish things felt more alive in the world..but thats more due to playing Skyrim which is a single player game. I also think they are going to improve things over time which the OP acknowledges.
There Is Always Hope!
I was going to wait myself, but Im having fun, not power grinding one toon, I got 4 alts. Im on the Bounty Hunter this weekend leveled up to 12. Got a level 17 and a 10. I saw this coming myself, I havnt seen a MMO like this that focuses on one thing; be very good in other areas.
Give them 6 months Im sure they got things going that will solve things later. In the mean time Im going to go it slow and level my alts while they round out the game.
It's always a sad day when such a vehent defender of a game is brought kicking and screaming into reality. It's almost like when "LonghornTex" over at DC Universe Online finally broke down and threw his hands up over SOE's mismanagement with that game.
Have faith, Pony. 2012 is going to bring with it a bumper crop of awesome MMO's. In 3-4 months you won't even remember TOR.
Thank you for your post. It completely proved my point two posts above regarding the effect a thread like this has and the responses it would get...I never liked it, now you don't like it, so that must mean everyone playing and enjoying themselves shouldn't like it either because we are not in reality. Ridiculous.
There Is Always Hope!
Sorry that the game you were hoping would be amazing fell short of your expectations. Maybe try some other games that you've foregone while waiting for SWTOR - you never know what might surprise you.
If it's any consolation, a colleauge of mine was pestering me to play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and I was vehemently opposed. (I couldn't stand Oblivion's leveling system, and I was skeptical that Bethesda had corrected the skill leveling problem.) I told him that I'm really gearing up for Guild Wars 2, and I just wanted to focus on GW1 HoM grinding in the meantime. But after numerous conversations (our offices are close together) I finally decided to give it a shot, and boy am I glad I did. What a fantastic game!
And I almost passed it up because I have (or had) a singular focus on GW2 for the past couple of years.
"Remember, remember - Kakk says 'December.'"
The OP very clearly illustrates that, no matter how much our hype may be based in fact, there's always the very real chance that you'll be severely disappointed with the end-product. SWTOR recieved a lot of face-time at game conventions and through betas, and had entire "everything we know" posts about it's features, all of which I'm positive DarkPony was acquainted with.
It's hard for me to imagine being disappointed to the point of quitting with the game I'm the most excited about currently, but it's not difficult to acknowledge that it's still a very real possibility. Just as well, there's a lot of people on this site who believe that the game they choose to follow is infallible and the very same people can definitely benefit from basing their expectations more in reality.
Not true, at all.
Bioware SAID that there would be rewards for open world PVP, they also hyped crafting with the mod system, only to kill it after closed beta ended.
We didn't know that PVP sucked, or that crafting was even more useless than in WOW, Dark Pony, and everyone, expected more.
And TBH, who wouldn't?
Who actually wants to play oversimplified WOWs with different skins forever?
NOBODY, when you see someone defending a WOW clone, they don't say things like "oh i expect this game to be another WOW with less features and things to do, YESSSSS" no... they hype the PVP, they actually believe that crafting is going to be different, they expect real exploration, something else to do but raids and dungeons, etc.
The problem of SWTOR is that, while it probably has the best questing ever made, everything else is really bad/average at best.
"I lost a little respect for the OP" LOL, because he isn't a fanboy who only praises the game, no matter what, and dosn't makes threads like "ohh 58 reviews, all of them positive (the ones i choose) (graphics 9/10? without high rez textures? PL-ease, paid reviews) this game is so great, official circlejerk" ?
... Really? some people actually want good games and don't settle, it's what happens when you have played more than 1 MMO in your life.
We are all old for this gear treadmill, and removing freedom makes it even worse.
"Esport with tournaments is for hardcore pvp'rs that want to be competitive. Openworld PVP with ganking and griefing is for casuals that just wants their pvp mixed with pve from time to time."
/agree with all this. It particularly bugs me we have all these chairs and sofas and cannot sit on them. The current /sit emote graphic is just silly and if you try and do it on a chair or bench parts of your body sink into the environment.
For level-based world PVP, they should consider LOTRO's Monster Play (MP) model. Let each world have a faction base where people can play avatars/characters based on that faction. Put the rarest drops and best optional quests in the MP zone. So, for example, you can PVP as a rebel on Balmorra. Albeit this isn't what many people would want - letting the level 50's roam. But its a decent compromise. As incentive, as people "rank up" their "Monster" on a particular world, it earns their "master" (the player's main) points which grant access to new companions, social items, furnishings for home or ship, etc. The beauty of this is that it would not mean level 50's rolling level 20's. You would have similar levels fighting. You could also spice things up by occasional "world events" that have the PVM characters "invading" the other side's main base - e.g. going outside the area they are permitted for set periods of times. There are TONS of ideas. Bioware should really look at LOTRO MP for inspiration.
I think you should have expected the PvP, to my knowledge is Biowares only previous experience with PvP a little in Neverwinter nights. Good PvP comes from experience and while they might eventually get that patched and revamped just assuming that they would it right from the start seems a little naive to me.
Bioware always been masters of PvE.
The crafting on th other hand is something they could have made a lot better. Heck, it was better already in Neverwinter nights over 10 years ago so I can understand that you expected more there, so did I.
That it is gear based have been known since the announcement, I personally think it was a bad decision because the moveis were more about a personal journey than looting anything (only time in the original movied I can remember anyone looting anything is in the first movie when they loot the stormtroopers gear to dress up like them and when Vader lifts up Luke light saber and is impressed by it in the third.
Overall could the game have been more innovative but it was hardly a surprise if you followed the articles.
Really? Eternity Vault would say otherwise. I've been 50 for awhile now and having played many MMOs, I'm not sure saying Bioware is a master of PVE is something you want to stake anything on. EV is a very poorly designed instance, filled with bugs and content that a child could do even on Hard Mode. The only decent fight that had any semblance of originality was Soa, and even that is being generous.
Bioware really has no idea what they are doing in terms of raid PVE, which is evident in their failure to produce a decent patch for raid content. The PVP, I'm going to go with it being more Mythic's fault, as I'm sure Bioware is looking to Mythic for some advice in this area, which is also another huge mistake since they haven't gotten anything right since DAOC.
If I sound frustrated, it's because I am. I am somewhat tied to my character because Bioware did a good job with the story, at least for Sith Inquisitor in my opinion. However, now that I'm 50, all that there is left to do are instances and raids that are extremely poor quality compared to what else is out there. And I believe what others who have posted in this thread find so troubling is that there is litereally nothing else to do. No character advancement, no additional story quests or missions, nothing. It's like every game tries to do the raid/instance idea(which they will never do as well as Blizzard sadly) and forget there are other aspects to an MMO (like what is brought out in the end game content of EQ/EQII/FFXI)
That's why I adopt a wait and see attitude these days. I was vaugely interested in SWTOR. New Star Wars MMO made by a big name developer. But that same reason to be excited was the exact same reason to be concerned.
In the end I never did get caught up in the hype of this game. I decided that I would wait a month or two after release before I decided to try the game or not. In hindsight, I can't think of a better decision. I saved myself $60 that I would have regretted had I gotten caught up in the hype and bought the game at release, only to find out that the game really isn't anything all that different from what I've already played over the past seven years.
The game needs a great deal of work. When you hit 50 there is literally nothing to do. My character is already pvp lvl 61. That being said, I realize that I play more than most of you. So I will burn through content faster, which is understandable. But the lack of fun in open world pvp, and the fact that with 30 people today on Illum and the game was lagging to an unplayable level, I finally uninstalled the game from my pc. I have an I7 with a 5 series nvidia card and 8 gigs of ram. How this game was unplayable with 30 people total literally blew my mind. If I really need something to hold me over for the next 3-4 months I'll go bakc to rifts. Atleast in that game you can pvp in mass groups and not have a 2-3 second skill delay.
The game just came out a month ago. WoW didn't come out with content either. People did the same thing in WoW they ran fast to max level got to the max level and got bored fast and quit. If you remember at that time they said the same thing you are saying now.... think back a little and then .... realize how dumb you sound!!!
After reading the above I mentioned pls close this thread because its pointless after the point I have made above! Thanks!!!!
I would give you a guest pass to SWOTR, but then I wouldn't be able to find a way to live with myself afterwards....
Yes let's close the thread because you can't read the OP.
Realize how dumb YOU sound. He listed many things that he found fault with in the game. Or maybe you couldn't read down that far. Content was a small piece of his griefs. Really, just get out. Go.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
I am with this guy to. I started some alts and enjoying the storyline but I always felt SWTOR is KOTOR with players running around. In a weird way I am playing the game like its a single player and I expect to max level and leave.
As most of us know, the secret of an MMO keeping you on and subbing is having something to do and not be squeezed down a long thin tube (which most MMO's feel like). EvE is the best MMO I have seen do this and even after 6 years I was still hanging in the same starter zones.
The sad truth is, SWTOR like single player games just doesn't have any real value in revisiting old locations, personally I just feel sad when I do because I know there isn't any point in hanging around.
Some MMO's are clever and add high level nodes in starter zones which encourages max level players to return and hunt them down.
I would have loved some Universal mechanic that allowed PvP servers to have direct influence over. Be great to see one side get buffs or whatever based on battles.
I'm glad it only took me open beta to figure out this game was a disaster. Even king fanboi of swtor who was defending the game not even a week ago is finally brought to his knees. This game is poorly made and I honestly hope it crashes and burns... bad.
The type of crap they have plated up for us would set back the MMO genre even further than it already is if it had been a successs.
Why would a game that builds upon those before it just like every FPS game out there has done in the last 10 years set back the MMO genre when what it really did is take the success of AOC tortage and make that experience look like nothing in comparison? Also, why do you find a need to use lables like fanboi as if liking a game is something wrong when hovering in the forums of something one doesn't like seems a little weird to me.
There Is Always Hope!
AoC Tortage was not an MMORPG feature, even Funcom said before release that they would focus on single player experience in the first 20 levels. SW:TOR took that single player aspect and applied it to the entire leveling range, effectively creating a single player game with some MMORPG features added and that is setting the genre back.
MMORPGs are the evolution of single and regular multiplayer games. Now however it seems to devolving back to where it came from and that is going backwards instead of forward.
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My character actually is put away at 50.
But I can't wait for the other adventures/stories it'll get in the future.
I am treating this game as a giant 'streaming DLC'. I know that as long as I have my sub, my char's story will advance as EA/BW releases new content.
Currently leveling up my Jedi Knight and I fully intend to level up a smuggler afterwards. Already done Trooper/Jedi Consular to 50.
After those, it is onto the empire side classes which really looks awesome.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Yeah I am kind of looking at it the same way because the game is a good single player experience. Problem is that I feel rushed to finish the content because I dont feel like paying a monthly fee sub for what is essentially Mass Effect/DAO with multiplayer.
My gaming blog
As a Game Designer myself, I spotted the flaws in SWTOR in the first two weeks.
I was expecting more threads to pop up, but not quite so soon I was going to give it at least 2 months before people realised they were being taken for another themepark ride, only this time, there werent as many rollercoaster to ride.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln