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Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
I don't think D3 be as big as most people think. I played the beta and the game is great, I like how it feels and I actually like the streamlining. But I don't think people want this kind of game anymore. It feels like one big anti-climax.
Odd question maybe, but doesn't this happen all the time? People leaving for better opportunities or other challenges? Or is there more to it that makes his leaving more special than that of other people who have left, that points to creative differences or a conflict?
Blizzard always made top notch games and they are still doing it. Please name one game that wasn't succesful.
Also name at least one newer game they released and that's not played by millions. Starcraft 2? WoW: Cataclysm? Some may say: "OMG THEY HURR RUINED IT WITH DURR CATASHIT" but it would be your opinion. Not the opinion of milions still playing it.
D3 will be a success and it will be played in years to come. That's just how Blizz rolls.
Everyone will buy D3 because fo the former Diablo glory, but few will play it for more than a couple of months. Yuo can't win the modern market with the clone of an old game.
everyone will most certainly NOT be playing D3.
Oh - people will give it a try.
WoW has failed us - so what? - It was expected to fail after so many years of success.
Diablo 3 - I will buy it no matter what, even if they fail terribly with it. Yet this will make my opinion on the Blizz as a whole. If they fail with Diablo 3 it would add up with the WoW failure so - I won't purchase their next product.
Same was with the ID Software. I loved Doom1/2, Quake 3 was a good multiplayer game, they failed with the Doom 3 (but it still was ok), they failed terribly with Rage = 2 consuquential fails = I will never ever buy anything else from ID.
What dev managers sometimes don't understand that having good sales on the gaming market is not equal to building up the strong brand. For large game brands sales = previous achievements. But who cares? Those managers will change their jobs before the next Blizz project will release and sales will reflect previous failures. Right? ))
To those who keep saying the brains behind Diablo left Blizz ages ago are wrong, Diablo was presented to Blzzard was a clay-mation turn based RPG.. nothing like Diablo turned out to be when Blizzard go their hands on it. Just saying.
Blizzard doesn't have it in them to produce a good quality game anymore. I'm glad I was able to enjoy Diablo II, and I'll let it end there.
Starcraft 2 is so good it is considered the industry standard RTS. Many commentators believe it is dumb for other companies to make RTS games anymore since no one will play the multiplayer for it since all RTS gamers are still playing Starcraft 2 a year and a half after the release.
Blizzard doesn't have it in them to produce a good quality game anymore. I'm glad I was able to enjoy Diablo II, and I'll let it end there.
Starcraft 2 is so good it is considered the industry standard RTS. Many commentators believe it is dumb for other companies to make RTS games anymore since no one will play the multiplayer for it since all RTS gamers are still playing Starcraft 2 a year and a half after the release.
THe thing is however.
Starcraft II is pretty much IDENTICAL to the first one, except graphically superior. And even with that game, Blizz is messing up quite a lot - first with the whole DRM(not as restrictive as DIablo3's one though), then with shutting down modders and of course requiring the buyers to buy the game three times in order to play a full campaign.
SC2 is a good game because its the same game, and even with that they had problems.
D3 is nothing like diablo games. ITs a mere shell of a former franchise, made up purelly so blizz can proffit from box sales and auction house.
Starcraft II is pretty much IDENTICAL to the first one, except graphically superior. And even with that game, Blizz is messing up quite a lot - first with the whole DRM(not as restrictive as DIablo3's one though), then with shutting down modders and of course requiring the buyers to buy the game three times in order to play a full campaign.
SC2 is a good game because its the same game, and even with that they had problems.
D3 is nothing like diablo games. ITs a mere shell of a former franchise, made up purelly so blizz can proffit from box sales and auction house.
To pickup on all of your incorrect SC2 points....
SC2 is a sequel to SC1 ofc its going to be similar, people love SC1 theres no reason to do a C&C on it and ruin the whole gome. It goes far beyond different graphics, as you know too well.
The only DRM in SC2 is the need to be online to earn achivements, you can play SC2 single player offline till the cows come home.
Blizzard have not shut down any modders, I guess you refer to the MMO being created by a modder that he called "Starcraft world" blizzard just asked he changed the name, which he did and that project is still alive.
Why would you buy SC2 three time, thats silly? SC1 featured around 28 missions split between the 3 races, I played around 25 missions in SC2, terran focused ofc as that is what this first in the trilogy is about, there was also a mini Protoss campaign in there.... Why am I even bothering to explain this, you dont care.
this wont have any effect on them or the game, people need to learn that when a programmer, a producer or an artist is hired by blizzard to work on a project, the contract they sign is for THAT PROJECT, once their work is done they leave for something else, if Blizzard kept on every single person they ever hired once their work or project was done they would be the world biggest employer.
Wake up people, this guys work's clearly done, and his contract is up, there is nothign more to this I am sure.
It's far to easy to look at it and just start yelling the sky is falling.
I like the comments about how people will only play it for a month or two. Do you think Blizz cares how long someone plays it? Is there a sub fee I havnt heard about? Oh yeah im sure Blizz figures on getting richer off the RMAH.........
Really? This game sucks and Im not having fun? Im going to unsub right now. Thanks for the tip.
I hope they do, the RMAH could be the new gaming revinew model of the future, think about it for example if they put it into WOW, no more subscription fee, the game would be free to play but there would be two auction houses.
Keeping in mind that nothing sold comes from blizzard, its all player found.
I hope they do, the RMAH could be the new gaming revinew model of the future, think about it for example if they put it into WOW, no more subscription fee, the game would be free to play but there would be two auction houses.
Keeping in mind that nothing sold comes from blizzard, its all player found.
I dont recall what percentage Blizz was going to take as commision. I suppose in theory a 20 or 30% cut would make them a few dollars but I dont think they are counting on it.Im not sure how many people will actually use the RHAH. The point I was making is that D3 is still basically a single player game with the real money being in box sales. Again, I dont see Blizz worrying about how long an individual plays the game once they have made the sale.
Really? This game sucks and Im not having fun? Im going to unsub right now. Thanks for the tip.
To those who keep saying the brains behind Diablo left Blizz ages ago are wrong, Diablo was presented to Blzzard was a clay-mation turn based RPG.. nothing like Diablo turned out to be when Blizzard go their hands on it. Just saying.
Yeah - I am the roguelike player myself - I know they evolved this concept to the real time action roguelike type of the game. Still you can't hope to stick with the same concept for ages and win, right? I loved Diablo 2, even played it with friends recently in coop mode... and I am waiting for D3, but something tells me it is going to be a good reminder of D2, not the real thing. We'll see. The problem is not with the brains leaving Blizz, but with it becoming too large, all the decisions being too important, having fear to spoil the concepts of the original games on one side and the fear to become out of date on the other hand - it really makes it harder for good ideas to find their way up. Probably D3 will be (like SC2) the better looking D2 clone with a few improvements. Likely it will collect lots of $, but won't be the game people will praise and remember for many years. Should Blizz care? Yes if they want to keep their share in business in a few years. But most mid-tier Blizz managers won't care - they will be long gone when Blizz goes down and will blame everything on the organisational issues (which are many)... ))
I honestly didn't read through each individual post here, but here's my take on things. This guy as Senior producer probably has tenure, I doubt blizz would fire him. And with his prestigious role for Blizz, he probably was paid severence, if not retirement for leaving, on top of god knows how much he already has from his time there. I doubt money was very important to him. And when he says Blizz is going to "kill it" with D3, sounds to me like he was intentionally being subtle trying to suggest that D3 is going to flop, and he bailed out before blizz released this title which he would probably be ashamed of. I think we'll find out when the game is launched though.
Eyelolled was correct in stating that Blizzard no longer has what it takes to produce a QUALITY product. They're letting money dictate "success" rather than the players themselves dictate what is a success. It is absolutely unacceptable what they're doing to Diablo 3.
-Adding in RMT's to ruin the general experience. We play games like Diablo 3 to GET AWAY from RL stuff like money!!!!
-Bleeding concepts from WoW HEAVILY into Diablo 3, like that demon-hunter chick, as well as the "kiddy" art style is unacceptable. Go compare Diablo 1, Diablo 2, and now Diablo 3's artstyle. You'll notice how hardcore Diablo 1 was, and how moderately dark Diablo 2 was, and now Diablo 3's artstyle just looks like it's HelloKitty Online [Demon Edition]. Seriously, WTF happened here?!
Nothing forcs anyone to use the AH.Ifyou don't want it in your game just don't use it. The only one adversly affected by the AH really are the gold farmers and item seller sites out in the RL. and if your one of those i have no sympathy for you. I'll be happy to play D3 with a little Ah button off where i may or my not use to sell my itmes,and no Jerks spammming "BEST GOLD PICES YOU GO WOWOWMEGA GOLD.COM NOW WE LOVE U LONG TIME!
While I dont agree that Blizzard has lost there touch in making great games I do think they have been blinded by the almighty dollar. Sure WOW has gone downhill in a major way but I do believe thats because most of there best talent was working on D3 and now the Titan project. Thats why I do not believe the talent is gone. However what they have done is taken there great game concepts and figured out how they can soak the most money out of them.
Lets look at SC2 as a perfect example. I refuse to buy SC2. Why? because the 3 installment idea was a load of crap excuse they used to make people pay for the game in 3 installments. Am I missing out on a great game? Yup probably. I just refuse to give my money to a complete money grabbing company which is what blizzard has become.
That said D3 looked fun. With so many changes happening who knows after its all said and done. The RMAH is a joke but since I wouldnt be playing it as anything other than a single player dungeon crawl it wont really effect my enjoyment. Now if they go so far as to add a cash shop where I could directly purchase items for the game? Yea you wont see me buying the game then. At least with the RMAH it requires people to actually play the game to sell items.
Nothing forcs anyone to use the AH.Ifyou don't want it in your game just don't use it. The only one adversly affected by the AH really are the gold farmers and item seller sites out in the RL. and if your one of those i have no sympathy for you. I'll be happy to play D3 with a little Ah button off where i may or my not use to sell my itmes,and no Jerks spammming "BEST GOLD PICES YOU GO WOWOWMEGA GOLD.COM NOW WE LOVE U LONG TIME!
You said it right. Of course the gold sellers will still be there. But we wont have to deal with them for the most part. If you choose to use the RMAH you will see "lasdfk" under the seller name all the time. If you host public games you will without a doubt have bots joining your game long enough to spam you. But it wont be a constant issue like it is in MMORPG's.
By the time D3 is released no one will care, it has taken way too long to hit the shelves and way to long to start making new changes at this point, i feel Blizzard made a big time mistake in allowing D3 to take so long, i honestly believe this game will be purchased by many but will not be played by many after 1 month, if you take a look at some of the titles coming out in 2012 D3 aside from the name it carries does not even closely resemble the promise of many other titles coming out this year.
Do you really think Blizzard cares if ANYONE plays the game after they buy it from them?
I probally won't buy d3, mainly because of the fact it'll also be on consoles, the fact its on consoles means its going to be dumbed down to total garbage just like dungeon siege 3 was, and various other games just because they got a console version. I will however probally torrent the game, if they cracked the beta online so you can play without internet I fully expect them to crack the retail version within a few days. The fact your forced to be online only and the rmt AH are 2 other factors why I might not bother with diablo 3, paying real cash for virtual items in a game that si buy to play is just stupid and is just the devoloper money grubbing. Blizz used to be one of my fave devolopers but after what they caused the mmorpg genre to turn into, and what they are doing with diablo 3, I gone from loving blizzard to hating them for destroying mmorpg's.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
I don't think D3 be as big as most people think. I played the beta and the game is great, I like how it feels and I actually like the streamlining. But I don't think people want this kind of game anymore. It feels like one big anti-climax.
do they release that ultimate weapon "Wirt's Leg" again... if yes... i'll buy this game...
Go, go haters, bash more!
Blizzard always made top notch games and they are still doing it. Please name one game that wasn't succesful.
Also name at least one newer game they released and that's not played by millions. Starcraft 2? WoW: Cataclysm? Some may say: "OMG THEY HURR RUINED IT WITH DURR CATASHIT" but it would be your opinion. Not the opinion of milions still playing it.
D3 will be a success and it will be played in years to come. That's just how Blizz rolls.
Cheers haters
Haters gonna Hate!!
Blizzards gonna Blizz!!
Oh - people will give it a try.
WoW has failed us - so what? - It was expected to fail after so many years of success.
Diablo 3 - I will buy it no matter what, even if they fail terribly with it. Yet this will make my opinion on the Blizz as a whole. If they fail with Diablo 3 it would add up with the WoW failure so - I won't purchase their next product.
Same was with the ID Software. I loved Doom1/2, Quake 3 was a good multiplayer game, they failed with the Doom 3 (but it still was ok), they failed terribly with Rage = 2 consuquential fails = I will never ever buy anything else from ID.
What dev managers sometimes don't understand that having good sales on the gaming market is not equal to building up the strong brand. For large game brands sales = previous achievements. But who cares? Those managers will change their jobs before the next Blizz project will release and sales will reflect previous failures. Right? ))
To those who keep saying the brains behind Diablo left Blizz ages ago are wrong, Diablo was presented to Blzzard was a clay-mation turn based RPG.. nothing like Diablo turned out to be when Blizzard go their hands on it. Just saying.
Starcraft 2 is so good it is considered the industry standard RTS. Many commentators believe it is dumb for other companies to make RTS games anymore since no one will play the multiplayer for it since all RTS gamers are still playing Starcraft 2 a year and a half after the release.
Website: / YouTube:
Well, maybe this means D3 is almost done?
I would love to be a fly on the wall at studios like Blizzard and Bioware these days...
THe thing is however.
Starcraft II is pretty much IDENTICAL to the first one, except graphically superior. And even with that game, Blizz is messing up quite a lot - first with the whole DRM(not as restrictive as DIablo3's one though), then with shutting down modders and of course requiring the buyers to buy the game three times in order to play a full campaign.
SC2 is a good game because its the same game, and even with that they had problems.
D3 is nothing like diablo games. ITs a mere shell of a former franchise, made up purelly so blizz can proffit from box sales and auction house.
To pickup on all of your incorrect SC2 points....
SC2 is a sequel to SC1 ofc its going to be similar, people love SC1 theres no reason to do a C&C on it and ruin the whole gome. It goes far beyond different graphics, as you know too well.
The only DRM in SC2 is the need to be online to earn achivements, you can play SC2 single player offline till the cows come home.
Blizzard have not shut down any modders, I guess you refer to the MMO being created by a modder that he called "Starcraft world" blizzard just asked he changed the name, which he did and that project is still alive.
Why would you buy SC2 three time, thats silly? SC1 featured around 28 missions split between the 3 races, I played around 25 missions in SC2, terran focused ofc as that is what this first in the trilogy is about, there was also a mini Protoss campaign in there.... Why am I even bothering to explain this, you dont care.
this wont have any effect on them or the game, people need to learn that when a programmer, a producer or an artist is hired by blizzard to work on a project, the contract they sign is for THAT PROJECT, once their work is done they leave for something else, if Blizzard kept on every single person they ever hired once their work or project was done they would be the world biggest employer.
Wake up people, this guys work's clearly done, and his contract is up, there is nothign more to this I am sure.
It's far to easy to look at it and just start yelling the sky is falling.
I like the comments about how people will only play it for a month or two. Do you think Blizz cares how long someone plays it? Is there a sub fee I havnt heard about? Oh yeah im sure Blizz figures on getting richer off the RMAH.........
Really? This game sucks and Im not having fun? Im going to unsub right now. Thanks for the tip.
I hope they do, the RMAH could be the new gaming revinew model of the future, think about it for example if they put it into WOW, no more subscription fee, the game would be free to play but there would be two auction houses.
Keeping in mind that nothing sold comes from blizzard, its all player found.
Really? This game sucks and Im not having fun? Im going to unsub right now. Thanks for the tip.
Yeah - I am the roguelike player myself - I know they evolved this concept to the real time action roguelike type of the game. Still you can't hope to stick with the same concept for ages and win, right? I loved Diablo 2, even played it with friends recently in coop mode... and I am waiting for D3, but something tells me it is going to be a good reminder of D2, not the real thing. We'll see. The problem is not with the brains leaving Blizz, but with it becoming too large, all the decisions being too important, having fear to spoil the concepts of the original games on one side and the fear to become out of date on the other hand - it really makes it harder for good ideas to find their way up. Probably D3 will be (like SC2) the better looking D2 clone with a few improvements. Likely it will collect lots of $, but won't be the game people will praise and remember for many years. Should Blizz care? Yes if they want to keep their share in business in a few years. But most mid-tier Blizz managers won't care - they will be long gone when Blizz goes down and will blame everything on the organisational issues (which are many)... ))
I honestly didn't read through each individual post here, but here's my take on things. This guy as Senior producer probably has tenure, I doubt blizz would fire him. And with his prestigious role for Blizz, he probably was paid severence, if not retirement for leaving, on top of god knows how much he already has from his time there. I doubt money was very important to him. And when he says Blizz is going to "kill it" with D3, sounds to me like he was intentionally being subtle trying to suggest that D3 is going to flop, and he bailed out before blizz released this title which he would probably be ashamed of. I think we'll find out when the game is launched though.
Nothing forcs anyone to use the AH.Ifyou don't want it in your game just don't use it. The only one adversly affected by the AH really are the gold farmers and item seller sites out in the RL. and if your one of those i have no sympathy for you. I'll be happy to play D3 with a little Ah button off where i may or my not use to sell my itmes,and no Jerks spammming "BEST GOLD PICES YOU GO WOWOWMEGA GOLD.COM NOW WE LOVE U LONG TIME!
While I dont agree that Blizzard has lost there touch in making great games I do think they have been blinded by the almighty dollar. Sure WOW has gone downhill in a major way but I do believe thats because most of there best talent was working on D3 and now the Titan project. Thats why I do not believe the talent is gone. However what they have done is taken there great game concepts and figured out how they can soak the most money out of them.
Lets look at SC2 as a perfect example. I refuse to buy SC2. Why? because the 3 installment idea was a load of crap excuse they used to make people pay for the game in 3 installments. Am I missing out on a great game? Yup probably. I just refuse to give my money to a complete money grabbing company which is what blizzard has become.
That said D3 looked fun. With so many changes happening who knows after its all said and done. The RMAH is a joke but since I wouldnt be playing it as anything other than a single player dungeon crawl it wont really effect my enjoyment. Now if they go so far as to add a cash shop where I could directly purchase items for the game? Yea you wont see me buying the game then. At least with the RMAH it requires people to actually play the game to sell items.
You said it right. Of course the gold sellers will still be there. But we wont have to deal with them for the most part. If you choose to use the RMAH you will see "lasdfk" under the seller name all the time. If you host public games you will without a doubt have bots joining your game long enough to spam you. But it wont be a constant issue like it is in MMORPG's.
"kill it."
Kill what? The competition or Diablo III?
Do you really think Blizzard cares if ANYONE plays the game after they buy it from them?
I probally won't buy d3, mainly because of the fact it'll also be on consoles, the fact its on consoles means its going to be dumbed down to total garbage just like dungeon siege 3 was, and various other games just because they got a console version. I will however probally torrent the game, if they cracked the beta online so you can play without internet I fully expect them to crack the retail version within a few days. The fact your forced to be online only and the rmt AH are 2 other factors why I might not bother with diablo 3, paying real cash for virtual items in a game that si buy to play is just stupid and is just the devoloper money grubbing. Blizz used to be one of my fave devolopers but after what they caused the mmorpg genre to turn into, and what they are doing with diablo 3, I gone from loving blizzard to hating them for destroying mmorpg's.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!