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I've been to FFXI, WoW, and CoH, and played all the semi-summoner classes. Sadly they all felt like something else, which just happen to have pets. However, I've been looking for a MMORPG like the Necromancer class from Diablo II.
For those who haven't played the game, the Necromancer class is perfectly capable of raising a small army, and completely and fully aid his pets. Is there any class out there that can
A) Have multiple summons out
Can thrive just by using these summons
C) Isn't just a mage who happens to have a summon or two.
I know that these fall under some pretyt extreme conditions, but you can only play the same 6 quests so many times before you want to move onto a bigger game. In WoW the Warlock class seemed to just happen to have a pet, while specializing in DoT's. (I think most are like this, I like the DoT part, but I disliked the "Oh look, I have a pet. Yeah, he offers little to nothing in groups, but he's a tank in solo! Whoo!"
I never actually got high enough in FFXI to get a summoner (That game was frustrating to me [And a bit boring too] =( ), and in CoH the summons have very poor AI, and are only one dimensional.
albion has a Necromancer class where u can control up to 5 (i think it's 5) NPC skeletons at once.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I used to love the Necromancer class. But they've all become so completely useless in many games that I don't even bother with them anymore.
I like being able to be IN the battle, but I understand Necros aren't that physically strong. Still, a lot of games destroy the Necro class by having them die in a few hits and even having their abilities so weak that you can't even justify taking them out into a large battle.
Ode to the day the Necro can stand and be feared.
Necros in DAoC are immune to physical damage btw. his group of skeletons does the fighting for him. least that's how i hear how it goes.
I'm hoping someone that actually plays a necro on DAoC coulld post here. I do know one thing for certain. you can max lvl a necro in 2 weeks solo.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The spiritmaster or the bonecaster (I forget which one) of Midgard in DAoC can also summon more than one minion. So you're not just stuck with one realm choice, you have two
Thanks for the help/suggestions guys, dling the DAoC trial right now. It's sounding great, but only time will tell
wasn't it the Bonedancer?
i believe the Albion Necro is limited to one undead, he becomes a shade when summoning his pet and lose health together with the pet. All his spells are cast trough this undead servant.
It is the midgardian Bonedancer that can summon a Skeleton Commander and then a selection of various skeletons with different powers like nukers, healers, warriors, archers and so on (depends on spec), this secondary skeletons are not under the direct command of the Bonedancer, but under the command of the Commander.
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