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I created an account, downloaded the client and entered the game. Played for about 3 hours and then had to run errands. Now when i try to log in it says I am not authorized to play the game.. is this an issue or did my 7 day free trial actually only last 3 hours?
Currently bored with MMO's.
Because it was a weekend free trial period? They reactivated all previously created accounts for the weekend only.
there was that but there is also a 7 day free trial ..will try to find link
Currently bored with MMO's.
also the weekend one ended sunday and I created my account at 12:10 am Monday.
Currently bored with MMO's.
guess they do not want me to try the game to see if it is worth buying.
Currently bored with MMO's.
Not sure what could be causing it since I don't play, but I have heard Trion Worlds customer support is superb. You might want to try calling them to find out why you can't login.
seems like it was the fastest 7 days of your life, lol I also like how the guy saw 7 day trial and said weekend which is 2 days.
I believe they are on Central time. 12:10 AM Monday in New York would be 11:10PM Central Sunday. Their development team is in California but the network team is in Texas.
Their weekend trial started last Thursday.
just make another account..
sent them an email, still waiting - thank you for the good suggestion
Currently bored with MMO's.
weekend ended at around 2 pm eastern time on monday actually.
I had friends disconnect at that time.
but I did not do the weekend one, I did the 7 day one. The weekend one was a welcome back one and I have never owned the game so I could not, in effect, be welcomed back. Welcomed - yea, just not back.
Currently bored with MMO's.
I would bet they offer you something free for the inconvience. When they have made mistakes and friends had to petition in the past they have often gotten free stuff. I had a guildmate who got his account hacked and within 4 hours they had restored his character and given him some free game time. Usually they are very efficient. But keep in mind they may be very busy from the weekend plus there seems to have been a large increase in the populations of every server the last few weeks. If you look at Riftstatus it has shown the trial servers remaining the same the last two weeks but all the other servers recieving a large number of new people. My guess is a lot of dissatisfied ToR players looking for an aletrnative. kind of weird that a new release can help a games population but Tor seems to be helping Rift's. Part of the increase may be the welcome back people but the number shave been going up for 2 weeks now before weekend started.
Havent posted on here in years. Anyway, i had the exact same problem and i googled it and found this video. So it applies to 7 day trial code to your account. Works for me now. I think we were never part of the 7 day trial, just the free weekend, once you apply the code your 7 day trial will start.
I went to support last night, they answered me today by apologising and making me active again... which was a refreshing change from some support teams I have had exchanges with.
Currently bored with MMO's.
yea they gave me a free title, lol.
Currently bored with MMO's.