Uh.. c'mon people. Another pretty face YouTube chick reviewing MMOs? LOL she was reading a script handed to her by a pot bellied 42 year old dude in a Darth Maul tanktop.
lol so true, and she sighed so much i thought she has asthma, you can tell shes trying to force out her love over her frustration
My review of Bioware's post game play. I cancelled my subscription.The compay knew players wanted a great realm vs realm conflict system...and simply chose not to do it...or even say "we know..and here is our vision of the feature".NOPE.So I'm gone....and very disappointed.
If you want to see your vision realise, study hard and make your own MMO.
These guys works hard to achieve this, I'll like to see you do the same.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I will say one thing about the endgame raiding content. Bugs. Holy crap. Especially on Soa. That guy has sooooo many raid wiping bugs it's not even funny.
The encounters are fun when they work right. Soa is a very cool boss fight. We had to pug some people the other day and all of them had never seen the fight. They all said "This is a really cool encounter!' However, it's a roll of the dice in there. It's harder to beat the bugs than it is to beat the mechanics.
Laundry list of Soa bugs (bear in mind, that if you are not over gearing the fight, one or two deaths usually equals a wipe):
Sometimes Soa will just reset and dissapear, leaving the whole raid trapped at the bottom level of the encounter with no way out except to leave the instance.
He does a mechanic where he telports members off to a room until the dps kills a mind trap, sometimes they come out on the wrong level of the encounter and are out of the fight (a dps race with an enrage timer).
Sometimes at the very end of the fight one of the mechanics bugs out (popping his shield) which causes him to be immune to all damage and unkillable.
During the stair-stepping phase, sometimes the platform the raid needs to jump to never shows up, causing a wipe.
He targets a random member with a slow moving lightning ball that moves towards them slowly and has to be kited. It explodes and does massive aoe damage after a bit. If he does the mind trap on someone that has a lightning ball on them, the lightning ball turns invisible if this happens! Impossible to avoid.
When he knocks the floor out from under the raid you have to move to the outer ring. He also does a cc on a random meber sometimes that throws them around the room smashing them into walls. Sometimes he will do the cc move right before the floor drops out, so when that player comes out of the cc, there is no floor and they fall to their death.
Oh, this one is new, just saw it the other day for the first time. During phase 1 he zaps a random mebmer with lightning every once in a while. He doesn't do it much, but it does decent damage. He started zapping one of our members over and over again, even after the phase was over. It was crazy.
I'm sure I missed something else, but it's a pretty ridiculous fight right now. It's not impossible to kill him, but my guild should easily be able to one shot him every time. Yet we never know what catastrophic bug is going to end the encounter or cause a wipe.
Now, they fixed some of this stuff in 1.1, but not all of it. I haven't had a chance to try him again yet because we already downed him this week, but it looks like there is a lot of stuff that needs fixed on that fight still.
I'm optimistic that this stuff will get ironed out, but damn if that is not one buggy ass fight.
Uh.. c'mon people. Another pretty face YouTube chick reviewing MMOs? LOL she was reading a script handed to her by a pot bellied 42 year old dude in a Darth Maul tanktop.
lol so true, and she sighed so much i thought she has asthma, you can tell shes trying to force out her love over her frustration
I stream this game 5 days a week and have since the NDA dropped on beta ~.^ I also raid 3 nights a week and stream that as well. Not to mention everything in my videos, including what is said, is created and put together by me. No one else touches my videos, but me ^_^
The conspiracy theories are entertaining, however... I will give you that.
I can forgive a new game having a limited end game
I can forgive a new game having poor 5-6 year old graphics
I can forgive a new game having almost 0 crafting
I can forgive a new game being riddled with bugs (dc from WZ queue and Ilum anyone?)
But having no real PvP end game, the most banal, bland PvE I have ever witnessed. Guilds and large groups having no role or importance is ludicrous!
Though I enjoy Pokkets videos I must disagree I spent a couple weeks at 50 and have now unsubbed. There simply is no notable endgame. Warzones, world bosses, datacrons, (most) flashpoints I did while leveling. Yes flashpoints have difficulty modes (great way to avoid having to think of actual content) I feel a fool for wasting my money buying this game.
I am on the record (check posts) defending this game saying that it is a medicore game but shut up and enjoy it. I would like to take that back. It is below medicore, unworthy a 'AAA' rating. I wash my hands of EA and BW.
I've appreciated the Game Face series and have something to look forward to coming out of Thursdays since Weed Wars mysteriously got only 4 episodes..
Cutie gamer girl or not, the reviews are how I vicariously experience the SWTOR world. I do not play the game (not quite convinced to sub when it doesn't feel long term) but remain anxiously awaiting another great MMO that has that world of options and immersiveness where I never plan to quit (UO/WoW/DragonRealms). The reviews are from a great perspective as I can empathize with the healing ragefest. That being said, for the most part they are properly objective and give great insight into what the game has to offer to the expanse of gamer types that are of the many MMO generations.
I enjoy raiding content and pvp content equally but feel that there needs to be much more available to fill the desires of those that want to simply enjoy the community or build something static. The things such as crafting, housing, and fishing can offer massive opportunities to bring people together and stimulate the game economy.
Off to watch the new review! ~V~
edit: Almost forgot, I think that another MMO needs to come out with dragon player race or pets! Why's it always about killing the dragon?
My review of Bioware's post game play. I cancelled my subscription.The compay knew players wanted a great realm vs realm conflict system...and simply chose not to do it...or even say "we know..and here is our vision of the feature".NOPE.So I'm gone....and very disappointed.
Thats called "jumping the gun". Meaning, the game is just released, and you expect the most fabulous end game available. No MMO on the planet is released with a complete game in the exact form everyone want. None.
Here's a suggestion, hang in there for a while and see what comes. Bioware is already keeping their promise, and released a major update that included extra content just two days ago.
Quitting already only makes you a quitter, it doesnt prove you right or that you have any leg to stand on.
If you do not like the game, play something else.
Hanging on serves no purpose, you losing your time and money for something you are not having fun with.
Play something else, and if in the future the game receives an update that interests you, then re-subscribe.
That is how it is now...I have seen this debate of "jumping the gun/Hang on" for 14 years now.
Times have changed, there is no reasons to hang on anymore when the game is not fun, there are tons of other games out there to have fun with in the mean time.
Because simply put there is no guarantee that the game will go the desired direction. And often it it does not quack like a duck it is not going to become one later on either.
- Duke Suraknar - Order of the Silver Star, OSS
ESKA, Playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online 1997 - Order of the Silver Serpent, Atlantic Shard
I can forgive a new game having a limited end game
I can forgive a new game having poor 5-6 year old graphics
I can forgive a new game having almost 0 crafting
I can forgive a new game being riddled with bugs (dc from WZ queue and Ilum anyone?)
But having no real PvP end game, the most banal, bland PvE I have ever witnessed. Guilds and large groups having no role or importance is ludicrous!
Though I enjoy Pokkets videos I must disagree I spent a couple weeks at 50 and have now unsubbed. There simply is no notable endgame. Warzones, world bosses, datacrons, (most) flashpoints I did while leveling. Yes flashpoints have difficulty modes (great way to avoid having to think of actual content) I feel a fool for wasting my money buying this game.
I am on the record (check posts) defending this game saying that it is a medicore game but shut up and enjoy it. I would like to take that back. It is below medicore, unworthy a 'AAA' rating. I wash my hands of EA and BW.
Uh.. c'mon people. Another pretty face YouTube chick reviewing MMOs? LOL she was reading a script handed to her by a pot bellied 42 year old dude in a Darth Maul tanktop.
lol so true, and she sighed so much i thought she has asthma, you can tell shes trying to force out her love over her frustration
it seems you both belong to the troll groups. If you cant share a productive critic about the video (very good video review, as always), then go join the SOPA protest instead of pestering these threads. And of course you are more than welcome to record your own video game review and share it here too, maybe we all can learn from your scenery expertise.
My review of Bioware's post game play. I cancelled my subscription.The compay knew players wanted a great realm vs realm conflict system...and simply chose not to do it...or even say "we know..and here is our vision of the feature".NOPE.So I'm gone....and very disappointed.
If you want to see your vision realise, study hard and make your own MMO.
These guys works hard to achieve this, I'll like to see you do the same.
Okay I'll answer your logical fallacy with this. Give me $200 million and i can accomplish anything especially when it comes to game design anyday.
Good to see she took her time and enjoyed the leveling process...
I hope she likes the endgame if it takes her two weeks to lvl a character to max. Much of the speed in leveling is Bioware's fault. They claimed this game was about the leveling process rather than endgame. With a two week to one month leveling time, they better shift their focus to "endgame" activities.
I've enjoyed the game, I just wonder about some of their design choices (don't get me started on the walled in zones....arghhh).
I can't understand how people are hitting 50 in two weeks. I mean, I play a few hours every other night. Now I do take my time and actually read the quest, but hell, I just hit 21 on my Sage and I was in early access. Granted, I'm a casual player, but how many hours a night does one play to get to 50 in two weeks?
Either way, I'm happy I don't have that kinda time. Keeps me happy with all games were others are compaining.. LOL
Good to see she took her time and enjoyed the leveling process...
I hope she likes the endgame if it takes her two weeks to lvl a character to max. Much of the speed in leveling is Bioware's fault. They claimed this game was about the leveling process rather than endgame. With a two week to one month leveling time, they better shift their focus to "endgame" activities.
I've enjoyed the game, I just wonder about some of their design choices (don't get me started on the walled in zones....arghhh).
I can't understand how people are hitting 50 in two weeks. I mean, I play a few hours every other night. Now I do take my time and actually read the quest, but hell, I just hit 21 on my Sage and I was in early access. Granted, I'm a casual player, but how many hours a night does one play to get to 50 in two weeks?
Good to see she took her time and enjoyed the leveling process...
I hope she likes the endgame if it takes her two weeks to lvl a character to max. Much of the speed in leveling is Bioware's fault. They claimed this game was about the leveling process rather than endgame. With a two week to one month leveling time, they better shift their focus to "endgame" activities.
I've enjoyed the game, I just wonder about some of their design choices (don't get me started on the walled in zones....arghhh).
I can't understand how people are hitting 50 in two weeks. I mean, I play a few hours every other night. Now I do take my time and actually read the quest, but hell, I just hit 21 on my Sage and I was in early access. Granted, I'm a casual player, but how many hours a night does one play to get to 50 in two weeks?
I haven't read it but let me guess, she thinks it is good right?
She actually used to hate on SWTOR pretty hard until she started playing it :P
Well... until SOMETHING happened anyhow... :P
I won't let my cynical view of the gaming industry bother this thread though, people are finding out truths fine on their own it seems right now.
Yeah, that was my impression. The review was shilltastic. Anyone listing "playing the marketplace" as an endgame activity in SWTOR has serious issues. Can't blame someone for not wanting to lose their job I guess, though.
For a game that is really a pretty good journey Illum is very dissapointing. I like flashpoints, pvp instances are enjoyable and am just starting to do operations so it's not like I would say endgame sucks I just find Illum dull.
Guys...come on.....shes a girl, thats what girls do......they flip flop back and forth.....you guys ever go shopping for shoes with a girl.....they change thier mind at any given moment to suit their Psycho symmetric analysts.....its all part and partial to the female mind set.........
1) your first comment on Pokket's teeth was shallow. Insecure much?
2) Your stereotyping of females for the purpose of making you appealling among other forum guys suggests that you know much less about women than you think.
I have a 50 (an assassin) and yes, it took me right around 4 weeks to hit due to alt playing. I PVP alot and enjoy it also.. granted, I wish I didn't get stuck in huttball so much.. but I find it enjoyable.
I enjoy the game. I am neither a star wars or a bioware fan.. I don't hate either but I wouldn't buy a product soley based on either name. And I've played a ton of other MMos.. pretty much every major one released. I have capped characters in all of them, usually in not much longer then it took me in swtor. I had my first 60 (the cap at release.. was a hunter) in WOW in about a month, I capped my character in Rift (a Rogue), again in just around 3 weeks, so I don't see the leveling speed in SWTOR as being that bad or that surprising.
Since I hit 50 I've been spending alot of time doing my dailies, running HM and Normal Flashpoints (like the new one) and getting better and cooler looking gear. I also spend alot of time leveling up alts and enjoying thier stories. My second highest is a 35 Mercenary, and I recently made a Jedi Sentinel so I could see some of the Republic side of the story and do some PVPing there since on my server reps are a bit outnumbered.
I have not yet had a single bored moment in SWTOR. Not one. I always have something to do. The great thing about SWTORs PVP is the ability to que from anywhere in the world so I run off and do quests for money and loot all while queing.. when my turn comes up I pop in, pvp, and am returned right back to where I was to resume my quest. Its great actually. Illum open world pvp has also gotten alot better thanks to the recent changes.
I was a fan of WOW when I played, and a fan of Rift, and EQ2 and countless other MMos I've tried. I don't stick with bad MMos. SWTOR does everything they did, just as deeply to me. I don't think "Rift was so much better then this" .. because it wasnt. I can't think of anything Rift did that was outstandingly better enough to of made me miss it now. The same is true of WOW, EQ2, etc. Its a new game. Its been live for a few days past a month now.. and they have already released a ..granted small .. content update. I don't remember Rift or Wow doing that in such a close timeframe.
I hear alot of talk about MAJOR BUGS. What major bugs? Sure I've sene minor ones here and there. No game has ever not had those. Not Wow, not Rift, not any of them. I played both of those at release.. bugs were everywhere. But major game breaking ones? Name some of them. I heard someone say something about disconnects in PVP? I've never been disconnected durring a PVP match because of anything SWTOR side. So what are people even on about?
SWTOR is a well polished, yes themepark.. MMORPG. Its fun to play and draws on alot of past MMO experiences to make it fullfilling. Maybe if you are one of those super hardcore people who only see the goal of playing a MMO as hitting the level cap as fast as possible.. I could see how it would get boring, but honestly.. you are your own victim.. if you power level your way through a new game.. then yes, you deserve to be bored at end game.
Thats the only valid argument against the game I have seen be made that is truthful. Its not made for power gamers. And if thats your demographic, then you were right to unsubscribe. But I think you will find yourself miserable in many more MMos to come since hardcore doesn't seem to be the path the genre is endevoring to pursue just based on what other mmos in the future are saying they plan to offer. *shrugs*
I capped my character in Rift (a Rogue), again in just around 3 weeks, so I don't see the leveling speed in SWTOR as being that bad or that surprising.
it is in only one sense, that they knew every other game out there had this type of speed in leveling for most players and those that rushed to the end game in the linear questing gear treadmill model they are using would be there in three weeks and then they would be wondering what to do next. So yeah it just reinforced people's perceptions that no one at bioware even played an mmo before or experienced what players experienced in almost every mmo out there while taking 4 years to develope it.
Since I hit 50 I've been spending alot of time doing my dailies, running HM and Normal Flashpoints (like the new one) and getting better and cooler looking gear.I have not yet had a single bored moment in SWTOR. Not one. I always have something to do.
Weird as this is exactly what people are talking about being bored of. Running the same dungeons over and over again for an off chance of getting gear, running around doing dailies all the time to fill up time for $15 a month. (WoW anyone)?
I was a fan of WOW when I played, and a fan of Rift, and EQ2 and countless other MMos I've tried. I don't stick with bad MMos. SWTOR does everything they did, just as deeply to me. I don't think "Rift was so much better then this" .. because it wasnt. I can't think of anything Rift did that was outstandingly better enough to of made me miss it now. The same is true of WOW, EQ2, etc.
I think it's hilarious that you are proving our points by saying this. No there isn't anything they did that was so much better that they can keep you because EVERY one of those games uses the same model. Rift stands out from those because at least they had AOE looting and World Events to do outside of dungeons and raids and dailies and Trion actually put out content faster then any other Major Themepark company in history all of their new patches have had content.
I hear alot of talk about MAJOR BUGS. What major bugs? Sure I've sene minor ones here and there. No game has ever not had those. Not Wow, not Rift, not any of them. I played both of those at release.. bugs were everywhere. But major game breaking ones? Name some of them.
Okay let's see, there is the "my ability won't fire even after hitting it twelve times in a row" bug, and then there's the "PVP zones gives my super computer huge lag" bug, then there's the "look, we can steal from respawning chests over and over again out in the open" altho this wasn't a bug a problem BW created with poor design, and then there is the all time favorite open pvp imbalance design, which BW should have learned it's lesson from games like WoW where this has existed since WoW was created.
SWTOR is a well polished, yes themepark.. MMORPG. Its fun to play and draws on alot of past MMO experiences to make it fullfilling. Maybe if you are one of those super hardcore people who only see the goal of playing a MMO as hitting the level cap as fast as possible.. I could see how it would get boring, but honestly.. you are your own victim.. if you power level your way through a new game.. then yes, you deserve to be bored at end game.
See here's the thing about that. People who have taken their time and answered what they wanted to answer in the VO cinematics have almost all reached max level entirely too fast. Everyone of them have which means that you would have to be an altaholic to play to actually enjoy the game. Some people just want one toon and nothing more. There should have been enough content for it to take at least 2 months in this game before you reached cap by taking your time especially when it took them 4 years to make. And then there are videos where critics plainly show that the same VO is used multiple times in different places along the paths of the VO. Are you saying that they weren't lazy when they did this? All they did was add a few extra VO's to cover up the fact that they did exactly what WoW did with the VO recordings, they repeated them, but they only used them in a different fashion then WoW. Innovative huh. Maybe in 6 months time we can call an mmo but in it's present form no.
Thats the only valid argument against the game I have seen be made that is truthful. Its not made for power gamers. And if thats your demographic, then you were right to unsubscribe.
Actually no, not everyone who is unsubing from this game are powergamers. Three of the video reviewers i follow are saying the same things and only one of them is a power gamer, you haven't read all of the posts i've been reading if you think that's the case.
Look i'm not posting this to rain on anyones parade but you gotta start looking at things without those rose glasses because it's simply going to cost people in the end if they don't see the big picture or how things really are.
I hear alot of talk about MAJOR BUGS. What major bugs? Sure I've sene minor ones here and there. No game has ever not had those. Not Wow, not Rift, not any of them. I played both of those at release.. bugs were everywhere. But major game breaking ones? Name some of them.
Okay let's see, there is the "my ability won't fire even after hitting it twelve times in a row" bug, and then there's the "PVP zones gives my super computer huge lag" bug, then there's the "look, we can steal from respawning chests over and over again out in the open" altho this wasn't a bug a problem BW created with poor design, and then there is the all time favorite open pvp imbalance design, which BW should have learned it's lesson from games like WoW where this has existed since WoW was created.
Okay lets see, they fixed the first one in the last patch, I've never had massive (what I would call unplayable) lag in PVP zones and my computer is mid range, and, the respawning chest thing actually was a bug, but hardly game breaking and was also addressed in the last patch. Or are you complaining because chests respawn in open world?
The game has been live a month. One month. It already does what other MMos do as well or better in most cases. Yes, its similar to the rest of the MMO genre, but unlike those other games which are already in thier twilight years, its got room to grow and add on. So yeah, unsub, personally I think if your expectations for the game were so high, maybe you shouldnt of subbed at release anyways, or any games release because projects as big as mmos are always going to have flaws at thier release. Wait 3-6 monthes and then pick the title up. You will probably have a much better experience. Me? I've beta tested and played games from launch before so have my expectations right where they should be when a game goes live.. and thats why I enjoy SWTOR.
Uh.. c'mon people. Another pretty face YouTube chick reviewing MMOs? LOL she was reading a script handed to her by a pot bellied 42 year old dude in a Darth Maul tanktop.
lol so true, and she sighed so much i thought she has asthma, you can tell shes trying to force out her love over her frustration
I stream this game 5 days a week and have since the NDA dropped on beta ~.^ I also raid 3 nights a week and stream that as well. Not to mention everything in my videos, including what is said, is created and put together by me. No one else touches my videos, but me ^_^
The conspiracy theories are entertaining, however... I will give you that.
No I commend you on the attempted production but these lame industry reviews just seem so awkward and forced. Bleh..
lol so true, and she sighed so much i thought she has asthma, you can tell shes trying to force out her love over her frustration
you do that....bye
If you want to see your vision realise, study hard and make your own MMO.
These guys works hard to achieve this, I'll like to see you do the same.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I will say one thing about the endgame raiding content. Bugs. Holy crap. Especially on Soa. That guy has sooooo many raid wiping bugs it's not even funny.
The encounters are fun when they work right. Soa is a very cool boss fight. We had to pug some people the other day and all of them had never seen the fight. They all said "This is a really cool encounter!' However, it's a roll of the dice in there. It's harder to beat the bugs than it is to beat the mechanics.
Laundry list of Soa bugs (bear in mind, that if you are not over gearing the fight, one or two deaths usually equals a wipe):
Sometimes Soa will just reset and dissapear, leaving the whole raid trapped at the bottom level of the encounter with no way out except to leave the instance.
He does a mechanic where he telports members off to a room until the dps kills a mind trap, sometimes they come out on the wrong level of the encounter and are out of the fight (a dps race with an enrage timer).
Sometimes at the very end of the fight one of the mechanics bugs out (popping his shield) which causes him to be immune to all damage and unkillable.
During the stair-stepping phase, sometimes the platform the raid needs to jump to never shows up, causing a wipe.
He targets a random member with a slow moving lightning ball that moves towards them slowly and has to be kited. It explodes and does massive aoe damage after a bit. If he does the mind trap on someone that has a lightning ball on them, the lightning ball turns invisible if this happens! Impossible to avoid.
When he knocks the floor out from under the raid you have to move to the outer ring. He also does a cc on a random meber sometimes that throws them around the room smashing them into walls. Sometimes he will do the cc move right before the floor drops out, so when that player comes out of the cc, there is no floor and they fall to their death.
Oh, this one is new, just saw it the other day for the first time. During phase 1 he zaps a random mebmer with lightning every once in a while. He doesn't do it much, but it does decent damage. He started zapping one of our members over and over again, even after the phase was over. It was crazy.
I'm sure I missed something else, but it's a pretty ridiculous fight right now. It's not impossible to kill him, but my guild should easily be able to one shot him every time. Yet we never know what catastrophic bug is going to end the encounter or cause a wipe.
Now, they fixed some of this stuff in 1.1, but not all of it. I haven't had a chance to try him again yet because we already downed him this week, but it looks like there is a lot of stuff that needs fixed on that fight still.
I'm optimistic that this stuff will get ironed out, but damn if that is not one buggy ass fight.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
I stream this game 5 days a week and have since the NDA dropped on beta ~.^ I also raid 3 nights a week and stream that as well. Not to mention everything in my videos, including what is said, is created and put together by me. No one else touches my videos, but me ^_^
The conspiracy theories are entertaining, however... I will give you that.
Its rough watching this........ the girl is super awkward. It just goes to show it does take some pratice to speak well on camera.
= Scent to bed =
I've appreciated the Game Face series and have something to look forward to coming out of Thursdays since Weed Wars mysteriously got only 4 episodes..
Cutie gamer girl or not, the reviews are how I vicariously experience the SWTOR world. I do not play the game (not quite convinced to sub when it doesn't feel long term) but remain anxiously awaiting another great MMO that has that world of options and immersiveness where I never plan to quit (UO/WoW/DragonRealms). The reviews are from a great perspective as I can empathize with the healing ragefest. That being said, for the most part they are properly objective and give great insight into what the game has to offer to the expanse of gamer types that are of the many MMO generations.
I enjoy raiding content and pvp content equally but feel that there needs to be much more available to fill the desires of those that want to simply enjoy the community or build something static. The things such as crafting, housing, and fishing can offer massive opportunities to bring people together and stimulate the game economy.
Off to watch the new review! ~V~
edit: Almost forgot, I think that another MMO needs to come out with dragon player race or pets! Why's it always about killing the dragon?
If you do not like the game, play something else.
Hanging on serves no purpose, you losing your time and money for something you are not having fun with.
Play something else, and if in the future the game receives an update that interests you, then re-subscribe.
That is how it is now...I have seen this debate of "jumping the gun/Hang on" for 14 years now.
Times have changed, there is no reasons to hang on anymore when the game is not fun, there are tons of other games out there to have fun with in the mean time.
Because simply put there is no guarantee that the game will go the desired direction. And often it it does not quack like a duck it is not going to become one later on either.
Order of the Silver Star, OSS
ESKA, Playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online 1997 - Order of the Silver Serpent, Atlantic Shard
Amen +1
it seems you both belong to the troll groups. If you cant share a productive critic about the video (very good video review, as always), then go join the SOPA protest instead of pestering these threads. And of course you are more than welcome to record your own video game review and share it here too, maybe we all can learn from your scenery expertise.
Why bash on people who quit? its their money right? unless of course you're paying for it.
people have their choices, they play what they want, not what you think they want.
Okay I'll answer your logical fallacy with this. Give me $200 million and i can accomplish anything especially when it comes to game design anyday.
Omg dailys, raids, on hard/nightmare.
This game is retarded. This review is horrible.
Of course you are going to get someone who loves mindless gameplay and WOW give a good review of a game based on WOW with star wars theme.
This game is trash, clone of WOW and this review is pretty horrible, this game brings nothing new to the table.
I can't understand how people are hitting 50 in two weeks. I mean, I play a few hours every other night. Now I do take my time and actually read the quest, but hell, I just hit 21 on my Sage and I was in early access. Granted, I'm a casual player, but how many hours a night does one play to get to 50 in two weeks?
Either way, I'm happy I don't have that kinda time. Keeps me happy with all games were others are compaining.. LOL
Well, theres this speed hack...
I joke I joke!
Yeah, that was my impression. The review was shilltastic. Anyone listing "playing the marketplace" as an endgame activity in SWTOR has serious issues. Can't blame someone for not wanting to lose their job I guess, though.
For a game that is really a pretty good journey Illum is very dissapointing. I like flashpoints, pvp instances are enjoyable and am just starting to do operations so it's not like I would say endgame sucks I just find Illum dull.
1) your first comment on Pokket's teeth was shallow. Insecure much?
2) Your stereotyping of females for the purpose of making you appealling among other forum guys suggests that you know much less about women than you think.
3) you type in Comic Sans MS...
I have a 50 (an assassin) and yes, it took me right around 4 weeks to hit due to alt playing. I PVP alot and enjoy it also.. granted, I wish I didn't get stuck in huttball so much.. but I find it enjoyable.
I enjoy the game. I am neither a star wars or a bioware fan.. I don't hate either but I wouldn't buy a product soley based on either name. And I've played a ton of other MMos.. pretty much every major one released. I have capped characters in all of them, usually in not much longer then it took me in swtor. I had my first 60 (the cap at release.. was a hunter) in WOW in about a month, I capped my character in Rift (a Rogue), again in just around 3 weeks, so I don't see the leveling speed in SWTOR as being that bad or that surprising.
Since I hit 50 I've been spending alot of time doing my dailies, running HM and Normal Flashpoints (like the new one) and getting better and cooler looking gear. I also spend alot of time leveling up alts and enjoying thier stories. My second highest is a 35 Mercenary, and I recently made a Jedi Sentinel so I could see some of the Republic side of the story and do some PVPing there since on my server reps are a bit outnumbered.
I have not yet had a single bored moment in SWTOR. Not one. I always have something to do. The great thing about SWTORs PVP is the ability to que from anywhere in the world so I run off and do quests for money and loot all while queing.. when my turn comes up I pop in, pvp, and am returned right back to where I was to resume my quest. Its great actually. Illum open world pvp has also gotten alot better thanks to the recent changes.
I was a fan of WOW when I played, and a fan of Rift, and EQ2 and countless other MMos I've tried. I don't stick with bad MMos. SWTOR does everything they did, just as deeply to me. I don't think "Rift was so much better then this" .. because it wasnt. I can't think of anything Rift did that was outstandingly better enough to of made me miss it now. The same is true of WOW, EQ2, etc. Its a new game. Its been live for a few days past a month now.. and they have already released a ..granted small .. content update. I don't remember Rift or Wow doing that in such a close timeframe.
I hear alot of talk about MAJOR BUGS. What major bugs? Sure I've sene minor ones here and there. No game has ever not had those. Not Wow, not Rift, not any of them. I played both of those at release.. bugs were everywhere. But major game breaking ones? Name some of them. I heard someone say something about disconnects in PVP? I've never been disconnected durring a PVP match because of anything SWTOR side. So what are people even on about?
SWTOR is a well polished, yes themepark.. MMORPG. Its fun to play and draws on alot of past MMO experiences to make it fullfilling. Maybe if you are one of those super hardcore people who only see the goal of playing a MMO as hitting the level cap as fast as possible.. I could see how it would get boring, but honestly.. you are your own victim.. if you power level your way through a new game.. then yes, you deserve to be bored at end game.
Thats the only valid argument against the game I have seen be made that is truthful. Its not made for power gamers. And if thats your demographic, then you were right to unsubscribe. But I think you will find yourself miserable in many more MMos to come since hardcore doesn't seem to be the path the genre is endevoring to pursue just based on what other mmos in the future are saying they plan to offer. *shrugs*
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
No I commend you on the attempted production but these lame industry reviews just seem so awkward and forced. Bleh..