The only thing that would retain me would be meaningful World PvP. This tiny instanced / huttball bs is insulting. It really is.
I wouldn't midn the state of the game if the developers had Indy-like funding. But BioWare had the financial backing to make the ultimate game that appealed to everyone. They didn't do that. They made the most simple MMO I've ever experienced that literally has zero sustain.
It's hard to single out just one thing or a couple.
Generally I just find the game boring both in PvE/PvP and not addictive or immersive. I'm still having a little fun farming WZs but I can't stomach more than an hour/day of that.
Had the game been a hybrid clone of WoW and SWG, instead of just WoW, I surely would've played longer.
I would have liked the game to have more of a sandbox/open world design instead of this streamlined, abusively instanced stuff we have now.
^^This. Exactly how I feel and what I've been doing as well. I log on on my 3rd alt, he's 26 try to quest a bit but it gets old considering I've seen 90% of the side quests already. So I try to run FPs, can't find a group running the specific FP I need. /sigh So I try space battles...that's good for about 5 minutes and then boredom and loneliness set in. Next, I'm left with WZs, which like you said, I can stand for about an hour before I log off.
Game needs more free roam aspects, more sandbox elements as well as more incentives and addictive mechanics. Seriously, what is the point of grinding 60 valor levels if you aren't rewarded for anything at each or every other level? You aren't even rewarded until 60 and even then you have to rely on RNG to get said reward. Pretty bad system if you ask me.
1. I would have liked a design that wasn't creatively bankrupt, with some SIGNIFICANT innovations.
2. I would have liked open world PvP in the vicinity of what they promised, instead of the blatant lie of what's actually there.
3. An engine that could handle more than 12 people in close proximity on a high-end rig.
4. Something other than 100% vertical gear progression as the entirety of the end-game experience.
5. All the voice-over work and presentation of the side-quests should have been dedicated to the class stories instead, and then the side-quests themselves would be presented like the INCREDIBLY bland combat-filler bullshit tasks that they really are.
6. A meaningful Space Combat implementation. Ideally, a free roaming space segment - complete with PvP combat. I can't think of a more obvious avenue of success than this - and any engine should be able to handle ~24-48 ships in proximity with a black starry background and a colorful nebula texture.
7. Responsive combat system.
8. A less complicated/mess gear customization system.
9. Worlds/planets with ambient sounds and a soul - rather than dreary linear open spaces.
10. Weather system and a day/night cycle.
11. A proper "auction house" with up-to-date functionality.
12. Etc.
All of this, plus a more appealing art direction as I think almost everything their art department did is utterly uninspired, uncool, and unattractive.
Star Wars as an MMORPG is just not meant to be a straight up themepark. Single player Star Wars games do that already... Star Wars fans want to live in this galaxy far far away. A Themepark/Sandbox hybrid theory should have been worked at early design stages imho.
Honestly, I could go on about how this game is NOT the Star Wars MMORPG I was looking for...
Why do I write, create, fantasize, dream and daydream about other worlds? Because I hate what humanity does with this one.
Meaningful world pvp at every level and on every world.
That implies a few things:
Factions not being so separated by herding them through paralel areas on shared worlds but adding incentives to actually enter enemy territory other than just datacrons.
A small valor or commendation award for kills in your level range regardless of quests or location.
A more severe penalty to dying.
More incentives to be on those worlds at level 50, rather than in instances or picking your nose at the fleet.
Less lethal npc guards in towns and hubs and adding minor raiding incentives to them. (But mechanics should prevent towns and hubs from being "captured" for longer than a reasonably short time).
The problem is this wouldn't work for pve servers so it wil probably never happen. V_V
Yep, agree with the above.
PVP is the deal-breaker for me: world pvp and end-game pvp and warzone pvp is simply not good enough.
After level capping a juggernaut and getting a few alts to the 15-20 range I just couldn't play anymore. Haven't played in about two weeks now.
Questing, levelling and story really are very good, but without some meaningful pvp then WOW is simply more fun pvp-wise.
Btw, I am not some hardcore Darkfall pvper or wow arena junkie; I just like some world pvp from time to time, decent and varied battlegrounds and a sense that I can do all this fairly casually. STWOR offers 99% huttball, a dull pvp grind and almost zero world pvp in any meaningful sense.
A shame really.
I have 9 months worth of timecards, too lol. Will tinker with a few alts a couple of hours a week while those months run down but for now...
...been playing Civ 5, Skyrim and Saints Row the Third instead.
My next mmorpg will be a sandbox one or one with a clear pvp focus.
I am curious what would have kept you (those who quit) paying for a sub with SWTOR. Personally i am sticking with this game until The Secret World is released, maybe longer if things shape up and the game gets better.
There are plenty of issues with SWTOR but i feel they are minor to holding me in game.
If you guys could try and keep this civil and not make it into a flame fest, it would be appreciated, there is a way you can post and not come across as hyped up and angry.
I'm not quitting yet as there is plenty of content, and I like content, but I can imagine what will lead to that if it doesn't change.
the Devs churning out content, voiceovers and cinematics at a rate we can consume is unrealistic. Having more open world, guild oriented, faction oriented, sandboxy, if you will, tools will retain me for the longhaul.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
I may have been able to stick with it despite the huge laundry list of issues had the game been B2P. I enjoyed certain aspects but not enough of them are viable to warrant a monthly fee.
I'm sticking with it. It's not perfect, it needs some work but I am still enjoying it. My only real gripe is the space combat. If only they could bolt on something more freeform and expansive, well, maybe in time but it's not a big of a problem for me to unsub. Have had a week or so when I was really bored of it and was playing other things and generaly thought that was it. But have come back with avengence over the last few weeks.
1. I would have liked a design that wasn't creatively bankrupt, with some SIGNIFICANT innovations.
2. I would have liked open world PvP in the vicinity of what they promised, instead of the blatant lie of what's actually there.
3. An engine that could handle more than 12 people in close proximity on a high-end rig.
4. Something other than 100% vertical gear progression as the entirety of the end-game experience.
5. All the voice-over work and presentation of the side-quests should have been dedicated to the class stories instead, and then the side-quests themselves would be presented like the INCREDIBLY bland combat-filler bullshit tasks that they really are.
6. A meaningful Space Combat implementation. Ideally, a free roaming space segment - complete with PvP combat. I can't think of a more obvious avenue of success than this - and any engine should be able to handle ~24-48 ships in proximity with a black starry background and a colorful nebula texture.
7. Responsive combat system.
8. A less complicated/mess gear customization system.
9. Worlds/planets with ambient sounds and a soul - rather than dreary linear open spaces.
10. Weather system and a day/night cycle.
11. A proper "auction house" with up-to-date functionality.
12. Etc.
All the above along with....
The ingame graphics that were advertised on the offical site and every developer video that Bioware claimed to be a UI bug until almost a month after launch when they told the truth about the game engine not being able to handle it.
The worst designed armor sets in any MMO to date.
The most boring combat encounters of any MMO to date.
As others have posted above, its not any one thing that makes SWTOR a failure, just so many little ones.
More sandbox features, there are so many planets and sights but you just grind through them to end up visiting 1 planet for world PvP and the fleet which is a carbon copy on each side.
Any kind of sense of exploration, adventure, etc. Since it is a story driven game the story basically ends and the end game is a RNG grind with little variety.
Themeparks in general are not built for retention in my opinion.
Pretty much everything thats been said already, i got a BH to 43 in my 3rd week, would log on try and do some quests, get bored, que for WZ's get bored, go to fleet try finding a group for a FP and get bored waiting..
More open worlds where both sides are together, in my time leveling to 43 i think the only rebs i bumped into was all of 3-4 and the first was not till late 30s and that to me is really really lame. The worlds just feel dead, you hardly see anyone even your own faction, the maps are to enclosed, it just didnt feel alive to me at all.
Really sad becasue it could have been such a good game, im nether a themepark or sandbox guy i like abit of both but for the life of me i can not understand why devs cant see whats sitting right infront of there face when it comes to some sandbox elements in a game, this is star WARS, there should have been more war - territory control or some sort can keep people playing your game for years if its setup right and the best thing is once its setup theres no need for more dev time.
Edit: Also having a game look like it is in the screenshots and vids would be nice, a game engine that runs ALOT better and skills that work when i hit the button when i need them lol.
I got invited to the closed beta, and played only a couple of weeks. Then quit. I didn't even want to play it when it was free! I figure, like all MMO's, that I'll revisit in a year or so, the game might have changed.
What stopped me was the complete lack of immersion. I like to "live in a virtual world", playing a role that I pick. I want an open, virtual, living world to play in. Doesn't have to be sandbox. The two specific problems that stopped me were:
1) the worlds appeared to be dead. No living creatures, no wind, no weather, no seasons, no NPC's living in the world. Dead.
2) crafting. Once, I got backed into a corner, and couldn't move more than a couple feet without getting attacked. What to do? I know! Send out my henchman to magically get past the enemies 3 feet away, to do some crafting! Complete and utter lack of realism or immersion.
SWTOR looks like a pretty good single-player game like the other BioWare titles, and I'll approach it that way. Not as an MMO to role-play in a cool world, but as a single-player story game, to play, finish, and discard.
More smuggling and flying around in my freighter would have kept me more interested.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Im still playing but there are some issues that dont appear to be easily fixable.
The world design is horrible. Walled in rat race mazes would best explain the zone designs. If you want to explore you had better enjoy Hoth and Tatooine...thats extent of the somewhat open worlds.
The classes arent very distinct, likely for pvp reasons.
This game makes WoW feel like a sandbox. Ultra linear and there is no feeling of being in a living breathing Stars Wars universe.
Not sure how much longer people can stay subbed, the replayability factor is very low due to the lack of sandbox elements.
I do like the many different tiers of mobs, companions and the ephasis on duo/small group content.
I quit but i am going to return whenever i feel like some kotor? It's literally that simple. There is really nothing more they could do to retain me as they can't turn it into an excellent mmo over night, but they have done enough to keep me coming back ever now and then.
I'm skeptical of whether it will truly ever be an mmo as allot of people are pretty satisfied with this concept of single player game on co-op steroids. SO... do they try and please the mmo'ist? or please their loyal single player crowd.
If i was Bioware I'd focus on the single player crowd whom will most likely make the larger portion of their devoted sub's and those who like to co-op with family of friends. This isn't going to ever please mmo player's, it's a completely different craving and they ain't going to get that fix with this one.
If peeps thought this was going to be the next mmo for them and are only now realizing it's 8 single player stories then Yes, i can understand why your quitting, if you knew going in that it's Bioware aka best single player story telling company of all time then you'd approach it differently, like i have.
To me it is this "I'm forced to a pay a sub to play a single player game." OK, i get it EA you've discovered a way to soak people even more, good for you. How often I'll bother to sub is another matter all together though.
I am still playing but starting to feel the ware. Basically I want to try the other class quests but really do not feel like grinding through the same worlds over again to do it.
Only one change do I request before I return and subscribe:
Close ALL the loopholes that are allowing non-consensual PvP on the PvE servers.
All the loopholes, the "AOE" one, the "tag the mob that gets targetted by other faction" one, all of them.
Many player that choose to play on PvE servers on ANY MMO choose to do so to avoid all PvP. I don't care if the SWTOR was made for PvP as well as PvE or not, I purchased SWTOR for the environment, the droids, the Twi'lek Dancers...the PvE content and experience... not PvP.
A rule like the MMO "RIFT" has would be just fine... no PvP on PvE servers unless it is selected in the options. I should be able to stand in the middle of a PvP fight on the high level worlds and watch... but take no damage nor be attacked, nor should I be able to help or harm the PvP players OR THEIR NPC/MOB TARGETS in any way.
If Bioware wants PvP on the PvP servers, or the RP-PVP servers, or the RP servers even... then fine. NOT of the PvE servers.
If Bioware fixes that in accordance with what I put here, then I will return and subscribe. Not until.
Anything less and I will NOT return. Yes I am angry about this issue.
(I don't need chat bubbles, or damge meters, or add-ons, or any of that cheater garbage, I don't need Housing... ship is good enough as long as I can add Crew Quarters to my Corvette..., don't need most of what everyone else is asking for... just the above please.)
It's quite simple really, I don't care about the bugs or unresponsive combat, it's fixable.
Here's a few things I don't like about the game
Linear Linear Linear /yawn
The spacecombat is just an insult to space combat games
Lack of classes (AC's were obviously a quickfix to the lack of classes, without the need to do more voice acting, melee troopers beating up people with their rifle? seriously?)
The space stations, Dromund kass and coruscant should have been the main cities, because they are
Loading screens, honestly how many times do I need to click stuff to land on Hoth and the likes, what an insult
A place like Nar shadaa was a HUGE dissapointment, it could have been great, it is the worst zone eer sorry planet I've ever seen in any mmo
The game has 0 spirit, first mmo I've cancelled this fast, and I've tried some really shitty ones
Voice acting is cool the first 10 levels, then I began to wonder why they did it for every single quest, the class quests and main storyline for each planet is fine, but they could have spent the money on so many other things, that would have made the game worthwhile
Crafting... or lack thereof, I thought WoW dumbed it down to useless levels, but they might aswell just had left it out
Customer service, worst I've ever seen
Maintenance on midday saturday for Europe, talk about not caring one bit
CE stuff, talk about a ripoff, the ingame items are... useless at best
The planets are just plain boring, I have no idea why people claim that exploring is possible, Korriban is the size of a small mall, exploring corridors on Nar shadar? Even the "large" planets like Hoth and Tatooine arent that big tbh, and gg that we can't attack the other side at their main city on tatooine zZzz
I could go on and on and on.
Heck saying what's good is easier, voice acting for class quests, the rest of the game is extremely dissapointing.
They should have made this game, like they're doing with Archeage, the Star wars setting fits it extremely well, instead they made a Single player game experience, with some terrible pvp and buggy dungeons feature
I did cancel, and they can't do anything to get me back, the core part of the "mmo" game is broken beyond repair.
-I'm a busy person... i can log in a couple hours here and there and have a ton of fun
-Easy crafting/gathering
-Instances makes questing easier
-It has everything i need from an MMO.
Game cannot please everyone and i really hope the dev team stays away from this forum. This game would be a disaster if they used this as a source on how to make a good game, better.
Sandbox games are dead... no one plays them because frankly, no one likes to stand there doing nothing. Average players want to be spoon fed.
Only one change do I request before I return and subscribe:
Close ALL the loopholes that are allowing non-consensual PvP on the PvE servers.
Wow... I didn't know there were so many...
The most annoying one(IMO) is intentional, though.
The "using your hour-buff on a flagged player" bit. Once upon a time I was happily flinging 5% endurance boosts at other players like they were rose petals. Now, by the time I check their flag status, we've already run by each other and are out of range. It's not like somebody PvP'ing will have 3 friends of other classes waiting to sneak that extra 5% crit chance or whatever in just when their opponent doesn't expect it... it's not like you're constantly healing the PvP'er under the protection of being un-flagged.
At least give us a "this will flag you for PvP, are you sure?" prompt.
More smuggling and flying around in my freighter would have kept me more interested.
Agree on the last bit, though I plan to stick with TOR for the foreseeable future.
IMO, the best parts of your class story are those times when it stops following the world story, and has you traveling around the galaxy doing stuff. I find myself way more engaged during those times, in no small part because I don't have a world story and 2-3 sidequests plus a stage-based set of bonus missions plus standard bonus missions to keep track of and sort out.
The more often it would break off on its own from the world quests(and the world, for that matter), the better.
Though that invites another problem to get bigger, namely the loadscreens, and the pointless running through the hangar/ starport over and over. It goes from adding "bigness" to the world to being downright obnoxious, at times.
The only thing that would retain me would be meaningful World PvP. This tiny instanced / huttball bs is insulting. It really is.
I wouldn't midn the state of the game if the developers had Indy-like funding. But BioWare had the financial backing to make the ultimate game that appealed to everyone. They didn't do that. They made the most simple MMO I've ever experienced that literally has zero sustain.
^^This. Exactly how I feel and what I've been doing as well. I log on on my 3rd alt, he's 26 try to quest a bit but it gets old considering I've seen 90% of the side quests already. So I try to run FPs, can't find a group running the specific FP I need. /sigh So I try space battles...that's good for about 5 minutes and then boredom and loneliness set in. Next, I'm left with WZs, which like you said, I can stand for about an hour before I log off.
Game needs more free roam aspects, more sandbox elements as well as more incentives and addictive mechanics. Seriously, what is the point of grinding 60 valor levels if you aren't rewarded for anything at each or every other level? You aren't even rewarded until 60 and even then you have to rely on RNG to get said reward. Pretty bad system if you ask me.
All of this, plus a more appealing art direction as I think almost everything their art department did is utterly uninspired, uncool, and unattractive.
Star Wars as an MMORPG is just not meant to be a straight up themepark. Single player Star Wars games do that already... Star Wars fans want to live in this galaxy far far away. A Themepark/Sandbox hybrid theory should have been worked at early design stages imho.
Honestly, I could go on about how this game is NOT the Star Wars MMORPG I was looking for...
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
Yep, agree with the above.
PVP is the deal-breaker for me: world pvp and end-game pvp and warzone pvp is simply not good enough.
After level capping a juggernaut and getting a few alts to the 15-20 range I just couldn't play anymore. Haven't played in about two weeks now.
Questing, levelling and story really are very good, but without some meaningful pvp then WOW is simply more fun pvp-wise.
Btw, I am not some hardcore Darkfall pvper or wow arena junkie; I just like some world pvp from time to time, decent and varied battlegrounds and a sense that I can do all this fairly casually. STWOR offers 99% huttball, a dull pvp grind and almost zero world pvp in any meaningful sense.
A shame really.
I have 9 months worth of timecards, too lol. Will tinker with a few alts a couple of hours a week while those months run down but for now...
...been playing Civ 5, Skyrim and Saints Row the Third instead.
My next mmorpg will be a sandbox one or one with a clear pvp focus.
I'm not quitting yet as there is plenty of content, and I like content, but I can imagine what will lead to that if it doesn't change.
the Devs churning out content, voiceovers and cinematics at a rate we can consume is unrealistic. Having more open world, guild oriented, faction oriented, sandboxy, if you will, tools will retain me for the longhaul.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
I may have been able to stick with it despite the huge laundry list of issues had the game been B2P. I enjoyed certain aspects but not enough of them are viable to warrant a monthly fee.
I'm sticking with it. It's not perfect, it needs some work but I am still enjoying it. My only real gripe is the space combat. If only they could bolt on something more freeform and expansive, well, maybe in time but it's not a big of a problem for me to unsub. Have had a week or so when I was really bored of it and was playing other things and generaly thought that was it. But have come back with avengence over the last few weeks.
open free roaming space flight/combat. even if combat was restricted to the outer edges of the galaxy i would be fine with that.
open worlds instead of this rat maze instances full of unscalable walls.
original classes, insted of copy/paste from WoW.
high rez textures.
meaningful pvp with a few worlds dedicated to group objectives and territory control.
All the above along with....
The ingame graphics that were advertised on the offical site and every developer video that Bioware claimed to be a UI bug until almost a month after launch when they told the truth about the game engine not being able to handle it.
The worst designed armor sets in any MMO to date.
The most boring combat encounters of any MMO to date.
As others have posted above, its not any one thing that makes SWTOR a failure, just so many little ones.
The boring and repetitive combat
uninteresting skill trees.
Lack of balance between classes and roles.
More sandbox features, there are so many planets and sights but you just grind through them to end up visiting 1 planet for world PvP and the fleet which is a carbon copy on each side.
Any kind of sense of exploration, adventure, etc. Since it is a story driven game the story basically ends and the end game is a RNG grind with little variety.
Themeparks in general are not built for retention in my opinion.
Pretty much everything thats been said already, i got a BH to 43 in my 3rd week, would log on try and do some quests, get bored, que for WZ's get bored, go to fleet try finding a group for a FP and get bored waiting..
More open worlds where both sides are together, in my time leveling to 43 i think the only rebs i bumped into was all of 3-4 and the first was not till late 30s and that to me is really really lame. The worlds just feel dead, you hardly see anyone even your own faction, the maps are to enclosed, it just didnt feel alive to me at all.
Really sad becasue it could have been such a good game, im nether a themepark or sandbox guy i like abit of both but for the life of me i can not understand why devs cant see whats sitting right infront of there face when it comes to some sandbox elements in a game, this is star WARS, there should have been more war - territory control or some sort can keep people playing your game for years if its setup right and the best thing is once its setup theres no need for more dev time.
Edit: Also having a game look like it is in the screenshots and vids would be nice, a game engine that runs ALOT better and skills that work when i hit the button when i need them lol.
I got invited to the closed beta, and played only a couple of weeks. Then quit. I didn't even want to play it when it was free! I figure, like all MMO's, that I'll revisit in a year or so, the game might have changed.
What stopped me was the complete lack of immersion. I like to "live in a virtual world", playing a role that I pick. I want an open, virtual, living world to play in. Doesn't have to be sandbox. The two specific problems that stopped me were:
1) the worlds appeared to be dead. No living creatures, no wind, no weather, no seasons, no NPC's living in the world. Dead.
2) crafting. Once, I got backed into a corner, and couldn't move more than a couple feet without getting attacked. What to do? I know! Send out my henchman to magically get past the enemies 3 feet away, to do some crafting! Complete and utter lack of realism or immersion.
SWTOR looks like a pretty good single-player game like the other BioWare titles, and I'll approach it that way. Not as an MMO to role-play in a cool world, but as a single-player story game, to play, finish, and discard.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
Combat was boring and repetitive.
More smuggling and flying around in my freighter would have kept me more interested.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
The world design is horrible. Walled in rat race mazes would best explain the zone designs. If you want to explore you had better enjoy Hoth and Tatooine...thats extent of the somewhat open worlds.
The classes arent very distinct, likely for pvp reasons.
This game makes WoW feel like a sandbox. Ultra linear and there is no feeling of being in a living breathing Stars Wars universe.
Not sure how much longer people can stay subbed, the replayability factor is very low due to the lack of sandbox elements.
I do like the many different tiers of mobs, companions and the ephasis on duo/small group content.
I quit but i am going to return whenever i feel like some kotor? It's literally that simple. There is really nothing more they could do to retain me as they can't turn it into an excellent mmo over night, but they have done enough to keep me coming back ever now and then.
I'm skeptical of whether it will truly ever be an mmo as allot of people are pretty satisfied with this concept of single player game on co-op steroids. SO... do they try and please the mmo'ist? or please their loyal single player crowd.
If i was Bioware I'd focus on the single player crowd whom will most likely make the larger portion of their devoted sub's and those who like to co-op with family of friends. This isn't going to ever please mmo player's, it's a completely different craving and they ain't going to get that fix with this one.
If peeps thought this was going to be the next mmo for them and are only now realizing it's 8 single player stories then Yes, i can understand why your quitting, if you knew going in that it's Bioware aka best single player story telling company of all time then you'd approach it differently, like i have.
To me it is this "I'm forced to a pay a sub to play a single player game." OK, i get it EA you've discovered a way to soak people even more, good for you. How often I'll bother to sub is another matter all together though.
I am still playing but starting to feel the ware. Basically I want to try the other class quests but really do not feel like grinding through the same worlds over again to do it.
Less planets. They should have just made 5 big planets to keep the player base tighter. Player base is way too spread out.
Less ability lag
Chat bubbles
Combat log
Dual speccing within AC
If they had those on launch I would have stuck around.
Only one change do I request before I return and subscribe:
Close ALL the loopholes that are allowing non-consensual PvP on the PvE servers.
All the loopholes, the "AOE" one, the "tag the mob that gets targetted by other faction" one, all of them.
Many player that choose to play on PvE servers on ANY MMO choose to do so to avoid all PvP. I don't care if the SWTOR was made for PvP as well as PvE or not, I purchased SWTOR for the environment, the droids, the Twi'lek Dancers...the PvE content and experience... not PvP.
A rule like the MMO "RIFT" has would be just fine... no PvP on PvE servers unless it is selected in the options. I should be able to stand in the middle of a PvP fight on the high level worlds and watch... but take no damage nor be attacked, nor should I be able to help or harm the PvP players OR THEIR NPC/MOB TARGETS in any way.
If Bioware wants PvP on the PvP servers, or the RP-PVP servers, or the RP servers even... then fine. NOT of the PvE servers.
If Bioware fixes that in accordance with what I put here, then I will return and subscribe. Not until.
Anything less and I will NOT return. Yes I am angry about this issue.
(I don't need chat bubbles, or damge meters, or add-ons, or any of that cheater garbage, I don't need Housing... ship is good enough as long as I can add Crew Quarters to my Corvette..., don't need most of what everyone else is asking for... just the above please.)
Not doing maintenance on a Saturday
Star Trek Online - Best Free MMORPG of 2012
It's quite simple really, I don't care about the bugs or unresponsive combat, it's fixable.
Here's a few things I don't like about the game
Linear Linear Linear /yawn
The spacecombat is just an insult to space combat games
Lack of classes (AC's were obviously a quickfix to the lack of classes, without the need to do more voice acting, melee troopers beating up people with their rifle? seriously?)
The space stations, Dromund kass and coruscant should have been the main cities, because they are
Loading screens, honestly how many times do I need to click stuff to land on Hoth and the likes, what an insult
A place like Nar shadaa was a HUGE dissapointment, it could have been great, it is the worst zone eer sorry planet I've ever seen in any mmo
The game has 0 spirit, first mmo I've cancelled this fast, and I've tried some really shitty ones
Voice acting is cool the first 10 levels, then I began to wonder why they did it for every single quest, the class quests and main storyline for each planet is fine, but they could have spent the money on so many other things, that would have made the game worthwhile
Crafting... or lack thereof, I thought WoW dumbed it down to useless levels, but they might aswell just had left it out
Customer service, worst I've ever seen
Maintenance on midday saturday for Europe, talk about not caring one bit
CE stuff, talk about a ripoff, the ingame items are... useless at best
The planets are just plain boring, I have no idea why people claim that exploring is possible, Korriban is the size of a small mall, exploring corridors on Nar shadar? Even the "large" planets like Hoth and Tatooine arent that big tbh, and gg that we can't attack the other side at their main city on tatooine zZzz
I could go on and on and on.
Heck saying what's good is easier, voice acting for class quests, the rest of the game is extremely dissapointing.
They should have made this game, like they're doing with Archeage, the Star wars setting fits it extremely well, instead they made a Single player game experience, with some terrible pvp and buggy dungeons feature
I did cancel, and they can't do anything to get me back, the core part of the "mmo" game is broken beyond repair.
I'll keep playing for several reasons:
-Story line
-Clean interface
-Entertaining PVP
-Game works nicely on my 3yo macbook pro
-I'm a busy person... i can log in a couple hours here and there and have a ton of fun
-Easy crafting/gathering
-Instances makes questing easier
-It has everything i need from an MMO.
Game cannot please everyone and i really hope the dev team stays away from this forum. This game would be a disaster if they used this as a source on how to make a good game, better.
Sandbox games are dead... no one plays them because frankly, no one likes to stand there doing nothing. Average players want to be spoon fed.
Wow... I didn't know there were so many...
The most annoying one(IMO) is intentional, though.
The "using your hour-buff on a flagged player" bit. Once upon a time I was happily flinging 5% endurance boosts at other players like they were rose petals. Now, by the time I check their flag status, we've already run by each other and are out of range. It's not like somebody PvP'ing will have 3 friends of other classes waiting to sneak that extra 5% crit chance or whatever in just when their opponent doesn't expect it... it's not like you're constantly healing the PvP'er under the protection of being un-flagged.
At least give us a "this will flag you for PvP, are you sure?" prompt.
Agree on the last bit, though I plan to stick with TOR for the foreseeable future.
IMO, the best parts of your class story are those times when it stops following the world story, and has you traveling around the galaxy doing stuff. I find myself way more engaged during those times, in no small part because I don't have a world story and 2-3 sidequests plus a stage-based set of bonus missions plus standard bonus missions to keep track of and sort out.
The more often it would break off on its own from the world quests(and the world, for that matter), the better.
Though that invites another problem to get bigger, namely the loadscreens, and the pointless running through the hangar/ starport over and over. It goes from adding "bigness" to the world to being downright obnoxious, at times.
Played - M59, EQOA, EQ, EQ2, PS, SWG[Favorite], DAoC, UO, RS, MXO, CoH/CoV, TR, FFXI, FoM, WoW, Eve, Rift, SWTOR, TSW.
Playing - PS2, AoW, GW2