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The official World of Warcraft Twitter has been updated with the announcement that a press tour event for Mists of Pandaria will occur in mid-March and will yield tons of new information about the forthcoming expansion.
Invites going out for Mists of #Pandaria press tour March 13-15. The mists shall part as the seasons turn, and new infos shall be revealed.
What are you looking forward to hearing about after the event? Let us know!
I think the think that bugs me more about the expansion is not the pandas.. but the whole asian theme. Just never been a fan of it in any game. Played the starting area at Blizzcon and was just meh.
"we love China (cash)"
i love the chinese theme and te panda's i could even live with.....but the wow community i cant stand anymore....too was a good game.
I love the theme and the changes, shame I quit wow never to return :<
<Welcome to my world>
lol look at that screenshot.
Exactly. I had enough of chinese culture and themes in mmos. That's my issue with this expansion, not the pandas itself.
I always liked warcraft because of it medieval western fantasy tropes mixed with high fantasy. This just ruins warcarft for me and am sad to see a whole expansion dedicated to this and therefore the road the warcarft takes.
So very true, the community at large is so terrible.
I personally haven't been burnt out on asian mmos yet so that's not an issue at least, I think it looks great aesthetically.
<Welcome to my world>
I think it's going to be awesome. I know people hate the pandas, I like the idea, plus the asian themed environments and armors will be cool.
If blizzard thinks this is going to generate a lot of new interest in Wow, I believe they are sadly mistaken. Cataclysm was so poorly done, I just do not have any hope this one will be any better and they are rushing this one.
The great one has spoken! I believe you think you know better than a whole company.
looking forward to the Bard class reveal and well public quests and whatever Blizzard will emmulate from GW2 worked taking stuff from other games and will do GW2 stuff pretty well i think
We'll be in attendance, and I personally can't wait to see what they've been hiding since BlizzCon. I suspect it'll be world PVP related, but then again I'm just wishfully thinking. Metzen really hinted at the clashing of the two factions again, so I hope they give us the old Tarren Mill feel once more.
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I don't know. I'm still shocked that the Blizzard team has chosen this Panda theme. It's literally so silly that I had thought it was a joke at first.
This honestly seems like a cheap way to gain more of the Asian market. I think this will backfire... big time.
about the same time as the start of GW2 beta weekends? i wonder which game will get more *positive* attention
Have fun storming the castle! - Miracle Max
If world PVP was in the focus, I'd think about dust off the old account.
Yeah, same here. I would come back from some good old fashioned world pvp
Yes, especially since 4/5 F2P MMORPGs are Asian themed, we absolutely do not need more of this. Overused and stale, I wonder if the new raid bosses will wield Samurai swords and shout profane Chinese dialogue at how much even they think this is retarded?
And yeah I realize those are two different cultures, that's the joke ;P
WoW is dying, at least in the West, and Blizzard knows it. This is an effort to attract the asian market......which is huge, and milk some more money out of this cash cow.
I mean, just look at that screenshot. Comical.
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom