its good to see people trying to make their own games (im guessing you made this)
Im part of a web based MORPG group who are developing a web based fantasy multiplayer game thingy, although as its web based its only meant for people to play at lunch times at work and things. <- Incase anyones interested (Its still in development and nearing Beta Testing)
I think that people making their own smaller MMORPG style games help give other people ideas of what COULD be in the major MMORPGs.
hmmmmm try these;3976301;;/fileinfo.html
its good to see people trying to make their own games (im guessing you made this)
Im part of a web based MORPG group who are developing a web based fantasy multiplayer game thingy, although as its web based its only meant for people to play at lunch times at work and things. <- Incase anyones interested (Its still in development and nearing Beta Testing)
I think that people making their own smaller MMORPG style games help give other people ideas of what COULD be in the major MMORPGs.