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Well i guess u could say IM just looking for first mmorpg was UO...when it first came out...God i remember how hooked i was...i would play sometimes for 20hrs straight...i had like 3 ashtrays filled with butz a 2 liter of mnt dew and a 5 o'clock shadow me and my friends came 2 call UO beard...well i have played a bunch of mmorpgs after that(ao daoc eq ac ac2 sb ps eb swg tso )...and have yet 2 capture that feeling again...and mind u IM talking about UO when there was no PK penalty...when i would strip naked 2 run from cove 2 get 2 vesper so i can bank my stuff from the cove orc spawn...and there would be Pk' what a rush anyway if u can relate plz post...and if u can offer some words of encouragement that i can get that back plz plz post
L8er sk8er
90% killer
80% socializer
i like 2 get 2 know em be4 i kill em.
90% killer
80% socializer
i like 2 get 2 know em be4 i kill em.
this one time a guy in EQ sold me a slime coated harpoon and a port to Halas for 500pp
i gave him 475
he was grumpy...but took it
i told him to wait while i deposit into the bank...but did he? NO
he ported to to the "forbidden island or some crap" and PKED ME!
omg i was so angry.....well the gm fixed him
So it's story time about UO eh?
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
oh no NO!
don't get gramps started on UO
those where the good ol' dayz...i just wonder if it'll ever be that good again...or atleast close?
90% killer
80% socializer
i like 2 get 2 know em be4 i kill em.
90% killer
80% socializer
i like 2 get 2 know em be4 i kill em.
Omol da'Ox
The Blooded
Omol da'Ox
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
Ahhh!!! I remember the days! Running from Yew to Brittain naked to do trading, hehe.
I LOVED UO... the fact that PKs were the biggest threat was one of the best parts of the game. It was realistic. Now-a-days PKs must ask permission to murder you or atleast give some kind of warning.
The other thing that made UO so great was that there was no levels, so no one knew what kind of character you were or how powerful untill they saw you in action. Also UO had no class system.. you just used the skills that you wanted instead of being stuck to a certain criteria.
In-game chatting was the best in UO, too. You just typed.. no pre-enter pushing required.. and the words popped over your head. Anyone in the screen can see what you said, or you could whisper to keep your words withing a one tile square around you or yell to extend your text for a few screens. I have how games now all seem to have the chatting in some separate window and it looks like a chat room... just doesnt have the feel of an in game conversation like UO did. Also, you never missed what some one said in UO because you were too busy fighting or whatever, because the text is there in the game, not tucked away in some gay box.
I'm currently looking into playing an mmorpg again. I've tried DAoC, which was cool, but didn't have the same feel. It has the chatting in a box and everytime you kill a monster you automatically put your weapon away while other monters are hitting you (gay). Other than that it was pretty awesome... oh, except that you are bound to a certain realm on that server once you create a character, so to play all the race types, you have to delete all you characters or start on another server. Plus non-classless characters is a drag.
Anyways... if anyone knows of an mmorpg that is something close to UO, please let me know!!!
I think its the same whichever MMORPG you played first. You never get that feeling back, well neverquite the same anyhow. All you can hope for is a new feeling of excitement/danger. I keep going back to EQ to get that feeling back but its like trying to relive your real past life, its just not the same the second time round.
My hopes are on Horizons (Not taking anything away from the others coming out) it may be able to create as sense of danger/excitement when fighting for you settlement, against the NPC hordes. Maybe just maybe.
Hoodwink - Half Elf Ranger
Quote:"The Insect Keeper General, sitting astride his giant hovering aphid, surveyed the battlefield which reeked with the stench of decay and resonated with the low drone of the tattered and dying mutant swarms as their legs kicked forlornly at the sky before turning to his master and saying, 'My Lord, your flies are undone.'"
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
I have the exact same feeling for 1,5 years now!!
I read an article about this, actually, and the writer of the article claimed it's like a MMORPG burn-out.. and also that UO was the first real MMORPG experience, and the fact that it was first will never be relived...(which contributed to the overall feeling)
I agree partially.. of course there will be no second 'first'(lol).. but the mmorpg's nowadays really are nothing like uo in the past. The things mentioned on this thread are exactly things I am missing:
Chatting.. it sucks to do ti in windows.. breaks immersion totally. UO ingame convo's were the best, because it really looked like your avatar was speaking.
The supposed content in new MMORPG's: missions/quests .. UGH this is an ugly one. Mainly they are singleplayer experiences in an online world, breaking immersion..boring.. I hate mmorpg with these.
Back when there was only felluca and it was dangerous to go otu UO was good. Many people also whined about the PKs, saying it was unfair they would loose 'all their stuff' .. but that what banks were for.. You had to watch what you were taking on the road.. and hunt with friends.. precautions! revenge on pks. anti-pik guilds.. militia...resistance.. the game had mucho atmosphere and 'quests' were intergrated in the gameplay, players choose their own quest(fight pks off, start a shop.. be best smith)
The sad thing is the MMORPG has so much potential.. so much.. but what developers are doign right now is mainly focussing on graphics and for content they go LOTS of missions/quests, easy interface(oversimplify everything), no penalty for players whatsover in any form(they might get pissed!) etc..
I would like a MMORPG fully 3d, but with an overhead view, though still enough interesting detail in the world -- handcrafted.
with mounts, player housing, pk.. maybe few places(small areas) called 'holy ground' where pks cant come.. etc.. (but not hutning grounds) and this set in medieval/fantasy setting.. futuristic has been boring.
I played UO, EQ, AO, AC1, AC2.. havent tried daoc I must admit.. but I read about some of the problems which discouraged me from buying.
Well can someone answer that question: what is the mmorpg that is closest to UO in terms of experience, and is out right now. Or perhaps in the near future?
I am downloading Neocron right now.. it seems some excitment is in it and its rated highest in the gamelist
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
Original UO = the best this genre will ever get...period
UO after "improvements" = craptacular newbiville
I agree with just about every post in here, I played uo for about 6 years at least half of that were 16 hour a day gaming sessions heheh. I have played just about every mmo put out since uo and haven't been able to get the same feeling I don't think its burn out as much as it is bad games being made.
Some are fun but most lack half the things that made uo great, example daoc had crafting but no player vendors "its no fun sitting around yelling to people that your selling something" at least for me it isn't, also no player housing.
Or say ac2 it has great quests but the skill system sucks ass crafting was fun but again no player vendors etc.
If you look at every game thats out that doesn't have that feeling that uo gave, its missing 1 of the main things that made uo great, I wont list them all its to much work but heres a few.
player run vendors
good crafting system
good pvp system
good skill system
good/fun travel system
fun loot drops/unique items "this comes more from player run shards than osi"
decent quests
A reason to keep playing
all the little things, house deco, board games, picking locked chests in dungeons for neat loot, treasure maps etc etc etc.
You just don't find everything that made uo great in 1 mmo these days you may get 50% of what made uo great but you never get 100% I would have to say at this point the closest to uo would be swg and its still lacking on quite a few of the main things that made uo great, one thing i really like about it thought is if you go overt and run around you can get that old fel feeling, that ach in your gut that you don't know when your going to be attacked by someone, its a great feeling.
Before you do this the first time you may want to do some deep breathing exercises its very exiting at least at first when you haven't felt this in 3 years or so as I hadn't
But anyhow at this point i guess I'm in the same boat as the rest of you guys waiting for something that can compare to uo, right now I'm hoping they fix swg and make it into something great it has a TON of potential but right now its lacking in most respects.
I think what we (we = UO players from beta to when Origin was bought out by EA who ruined it) are looking for is the mythical and dreamed of UO2. A game with the same layout and design of UO in the early days but with state of the art appeal. Until that UO2 comes along well simply keep jumping from title to title searching in vain for that loving feeling. I know I have. I played UO from beta for 3 years. Then I jumped onto EQ for 2 months, back to UO for a while, DAOC for 2 months, AC2 for 2 months, Earth and Beyond for 12 days (it was so bad I didnt even use my free 30 days), and EVE for 1 month.
I dont believe UO being first is the reason for people thinking it is the best. If UO never existed and came out tomorrow, it would rise to the top of the heap in a matter of weeks.
To anyone who knows early UO I need not explain why, but for those who dont:
Chat Seems to be a general consensus that UO has the best chatting feature. In UO 50 people could be around Brit Bank and you could read everything going on, try that in a damn chat window.
Crafting The UO crafting system is simply the most diverse I have seen. This diversity drives the virtual economy because people are constantly buying things they have chosen not to produce themselves and selling items they have. No other major title has been able to incorporate a decent crafting system or player driven economy for that matter. Crafting in EQ, DAOC? Pitiful. Economy in AC2? Pathetic.
Skills over Levels and Classes UO gives everyone 35 - 40 skills to choose from with 700 percentage points to spend. You want to be a Mage who uses a heavy crossbow and wears leather, sure. You want to be a warrior who mixes potions, go right ahead. Thats player individuality. Toss all the Level and Class bullsh*t into the Recycling Bin, then click on Empty Recycle Bin, and dont look back. Leveling is boring. Simple as that. You know what I mean if u can relate to ever saying something like this ok, only 12 more blues and that should do it. Classes destroy player individuality. How can you have a unique character among 10000 players with 8-10 class paths to choose from? You cant.
PvP UO was a bloodstained killing field. Thats what made it great. It kept you interested, on your toes. If you paid attention you were fine, if you didnt then you died. If you are bored in a dungeon, or sitting in a dungeon spawn with 25 other people with nothing to worry about, then something is fundamentally wrong with the game design.
So . Which MMORPG to jump to next
UXO When I first saw they were making this UXO I thought instantly finally, here comes UO2. That idea was soon blown to rat sh*t with the first sentence of an article I read stating this is not a sequel to Ultima Online. I continued to read on about how it was not to incorporate player housing or crafting and how it was to focus on real time combat (with monsters only of course, heaven forbid if someone gets upset from being pkd). Unbelievable, this game isnt even going to stand against garbage like DAOC with that design.
WOW This sounded good, a MMORPG with all the Warcraft lore. Then I starting reading again . And found out that its a class system with a variety of races, pretty run of the mill. Except that the race you choose has no bearing on how efficient your character is at the chosen class. All races are the same. A human warrior is every bit as tough as a tauren one. Not only do classes destroy character individuality from the start, but if races are all the same, god damn.
Horizons - As far as finding that loving feeling, I think the best MMORPG coming out is Horizons. From my reading on the web it seems to be more skill based than levels, has a very flexible class system, incredible crafting design, housing and property, and a huge uncharted world to explore.
Basically it all comes down to player options. Why do you think thousands of people still play UO even though its 6-7 years old? Its graphics are archaic by todays standards. Freedom of action, character individuality, and a powerful player driven economy have kept it on the top of our list in spite of the shinier graphics of other games.
And it's very weird there are virtually no UO 'clones' in terms of gameplay. Developers even don't look at UO and take all good in it and add more.. The come with less and execute it poorly.
Horizons seems the best choice right now, I agree.
I am annoyed, though, that the game industry hasn't tried to be innovating in the mmoprg genre. The only thing they are doing is oversimplying(AC2) so the players don't get frustrated because of the complexity, or penalties for certain actions. While doing this, they also oversimplify content and in the end the 'content' is non existant.
Of course it's one big business, but it's quite weird they don't look well at certainly one of the most succesfull(of not 'the')and longest running MMORPG, Ultima Online.
If they would make a game in 3D, but with same viewpoint(maybe like Neverwinternights, you can change the camera view a bit), with skills.. good monsters, interesting places and dungeons(no generated dungeons and no mission/quests) .. maybe with races... housing.. for crying out loud it would be a smash hit.. Just imagine UO in 3D, but really pretty and atmospheric.. with all new stuff in terms of housing, rideables and crafting.. They could make caves in which you have to swim underwater to get inside.. real mountains you can climb and go higher and higher.. The camera would follow.. real altitude. Really big castles! some mini game systems like darts, or bow contests. small things that would add atmosphere.. Seasons, winter with snow.. autmun with rainy days.. yeesh..One big handcrafted wolrd can be interesting for years...just imagine..
--> what do SWG devs do? generate. You know how boring it is to walk around in SWG, you dont remember any roads, paths, places.. its all the same. ugh.
Now I think of it(fantasize) I really think it would be great. It would be real 3D, but the chatting would keep overview and it would stay immsersive. I am just thinking about it for 2 minutes and I can come up with cool things...
I would kill for a sequel to uo2 like I described...
Its the same with the FPS genre, the developers of Half-life 2 said it: they are dissapointed with how the genre has evolved.. very little! Thats why I like hl2, it seems it really is ambitious, full of creativity..
You guys pretty much covered it all and expressed exactly what i was feeling as well too. The one other thing that i did enjoy in UO is that i did not have to go to the bard and ask him for a quest, i could just go on my own quest on my own time and venture into whatever cave i feel like going to. it wasn't like "If i do this quest i get so and so" it had that exploring feeling where i could just discover an item on my own without being directed to it.
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
Are any of you saying "Horizons looks like the best bet" in beta? Cause I am and I'm not sold on it at all yet... Just letting you know to not get your hopes way up to soon.
You know one part of UO that some folks did complain about but that really MADE the game at times was the free PvP and stealing when you were outside of town. I know that sometimes you'd get ganked just for the sake of getting ganked...but what about the danger aspect? It FORCED you to actually get to KNOW the folks you would go on adventures with. It forced you to be careful and play your character as if you had something to lose. Any more, with current MMORPG's, you can run around all willy nilly, insult folks without fear of reciprocity, wear all your studliest gear when facing a monster you KNOW will probably kill you in the deapths of a dungeon without fear of losing it should you fail...
The PvP aspect was great. I remember mining in the caves north of the Britain graveyard and having to have GM hiding to feel safe. It was awesome to see someone gate it, thrash tail, swipe the ingots and ride off all while standing directly in front of him...hehe.
I used to play a bit of a highwayman at times. I'd actually pretend to help folks in whatever quest they may have undertaken. I'd RP it to the hilt. Then after a while when we had accomplished what it is my new buddy wanted to accomplish...I'd pretty much tell him to hand it all over. If he deadly poisoned war fork would finish him off fairly quickly and I'd take it anyway. WOOHOO!
Man...UO rocked...
UO rocked hard... I can remember doing the same thing... help someone out... and when they are about to die, they would be yelling to heal me... I would PK them, loot everything they had and gate back to my house/town (Vesper).
I loved Vesper, I could run through that town with my eyes closed. I still have my UO 1.0 CD *blows off dust* and my BETA CDs.
I believe UO (and UO BETA) had one of the best looking CDs ever. . . now it's just a machine that does a half ass job putting the labels on...
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
The Beta 3 disks of SWG are very cool indeed. I still have all my UO stuff. I actually bought second age for a friend and have that disk as well. Oh, and the nifty UO3D beta disk is around here somewhere...
As far as UO being ignored by devs and the lack of UO clones, the only way I can rationalize this is that someone, somewhere still holds patents on the innovative conceptual ideas that made UO great. Patents usually last 10 years I think (Im not a lawyer so I could be wrong) so if they were registered in 95-96, well still have a few years before anyone makes anything resembling UO. If thats not the case then I have no idea. A UO2 not only would hold its own but would probably dominate in this increasingly saturated market. If the developers had any kind of market research teams they would realize how much of a cash cow a UO2 would be. Tens of thousands of old UO vets who play other MMORPGs, those that dont play anymore, as well as the current UO subscribers would flock to it instantly.
Me and 2 friends (one of which still plays) who were into UO from beta have been talking about a UO2 for a few years now. Basically what we envision is early UO gameplay with the look of say, best example I can think of, Dungeon Siege. 3-D, overhead angle view down, and of course with the UO chat style.
Horizons looks like the most innovative and impressive title coming out. Read all the FAQs on their main page, it sounds the most promising anyway.
UXO and WOW seem to be following the well beaten path - increased graphics quality, decreased everything else. They devs are striving to cover so much demographic with this rely-on-graphics/oversimplification trend they lose the interest and money of the genres core gamers (the ones that subscribe for years) after a few months.
The UO2 that was being developed a while back looked very interesting (odd...but interseting). EA canned it cause they wanted to put money elsewhere.
Horizons beta is still waiting for a major content update. I'll form my opinion once that's happened.
UO2 is not coming out, and EA bought out Origin. That's when things started to get bad... (I think)
UO:X is EA's new baby. . . and I believe you're wrong about WoW. It's going to made by Blizzard, I've been reading their facts, and it sounds very promissing.
If you think about it, how much can you really change a MMORPG? They are almost all the same, just different graphics and stories. One of the neat things I like about WoW is the crafting and making potions. The idea of working in a lab is pretty neat too.
Nothing can really match UO since it was so very new and unique at its time. . . only time will tell.
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?