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PrideboyPrideboy Member Posts: 26

I think there are alot of things that need to be made clear about this game:

It's not going to be for everyone

It's a Sci-Fi based game, yes there are similarities, but what game doesn’t? You got Nano-Techs (mage/magician/whatever else). You got Meta-Physicists and engineer (pet class) that also do trade-skill stuff and the rest are your dmg classes.

However if your going to be playing alone it's going to take you a long time to level your character, there is 200 levels (220 if you got Shadowlands) and to gain that last level it takes 73,393,900 at level 199 to get to 200 in total you gain 2,137,274,850 from level 1 to 200, so it's no walk in the park as you can see.

Missions and Quests

I've seen tons and tons of people complain about the mission system, so many in fact that they seem to cloud together. Yes, doing missions in Anarchy Online gets boring after awhile, but it's better then doing repeatable quests like is Everquest (1 & 2), City of Heroes (some are repeatable), Star Wars, and World of Warcraft.

One of the biggest things people don't seem to realize about this game is that travel is made EXTREMLY EASY. You have the Grid System which, for the most part, takes you to any town, and there is the Whom-Pah system which, through a series of teleporters, gets you to where you want to go fairly quickly. In all the games previously mentioned, save for CoH, takes hours to travel/complete the quest. Getting a transport is fairly easy seeing as how you just have to have a bare minimum of 5 million credits and camp a store.

Expansion Pack Rundown

Notum Wars - This is for PvPers, as most of you know this was strictly for tower raids, which I think got old after a while

Shadowlands - This was made more for the casual gammer that likes to level up beyond what they currently are. This is where you will gain your faction points and levels beyond level 200.

Alien Invasion - Social pack mainly. This added organization cities and shops as well as Alien perks and of course alien attacks at your cities and even in towns like Old Athens and such.
The Shadowlands
This expansion pack has opened up a more older and more organic side to Rubi-ka . Do you think in a Sci-Fi game they wouldn't include parallel dimensions? If you said no to this you obviously don't know the current story line. We, the human race, or that which resembles that of the Redeemed and was only inevitable that we, the decedents of these ancients, would return to our original home.
I understand not alot of people like this expansion pack, but it is necessary if you want to get to level 220. Also, there is the weapons, armor, and nanos. Such as Tier and Chosen/Faithful armor
Alien Invasion
A little more info:
This expansion opened up alot of weapons that are perfect for any melee profession, but typically for Keeper and Enforcer (if you went the melee route)
Graphics Update
So, all of you want this too look all shiny and pretty huh? Well let's take a look at what that takes:
1. The concept artists have to come up with new textures for EVERYTHING from towns, armor, weapons, to character and NPC textures.
2. The 3d modeler has to take the new concepts and give them motion and such.
3. The programmers have to take time out of the things they are working on already (the updates everyone complains about....ect.) and make sure everything works as best it can then send it off to the Test Server, Making more work for the bug hunter ARKs and making sure that something else that already exists isn't broken.
There are probably other things I have forgotten about in this process, but while this is all going on they may or nay not have to take the live servers down.
Outcome: So, now you have a new shiny graphics system.....and you say you can't play AO now? Well upgrade your system. You don't have the money? Tough luck you’re the one that wanted this update now you have to deal with it.
That is exactly what will happen if Funcom does what I see complained about almost once a week on these forums.....I don't even bother looking at the game forums...their probably worse.
I have played Anarchy Online for four years; HOWEVER, I am by no means a fan boy. I simply keep my mouth shut and am glad Anarchy Online works on my Dell Inspiron 2600. I have had my share of problems too with City of Heroes, but you don't see me sitting there bashing the game into the ground.
The point is this: Shut up, sit down, and be glad you can play. Don't like a game? Make your own! Not possable? Like hell it's not, make some friends, get the staff you need and come up with a concept. Note that, like your programmers, you as lead, might get as much sleep as your programmers.


  • grimbojgrimboj Member Posts: 2,102

    Originally posted by Prideboy
    Yes, doing missions in Anarchy Online gets boring after awhile

    You just said the games boring? Your argument is bit thin :P

    Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL

  • PrideboyPrideboy Member Posts: 26

    Originally posted by grimboj

    Originally posted by Prideboy
    Yes, doing missions in Anarchy Online gets boring after awhile

    You just said the games boring? Your argument is bit thin :P

    If all you do is missions from level one to level 200 then it can be. Meaning, no orginization stuff, no socalizing, just missions.....which I think alot of people do and that's why they hate the game.
  • PuoltryPuoltry Member Posts: 956

    The fact of the matter is that the mission system is the CORE of the game especially for the new players.This is where they get armor and weapons.Funcom chose only to make cosmetic changes at best for this aspect of the game.

    They chose expansions over everything else.Go into the clan capital city of Tir and you see a ghost town.IMHO when notum wars was released it had its focus on PvP that meant something.Now its just another game that has a instanced based mission system.If Funcom had focused on land control and PvP it would have been a better game by now.

    They should change the name of the game simply because it has NO anarchy at all.It is the most controlled game besides EQ on the market.Sure it broke new ground when it was released but even City of Heroes is a better game than AO now.

    Want to ENJOY an mmo?

    Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.

    Just play the damn game:)

  • IvanRashnuIvanRashnu Member Posts: 178

    Anarchy Online could have been the best game in science-fiction genre by now. It was an innovative idea to create an elaborate science-fiction MMORPG, it stood out very well anyway. But they're unable to maintain it, now we have people who were dedicated players at its first years critizing the game. Funcom gets famous for its mistakes. Anarchy Online as it was said lost their meaning a long time ago, now it's nothing except level grind. It's sad to see neither idea of science-fiction MMORPG nor an elaborate game like this don't deserve this fate. It's just sad to see...

    Additionally, most defects are not being dealt with. There are many issues in Anarchy Online which shouldn't exist in a solid MMORPG, but they're in Anarchy Online and although they're reported and also posted in Anarchy Online official forums, they've still existed. I really wonder what the hell Funcom care about. It's obvious to see they don't care about their customers. These defects are well known even by Funcom. Now they're making game free instead of solving problems. Hopefully their customer pleasent importance will click on their mind, and they will do something to move forward.


  • pirrgpirrg Member Posts: 1,443

    doing missions in AO is quite possibly the most boring activity one could engage in. At least missions in eq2 and wow have some structure to them, a backstory and even followup missions in some cases.

    Missions in AO are basically go to waypoint (yes you actually get a waypoints) kill <insert random mob> in instanced dungeon, rinse and repeat. Hell even SWG's outdated system is better, at least those missions arent instanced.

    Comparing AO missions to WoW missions is borderline insanity though and leaves me to think you have never played WoW to begin with. You claim you arent a fanboy yet your thin and in some cases violently retarded arguments are those of a delusional fanboy.

    I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.

  • PrideboyPrideboy Member Posts: 26

    Originally posted by pirrg

    Comparing AO missions to WoW missions is borderline insanity though and leaves me to think you have never played WoW to begin with.

    Seeing as how I watch G4, probably not the best thing tosay around here but hey. Anyways seeing as how I watch that channel, I know all I need to know about Wow, for instance

    "There is a Link counterpart in Marshal’s Refuge named Linken, whom you’ll be helping find his lost memories. This quest has you trekking all over Azeroth completing a chain of 13 tasks."

    And not to forget this quest

    Head to Sal-deans’ Farm in Westfall and find a chicken. To unlock the secret you have to do the “Chicken Dance” for the chicken about a hundred times. Set up a macro to enter the command easily--bring up Options, select Macros, choose the icon you want and enter the command "/chicken". Then put the icon in an action bar.

    Soon you’ll see the message, “Chicken looks at you quizzically. Maybe you should inspect it?” Accept the quest and purchase the special chicken feed from Farmer Saldean. Return to the chicken and type "/cheer" before feeding the chicken. Do this right and the chicken will lay an egg. This egg is your new pet, a prairie chicken.

    Now running around for hours on end or doing the chicken dance might sound like alot of fun to you Wow fanboys (who can make a lvl 60 char in a day) but to me. Grabing a mission from a terminal, and heading right there....KNOWING where to go just sounds alot funner then spending half my day just trying to get to where I need to go to find item x and perhaps end up dieing along the way.

  • PrideboyPrideboy Member Posts: 26

    Originally posted by pirrg

    You claim you arent a fanboy yet your thin and in some cases violently retarded arguments are those of a delusional fanboy.

    Ok, if you want to call me pointing out somethings about the game an argrument, then act like an adult and start having a proper agument with me, rather then insulting me like a child. Just because your hunders of miles away from me, don't mean you have the right to insult my intellegents or my state of mind.

    As I said in my previous post yeah, the game has problems. What MMO doesn't have bugs of some sort ? Are you a programer pirrg ? what do you know about coding anything ?

    I'm just glad the game can freakin work on my system. If every single MMO followed up on every little complaint do you realize how backloged the programers would get ? Do any of you realize ?

    No, you don't.

    So, pirrg, do you want to have a proper argument ? Do you want to tell me where the thin and erm, as you say, violently retarted arguments are.

    As Wikipedia states:

    fanboys are attributed with a sycophantic devotion to the creators and principles behind a work they are currently enthralled by, but will quickly move their attention elsewhere once something better or just newer comes along.

    I do not have a sycophantic devotion to FunCom, nor have I moved my attetion to SWG, WoW, or EQ2

    I do not own every gmae they came out with. I do not own any memorabelia that they may have made.

    I enjoy playing a game, besides with Conan comming out, which everyone will just jump on that and bash it because it's from FunCom, I don't see them keeping AO around much longer and that's just fine with me....

  • IvanRashnuIvanRashnu Member Posts: 178

    Originally posted by Prideboy
    Originally posted by pirrg
    Comparing AO missions to WoW missions is borderline insanity though and leaves me to think you have never played WoW to begin with.
    Seeing as how I watch G4, probably not the best thing tosay around here but hey. Anyways seeing as how I watch that channel, I know all I need to know about Wow, for instance
    "There is a Link counterpart in Marshal’s Refuge named Linken, whom you’ll be helping find his lost memories. This quest has you trekking all over Azeroth completing a chain of 13 tasks."
    And not to forget this quest
    Head to Sal-deans’ Farm in Westfall and find a chicken. To unlock the secret you have to do the “Chicken Dance” for the chicken about a hundred times. Set up a macro to enter the command easily--bring up Options, select Macros, choose the icon you want and enter the command "/chicken". Then put the icon in an action bar. Soon you’ll see the message, “Chicken looks at you quizzically. Maybe you should inspect it?” Accept the quest and purchase the special chicken feed from Farmer Saldean. Return to the chicken and type "/cheer" before feeding the chicken. Do this right and the chicken will lay an egg. This egg is your new pet, a prairie chicken.

    Is there really such a quest in World of Warcraft which wastes my half a day for an egg only? Oh my God, LOL


  • lotsotechlotsotech Member Posts: 1

    [quote]Originally posted by IvanRashnu

    Is there really such a quest in World of Warcraft which wastes my half a day for an egg only? Oh my God, LOL[/b][/quote]

    Like most things you hear on the web it's BS. Linken's Quest and the chicken quest are hard to find side quests. Linken's Quest is pretty long and takes you all over the place. The chicken quest takes about 2 minutes of clucking. It's funny to do and since most players don't know about it they think you're nuts. Having said that I like the randomness of AO quests, but they're pretty generic since they're not pre-scripted. In WoW you have to choose the opposite side to get new quests (though there are tons regardless) and at the same time the quests follow one another so there's an overarching plot. On the other hand everyone else is doing the same quests so you're not doing anything special.

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