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Remember this short ME trailer? ?
Having to decline helping an SOS to go on a mission of importance... a heavy decision to make... As far as I can tell, this never actually occured in game but I would LOVE if ME3 were made so that at any given time, you had several places you were needed in the galaxy...
However, you can't be everywhere... and you can't save everyone.
Let's say you get an SOS from a human colony (A), and a Turian Military outpost. You know you need the military firepower of the Turians, but perhaps they could survive their perils while the human colony is next to defenseless. Which do you aid? The Turians who you need to win the war, or the humans who will certainly die without y ou?
I want those impactful, emotionally difficult decisions. Perhaps you choose to save the human colony in one game, and the Turians manage to survive... but in another game, the Turians lose... so there's a chance of things going either way in conflicts you chose to pass up on...
There were a few times where I felt I had to make a tough decision such as determining which crew member would stay behind to die in the first game, however I agree that they need to greatly improve upon this. Even with that decision in the first game, I didn't really have to struggle too much considering I never used Kaidan and Ashley was my love interest.
Now if I had to choose between Ashley and Tali or Tali and Miranda I'd be a lot more torn. I guess as a male I just don't really get emotionally attached to other male characters (with the exception of Alistair from DA). So basically, these need to give us decisions that may lead to the deaths of hot female characters that have a lot of personality and are a little vulnerable.
As much as I'd hate to make these kinds of decisions I know I'd much more appreciate the game for them.
To be honest it was a no brainer for me. I chose to sacrifice Ashley on my second playthrough because you can't pursue a romantic relationship with Miranda otherwise
Tough decisions are always cool. In real life not really but in a game? Why not...
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
I actually sacrificed Ashley because I thought she was racist and blinded by her faith. Didn't need that on my crew *shrug*. I also just felt Kaidan was the better, more collected and reliable soldier.
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
I haven't actually played Mass Effect but I am looking forward to ME3. I heard about it but never really got into it but being able to choose your decisions really puts you more into the game as to say others like Halo etc.
However I did watch the gameplay trailer for ME3 and it didn't seem that fun. The bullets shooting at the alien enemies looked somewhat cheesy to me. Didn't even seem like bullets and seemed more like a taser. Is the action as fun as the decisions? Or does it lack in that department?
So far, I'm not 100% sold on the gameplay for ME3 (only having played the demo) but that's mostly because the SPACEBAR governs: Sprint, Take Cover, Hurdle low obstacles, roll.
It takes some getting used to and as a shooter, sometimes the hitboxes are perhaps a bit off but overall it's decent. On PC it does feel a bit like it was designed with a console in mind. It's still playable and can be fun, but it can also be a tad frustrating.
ME2, so far, I found superior overall. The begining of ME2 is one of the most epic game beginings ever. 3 didn't feel as epic to me, even though I feel like it SHOULD have. It just wasn't as emotionally impactful for me. The few choices you can make in the demo don't matter at all - your character essentially says the exact same thing in two slightly different ways. Hopefully ME3 will have some truly great choices that really affect your story experience.
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
The guns do not fire bullets. They fire very thin and sharp shreds of metal at incredibly high speeds (much faster than bullets). It's in the lore.
ME1 took the lore somewhat seriously and a lot was designed with it in mind. As they progressed to ME2 and now ME3, they dropped too much of that for action and standard shooting conventions.
While in ME1, ammo was a thing of the past (even lore wise), in ME2 and ME3, it's a big issue trying to find some on the fields.
ME1 is my favorite as it was almost a perfect blend of RPG and shooting mechanics (imo), but I think more people enjoyed the series more as they emphasized the shooting mechanics above the RPG ones.
So if you like shooters and all that jazz, yeah, give ME2 a try. It's a max of $20 now, anyways. Better than spending $60 on ME3 first and find you don't really like it.
ME1 was an awesome story and a pretty good game.
ME2 was awesome game and a pretty typical story.
ME3... we'll see. I do like the MP co-op stuff... it's entertaining and done well. I'm a bit on edge about the RPG. I wasn't blown away by the demo - but some parts were done well... others, seemed off.
**Spoilers ahead if you havent seen the opening, don't read please.**
Ok wha???, you have an entire reaper invasion hitting earth, then they blow up the room with shepard and the human military board killing the leadership right in front of you. Then you got out on the rim of the building trying to flee for your life with massive reapers in the background leveling buildings with one just a few blocks away. Then as your moving toward the dock area the reaper destorys a ship and the shockwave from the blast destroys the building you were walking on. On the dock you are saved by the normandy and then the iconic panning of the name of the ship as it comes in to pick you up....not to mention the scene where the kid's transport getting destroyed by the reaper.
Your telling me that entire opening sequence wasn't emotional in any way for you? that whole sequence blew me mind, it gave me the chills the whole way through. The part when shepard knew that the kid was doomed and the gravity of the situation finally hit as the normandy pulled into space I will probably never forget it. I think you need to check your pulse :P.
Duel 1
Lets ROCK!
I know, right? I just didn't care so much for some reason. For some reason, what happened to Shepard in ME2 at the begining, made me 'feel' more. Might have something to do with my slight case of misanthropy...
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
This is one thing that the Mass Effect series never really did right (Don't get me wrong, i love the series but yeah.). I was quite disappointed how many of the things you did in the first game barely got a mention or was completely ignored in the 2nd game. The Witcher did this much better. You felt the consequences of your decisions, and it changed the way the game played. There are only a few major decisions in Mass Effect (Virmire and Saving/Sacrificing the Council, and perhaps Astroid x57 if you count DLC) and Mass Effect 2 (Most of it has to do with gaining loyalty and most of it can be played down if you have a high paragon or renegade score, and of course choosing to give the collector base to cerberus or destroying it). One of my bigger pet peeves about Mass Effect is that it generally punishes you for being renegade and it gets to the point where paragon ends up being the correct option. I mean, it doesn't bother me because i've always played as a paragon (minus using a few renegade interrupts strategically). But yeah, All-in-all, i expect mass effect 3 will have more hard decisions that will have a large impact on galactic readiness but i don't think there is a way to lose completely (Unless you die).
the demo was a PR disaster. if anything, it made people paranoid that ME3 will be another DA2.
before i played the demo, ME3 was a sure and blind buy. lets just say that after playing the demo, i'll wait for a couple of reviews to come out first.
i dont know if it's the people running BW who are slipping, or if it's EA penetrating its tentacles into something that used to be so good