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For $3, it is a win/win situation.
Of course I start with a dragon!
After a few hours of playing...all I can say is the game is definitely "hardcore crafters oriented".
Nothing wrong about that, but the learning curve is...steep to say the least. Still, I think I will give the game a chance, even if I am not really a crafter, I am definitely a hoarder type...
I would never have picture a dragon spending his days working...poor little beasts!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Yep, the crafting system in HZ is very strong.
And the learning curve can be tough, no doubt. Spend some time at the community site and asking questions there; they'll help you. Also, the Dragon and Marketplace chat is great for in-game questions.
About dragons and crafting: Crafting is, in some ways, a dragon's secret weapon. Here's why:
1) The bonus to armor that each level of hoard grants is based upon whichever school is highest. If you're a lvl60 crafter, lvl20 adventurer, and you have hoard built up to the lvl60 point, you will have a cusion of extra armor points to work with.
2) Every 10 levels (or thereabouts) a new scale slot becomes available. This means that, in theory, you could be a lvl100 DCRA, lvl10 DRAG, running around with all of your scale slots available and equipped with lvl100 scales. This is a major advantage when it comes to hunting and adventuring.
hehe yay anafolye! I think Horizons will at the very least keep you happy until Vanguard comes out...JK lol...well till, like us all, whatever "next gen" game that's on the Horizon that you are waiting for.
You actually don't have to craft at all if you don't want, make sure to press the + sign on your chat tab, and make a tab with ONLY the player channel "market" and also make one for "general". You can get great advice in either from the friendly community, and people always help out anyone who doesn't have armor or whatever
How do you like the music?
Just a minor thought: A dragon has to craft a little bit to complete the RoP do they not? Sure it's just something like 35 levels, I think? It's been quite awhile for me and I went Lunus, where the crafting requirement to complete the RoP is quite a bit less.
Anyhow, it's a very small point but should probably be mentioned. :-)
Hehe, if you see a white/silver dragon named Ymne wandering around, that would be me (D&D dragonlike look, but with some asian influence, as thin and long as the game allow me).
Didnt play much, but yes, until I find something else, I figure I may at least try a MMO that always look nice to me.
So far so good.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Which server are you playing Ymne on?
If you have not already, join the Dragon chat channel. All dragon issues, all the time ;-) It can be a great help to any new dragon.
Some crafting is required if you want to fly. Lunus RoP can be done with 28 crafting, a good set of scales, and some really good buffs. Helian RoP takes 40-45 crafting. If you want to stay a bouncy pouncy hatchie and never grow up & fly, you do not have to craft even a single brick, ever.
Guildleader, Mithril Council, Chaos
I am on the basic server they give when you change nothing for a regular server... CHAOS I think.
- I need to figure how to join the dragon channel (or any channel).
- Any idea why I turn a red dragon? I dont like to be a red dragon. I was white/silver (was trying to be silver and settle for white)...
- Any idea on what I should developp with levels? Hits points? STR? Claws and bite?
- For the spell creation I miss the basic component (rune or something), I didnt figure how to get those yet. I can cast the first breezing thingy (a heal), but didnt figure how to get the basic component for the spell research.
I will definitely want to grow up my dragon. Tradeskill is a pain, but a pain I can cope with (unlike raiding which I cant even start to think to maybe bear for a moment). I will never enjoy tradeskilling, but I enjoy to succeed and I can make the sacrifices if I enjoy the rest of the game enough.
I play EQ for years and CoH for months. Horizons is less casual friendly then pre-Kunark EQ was, I can deal with that, but I will progress slowly in understanding the features and everything...simply because I want to play and enjoy the game. Before I realize where to click to use my points when I level up, I was level 7 and never spent any point and was wondering why a wolf level 6 was a hard challenge. I even did play in a MUD years ago...
Horizons is pretty rought and the learning curve is incredibly rough when compare to others products, but again, this is fine...I will learn, slowly but learn nonetheless. The need to actually select the skill to mine, smelt or gemcut is purely tedious and dont bring anything to the game, but I can cope with that, not that I enjoy it, but considering we even get a feedback to click it, it is hardly improving the game in anyway, it is a small tedious still dont prevent Horizons to be incredible and I intent to play it...
I realize I may need to restart from level 1, that wont bother me that much, but only after I understand what I need to do and make sure to not miss.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Thanks Khoal, going to try most of this (will forget some and re-read for sure).
The color bug happen after I log off and when I was back in the next time, I was a red dragon. I expect to find a red dragon now, but I didnt try since, and hopefully will be back to white/silver.
Back to white/silver now!
I am kinda clueless with the spells still...and no idea where to find the info about getting better stuff, like more carrying or whatever...going back to kill stuff now...need to amass trophies to put in the hoard.
Question: How are rebuy points awarded? With levels? With time?
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren