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I will re try the trial when awakening comes, its got one more chance for me. If it doesnt improve, then thats it for me.
My brother in law works for a Chinese gaming competition media, something like starcraft 2, world of warcraft arena teams prizes competition. Probably one of the largest gaming media outlet for competitive scene in china. If awakening does good ill forward this game to him, if awakening is still a dung well lets just say. Sv wont succeed in china. I will keep an open mind and try awakening when it is out.
Last chance for SV
I hope they read this Bobbie! It will make them tremble in fear and drool at the posibilities for success!
ROFL what a blow-hard. You are talking like the games only chance for success in China is if you happen to pass the word along to your brother. MO sucks, it has always sucked and it will always suck. Who the hell are you, or your brother for that matter that you saying anything about MO would make a difference lol.
I agree and it's funny that anyone at all thinks there is success in China. This game has nearly no appeal to that market. Just take a look at the graphical style as an example, it's European Middle Ages. A game that tried to do this was Warhammer Online and it utterly crashed.
I've seen some unitelligent posts but this one takes the cake.
First off do you have any idea what it takes to get a game from the west into China? Second MO has never been a competition game, so why would it even need to go there?
SV doesn't have the money or bandwidth to localize the game or it's assets to chinese. In its current state there would need to be tons of work for the game to even be legal to sell in China. No blood, no bones, no nudity. You have to change ALL those assets. That's to make the game legal. Then you have to go through two ministries to get the game approved.
After all of that, companies outside of china cannot do distribution within. You have to HIRE or give a percentage of the sales to an internal chinese company to distribute your game.
And you think it hinges on you and your brother?! HAHAHAHAHAHA.