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Blizzard Entertainment and the World of Warcraft development team are ready to unleash the hounds of information for the recently announced Mists of Pandaria expansion. In a full suite of articles about Pandaria, we give you a closer look at some of the new features that will be included. Check it out before leaving your comments.
During my time at Blizzards HQ in Irvine, California I was treated to quite a metric ton of info when it comes to World of Wacrafts next expansion: Mists of Pandaria. In the first part of our preview today we gave you a look into the mind of Blizzard and why they think Pandaria is the right place to bring back the war between the Horde and Alliance. In this second part, well dive into the new Battlegrounds, the new dungeons, the Pet Battle system, the Monk, the new Talents, scenarios and Challenge Mode dungeons. In short, well briefly cover all we learned about these new systems coming to Azeroth hopefully later in 2012.
Read more of Bill Murphy's World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria: New Battlegrounds, the Monk & Talents.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
that "new" battleground seems right out of the book from Rift..
i love the chinese settings.....but this game i can never go back too......ever.
same tho is an old game , making game worst evry expantion not worth it anymore VANILLA FTW
O man it will stay for more years on top. How much battlegrounds we have now in wow? 12-14 maybe, well thats huge and you cant be bored
Think ima play WoW for the first time
Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.
hahaha that is so cute
Sounds cool.
I think I read somewhere that the Azshara battleground was supposed to be modeled on DOTA, but not 100%. Cant even remember where I read that.
If they learned to take it off of the Cataclysm rails, it will be an improvement for WoW. It will be weird, though, doing the rails from 78-83ish and then going to a more open world, if they do that.
I played this game for two years and I am bored with where it is now, but I still have fond memories of BC times. To be honest, I miss being able to just walk around and explore in a themepark. SWTOR has disappointed me so far in that aspect, so I can't rule out going back to check out Mists, depending of course on their price point and what else is out to play at that time.
panda's or just overly large ewoks... can't think of a single reason for any game to have either of them.. epic fail imo
Pandas are cute. Pandas going bipedal aren't. Is Jack Black involved with this atrocious idea? Blizzard are all out of ideas with WoW tbh...
Well, Pandas are part of Warcraft lore, we older players know that. And idea is great. Now i know for sure that i wil buy this expansion
" but he stated again that this is a class intended to bring a sort of “Street Fighter” mechanic to the game. "
That about sums it up.
I dont want to play Street Fighter with Pandas Mr Street.
The rift battlegrounds seems right out from the book of wow
funny, i thought this was a review for rift, too, until you said that. then i looked and it was for wow.
and i was like, wow.
blizz sure have a lot of unique and fun ideas, for sure...
Mr Blizz "Right let's dumb down the talent system even more, but we need to convince people that it's going to let them improve their choices. Any ideas?"
Why do I get the impression that someone at blizz actually said something like that?
Panda's had but a fraction of lore in the lore of Warcraft.
Iam still waiting like last year april fools for that craptastic pandabear joke.
2 weeks left, but i dont expect it to be a april fools joke anymore.
WoW was great in Vanila and even TBC was a amazing Xpac, but it went downhill faster and faster after the main dev's deserted WoW and left for project Titan.
The ignorance from Blizzard and the way theu threat their playerbase (loyal playerbase) after many years is a sad piece of greed from their part.
There are so many server with low population, but none of them get any free migrations, pay or stay on a ghosttown.
3 years past and still not a single word from Blizzard to assist those servers.
Some people may like pokemon and pandabears, but alot of people hate that stuff, its more kiddy then adult in an already hatefull owned kids game.
Wont get any better thats for sure.
I am one of those who are "scared of the pared down talent system". I left WOW a month after Cata was released mainly because of the talent changes. I loved WOW through WOTK but going back, even on a free low level toon, is painful - so much has changed for the worse. I was hoping that Blizz would see the mistake they made with Cata but it is evident now, from Ghostcrawlers comments, that they do not believe that they made a mistake. My opinion is that all these changes are geared to make WOW playable on consoles or free to play.
Wait a minute so rift copied heavily from wow and now wow is copying from rift? hahahaha!!
To be fair, the talent system was always dumbed down with fake choices. There has always been 'the right choice' and 'the wrong choices'. Now they just made the game even more foolproof than before.
I like meaningful choices in character development, which WoW has never possessed. Ever.
At least this new system gives people some fluff choices that wont ruin their spec.
Except that Rift didnt invent that Battleground scenario either, it was in EQ2 before Rift, and probably some other game before EQ2.
And....they weren't discussing "battleground scenario" in general but the new battleground coming out.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
They should be still in the game cause they are part of the lore but I think they should be NPC only. Should of made the seal people a playable race for alliance and worgen for horde, should of made goblins a neutral race and be alliance and horde, shouldn't of had draenei as a playable race, shouldn't be horde paladins or alliance shaumans etc.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
Mistweaver sounds awesome. An actively fighting healer, similar to Warrior Priests in WAR or something like it. Now that's a healer I can get my mind around.
At least they're finally fighting back against the min / maxing, number cruching hardcores who seem to dominate and control how people build and play their toons through social pressure and group mechanics and addons. Cudos to Blizzard for the new and friendly talent system.
why are you praising the talent system? Now people can't customize at all.
If they wanted to avoid hardcores telling other people how to play, then they have to make dungeons easy so that even sub-optimal builds aren't a hinderance. Instead, the way they design boss fights makes it so that how you spec becomes important.
Instead of taking responsibility, they blame the players and take away all choices. Awesome. Screw you blizzard.