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I guess you can file this article under the wtf column
GoonSwarm alliance speaker and second-time CSM chairman Alexander 'The Mittani' Gianturco gave a talk on some of the year's most memorable alliance activities, from shutting down Ice Mining operations across several regions to scamming people with fake supercapital ship trades. As part of the talk, Alex aired a private correspondence in which a victim revealed that he'd been severely depressed following a divorce and expressed suicidal thoughts. "We're sure that he's not dead," Alex flippantly remarked during the talk, before adding that "he might have committed suicide."
Read on for the full details of what Alex said to encourage the event's thousands of viewers to engage in cyber-bullying, as well as the response from CCP.
While a flippant remark that the victim may have killed himself could possibly be seen as drunken banter intended to embellish the impact of the story, later in the talk Alex actually gave the name of the pilot and encouraged players to harass him in order to make him commit suicide. "Incidentally, if you want to make the guy kill himself, his name is [REMOVED]," Alex said, adding that "he has his own corp. Find him." The entire talk was watched by a packed room of Fanfest attendees and streamed live to thousands of players at home. Alex told players to "deal with it" when complaints surfaced on the EVE forum.
With people still heading home from Fanfest, CCP responded to tell us they are investigating the issue and will get back to us with the results as soon as they can. Public Relations specialist Ned Coker told Eurogamer that CCP is "undertaking a full internal review of this panel as well as the process used for vetting the panel's materials," adding that "Even though this panel was billed as unfiltered by CCP, we expect public presentations to be courteous and professional towards others." Ned also confirmed that "CCP will be very vigilant in monitoring any behaviour directed towards the individual named in the presentation."
unbelievably disgusting.
the poster formerly known as melangel :P
I don't know when this guy "Mintanni" or whomever crossed that line wear he considered himself so ahchived as to come and say some off the wall shit like this is beyond me.
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FFS, you give people just a little and they go on and fuck it up entirely. Hopefully something will be done, I don't blame CCP here because of they did not give this dude his lines to say or have any control of what he would actually talk about..
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PM before you report at least or you could just block.
Psshh, like anyone cares what that CSM guy thinks... At least now we know it isn't anything nice...
Taru-Gallante-Blood elf-Elysean-Kelari-Crime Fighting-Imperial Agent
He said the guy's in-game name. This is nothing more than saying, "Hey, let's go kill that paladin over there named 'lawlipwnu.'"
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Making me re-think my desire to join Eve again. I hate people.
Every MMORPG is AWESOME, until it's released!
I don't want a game so much as I want a WORLD!
o·pin·ion noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
You're making the common mistake of assuming that SA goons are people.
Did you read the article?
True anough i suppose. Still, this sort of thing is a huge turn-off. Wonder what CCP will do?
Every MMORPG is AWESOME, until it's released!
I don't want a game so much as I want a WORLD!
o·pin·ion noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
The EVE community is very hit and miss IMHO. There are some truly awesome people playing EVE and there are some really big stinkers that should have their net access removed from their caves. It may very well just be some half-assed semi-internal nerd joke that came across wrong and was misunderstood by the general pubic, but if it is true, then I think CCP should strip him of his CSM position.
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Well yes. You are right and people are just overreacting like always
When you have nothing to contribute, it's always best to attack the person?
Every MMORPG is AWESOME, until it's released!
I don't want a game so much as I want a WORLD!
o·pin·ion noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
Exactly. That's where to problem lies. Even if it's just some whining emo kid making completely false threats about taking his life, it's not proper protocol in any way, shape or form to call out for the public to haras him while being broadcast. Especially not if you're supposed to represent the playerbase in front of CCP.
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Have you ever played EvE? Do you know anything about the Goons? I would bet all my plex that the goons are laughing about this in mumble right now, it does not bother them one bit nor should it bother you.
When you have nothing to contribute, it's always best to attack the person?
Have you ever played EvE? Do you know anything about the Goons? I would bet all my plex that the goons are laughing about this in mumble right now, it does not bother them one bit nor should it bother you.
It does not matter one way or another if I have played Eve or not. It also does not matter if I know them or if Goons are laughing. What does matter is the topic at hand. Please try to keep up.
Every MMORPG is AWESOME, until it's released!
I don't want a game so much as I want a WORLD!
o·pin·ion noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
Again what he said does not bother me, if it bothers you then deal with it or quit babbling about it.
All the more reason why they should never be allowed hold a position that requires any level of integrity, or be allowed to speak on a public panel.
Goons are goons. Giving them a public forum is like giving a monkey a loaded handgun.
It does not matter of it bothers you, it was a wrong action, and should be delt with by CCP. Don't lke it? YOU deal with it.
Every MMORPG is AWESOME, until it's released!
I don't want a game so much as I want a WORLD!
o·pin·ion noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
He does not have a CSM position he is elected by the player community to represent them at certain dev summits and other crap like that.
Lolipops !
That is really disgusting.
I don't see how anyone could justify that kind of behavior. Hopefully they will take some kind of action against him.
Dunno man... been playing on and off since closed beta. I think I got a pretty good idea what the game is about. Blowing people up? Sure. Trash talking? Sure. Talking your corp or alliance mates into bullying someone? Sure. Going so far as to post his name and chat logs on a forum? A little distasteful, but yeah - if he sounds like a complete tard. Doing the same while being broadcast to thousands of people and being a representative of the playerbase a the same time? Sorry mate, not acceptable.
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I am not the one whinning here like a carebear, and I don't think it was wrong, if you want to tell The Mittani that you are thinking about commiting suicide then you probably deserve the trolling
This is just plain disgusting...
Didn't any one at the panel have the balls to say something right there and then?