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The Bloody Mojo clan is a small tight knit guild hordeside on the Scarlet Crusade server. This server is an RP server and members are expected to stay in character in guild chat most of the time. We are light to medium RP in terms of our events that we hold and our interactions with other guilds.
I have two rules for my clan. They are simple and all encompassing.
1. Treat all clan members and all horde members that you party with honorably and with respect.
This means if I hear a member is acting a total jerk in an instance, they're out. I won't have my guild tabard associated with someone being a tool. If I wanted that we would have gone alliance.
2. Don't piss off Frostine.
(That's me.)
What members can expect from our clan:
A guild mistress that will assist you in getting your armor and weapons upgraded as things are sent in to the guild bank character. I send em out as I get em in.
Instance assistance if you would rather avoid the pick up groups from hell.
A lot of leeway in developing your own storyline for your character.
Who to contact: In world send a message to Frostine
In closing, like I said we are a small clan, and I am very protective of my members. Please do not join if you are not a team player.
Best Damn Guild Mistress Ever... and humble to boot!
Originally posted by Daemona
I can tell you two things you did wrong.
1. You made an alliance character and expected to find a group. Not going to happen. 90% of the alliance are weak cowards who will only run an instance if they have a level 60 from their guild with them. and i say this having raised several alliance characters into their mid thirties.
If you want teamwork and socialization, you will have to go Horde. I did it, and have never once looked back. I am a troll to stay.
2. You went to a PvP server for this. My experience with a PvP server sucked. There was no honor on either side. If you were red and 20 levels or lower, you were going to get ganked.
If you're looking for smart, intelligent, teamwork minded individuals, you won't find it on alliance, and it's doubtful you'll find it on a PvP server.
Im sorry but you are to full of yourself to lead a guild, being a leader is more the slinging mud at the other side take pride in the fact you are a guild leader and dirty your hands with these things.Your probably hating the fact that i posted this here but your future followers need to know the opinions of thier leader.(oh yeah your instance running policy is great didnt you just say somthing about alliance up there.)Its understandible you are willing to help but stand back take, a deep breath take a neutral possition cause that will be the way to make calls about your guild on the fly decisions having a mind set like that will only end your guild early.Ill watch your guild cause i play on the same server and on the same side but it makes me dissapointed to see this on our side. I only hope that the others that read this dont think we are all like this.
Demoku: Anarchy Online (Rimor)
Want some advice?
Check out my signatures.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)